Gregtech deliberately crashing client if TC installed..

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As long as he's not triggering it again it's good in my books. If he leaves a code like that active... that's baaad.
All he would have to do is turn the trigger back on (that's a simple matter of flipping a single flag, by the way), and it would perma-crash, because the methodology he is using to generate the crash would catch too many false-positives.

Well, now that I think about it, they wouldn't be 'false'-positives, they would be another mod adding recipes for an item which has a recipe in Gtech, which is what his real problem is. Even accidentally leaving on configuration settings that permitted multiple recipes for the same item (such as MPS enabling 'basic' as well as Gtech' recipe settings simultaneously) would trigger the crash. It would make the game completely unplayable with Gtech if he left the trigger on.

However, by not removing the code, he's made it clear that he can and will enable it at any time he feels like making a point. Which means he is planning ahead on crashing the game at a later date.

Think about that a moment. He is deliberately leaving the code in because he expects that he will want to crash your game at a later time. I don't know about you, but I have all kinds of problems with that.
The thing is, the code is still enabled. Greg hasn't changed his code since the crashing fiasco. It's still there. The trigger is not pulled GT's end, it's ANY OTHER MOD. Greg hasn't changed a thing, his code will still crash your client. He does not deserve his place amongst the FTB packs. It should be removed without hesitation until Greg removes this malware.
Thats why we can disable the mods that we dont like, and there is always a config option in gregtech that disable recipe changes

But, there's not.

Tin buckets
Higher output bronze
All the IC2 recipes now requiring plates

(Again, before you try and point some out to me, here is the complete unedited config files as generated by GregTech. If it's not in this file, it doesn't work)
But, there's not.

Tin buckets
Higher output bronze
All the IC2 recipes now requiring plates

(Again, before you try and point some out to me, here is the complete unedited config files as generated by GregTech. If it's not in this file, it doesn't work)

I'm gonna try it soon with the latest version. I have the forestrybronzenerf disabled on a 3.06a version of GT. You might be right that it was removed from the later versions. And yes I do disagree with not having config choices for those things, but in the end it's the mod authors choice... the player always has the choice of abandoning their mod ofc. Wish everything was there in the configs!
My nephew and his friends play FTB. I now have to convince an 8 year old that he'll need to play modded minecraft from a different mod pack. I have trust and authority with his child but imagine the challenge now because FTB is a brand to his friends. I can spin it properly but I'll expect to be tech support for a few families.

Why go through that? Because gregtech isn't safe anymore and to these kids, Mindcrack FTB is what they want because of generikb and Bdubs. Yes the packs they use weren't affected but I can't let children be even potentially exposed to malicious software. Especially if I introduced them to it via FTB.

This is the heart of this entire incident and honestly, as someone who has children that I'm partially responsible for, I expect the FTB to in some way address this situation.
As long as he's not triggering it again it's good in my books. If he leaves a code like that active... that's baaad.

It hasn't been removed yet. The trigger is what's there.

But the bigger problem is that even writing that code and deploying it is a huge breach of trust between greg and his users. We've all known Greg is a character. He pushes other people around and generally has no whats to give. We've made our peace with that state of affairs. But things have changed with this incident.

He goes crashing the game when he doesn't get his way. This isn't an attack on mDiyo's policies, it's an attack on you and your game. It is not your fault that mDiyo and Greg cannot come to an agreement, odds are most people don't even KNOW about that bit of drama or the dupe exploit. So it's an attack on players. You cannot view it any other way because that is literally what it is. He breaks everyone to make a point to mDiyo. And even worse, it turns out Greg hasn't directly talked to mDiyo at all! It came out in his forum thread that this whole "private message" thing is in fact bunk and no one can find any evidence Greg has ever directly had a conversation with mDiyo.

So we have a guy who has decided to crash your computer and lie about why he did it. It's already a huge trust issue to run code given out by other people sight unseen. Who knows what a guy like Greg could do next? He gets mad and... what? Deletes a mod file? Patches your minecraft.jar to never run that mod again? These things are not only possible, they're feasible without being some sort of security god. They're even easier in MC1.6.
My nephew and his friends play FTB. I now have to convince an 8 year old that he'll need to play modded minecraft from a different mod pack. I have trust and authority with his child but imagine the challenge now because FTB is a brand to his friends. I can spin it properly but I'll expect to be tech support for a few families.

Why go through that? Because gregtech isn't safe anymore and to these kids, Mindcrack FTB is what they want because of generikb and Bdubs. Yes the packs they use weren't affected but I can't let children be even potentially exposed to malicious software. Especially if I introduced them to it via FTB.

