Is Ore processing and sorting disappearing?

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I made a gravichestplate by hand back in MindCrack - my storage of the time consisted of about ten gold chests, plus a few wooden ones hooked up to various processors. I think one may've gone up to diamond when I got overloaded with nicolite or whatever it was that got spammed at me from somewhere.

IMO everyone should make ONE gravisuit by hand. I made 1 by hand in my 1.4.7 world.. I think took me a week? --never again!! Now I have AE crank them out on demand. Makes you really appreciate autocrafting.
IMO everyone should make ONE gravisuit by hand. I made 1 by hand in my 1.4.7 world.. I think took me a week? --never again!! Now I have AE crank them out on demand. Makes you really appreciate autocrafting.
I did craft one by hand when i first started FTB Ultimate SMP, that was my first foray into modded MineCraft. I wept uncontrollably (whether due to joy or grief, I do not know. Might be a mix of both...) when I completed the suit till I found out about AE and MPS...
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I hand crafted parts of the gravichest plate but that was because my base was a mess. I did however automate the construction of the parts to make the four fusion reactors and the supporting fuel machines. Took ages and an army of ruby bees and uum. In the end i had overlapped the four reactors to save on materials (he says making four fusion reactors). It was quite a sight to behold but then it occured to me i had no reason for that much power other than i could.

Now that im rebuilding the server from scratch im ditching complexity for capability. I used dw20 as a template then dropped about 10 mods (including some i wouldve added had some not been removed). Then added in mods that brought something different to the table. Cant assume someone elses modpack will work for you. Sometimes you need to tinker with it. Mods shouldnt just be about how you get resources but what you use them for.
Well, I hope it wasn't long.
Well, I discovered AE only 3 weeks after the completion of the suit. And it was like a month later before I discovered MPS (back when it doesn't yet have creative flight).

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For me when i first tried modded MC by FTB 1.3.2 i started to get automated processing of ores and automated mining. When i knewhow mods work i started fun with bees and when AE was released i used it to automate bee processing for getting huge amount of ores. What to do with thousands of iron ? Fancy stuff - milions of solars, iron pyramid, iron bricks etc.

I always liked mods by it's creativity and simple "do what you want" fancier than vanilla.

But 1 mod when was released made my mine by hand more fun than quarry or turtles - Tinker's Contruct - especially when you have hammer which mine 3x3 with full speed (redstone) upgrade.
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Responding to the OP, this is why I think packs like Unleashed are killing modded minecraft. You say three prongs, resource gathering, building, and survival. Well, without GT in Unleashed, there really isn't much of a need to gather resources because there are only a few blocks/machines you really need, and they are cheap to make. Survival is a joke once you can make Nano, which again is cheap to make without GT. Beyond that, you're virtually invincible. You don't need quarries, you can mine out the same space in just a little longer than a quarry would take using a TC hammer and without all the supporting infrastructure.

Some of the more interesting parts of the game are tedious and require a lot of patience, which most folks don't have (including myself), so things like Bees, Crops, Trees, Thaum, Ars all get ignored for the most part unless you are magically-inclined.

Some of the mods appear to be in a race to see who can make things the easiest to do things... Steve's Carts used to be something used by a lot of people for tree farms and such, or even villager things and other creative things. Why bother when you can hook up a cheap MFR planter/harvester, or use a safari net to corral your villagers? TC makes things ridiculously easy to mine...why bother with a quarry or turtles if you can just grab a hammer. DartCraft has already been expounded upon at length on how cheap that is to do things.

And then there is the supportability of these mods in a server environment. I am convinced that they are all built for single player. Most server operators use some form of bukkit plugins for grief prevention. When you have server issues with an FTB pack, one of the first responses I regularly see is "sorry, we don't support bukkit, that's your problem".

Server load and permissions are another issue. If you run an open server, or even if you're closed but with a healthy user base, things like quarries, or elaborate machine builds where pipes are all over the place - like the OP has mentioned - just kill a server because most users can't police their builds. Having one user with an overflowing quarry spitting stuff out is one thing, but having the same with 5 or 10? All with chunk loaders? All with spawners? Our server has disabled several things like quarries, MPS, MFFS because they are OP, have nerved others for same reason, and disabled others because of stability issues (wireless redstone, etc), which in itself ends up limiting folks who are using a pack like Unleashed.

Compared to Ultimate, I created a relatively compact and efficient (on paper) base in Unleashed and regularly had worse frames (under 15FPS) on a pretty good computer. Problems like these force people to do less creative things with these mods so end up with a pulverizer, hopper, and large chest. Perfect example...that same setup, I built a nice tower with two multifarms, one to harvest wood and saplings, one to harvest papaya for efficient ethanol production. This was all going into my AE system to get processed as coal, etc. to fuel four railcraft high-pressure boilers, two of them liquid, two on charcoal. I did this so I wouldn't just go straight to ultimate hybrid solar panels or suck the Nether dry of lava. After two or three months of nightmarish problems with the boilers exploding for no reason whenever I re-entered an unloaded chunk, I ended up converting that entire setup and abandoning the farms and ethanol production and just went with 10 hybrids going into a bunch of electric engines. That is hardly a creative build, but there are tons of examples of bugs and problems that either limit your options, or suck the creativity out of people and they end up going with the easiest solution. I should point out, to encourage people not to go directly to hybrids, since they are so cheap to make, on our server they only output 128 EU instead of 512. I get much better frame rates now without that system, and nothing blows up.

