Is Ore processing and sorting disappearing?

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The creativity in automation is practically dead now anyway.
Its either a couple of machines that come pre-packaged and ready to go -or worse- at the business end of a magic pick.​

Item "pipes" (almost all forms) come pre-programmed to do everything and auto-sort with almost no design from the player, and item storage is becoming similarly 'intelligent' removing the need for the player to design a actual sorting machine and store room.

You want sorting and ore processing?
Heres you magic block at does it all for you. Just plug it in and go. Everything is given on a silver platter so you don't have to lift a finger.
kind of with CP here. All the processing blocks are now meant to autoeject, and pipes are being made to be very intelligent. To differ with him, thank god they are heading in that direction. BC pipes originally were horrible to work with.
KirinDave is right. TiC is very good at making fast fortune 3 picks, hammers, and lumber axes. Everything else it does, there's a better solution to be had elsewhere. Unless you're after some of its specialty blocks, like brownstone. Nothing quite like automating a smeltery to churn out a barrel full of brownstone for a building project. :D
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You want sorting and ore processing?
Heres you magic block at does it all for you. Just plug it in and go. Everything is given on a silver platter so you don't have to lift a finger.

Yeah because it's SOOOOO different from 1.2.5. search.jpg
This is something I'm always struggling to combat with RR users. For example, the volume of people who complain, "You can't build monster spawners, lol scrubpack!" is stunning.
Did you remove Dartcraft from RR? I haven't updated in awhile.

Back to the topic, seems like ore processing is alive and well. It is sorting that is nonexistent in the presence of Applied Energistics. With a searchable index and automatic item transport item sorting isn't required.

But, people don't have to use AE if they don't want to. Plenty of item transport systems in modded minecraft that aren't as inherently automated.
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Sort of. In that TiCo is the single most expensive way to process ores effectively and cannot be automated in any meaningful way. It's actually only sorta mediocre in yield and requires time investment and can't be energy positive and... well... and a lot of problems.

TiCo is not as strong as people make it out to be. RotaryCraft and SC2 both can WAY outperform it, and even quarries make hammer mining look pretty silly. As to "why" you need that many resources?

I agree with you. I know my initial foray into modded minecraft was centered around better tools, and building farms to get the machines to make those better tools. My whole post on TiCo was just that it is "good enough", and not much else is needed beyond that for a lot of players.

Honestly. Have you ever built a tower of solid iron? Have you made the biggest AE system?

There you are with those "ideas" again. If you have an idea, then you can implement it. I guess that is why there is a shoop thread on here for ideas for those who think they are "stuck".

Magic Farm is purposely much harder to build automation in, though. It's hardly a valid basis for comparison to the majority of modpacks here.

Actually it is Magic World 2. And a fair amount of things can be automated using TC4 -- golems, infernal furnace, magic mirror, hungry chests. I do plan on automating many things once I get the research done. My main point with it is that even though I can automate, I don't *need* to do so with the magic world pack. Using Monster or a tech pack, I feel that automation is required for the amount of resources needed in building and handling the complex crafting recipes with many of the tech mods. I would drive myself crazy without a way to automate those tasks.

I guess what all this really comes down to is what you plan to accomplish in the game. What is your grand goal? I think the people the OP is talking about didn't really have any sort of grand goal other than playing a bit of survival, and for that, some TiCo tools and a bit of ore is all you need.
ITT: Self inflicted issues. If something is the OP, don't use it. Show some self constraint. Or, if you want happy balanced SMP times, get server plugins to fix the problem. There were enough 'no EE2' servers in the Tekkit days to prove that it's possible. Or make your own mod pack. Start from scratch or alter a FTB pack to make the experience you want! You can ask 'why this mod?' and that's the best part. If you thing a mod is the OP, you can just remove it. Minecraft is Lego, and if orange blocks are the worst, you can not use them.

What really annoys me in this community is the reductive, '> Luvdisc is bad' nonsense people spout. There will always be a best option. Someone will find it. And they will find the replacement best thing. First UU matter made everything. Then it was Collector Flowers. Now Boilers + MFR can produce what you want. Turing modding into a idiotic race to the bottom where the concept of Ubers is forbidden is a terrible idea. Especially when you gut an entire mod yet fail to see that the base concept could never be balanced. But we lost EE2's good stuff like the Rings and Eye, and got a slightly nerfed scarcity breaker. Good job!
Hyperme - Since when did people have self control on the internet?

