Greg Tech opinion discussions go here

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Erm damn keep you pie recipe, backs slowly away from Jaded.[DOUBLEPOST=1374158579][/DOUBLEPOST]
sorry you lost me after It.

Haha, my thoughts exactly! For future reference, don't f*** with Jaded's pie recipe.

I still believe we'll see GregTech in some FTB packs. Some, If I understand it correctly, they don't really regulate what goes into it (ex. Mindcrack). But the modpacks that FTB themselves put together I couldn't imagine having GregTech included. It just feels..... wrong. I really can't describe it any other way. It just feels wrong.[DOUBLEPOST=1374159400][/DOUBLEPOST]
Me wonders why Greg has not come in and said his peace on all this nor has slowpoke made any form of post with his thoughts about whether its appropriate to keep Gregtech installed on modpacks or remove it out of principle of recent behaviour by Greg meh who knows but end of the day really don't like or do not agree with what gregtech has done remove it manually from your pack and enjoy the game and leave the politics at the door.

Greg said his piece on the IC2 forums. He doesn't care about anyone outside of his userbase and that FTB is full of whiners that cry about minecraft taking a few hours longer to play.
greg will not come here :p he's busy swearing raging ftb users . Not sure why he hate us so much,never heard about gregtech before FTB. if FTB removes it he will probably lose 90% of his playerbase
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In all honesty? I don't think he even cares.
He's already stepped on plenty of toes in the past, and he did it again.

Except this time, he has stepped on a whole lot of toes. Not just because of Tinkers' Construct, but because of the implications of practically any future mod releases that may or may not interfere with GT due to his whims.

I suppose the worst part is that, from a third-party modpackers' standpoint, it's practically entering an area where it may very well be axed because the author has demonstrated willingness to deliberately sabotage the functioning of any future mods and more importantly, Minecraft itself.
I know I would axe it immediately.
...mDiyo changed a recipe in GregTech...

It wasn't even a GregTech recipe! It was a vanilla Minecraft recipe. Even if it was a GregTech recipe, as you say, it's completely unacceptable to crash a client because of it. If you want to detect that that recipe has been changed outside of your own mod, then you can make your mod unusable by making your machines stop functioning or raising energy requirements, etc. Go for it. You'd still be an ass for it, especially in the case of vanilla recipes, but at least the game functions.
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I have to say this Greg has some cool things in his mod but Chrissy and Wyld are right I like to start out with IC2 some times but with his mod it takes to a month and a butt ton of stuff just to start and if you want to make a Quarry you way as well just wait until you have all the Diamonds in the game. I just hope that every thing gets settled and were can have both mods working together not just for me but for others out there that like them both in the same pack because if i had to chose it would have to stick with TC.
greg will not come here :p he's busy swearing raging ftb users . Not sure why he hate us so much,never heard about gregtech before FTB. if FTB removes it he will probably lose 90% of his playerbase
For me, for example, GT is a core in FTB Ultimate. I will prefer to assemble mods myself if FTB will not include GT in next iterations, instead of entering "Okay-mode" and forgetting GT xD
Next week?
  • Saplings require regular watering to grow.
  • It is now a mandatory requirement to macerate wheat, mix it with water buckets, and cook it to make bread.
  • Uncooked chicken gives you the "salmonella" debuff.
  • Buildings made of player-placed blocks have a chance to topple over at random if you don't include specifically cut support beams that can only be made in the Industrial Sawmill and that break into sawdust if you remove them once placed.
  • Minium Stones break after five transmutes worth and no longer function as portable crafting unless you also carry a crafting table in your inventory.
  • Picking Natura berries risks a random chance of summoning angry grizzly bears whose claw attacks penetrate all armors.
  • Mystcraft books take durability hits for each use and can only be repaired in the new Industrial Book Binder.
  • Stone Slab recipe now requires you to make Stone Plates in the compressor and then use Distilled Resin as an adhesive to bind the plates together.
  • Your minecraft client mysteriously crashes if you so much as mention the word "immibis".
  • Everybody in this thread has been noted and will receive Pumpkins of Shame.
  • These won't matter because Jadedcat will have long since mauled all of us to death.
Just kidding. Maybe.