Packs like Unleashed are not designed around balance, at least that's how they feel to me. It's like a bunch of mods were chucked together that people wanted, without thought to actual gameplay, which, agree or not, is where I think GT had the most impact. It made you consider progression. Things like Twilight are a cakewalk because people can go there with Nano or Quantum suits and fly everywhere. There's no challenge...just another thing to check off the list. Removing armour like Nano and Quantum and MPS would help... And I'll admit, that's a playstyle choice, but when playtime in a given week is limited, that goes out the window and it becomes whatever is easiest to do the job.

When it comes down to it, things have gotten too easy to do with the 1.5 packs, so pick the easiest way (there's tons of tutorials) and play for a couple of weeks, then get bored. Or go with a private pack and try and balance things on your own or add different mods to keep things interesting.
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Go do what you just suggested yourself and you will have no need to fret about the fact that packs like Unleashed are "killing" modded MineCraft.

We did. We removed a lot of the OP mods, nerfed others, and installed new ones like Fossils and Archaeology Revival and Ars Magica, but it's still easy. However, for a while at least there's something new to explore.
I think the reason is because a lot of new mods don't require much resources. I remember when I was playing ultimate that everyone wanted to setup AE with ore processing to craft items for gregtech and such. I see a lot of players interested and thaumcraft / ars magica now and those mods don't seem to require that sort of processing / crafting.
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Identify what is making it easy and remove those as well. Add in those mods that does nothing but makes life miserable for you and your friends, and you will get the hard mode you want.

For TiCo, there's a config to disable vanilla tools except for wooden tools. You can install IguanaTweaks (sp?) to make it even harder. Do not install mods that gives your resource doubling or more. Do not install mods that gives your better weapons/armors than enchanted diamond equipments. Do not install mods that makes enchanting easier. Install mods that make mobs more aggressive, hits harder. Kind of like Infernal Mobs. Mods like Hunger Overhaul to make it so hunger is something to be considered.

There's a lot of ways to make a game harder, I'm not one for such gameplay but for people complaining about the modded gameplay experience for being too easy, they can always tweak the experience for themselves instead of blaming the modpack makes for "killing" modded minecraft.

I once complained about certain mods trying too hard to be harsh on the player but once I discovered that the modded MineCraft experience is all up to myself, everything changed for the better.
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I've gotta say, MCKerrnel, I try my best to see everyone's viewpoint from their perspective and allow as to how everyone does see things differently, but I find myself disagreeing with everything you're saying, and the tone you're saying it with, and I was trying to find a way to put that into words, when it hit me.

You seem to be blaming some combination of the game, the people compiling the packs and the actual players for your dissatisfaction... when I think you need to turn inward to find the real reasons why you are so dissatisfied.

There are so many games out there with huge, drawn-out, grindy progression. MC is, for the most part, not one of them. It's up to you to challenge yourself and if you cannot do that, I would suggest that you find another game to play where the challenge has been laid out for you, rather than accusing everyone else of ruining your challenge.
Identify what is making it easy and remove those as well. Add in those mods that does nothing but makes life miserable for you and your friends, and you will get the hard mode you want.

For TiCo, there's a config to disable vanilla tools except for wooden tools. You can install IguanaTweaks (sp?) to make it even harder. Do not install mods that gives your resource doubling or more. Do not install mods that gives your better weapons/armors than enchanted diamond equipments. Do not install mods that makes enchanting easier. Install mods that make mobs more aggressive, hits harder. Kind of like Infernal Mobs. Mods like Hunger Overhaul to make it so hunger is something to be considered.

There's a lot of ways to make a game harder, I'm not one for such gameplay but for people complaining about the modded gameplay experience for being too easy, they can always tweak the experience for themselves instead of blaming the modpack makes for "killing" modded minecraft.

I once complained about certain mods trying too hard to be harsh on the player but once I discovered that the modded MineCraft experience is all up to myself, everything changed for the better.

Why would hard mode make life miserable for my friends and I? Maybe that's the kind of mode that we enjoy? Just because you can't handle it doesn't mean other players can't handle it.
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I've gotta say, MCKerrnel, I try my best to see everyone's viewpoint from their perspective and allow as to how everyone does see things differently, but I find myself disagreeing with everything you're saying, and the tone you're saying it with, and I was trying to find a way to put that into words, when it hit me.
You seem to be blaming some combination of the game, the people compiling the packs and the actual players for your dissatisfaction... when I think you need to turn inward to find the real reasons why you are so dissatisfied.
There are so many games out there with huge, drawn-out, grindy progression. MC is, for the most part, not one of them. It's up to you to challenge yourself and if you cannot do that, I would suggest that you find another game to play where the challenge has been laid out for you, rather than accusing everyone else of ruining your challenge.

I was providing perspective and a point of view to the OP whose players are apparently bored. I am merely relating my experience and my opinion on it. If I did not challenge myself to find things to do, I would have stopped playing in August.

I enjoy it, though I do think a lot of it is too easy, and so I try and find alternate ways to do things, but invariably in a server environment, the alternate ways are not always optimal for the server. Or are buggy and frustrating, so the easiest path is sometimes the only one left, which is not creative.

I should point out, I do not run the server, so have no control over how it's setup. I do, however, enjoy playing with the folks on it.
Why would hard mode make life miserable for my friends and I? Maybe that's the kind of mode that we enjoy? Just because you can't handle it doesn't mean other players can't handle it.
Because if it isn't miserable, it isn't hard enough.

Because you know what? The pack that is miserable enough for you and your friends to feel it, there will be someone who will come to the forum and complain about it being still too easy. So something just right for you will always be too easy, for someone, somewhere.