You've hit the nail on the head
-through the problem is exacerbated by certain mod devs pandering to the general desire for a silver platter or lacking the balls to say no to certain features. And it being unfortunate that saying no results in a lot of whining on here. But as vanilla has the similar problems this is one of those rare events when the majority decision probably isn't the best one.​
1.5.2 has been around for a LONG time.. when you're stuck on one version for that length of time it's inevitable that you're going to get bored.
I see 1.5.2 as one of those "golden versions" of minecraft where modding totally hit the sweet spot, a bit like 1.2.5... but as with 1.2.5, I'd not be satisfied going back to it, as I've seen the sweet green grass thats on the other side..

1.6.4 not only has more content from the mods you have in 1.5.2, but there are more mods on the scene that add new and different ways to do things..

Bored with pulveriser? Try using Mekanism for ore processing, or Factorization, or Tinkers construct doesn't Engineers Toolbox have a system? even IC2 has changed significantly..

No, ore processing and sorting isn't dissapearing, but if you're only doing the same thing as you've done before, it will stagnate.
1.6.4 seems to be a "golden version" to me, mostly due to the length of time it has already been the basis of modded minecraft (1.4\1.5 did not last anywhere near as long following the speed of them we would already be on 1.7 with 50% or 60% of your normal mods still trying to version up) 1.2.5 was the same it was around as the stable version for a long time which gave modders time to polish their mods and work on content rather than the rush to become compatible with the next version.
The creativity in automation is practically dead now anyway.
Its either a couple of machines that come pre-packaged and ready to go -or worse- at the business end of a magic pick.​

Item "pipes" (almost all forms) come pre-programmed to do everything and auto-sort with almost no design from the player, and item storage is becoming similarly 'intelligent' removing the need for the player to design a actual sorting machine and store room.

You want sorting and ore processing?
Heres you magic block at does it all for you. Just plug it in and go. Everything is given on a silver platter so you don't have to lift a finger.
I disagree with this, item transfer has become far more customisable and powerful I would have killed for the current TE whitelist\blacklist back in 1.2.5 since this allows me to make aesthetically pleasing complex systems vs the 1.2.5 powerful, ugly, very basic systems. You can just plug and play, plonk down pulverisers, pair of furnaces, hoppers, enderchest, barrels, overflow chest, complete for a completely automated input from anywhere system. If you desire to you can take a look at something different though my current processing line uses 2 Infernal Furnaces, 5 Pulverisers, Sag Mill and due to the capabilities of the current item transfer I can run the entire input from my farms\quarry\bees\laser drill\manual mining\exploration through this system (which took a while to design and build) and have everything processed\sorted according to it's best processing method. Sorting is a little lacking I must admit AE has made chest\barrel sorting methods pretty redundant but what it does allow is more important to me the autocrafting of AE is not to sneezed at since it can itself lead to quite complex autocrafting builds that take the raw\partially processed materials and turn out anything with a mix of the MAC and buses.
Did you remove Dartcraft from RR? I haven't updated in awhile.
it's still there

There were enough 'no EE2' servers in the Tekkit days to prove that it's possible. But we lost EE2's good stuff like the Rings and Eye, and got a slightly nerfed scarcity breaker. Good job!
Thats what I started playing modded minecraft with, and it was better for it. People may go on about how people asking for balance are like the devil or whatever... but when you're talking about a modpack, then balance has to be an issue. Balance to me is fun, and I'd have given up on modded minecraft entirely if I hadn't found a server without EE2..

1.6.4 seems to be a "golden version" to me, mostly due to the length of time it has already been the basis of modded minecraft (1.4\1.5 did not last anywhere near as long following the speed of them we would already be on 1.7 with 50% or 60% of your normal mods still trying to version up) 1.2.5 was the same it was around as the stable version for a long time which gave modders time to polish their mods and work on content rather than the rush to become compatible with the next version.
I don't have any specific dates, but I think you're well wide of the mark by saying 1.6.4 has lasted longer than 1.5.2 (and this is coming from someone who was playing both 1.5.2 and 1.6.4 modpacks loooooong before any "big" pack distributors had packs for it.)
in 125, you had ugly piles of shit doing good things. in 1.5/1.6, you have clean refined tasteful designs doing great things. All the planning is still there. Maybe there should be more risk or something for bad design work, but this reminds me of how refined my dad's restored Porsche 356 was and how refined my Civic Si is now. ie SO MUCH BETTER.
Thats what I started playing modded minecraft with, and it was better for it. People may go on about how people asking for balance are like the devil or whatever... but when you're talking about a modpack, then balance has to be an issue. Balance to me is fun, and I'd have given up on modded minecraft entirely if I hadn't found a server without EE2..

