gregtech block breaker nerf

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Haha, I remember when we used to 1 shot with Protection pallies in PVP. Ohhhh the good ol' days :)

Havnt played WoW in about a year... might hop on my roomates computer and log into his account and play right now...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I gave up reading this thread on page 6, but the overwhelming msg I got from people is that they hate every mod that changes something done by another mod. If I may, why does this not apply to mods that change vanilla? Is mojangs code somehow less worthy of respect than a modders code? If not, how is it that you do not also hate IC2, RP2, or any other mods that alters world gen. This does not even go into the mods that change vanilla recipes. Terrafirmacraft obviously is WAY over the line, how dare they! This whole argument reeks of pretend made up values that you do not really hold, but are convenient for internet arguments when not examined closely.
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Jul 29, 2019
if i created and published a mod, and against my wishes another modder altered the experience i created, either through alterations of my code, configs, or through a man-in-the-middle attack, i would lose my shit. my next patch would return the favor, setting all of his/her machines to output only zombie flesh.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
This guy... this guy right here.

He says it perfectly. He says everything with the class I wish I could say it. He's making other points then I'd like, but wow.

Ok, I gave up reading this thread on page 6, but the overwhelming msg I got from people is that they hate every mod that changes something done by another mod. If I may, why does this not apply to mods that change vanilla? Is mojangs code somehow less worthy of respect than a modders code? If not, how is it that you do not also hate IC2, RP2, or any other mods that alters world gen. This does not even go into the mods that change vanilla recipes. Terrafirmacraft obviously is WAY over the line, how dare they! This whole argument reeks of pretend made up values that you do not really hold, but are convenient for internet arguments when not examined closely.

Short and sweet? Notch and Dinnerbone, they are not saying "stop" or "don't do this".

if i created and published a mod, and against my wishes another modder altered the experience i created, either through alterations of my code, configs, or through a man-in-the-middle attack, i would lose my shit. my next patch would return the favor, setting all of his/her machines to output only zombie flesh.

Or perhaps blow up? Course, then you'd get treated as the bad guy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Short and sweet? Notch and Dinnerbone, they are not saying "stop" or "don't do this".

Oh, I see, so it comes down to nothing to do with the code, respect for the mod, or anything else to do with the mod itself. Rather, it boils down to you doing exactly what a creator wants with their product at all times. I feel like this is dejavu. Chefs almost unanimously agree that ketchup on steak is a BAD thing. Would you eat ketchup on a steak at a restaurant? If so, what is the difference?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if i created and published a mod, and against my wishes another modder altered the experience i created, either through alterations of my code, configs, or through a man-in-the-middle attack, i would lose my shit. my next patch would return the favor, setting all of his/her machines to output only zombie flesh.

Then you are the lesser person, engaging in vandalism because somebody played their game in a manner you don't approve of.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Oh, I see, so it comes down to nothing to do with the code, respect for the mod, or anything else to do with the mod itself. Rather, it boils down to you doing exactly what a creator wants with their product at all times. I feel like this is dejavu. Chefs almost unanimously agree that ketchup on steak is a BAD thing. Would you eat ketchup on a steak at a restaurant? If so, what is the difference?

That's how you see things?

You see one person saying "okay" and you see another person saying "please don't" and you want to get insulting because I see a problem with molesting the girl who said "please don't".



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's how you see things?

You see one person saying "okay" and you see another person saying "please don't" and you want to get insulting because I see a problem with molesting the girl who said "please don't".


You have failed to respond to my question. If we are to "respect" a mod author by not reflecting around their code to elicit changes to the end user, what is the difference between that and placing ketchup on my steak? In both situations the product is now in my hands, and I am altering its final properties before I consume it. If you are incapable of answering this question, and instead wish to speak in hyperbole go for it, but it makes you look incredibly evasive. No one is molesting anyone by changing the way a mod behaves.

P.S. I have not insulted anyone or anything. Please point out where I have if you feel otherwise.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know why but lately these sort of threads just make me laugh.

