Is Ore processing and sorting disappearing?

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Yeah, I was a little long-winded about it but the "finding" aspect is one of my two big problems with any non-AE system. In my Unleashed server I'd need a warehouse 4-5x the size of my entire base to store everything, and some sort of map to find any of it. Crafting a single gravplate would take a week from the sheer effort of taking component parts out of storage.

That's the other point there. Autocrafting... does it remove some of the challenge? Of course. But go make a gravplate by hand, from the bottom up, and get back to me on whether you ever want to do that again.

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Been there. Done that. NO.

I don't use it for the simple things like say a chest. But it's invaluable for things like HarvestCraft, where making soup takes several steps which would then have to be removed from the grid each time.
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Been there. Done that. NO.

I don't use it for the simple things like say a chest. But it's invaluable for things like HarvestCraft, where making soup takes several steps which would then have to be removed from the grid each time.
I program in the basic chest, because then I program in the copper chest, then I program in the silver chest.... etc etc until obsidian chests are one button and not over half a dozen craft->recraft->recraft steps.
I typically just make a stack of chests when I set up the system, and then I never want for them. Of course now that I'm seeing more things that want chests, I suspect I might be putting that into my system.
I made a gravichestplate by hand back in MindCrack - my storage of the time consisted of about ten gold chests, plus a few wooden ones hooked up to various processors. I think one may've gone up to diamond when I got overloaded with nicolite or whatever it was that got spammed at me from somewhere.

Granted it took me forever (Gregtech hard mode and all), and there's no way I'd consider doing it again any time soon, but I can't say that "finding things" was a problem at any point. In fact the whole process took me so long to do once that I figure automating it would've taken longer.
and for people who don't like gravisuits (me) autocrafting is a godsend for any of the higher tier steves carts items (galgadorian nightmare!)
Oh gods yes. Last server I made a Galg hull and Galg drill to drive the subway tunnel I think I mentioned in this thread somewhere... anyway, yeah, SC2 is another one of those mods that I love but which has a lot of completely unnecessary combines. Even putting Galg aside, making a steerable cart is a huge pissoff; the Advanced Control System alone requires you to make an Unrefined Handle, cook it into a Refined Handle (the most utterly unnecessary step ever), combine that refined handle into a speed handle, create a wheel, craft a Simple PCB, combine that (which includes glass panes) into a Graphical Interface, do another combine with these three parts for the Advanced Control System... and now you have a single component of a steerable cart that still needs to be assembled.
Granted it took me forever (Gregtech hard mode and all), and there's no way I'd consider doing it again any time soon, but I can't say that "finding things" was a problem at any point. In fact the whole process took me so long to do once that I figure automating it would've taken longer.

Automating is shorter in the long run because a lot of those combines you have to do over and over again; you can spend your time researching exactly how much of each component you need (and you'll need a spreadsheet for that) or you can do a crafting entry for the GraviChestPlate and components and hit "Make me one." You still have to make a lot of the components, but once you've entered one of everything it drastically speeds up the combine time.

I'm glad it wasn't tough for you, but... well, you'd have to have seen my old ME storage to understand. I had a near-unreasonable amount of stuff. I wasn't kidding about that "5x my whole base storage area" - the concept of a total storage space of ten gold chests is utterly alien to me; I pass that in no time at all. By the time we shut down the server in preparation for Monster, I had over 50 DSUs running, because I needed them. When one goes over 50k diamonds, you can imagine how much storage space I needed. For reference, your 10 Gold Chests would have had just slightly over enough room to hold all of my diamonds, and nothing else. That's not to brag, just to point out from my perspective why I have difficulty pulling resources from a classic storage system.

That being said, lifted from the unofficial wiki, here's the total resource requirements of one:
I don't have an easy way to work out how many combines it is, but I'm pretty sure it's in the neighbourhood of 500 separate crafts. The coolant cells, and anything you have to process through an IC2 machine (mostly the compressor) makes this an extremely click- and time-consuming process.
I personally love AE on a conceptual level. I don't know why but the idea of my items on a server that I access remotely is just really cool to me. I would probably still use it even if it wasn't the best storage solution out there. The only thing that would make it better to me would be if the ME drive was a big expandable multiblock like the MAC. I like the idea of my ME network being totally invisble aside from multiple access points, but then I open up a hidden door to a room with this huge server humming away making all that access possible.

Not sure if this quite fits with what you had in mind, but I did see a mod spotlight that might offer you a nearly infinite expandable multiblock storage system for AE. The storage crates from Better Storage. Just connect a Storage Bus and expand as necessary.
Not sure if this quite fits with what you had in mind, but I did see a mod spotlight that might offer you a nearly infinite expandable multiblock storage system for AE. The storage crates from Better Storage. Just connect a Storage Bus and expand as necessary.
Only problem with that one is that, owing to the small amount of storage available in the crates, it's not really an improvement. I get what Deft was referring to, but I'm not sure why he sees the drive as not basically being an expandable multiblock already, since should you actually manage to fill one drive you can just slap another one down right next to it.
That being said, lifted from the unofficial wiki, here's the total resource requirements of one:
They've changed a bit since I made mine (Force shards?!), and GregTech probably inflated some of those figures (I needed stacks upon stacks of gravel and gunpowder for eg to run the implosion compressor), but however you look at it they're not cheap. Mind you, GregTech did let me bypass most of the UU-cost via sheldonite, though considering the extra price it foisted onto producing UU, I dunno if I was any better off for it...