You just took two entirely different points, combined them to make a third and then replied to something I didn't actually say. If two sentences are in different paragraphs, they might not be related. I'm okay with servers removing mods or items. I'm not okay with throwing out perfectly good features because of an unrelated design flaw. EE's problem is and always will the ability to transmute renewable resources into non-renewable resources. Collectors didn't help, but they simply multiplied the problem instead of creating it.
I'm pretty sure he was asking about Dartcraft because you can forcewrench spawners and carry them over to your base (unless I totally misunderstood where Twisto was going).
I don't have any specific dates, but I think you're well wide of the mark by saying 1.6.4 has lasted longer than 1.5.2 (and this is coming from someone who was playing both 1.5.2 and 1.6.4 modpacks loooooong before any "big" pack distributors had packs for it.)
Well just going by Forge version dates, 1.5 was from 17/06 -09/03 (1.5.2 was specifically 02/05 -17/06) and mods swapped to the new version as fast as they could, 1.6 was 01/07 -16/11 (1.6.4 20/09 to now) and mods have not yet swapped to 1.7 largely, some mods have 1.7 development listed but many are not or are superficially I believe at this time.
Thats precisely the point- thats everything on a silver platter with near 0 design/creativity from the player.
And of course you cherry picked and didn't quote the second half of my answer where I stated that if you want, there are a lot of options in processing. The majority will most likely take the easy non design required option some (like me) enjoy that part of the game and now we have the tools to do it better.
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Honestly? Sorting systems were a challenge previously, it was new. Now? It's a must to double ores, as every mod requires 100-150 ingots to make interesting stuff. So yeah, you do on automatic, at least me. Can't stand building more sorting systems with ore doubling. I want new adventures.

And automating is not the topmost point of modded MC. Is an area that the first mods explored in 1.2.5, and now we have a lot of mods that have interesting stuff that's not automation-related.
You just took two entirely different points, combined them to make a third and then replied to something I didn't actually say. If two sentences are in different paragraphs, they might not be related. I'm okay with servers removing mods or items. I'm not okay with throwing out perfectly good features because of an unrelated design flaw. EE's problem is and always will the ability to transmute renewable resources into non-renewable resources. Collectors didn't help, but they simply multiplied the problem instead of creating it.

There are non-renewable resources in Minecraft?
I'm pretty sure he was asking about Dartcraft because you can forcewrench spawners and carry them over to your base (unless I totally misunderstood where Twisto was going).

No, I was asking about dartcraft because you make your own spawners with mob chunks. People can't complain about not being able to build monster spawners if dartcraft is still in RR. :)

As far as EE goes you can tell by how many people there are asking about how to get ender pearls before going to the end in these 1.6.4-non-EE packs what most used it for. Four iron for an ender pearl, I'll take that deal every day of the week. Even then is the problem EE? Not really. The problem is simple mods whose only way to control the player's advancement is by trying to tie it to limited resources. Makes me like rotarycraft even more. It isn't about gathering rare resources, it is about figuring the mod out and/or generating mod-specific resources. You need to produce lubricant, which is made from a plant added by the mod, a plant that you can grow plenty fast with rotarycraft itself. The more you learn about it the more resources you get, the more efficient you build, etc.
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in 125, you had ugly piles of shit doing good things. in 1.5/1.6, you have clean refined tasteful designs doing great things. All the planning is still there. Maybe there should be more risk or something for bad design work, but this reminds me of how refined my dad's restored Porsche 356 was and how refined my Civic Si is now. ie SO MUCH BETTER.

I'm sorry, but are you saying that a Civic .. any civic for that matter.. is better than a Porsche? HEATHEN!!!

And I for one thoroughly enjoy the sorting and automation options available in 1.6.4. I always hated the buggyness of BC Pipes and the new TE Itemducts are just that much better than old RP tubes.