gregtech block breaker nerf

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Boils down to you doing exactly what" ... that is insulting, it was meant to be insulting. There's an intentional implication that respecting a request is somehow slavish devotion. It lets you make me less of a person, so you can dismiss my views. Same when anybody calls it white-knighting or galahading.

It's not a polite debate anymore when you make insulting and snide comments like that, and yet pretend to be listening or balanced.

So, no, I won't play that game with you.

And again, everything I really cared to say, was said in the video, go watch it maybe?

Interesting that you read that into it. I did not mean to imply anything about slavish devotion. I meant exactly what I said, I do not mince words. You have not justified why this request should be honored and others might not need to. As such I assumed it applies in all similar situations. I then presented a similar situation out in the real world, which you have yet to respond to. I do not care to watch what someone else has to say about the issue, I am discussing it with you. If you are incapable of communicating your own ideas and instead are simply pointing to other people who you feel say what you are thinking, then odds are you are not thinking it at all, but are instead simply parroting what other people are thinking. Please prove this is not the case by defining your ideas and defending them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We're probably way past the point where this thread is productive. What it ultimately evolved into was a three-way battle between the Eloraam Protectionist Society, The Gregorius Monks, and The People Who Like To Build Stuff. The battle-lines are fluid and not well-drawn, and no one really knows what anyone else is actually saying: this thread is way too muddled to actually hold a conversation.

Which is too bad because I think some folks have interesting and cogent things to say.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But I don't like to build, I'm not eloraam's paladin and I hate gregtech... That makes me the evil soul that wants to destroy everything that is stupid, in his path?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes. Because it's not running on your computer. You don't get to decide what things get changed.

Assuming you released your proposed vandalism without exuberant notification to the end user of the damage you would be causing, your mod would be no different than a trojan horse malware, potentially subject to criminal charges.

did you read the part of my hypothetical situation where my mod's experience was altered by someone else, and i would be responding by doing the same to them? you say i'm the vandal, spreading malware, and a criminal?

the words you have typed show either an unwillingness to read an entire, brief, post or a disposition for blaming the victim. in other words, you make no sense.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To be honest, 50% of this mess of a thread is two people who really don't understand what reflection is endlessly claiming Greg is evil for using it. Based on random feeling.

If you remove /that/ you get half random hashtags and assorted spams.

Remove THAT and you find the usual greg bashing and some sensible comments.

This thread is /less/ productive then the average Greg bashing thread at this point ^^'


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
did you read the part of my hypothetical situation where my mod's experience was altered by someone else, and i would be responding by doing the same to them? you say i'm the vandal, spreading malware, and a criminal?

Yes, I read it. You don't gain rights to destroy things just because somebody plays the game in a manner you don't like. A user installs a mod that modifies your mod. They've made a choice to do so. The user is the only, final, and ultimate decision maker in what their game experience will be. This includes changing the game experience provided by your mod in any manner they choose.

Since nobody would actually install your mod if you admitted up front that you would destroy their game, as you proposed, you would have to make the change unannounced. Such an act would be equivalent to a trojan horse, and be subject to criminal charges in many jurisdictions including the US, EU, and UK.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, I read it. You don't gain rights to destroy things just because somebody plays the game in a manner you don't like. A user installs a mod that modifies your mod. They've made a choice to do so. The user is the only, final, and ultimate decision maker in what their game experience will be. This includes changing the game experience provided by your mod in any manner they choose.

Since nobody would actually install your mod if you admitted up front that you would destroy their game, as you proposed, you would have to make the change unannounced. Such an act would be equivalent to a trojan horse, and be subject to criminal charges in many jurisdictions including the US, EU, and UK.

1. as a creator of my own property, it is my decision alone what the experience of my creation is. nowhere in the civilized world is it acceptable to hijack another's work. if i think your music sucks, and i surreptitiously alter it to my liking, not for my own consumption but for all and without notification, consent or a means of undoing my damage, how is that possibly ok?