Pretty much everything I did since starting MindCrack was geared towards getting that armour. I didn't go off and collect bucket loads of resources, I went off and collected enough to make the next machine or whatever in the lengthy chain, made whatever suit components that allowed, then aimed for the next machine. By the time I finally "could" make the armour, I already had nearly the whole of the final recipe sitting in a chest.

I see where you're coming from (if I'd wanted to make more then one such suit for whatever reason, even with all machines and resources immediately on hand I'd've thought twice about doing it manually), though I can't fathom why one would "need" to store 50k diamonds. I'd've started "storing" them in a void pipe well before hitting the five digits mark - I think I averaged less then a stack at any given time.

On the server I'm currently on, I've not bothered to make armour at all. I was handed a Knightly suit, shown an Ars repair alter, and escorted to a bat.
Only problem with that one is that, owing to the small amount of storage available in the crates, it's not really an improvement. I get what Deft was referring to, but I'm not sure why he sees the drive as not basically being an expandable multiblock already, since should you actually manage to fill one drive you can just slap another one down right next to it.

Especially if you're like me, and you prefer to use 4 16k storage disks instead of 1 64k storage disk to maximize efficiency.
They've changed a bit since I made mine (Force shards?!), <snip> though I can't fathom why one would "need" to store 50k diamonds. I'd've started "storing" them in a void pipe well before hitting the five digits mark - I think I averaged less then a stack at any given time.

Force shards aren't actually necessary to the recipe, it's just that in Unleashed, Dartcraft made circuits cheaper by allowing you to substitute a force ingot in the recipe for two circuits instead of one.

As for needing to store 50k diamonds... I'm trying to branch out these days, but I'm still mostly a gatherer more than anything and almost all of my friends are better designers than I am, so my method of "showing off" is through my ability at collecting resources. Look upon my works, ye mortals, and despair. And all that jazz.
I started with 4ks, upgraded to 16ks, then upgraded to 64ks because, hell, I could. I had everything set up in the crafting core so it was a matter of clicking a button and waiting. I actually had three drives full of 64ks and another 50-odd DSUs.

Oh, plus a bunch of 64k ME Chests for workshop-specific stuff, or to supply my auto-Fortune 4-block-breaker operation.
lol nope, I'm not :p I've used AE on 2 worlds now, and neither had a 16k cell go near the system
in my previous playthrough(ultimate) i had about 10 64k cell, and those were the only type of cells i've been using, for all that bee shit i've been producing. in my current playthrough i have only 6 4k cells, cuz i don't use bees and i don't use any sort of auto-mining.
lol nope, I'm not :p I've used AE on 2 worlds now, and neither had a 16k cell go near the system

The thing about 64k cells is that they still have a maximum of 63 types, so if you have many items with low item counts, you end up wasting quite a bit of space on the 64k cell. I've found that 16k is right around the sweet spot where the cell tends to have just under the total bytes need to fill it up.

Depending on my mood and the modpack, I'll either set up a DSU for the stuff that I have massive amounts of, like Cobble, Sand, Dirt, Logs and Ingots or format a 64k cell for each of those, while I leave the rest of the stuff to the 16k cells.
The thing about 64k cells is that they still have a maximum of 63 types, so if you have many items with low item counts, you end up wasting quite a bit of space on the 64k cell. I've found that 16k is right around the sweet spot where the cell tends to have just under the total bytes need to fill it up.

Depending on my mood and the modpack, I'll either set up a DSU for the stuff that I have massive amounts of, like Cobble, Sand, Dirt, Logs and Ingots or format a 64k cell for each of those, while I leave the rest of the stuff to the 16k cells.
Yeah, I just use them because with laser drills and a crafting core, why the hell not?

I'd like AE a lot less without DSU compatibility ;) Pretty much anything I get over 5k of gets one.
Only problem with that one is that, owing to the small amount of storage available in the crates, it's not really an improvement. I get what Deft was referring to, but I'm not sure why he sees the drive as not basically being an expandable multiblock already, since should you actually manage to fill one drive you can just slap another one down right next to it.

I suppose you could see it that way, but I've never built more than 2 ME drives on a map since I too use DSUs for huge bulk items. The multiblock I envision would be more like 3x3 or even 5x5.

As for the storage crate, while it is much like what I'm talking about, it just doesn't fit with the rest of AE or with my concept. All these fancy terminals and cables and the MAC hooked up to... a big wooden box. Just doesn't work for me, lol.
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Something is not quite right there. The GraviSuite doesn't require Force Shards... lolwut?

Also, if I ever get to the Autocrafting w/ AE stage (I did once, but it wasn't actually me, someone was invited onto the server, he decided to live with me, and he completely took over my house and built a full set of GT machines, autocrafting, and completely disregarded all of my plans for my base in about a week :/) I am never automating something I make one time. That just seems silly, what's the point of automating it if I'm only using it once? Typically, I automate things like Carbon Plates, Advanced Alloys, Iridium Plates, etc. and do the rest of the crafting by hand, just because I tend to need a ton of those items.