Is Ore processing and sorting disappearing?

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Well, I guess technology advanced and things became much more efficient. Still, (most of) the other options to do anything are still there, so you don't have to restrict yourself to the most efficient option all the time.
If you did this and have the world save or video/picture etc, I would LOVE to see this. I am about as creative as a small dry coffee stain and love seeing things like this.

Aaaaand -here- is a video for you. Fair warning: something went wrong with both the sound and the video, so the sound quality is low, and the video is slightly skewed. It get's the job done though.

And @zorn I can't think of a single mod that removes the end-game aspect of Minecraft. It has always been there, even in vanilla (get full diamond armor, beat the Wither, get a beacon in your base with constant-regen so you never die, etc).

I'm not that big of a fan of AE, just because I like watching systems do things and more importantly building systems, but I will admit it is really convenient if you spend a lot of time crafting, which it seems like you want since you want a more tedious game, which is fine, it's just not my (or many other people here) preferred way of playing. But if you want harder, GT is not the way to go. I'd say make the game depend on Better Dungeons loot, make players explore and fight mobs, that is true difficulty.
Not that I want to go back to vanilla, but... rows of chests, a huge sorting room, stuff floating by...that's awesome. Or... I make an AE system and a ME drive. The only satisfaction is that its expensive. But people say thats not a valid argument with things like hv solars and gregch stuff. it has to be 'complex'. Now tell me, is AE not similar to hv solars? removes all the fun, but is expensive to craft? Two blocks vs a huge sorting room that looks cool as hell. My early days of modded minecraft (BC pipes, redstone engines and wooden chests) made me feel more like those guys in the video. AE systems do not.

I see this mentality on these forums all the time and I just do not understand it. If you don't like what AE does, don't use it. Disable it from whatever pack you're playing if you're playing SP. If you think loads of stuff in a complex system floating around you looks cool, build that. What is stopping you? Why does the mere fact of a mods existence bother you?

I am legitimately trying to understand here because this mentality honestly baffles me.
I see this mentality on these forums all the time and I just do not understand it. If you don't like what AE does, don't use it. Disable it from whatever pack you're playing if you're playing SP. If you think loads of stuff in a complex system floating around you looks cool, build that. What is stopping you? Why does the mere fact of a mods existence bother you?

I am legitimately trying to understand here because this mentality honestly baffles me.
I believe he was questioning the idea that AE is the end-all perfect sorting system, which a lot of people here have (which is fine, they can play the game how they want to) as well as Reddit. In fact, I saw a thread on r/feedthebeast about what people use once their few vanilla chests, maybe a few upgraded ones cannot hold any more junk, and about 11/12 replies were "Iron Chests and then AE".
I do have concerns that AE, specifically the ME Interface, Precision/Fuzzy Import Bus and ME Drive, basically make sorting systems obsolete.

As for ore processing, we're still fine. We have tons of options and all of them (even FZ!) are viable at this point.
For me, even when I'm using AE, I still hook it up to JABBA because I like seeing the items there. I know AE has the display which can do the same thing but I do not like the color scheme of that. As for processing, I still prefer setting up a non-AE pipe system which sends all the processed materials into AE for sorting. So I would considered myself a user of both even at late game.

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I do have concerns that AE, specifically the ME Interface, Precision/Fuzzy Import Bus and ME Drive, basically make sorting systems obsolete.

It does, in a sense, but it's at least semi-necessary with all of the items that are possible in a major mod pack. Some of us consider AE an absolute blessing. More than half of my time in Vanilla is used just sorting and/or retrieving things from my ungodly huge warehouse, and that's just in vanilla. NEI lists 226 pages in the current build of Monster and while I appreciate that you can't collect every last thing in there, it's still an awful lot of stuff to be warehousing, especially when you need to actually find something.

On a side note, AE allows me one other feature I really, really like; in Unleashed, I built a workshop only for ExtraTrees woodworking stuff. It was quite beautiful, if I do say so myself. And all of my carpentry materials/products were kept in two ME chests under the floor hooked to a single terminal, such that I could keep all of my woodworking supplies in my woodworking shop and not completely obscure the rather extensive design work I put into it. We're talking 38 different kinds of wood plank here.
For me, even when I'm using AE, I still hook it up to JABBA because I like seeing the items there. I know AE has the display which can do the same thing but I do not like the color scheme of that. As for processing, I still prefer setting up a non-AE pipe system which sends all the processed materials into AE for sorting. So I would considered myself a user of both even at late game.