They're starting to leave me somewhat exasperated, personally. Some people like GT, some people don't. No amount of argument is going to convince the latter of the former's point of view, or vice versa, yet every third thread seems to degenerate to this pointless back and forth that goes nowhere except in circles. It's starting to get tiresome to find the actual /interesting/ discussion amongst all the repetative squabbling.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
"Boils down to you doing exactly what" ... that is insulting, it was meant to be insulting. There's an intentional implication that respecting a request is somehow slavish devotion. It lets you make me less of a person, so you can dismiss my views. Same when anybody calls it white-knighting or galahading.

It's not a polite debate anymore when you make insulting and snide comments like that, and yet pretend to be listening or balanced.

So, no, I won't play that game with you.

And again, everything I really cared to say, was said in the video, go watch it maybe?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i'm the lesser person, the vandal, because another modder modded my own stuff without consent? yeah, ok.

Yes. Because it's not running on your computer. You don't get to decide what things get changed.

Assuming you released your proposed vandalism without exuberant notification to the end user of the damage you would be causing, your mod would be no different than a trojan horse malware, potentially subject to criminal charges.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
ICountFrom0, thx for sharing that video. he nailed it.

I really think he did. My personal views on respect, is just my personal view, and the hope that FTB stays to a high standard. The video makes all the arguments about gameplay and community, and everything I wish I had the words to backup. Lets face it, I'm a zombie, brains is food.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Extra extra! Read all about it! The nefarious Gregorius T and his army of invisible time traveling clones have been revealed to stand behind everything bad to ever happen! Have you ever tripped on a nail, do you wish Hitler had died in his crib? All Gregs fault! He is Satan, he eats children, he slanders your wife! His spit is sulphur! His breath is brimstone! His farts smell worse than yours!

I honestly can't believe that an innocent inquiry about a nerfing option, which you have to go out of your way to turn on manually, and which most people don't even know about, spawned 8 pages of Greg bashing, mostly done by people who don't even play the mod.

And the funniest part? Little of the talk employs logic. Most of it defaulted to emotion (mostly rage) fueled political nonsense and uninformed "opinions" have been flung with the ferocity at which chimps toss poop. No one took the bloody time to take the nerf at face value and think of what it does to gameplay and how it makes sense logically.

It's all just defacing for the sake of defacing. And to be perfectly honest, I find it hard to call this behavior whiteknighting, you know why? Because I don't see any altruism in what has been said. Honestly, where's the good intent? All I see are self-serving statements. Are you guys afraid that gtech will become the default and you'll be forced to play it or something? Or are you just trolling?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thats going in my signature. Thanks Lambert <3
Get it right... hes a level 80 Creeper Paladin


f*ck'n Pallys are OP.

Man now I'm missing my Demo spec Warlock .... Waaaaaaah I don't wanna go back to WoW.

Haha, I remember when we used to 1 shot with Protection pallies in PVP. Ohhhh the good ol' days :)

Havnt played WoW in about a year... might hop on my roomates computer and log into his account and play right now...

You know I've never played WoW... ever.
The only game I know Paladins from is Diablo 2.. and I played a Necromancer in that game XD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

My image holster folder is ready for you and every shenanigan you can imagine.

Meanwhile today I hit my 250th post like. To be quite honest I'm as baffled as you are. I certainly don't get it either! But I guess like Smaug, I'm gonna sit here on my pile of internet treasure totally oblivious to its value, unable to spend it, yet acutely aware of how much of it I have. I'd just put me on ignore and let me chatter at the void if I were you. Actually I would have done that about 4 posts ago...
Nice funnyjunk fail lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Guys! It's THE Immibis! Just act natural! Don't scare him off!)
Hey Immibis, nice mods you got going there, yeah...OHMYGODILOVEYOUIMMIBIS
So, who here thinks that this isn't a nerf, but a way to make RP2 Block Breakers easier? I have more Tungsten than Iron (and more Diamond dust, too).
Man that post is embarrassing.
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