...Achievement unlocked
In actual seriousness, I'm not sure what there's to hate about them
Sure I can accept not seeing a point to it, but I'm curious as to why they're so bad?
I both like and dislike achievements. As a trained marketer, I can't help but be impressed and enthused by them. As a collector, well, that's fairly obvious. But as a lifelong gamer, coming up from the Commodore 64 era, I despise them.
I'll try to broadstroke that last for you, although my reasons may be different from Jadedcat's.
So let's try it with an anecdote. Back in the day, when WoW was first a thing, my brother and I spent a lot of time doing "impossible" things - two-manning five-man dungeons (with neither of us a healer), taking on portions of raids even with just the two of us, pulling off some truly ludicrous operations when it came to farming special drops and certain world events. Every once in a while I'd do something similar with something else as well, although it was mostly just us. We liked to challenge ourselves and do cool stuff.
Fast-forward to the release of official achievements. Afterwards, nobody cared to try anything that wasn't on that list. Nobody was impressed with anything you did that you couldn't link an achievement to; some people even started using them as a prerequisite to taking players along on raids. It added something to the game, sure, but at a deep cost to player creativity. If most people had been marching in lockstep to the developers before, the achievements cemented it. They also often deliberately caused poor play on the part of your fellow players, because they were more concerned with earning an achievement than participating in a group activity to the best of their ability, even if that achievement happened to be along the lines of "get your butt kicked by Big Boss #3 in a certain manner", etc.
I can only admire the incredible extension to a game's lifecycle that a well-written achievement system creates, and I can only be disgusted by what it does to players on so many levels. Some people barely play games anymore; they're just following a checklist of assigned tasks to earn another meaningless point.