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I tend to sometimes use AE for processing, sometimes build duct networks and sometimes use both (actually the later is far more common, use AE for providing, use ducts for in processing transit then export back to AE). The main reason I tend toward AE (and ducts for other uses) over other transport\storage solutions is server load. I have been told by a reliable source (KingLemming) that AE is also fairly light on server resource usage and considering I like building fairly large and complex processing systems I want to keep the load as low as possible.
I personally love AE on a conceptual level. I don't know why but the idea of my items on a server that I access remotely is just really cool to me. I would probably still use it even if it wasn't the best storage solution out there. The only thing that would make it better to me would be if the ME drive was a big expandable multiblock like the MAC. I like the idea of my ME network being totally invisble aside from multiple access points, but then I open up a hidden door to a room with this huge server humming away making all that access possible.
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I personally love AE on a conceptual level. I don't know why but the idea of my items on a server that I access remotely is just really cool to me. I would probably still use it even if it wasn't the best storage solution out there. The only thing that would make it better to me would be if the ME drive was a big expandable multiblock like the MAC. I like the idea of my ME network being totally invisble aside from multiple access points, but then I open up a hidden door to a room with this huge server humming away making all that access possible.
I think the two features I'd really like to see at this point would be, first, the ability to actually configure item folders within the network; the search function is fantastic but it always looks so messy to me, and second, the ability to camouflage the access terminals so they blend better. I'm very thankful for my ME storage but it really doesn't match the zeitgeist sometimes.
Yeah, those would both be really nice, though I suspect not including folders might be intentional to encourage the use of the preformatter and/or ME chests. As for the terminals, just the ability to right-click with a dye would be nice, but something like the crafting altar from ars magica would be even better, where it keeps the interface but puts it over the the texture of surrounding blocks.
Yeah, those would both be really nice, though I suspect not including folders might be intentional to encourage the use of the preformatter and/or ME chests. As for the terminals, just the ability to right-click with a dye would be nice, but something like the crafting altar from ars magica would be even better, where it keeps the interface but puts it over the the texture of surrounding blocks.
I do use both chests and the preformatter, actually, and I don't mind using both but the primary interface is still a total mess of LOLHERESEVERYTHINGYOUOWN as long as they are on the network. If the preformatter and/or chest would ALSO add a folder for said preformatted cell, I wouldn't mind so much, and I'm a little lost as to why it doesn't. Formatting the disks in my drive is completely pointless; the only use the preformatter has for me is when I want something to route to a specific ME chest, which 99% of the time is seriously not necessary.
That's true. Honestly, I hadn't considered the idea of folders before your post, maybe Algo hasn't either?
That's true. Honestly, I hadn't considered the idea of folders before your post, maybe Algo hasn't either?
I think it would probably be closer to the truth to say that he doesn't see a need for it; when I look at the ME interface, I see "this was written by a database admin" written all over it. Algo likely considers the GUI to be largely superfluous.
@te and the original post
I get where you are coming from.
- My first thing with modded minecraft was Buildcraft + IndustrialCraft, it took me a long time to get everything working with automated processing, a big wall of chests and sorting with diamond pipes. IT was so cool when it was done. ~6 Month
- Then new map added some things like forestry and RedPower it still took a long time to get everything running. I had great fun ~4 Month
- Then Minecraft 1.4.5 - A big complex system with high speed RedPower tubes through my base. Resource processing and furnaces at one side of the base with storage at the other. A big and cool system. Quarrys and RedPower TBMs and a quick enough system to process everything was cool to build. incredible good much fun ~3 Month.
- 1.5.x I did not bother with anything special, i build oil->Fuel->Boilder System and that was more power than i every needed really quick. I didn't used quarrys but with all the energy the MFR Laser solved all resource problems for every. Storage and Automation...Applied Energetics took over pipes and storage. It was fun but only for 3 weeks then i was bored.
- 1.6.x I limited myself ( more to make my experience and fun longer. While i like to go mining between every bigger build i make. The AE System is taking over most things. I build no boiler but with biofuel my power is enough...i would need more if i ran a quarry so my processing system would run the whole time. Maybe i need to limit myself more to not use AE...but without crafting some things is not fun at all (looking at you Industrial Craft). So i start to run around in circles in my base again (a sign i don't know what to do) because i have everything i ever need.

The Problem (i have the same with other games) is that i moved on with my knowledge. I could build again with BC pipes and this stuff but i don't like to because i know there's a better way of doing it. Maybe it is a sign that the mods are way out of any balance.
I can't give a solution to this problem, but would like to hear a good way of handling this.
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@te and the original post
The Problem (i have the same with other games) is that i moved on with my knowledge. I could build again with BC pipes and this stuff but i don't like to because i know there's a better way of doing it. Maybe it is a sign that the mods are way out of any balance.
I can't give a solution to this problem, but would like to hear a good way of handling this.

I think that in this case what you want to do is try new mods.

I'm at the point where I know all of the "classics" back and forward, and like a few other folks in this thread, I tend to primarily work one mod at a time. On the next server rebuild, I'm going to try to figure out Rotarycraft, because holy crap I find it difficult and unintuitive and nevertheless think that the builds that can be done with it are just awesome. There's something viscerally pleasing about a room full of whirring things doing a job.

So my suggestion to you is to break yourself out of your rut by, rather than not using AE, shift your focus to new and different mods. Monster is loaded with them; you don't even mention any of the magic-based mods and you can do some pretty fascinating stuff there, too. Thaumcraft alone will keep you occupied for quite a long time and it can technically do almost everything that the other major mods can.

Anyway, that's my suggestion; don't build to "get everything you need", build to try new things or to do old things a different way. And, uh, don't expect "balance" in a pack with over a hundred mods, all by, more or less, different authors. It's not about balance.
I'm finding that sorting isn't a problem, as much as FINDING is, which is where AE gives you a big advantage. I can use any sorting system I want, then just plug in with AE storage buses and have all those inventories searchable.

The other upside to AE is that if I use it to put things in for processing, I'm not having bounce back, like I am with other systems. I say 'put these in' and it puts them in and if they can't fit, it just sits and waits.

On the other hand, as much as I like AE, I actually ended up building two cart tracks, one rising from a Railcraft Geode on the ocean floor, to the surface, leading from my ender chest to my processing house, and another from my processing house to my mountain base because it was cool. Not because I couldn't build an AE system that stretched the distance, and not because I couldn't put the ender chest on my mountain. But because I wanted to build it.

I think it's not so much that it's disappearing, as it is that it's simply not necessary for everyone. If I'm building out of wood stuff, I might not actually need a processing system beyond something to cut down trees for me. Heck, I built an underwater mansion for myself and the only thing I used my incredibly powerful processing system for was to cook the quarried and abyssal stone. You end up using more materials if you're building machines, than if you're building structures, as strange as that might seem.