This is the heart of this entire incident and honestly, as someone who has children that I'm partially responsible for, I expect the FTB to in some way address this situation.
The only comments where on the ic2 forums by Wyld demanding the removal of crash code or exit FTB pack & thats kind of normal & has become expected, like more info on reddit about upcoming changes than on FTB own forums.
FACT: If you have a weapon, I'll assume you have some intention to use it.

Hey look an analogy! Could hyperme once again be avoid directly stating the point, which is about coding ethics because we're talking about MINECRAFT MODS YOU *ahem*. Take a step back. Now another. Maybe another? Hooray, we finally reached creative ethics or software ethics and left the dire, dire place that was fanfiction ethics or some equivalent. Crashing things ain't cool, this is bloody game about placing blocks, and as long as the force-crash code is in Gregtech's code, I wouldn't trust it. At anytime, Greg could have another hissy fit over MINECRAFT MODDING (WHY ARE WE EVEN HAVING THIS CONVERSATION?) and start breaking things.

Also good lord that's an obnoxious crash message. It could very bloody well be Greg's fault, especially given what we are discussing right now.

FACT: This entire situation makes me annoyed. Can you tell? Also people are dying from curable diseases right now and we're arguing about modding ethics. Internet!
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First off, let me make it clear that I do like some things added by gregtech, like the sonictron and alternate circuit recipes. However, Greg's interference with other mods has crossed the line.

Nerfing IC2/BC/forestry items, with configs to disable the harder recipes: annoying.

Nerfing items from various mods, including basic vanilla recipes, with no config options: Bad enough to make me stop using Gregtech.

Including code to crash the game: Totally unacceptable.
All he would have to do is turn the trigger back on (that's a simple matter of flipping a single flag, by the way), and it would perma-crash, because the methodology he is using to generate the crash would catch too many false-positives.

Well, now that I think about it, they wouldn't be 'false'-positives, they would be another mod adding recipes for an item which has a recipe in Gtech, which is what his real problem is. Even accidentally leaving on configuration settings that permitted multiple recipes for the same item (such as MPS enabling 'basic' as well as Gtech' recipe settings simultaneously) would trigger the crash. It would make the game completely unplayable with Gtech if he left the trigger on.

However, by not removing the code, he's made it clear that he can and will enable it at any time he feels like making a point. Which means he is planning ahead on crashing the game at a later date.

Think about that a moment. He is deliberately leaving the code in because he expects that he will want to crash your game at a later time. I don't know about you, but I have all kinds of problems with that.

Ah yes I just went through the code. It's called in post init though. Seems like a really weird accident if a mod "accidentally" overrides anything in the GT recipes in that stage. I'm not saying I support what his doing, I don't know if I have a side yet. What is sure though is that there would be much better ways to handle these situations (like unloading GT)
Mindcrack FTB is what they want because of generikb and Bdubs.

Yeah well, bdubs doesn't even play it right now, and it's sort of an open question if they'll be coming back anytime soon. Generik does do his bees, but hes probably the only one all week on the server.

I'd put that at not changing until an official FTB for 1.6 is out, and I'd put it pretty high that Mindcrack FTB server would have to reset, and if that's the case I'd put it at really high that the 1.6 version of Mindcrack FTB wouldn't have GT either.
So I wired your chair with C4 to explode if you drink decaf coffee.

Ok you dont like decaf thats fine I'll just remove the wires. But I'm going to leave this C4 here ok.

I think more accurately:

Greg: I have decided that decaf coffee is bad therefore you may only drink regular coffee.
MDiyo: I like decaf and I shall continue drinking it!
Greg: Well I have now wired C4 to your chair should you drink decaf
MDiyo: screw that, I won't drink decaf nor sit in the chair.
Greg: mkay.. good. But if anyone else wants to drink decaf, the C4 is still live and will go off.
Seems like a really weird accident if a mod "accidentally" overrides anything in the GT recipes in that stage.

It wasn't overriding a GT recipe in the first place. It was adding a new recipe for 1 wood -> 4 planks. The existing 1 wood -> 2 planks, 1 wood + saw -> 4 planks recipes from GT remained wholly in place while the original 1 wood -> 4 planks was deleted by GT.

Not that Greg has any compunctions about removing or changing recipes from other mods, so trying to claim that as a moral high ground is laughable at best.

Besides which, if I want to run a mod that gives the matter fabricator the exact recipe of the mass fabricator, that's my damn choice and not something GT should be complaining about at all much less crashing the client over.
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