In reality, I would hope an actual stance on whether he's going to play nice or take his ball and go home. I have no problems with him wanting to go the direction he appears to be going, but it's starting to have a significant impact on everything else now.
Some of theese are actually good, like the saplings require water and the macerating of wheat to make bread.
( This is an opinion don't take it personally please ) I think that to resolve this issue is to not even go as far as removing either mod but to remove the nerf altogether there realy isn't any reason to cause normal tool nerfs. I truly think no modder under any circumstance should nerf vanilla things. A way to think of it is that Dinnerbone, and Jeb are the "modders" of vanilla play. They if they think something is overpowered or not good enough will change that aspect. Therefore I think that the community should see if greg could not even touch it as there is realy no reason to. Does greg even play FTB survival from scratch every g-tech update? <----- Rhetorical question If he did he might change that nerf back to normal. Remember just an opinion.
greg will not come here :p he's busy swearing raging ftb users . Not sure why he hate us so much,never heard about gregtech before FTB. if FTB removes it he will probably lose 90% of his playerbase

Oh stop going on about "hating". It's a game for crying out loud. Just removed the darned mod. It has no place in a quality modpack anyway with the lack of support, documentation and random 'nerfs' of whatever the author fancies when he wakes up in the morning. The recent whine spam at startup, wood 'nerf' (I mean, seriously, why are people even defending that?) and the malware are just the icing on the cake. The mod is terrible, the author is terrible and his community is terrible. Nuff said. I don't 'hate' him or his mod, that would imply it's anything worth getting worked up about. It's not good enough a mod to warrant that.
I have to say this Greg has some cool things in his mod but Chrissy and Wyld are right I like to start out with IC2 some times but with his mod it takes to a month and a butt ton of stuff just to start and if you want to make a Quarry you way as well just wait until you have all the Diamonds in the game. I just hope that every thing gets settled and were can have both mods working together not just for me but for others out there that like them both in the same pack because if i had to chose it would have to stick with TC.
The quarry thing is a config option. Well not exactly it, but you can choose from few game modes and the one with the advaced diamond drill I think is hard. Not sure.
It wasn't even a GregTech recipe! It was a vanilla Minecraft recipe. Even if it was a GregTech recipe, as you say, it's completely unacceptable to crash a client because of it. If you want to detect that that recipe has been changed outside of your own mod, then you can make your mod unusable by making your machines stop functioning or raising energy requirements, etc. Go for it. You'd still be an ass for it, especially in the case of vanilla recipes, but at least the game functions.
Going radical was a more good solution than that. Doing something shady to show that player configuration is bad in a middle of gameplay is not noble, I think
If I was a mod offer I was going to protect my recipes from being changed, same as KingLemming added a config option about that.
    craftinghandlers {
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Haha, my thoughts exactly! For future reference, don't f*** with Jaded's pie recipe.

I still believe we'll see GregTech in some FTB packs. Some, If I understand it correctly, they don't really regulate what goes into it (ex. Mindcrack). But the modpacks that FTB themselves put together I couldn't imagine having GregTech included. It just feels..... wrong. I really can't describe it any other way. It just feels wrong.[DOUBLEPOST=1374159400][/DOUBLEPOST]

Greg said his piece on the IC2 forums. He doesn't care about anyone outside of his userbase and that FTB is full of whiners that cry about minecraft taking a few hours longer to play.

Its sad that he has that attitude of "not caring" thank god he is not being paid for his mod he go out of business quite quickly.
It being her opinion. Her opinion should be the one FTB holds as it's the only sane opinion one can hold in this matter.
no I disagree, lets say you have a buddy thats a cop & you have an issue with any random thing, your buddy could give you advice as your friend meaning his personal view or as a cop what the right (moral/lawful) thing to do is, so I take it jaded posted her personal views that are hers & hers alone as a forumer, then puts back on her mod hat & reached for the ban hammer, with this topic handy to have near at all times.
Greg said his piece on the IC2 forums. He doesn't care about anyone outside of his userbase and that FTB is full of whiners that cry about minecraft taking a few hours longer to play.

Clearly that's bs. "His userbase" would never have used tinkers construct in the first place.

The fact is Greg cares, and enjoys his spotlight. When its on him for a negative reason, he feels righteous.
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no I disagree, lets say you have a buddy thats a cop & you have an issue with any random thing, your buddy could give you advice as your friend meaning his personal view or as a cop what the right (moral/lawful) thing to do is, so I take it jaded posted her personal views that are hers & hers alone as a forumer, then puts back on her mod hat & reached for the ban hammer, with this topic handy to have near at all times.

At this point I'd say this "discussion" has been done to death. In the end actions will speak louder than any words here and the FTB team at least will see how many people jumped ship when the download numbers come in for the wgt and ngt updates. Those that want to blindly follow Greg or don't care enough about his childishness will continue to use the wgt version while those of us that have decided to jump onto a ship sailing away from stormy waters will move on to the ngt pack. I'm not saying we shouldn't discuss this kind of thing, just that after some point trying to discuss this topic any further will be no more than pissing in the wind.
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