2. you repeatedly take the position that the first to attack is in the right, and a similar response is wrong.

3. trojan precedent has been set. i look forward to your bringing charges against sirsengir.

4. i can only conclude you are either an imbecile or are contrarian for entertainment. either way, i'm done being trolled. adios!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. as a creator of my own property, it is my decision alone what the experience of my creation is. nowhere in the civilized world is it acceptable to hijack another's work. if i think your music sucks, and i surreptitiously alter it to my liking, not for my own consumption but for all and without notification, consent or a means of undoing my damage, how is that possibly ok?

2. you repeatedly take the position that the first to attack is in the right, and a similar response is wrong.

3. trojan precedent has been set. i look forward to your bringing charges against sirsengir.

4. i can only conclude you are either an imbecile or are contrarian for entertainment. either way, i'm done being trolled. adios!

You honestly think that releasing an optional addition that does exactly what it says it does is an attack? And somehow as bad or worse than secretly modifying the interaction to the point of breaking intended behavior? You have a really odd way of looking at things. Are you one of those guys that thinks I should go to jail for playing legal media files in a homebrew media player on my Nintendo Wii?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know I've never played WoW... ever.
The only game I know Paladins from is Diablo 2.. and I played a Necromancer in that game XD

I loved the Necro. I did this weird bone spear build with all the caster speed I could get. It was like a bone uzi.

Good times good times.[DOUBLEPOST=1364155526][/DOUBLEPOST]
If you do like GT, on the other hand... it gets a bit rage-inducing after a while.

Na. I'm in the like GT camp and I just find the whole torch and picthfork waving to be endlessly amusing.

I relized awhile back that much like everything else on the intertubes some folks just like to flame so it is beter to make your atempt at logic and when that fails make popcorn and watch.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You honestly think that releasing an optional addition that does exactly what it says it does is an attack?

if modder x alters my property or the experience it creates without my permission, yes that is certainly an attack.

And somehow as bad or worse than secretly modifying the interaction to the point of breaking intended behavior?

are you comprehending that is exactly what is being done by modder x to me in the first place? i guess not.

You have a really odd way of looking at things. Are you one of those guys that thinks I should go to jail for playing legal media files in a homebrew media player on my Nintendo Wii?

what you do for personal use is your problem. when you impose your will on others (e.g. altering all media players on all consoles, none of which you own) then yes, it's FMITAP for you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if modder x alters my property or the experience it creates without my permission, yes that is certainly an attack.

Er, installing a modification gives implied permission to the modification to modify your game. (Plus, if I remember correctly and we're talking about Tin Buckets, if you're that desperate, just install a recipe adder mod and add in Tin Buckets that way.)

what you do for personal use is your problem. when you impose your will on others (e.g. altering all media players on all consoles, none of which you own) then yes, it's FMITAP for you.

Does Greg bundle his mod mandatorily with IC2? That would be the equivalent of modifying other peoples' media players on their own console remotely.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A while back a point was made that Railcraft alters the vanilla recipe and why is that ok when Greg altering Redpower isn't. And, yeah I'm just gonna disregard all the bullshit that's gone on since then and just say: Mojang is okay with people modifying their game, mods have only increased the popularity and brought more sales to Mojang.
Mojang gives permission for others to modify their game.
Eloraam has not given permission for others to edit her mod.

When someone modifies a game, it does NOT give implied permission to modify that mod, why the hell would it and where did you get such a convoluted idea from?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eloraam has not given permission for others to edit her mod.

I'm not gonna keep going back and forth, but I wish we could at least agree that no one is "editing Eloraam's mod" in this case. The player's experience is being edited, but Eloraam's copyrighted material is not altered. I only say this because the later is clearly both illegal and unethical.

The former is the subject of this discussion, and it's something akin to "tainting the well" to use the same words for different things. At the very best, it's imprecise. At worst, it's an outright disingenuous way to try and confuse the discussion.
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