Nonsense, it's nomore so than Redpower is/was.
Aaaaaaaccutally the multi-furnaces from Mekanism (NEI factory) are... surprisingly rare. The closest you see is the induction furnace (2 slots) and the new steam furnace.
Yep. Mekanism does have some innovations. Not necessarily vast amounts, even. But some.
If you make a Hydrogen generator you're going to be getting may times that in yield, on a system that can also operate perpetually without the sky, and that doesn't cost many times that. The balance for the Hydrogen (and bio-generator) is that they require extra automation and the Hydrogen reactor requires a steady "kicker" power source.
From six hydros with no other form of primer, I now read a consistent peak of 47 kW. I used to get 50 from two. A single hydro is technically perpetual, but only if you're not trying to do anything else with it. If you put a load on it, it will shut down fairly quickly. Hydros only need a seperate primer if you're using Fluid Mechanics' pump to feed them water; but these days I use an aqueous accumulator instead. You ideally also want at least 6-12 batteries with hydros, since there is a bug which causes them to empty their own internal capacitor first; and if they burn through all of their internal hydrogen as well as their internal power, they will require a restart from an external source.
That's a good balance point, because these generators are still relatively feeble compared to the Atomic options. But, and evidently everyone agrees this part was cribbed from IC2, the name of the game is "strong power generator risks mayhem." Atomic Science's output start at greater than 4x the other generators if you do it right (and there IS design space in AS reactors, they are multiblocks with mechanics, you can build weaker heat-stable reactors or stronger phased period reactors), and they don't cost even close to 4x. They just have to be treated very carefully because they will cheerfully render your base utterly uninhabitable if done wrong.
I am assuming you are referring to fission reactors, here. As far as I know, deuterium fusion has no risk of explosive containment failure at all. Well, let me put that another way. If you don't seal it properly, then yes, it will definitely make a mess; but only in terms of a large fire (not an explosion) and it also burns out very quickly, because it destroys the generator itself in the process. Fusion is, however, very expensive; I've only built a very basic 15 turbine setup in Creative, and could probably only just afford it currently in Survival, and it would utterly expend my current resources.
And the best power source in UE requires that you build a multi-chunk mutiblock structure and power it with a huge sum of power over many minutes (basically you have to have a fusion reactor the first time you do it, which is itself nearly the size of a full chunk) then produce output over many runs to make antimatter for a fulmination generator, which is basically all the power you need ever if you can get it running; so there is a high motivation for that crazy level of investment.
And here's the reason that works: UE fusion and atomic options are expensive, but they're not proportionally expensive to the output. Most IC2 options try to balance the output power to the cost of the generator on a nearly 1:1 basis (hence nuclear eats so many resources), but this is a mistake because the automation, maintenance and risk costs already help offset that.
I don't think anyone denies UE was inspired by IC2 and by Redpower2. I think, design-wise, it's gone pretty far beyond IC2 in a number of important areas. Unfortunately, code quality is not one of those areas.
Agreed. An early Mekanism update trashed the first save I played it on, and within said save, going into my chunk loaded hydro generator room routinely caused my framerate to go into single digits. There was also a sound bug for a while where I was nearly deafened as a result of the machine sound effects being up too high. It's better now, however; although I did ultimately end up abandoning the Fluid Mechanics pump, because it just wouldn't work consistently with anything.
Greg is doing his thing, and crazily enough he now has native compatibility with UE power.
Maybe I should give Greg a chance one of these days, if only to find out what all the fuss is about.
I've seen a couple of YouTube videos which imply that some Minecraft players are in love with GregTech with almost the same level of militancy and fanaticism as others seem to despise it. It is interesting, the degree of polarisation which that mod seems to have caused.
EE2 got hate for this because it was often lumped in with IC2 where it is demonstrably harder to get free stuff. The resulting social dynamics (a weirdly strong culture of Minecraft PvP and grief at the time) made the IC2 die-hards really mad.
Ah, yes. The joys of multiplayer social dynamics. I finally had a gutful of that after my time with World of Warcraft. Where Minecraft is concerned, I will remain happily buried underground in my single player bunker, like some blissfully schizotypal echidna.