Greg Tech opinion discussions go here

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People sometimes make errors, wrong decisions. It is ok that Greg crashed game intentionally, but if he will do this again without giving a note on a community responce, this will be a final point of this, I think. GregTech is a really good mod, which I prefer as main one in my playsessions. It is well designed, and I have the same meaning about new recipes: I find them more intuitive to remember. I personnaly think that Greg is so curious about keeping his mod safe from any outside intervention, especially when a lot of people say bad things about GT. Like a mother does to protect her child from making mistakes. People and their choises differ: GT is a big overhaul mod which becomed a symbol of FTB to me - a miracle of integration. I think that GT should be kept included in FTB, but can be prized with the enable\disable checkbox in a pack configs to remove tension between players who love GT and who hate it.
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When I refer to his lack of communication, I go back to mDiyo's mentioning the fortunesmelting incident as well
Talking about that, I hope mDiyo can clarify if he at any point offered to add a config to TiC to disable the fortunesmelting or just requested greg to change his recipes. Currently we only have what greg stated about it and it was that mdiyo didn't offer the config and added it much later.

I see you ignored my comment last page, the code seems to be present, Wyld has said in this thread he is not releasing the Gregtech version at the present time, and Greg is PROUD of hurting/crashing people to get what he wants, he bragged about how effective he is when he ads his malware.

How is that defensible?

Why can you not admit it would be IRRESPONSIBLE to include a the work of a mod-maker that is proud of causing end users problems to get what he want and who has let the code to accomplish that in his mod?
Talking about that, I hope mDiyo can clarify if he at any point offered to add a config to TiC to disable the fortunesmelting or just requested greg to change his recipes. Currently we only have what greg stated about it and it was that mdiyo didn't offer the config and added it much later.

Yo man stop trying to make mDiyo the badguy here he's got a cool avatar oh also he DOESN'T BLOODY CRASH THE GAME ON BLOODY PURPOSE.

man i should work on psi-lunky not even derek's bad commenting is as bad as this entire situation. oh no cross contamination WHAT HAVE I DONE?
People sometimes make errors, wrong decisions. It is ok that Greg crashed game intentionally, but if he will do this again without giving a note on a community responce, this will be a final point of this, I think. GregTech is a really good mod, which I prefer as main one in my playsessions. It is well designed, and I have the same meaning about new recipes: I find them more intuitive to remember. I personnaly think that Greg is so curious about keeping his mod safe from any outside intervention, especially when a lot of people say bad things about GT. Like a mother does to protect her child from making mistakes. People and their choises differ: GT is a big overhaul mod which becomed a symbol of FTB to me - a miracle of integration. I think that GT should be kept included in FTB, but can be prized with the enable\disable checkbox in a pack configs to remove tension between players who love GT and who hate it.
You are missing the point a little its not the mod most hate well not me anyway its the actions of its author, I for one loved GT at one time then the more greg did greg type things the more respect I lost, until we reached this point in time.
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I see Hoho concedes the point by pretending it does not exist,

Greg will fight with malware, and hurt whoever he wants to to get his way, and will be proud of how effective he is in using malware.

I hope Slowpoke/FTB will embrace a policy banning this type of modder from their packs, or add something to the launcher that responsible parents can use, password protected, to block the work of malware authors.
@slowpoke, Wyld, and any other FTB modpack designer. (And by extension, any modpack designer at all)

Greg has shown utter comptempt for both other modders and players. He has been proven to be a liar, and that he cannot be trusted whatsoever.
If I was on my computer and not my phone I would write a rather long post detailing just why Gregtech should no longer be included in any pack whatsoever. Ever again.

If he is willing to do this now, over MDiyo overwriting his mod (which is what Gregtech is all about) Then he cannot be trusted to not do so again. Gregtech has to go. If his sycophantic fanatics want to add GT to their modpack, then they can do so, but Gregtech should never be put into another FTB modpack again.

@mDiyo your mod is probably my favourite mod I have ever played. Thank you for creating it and letting us play with it. I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future.
You are missing the point a little its not the mod most hate well not me anyway its the actions of its author, I for one loved GT at one time then the more greg did greg type things the more my respect moved away, until we reached this point in time.
I have noted that author is overreacting to interventions, and I made an assumption about that because of a tensions in a community around his work.
There is no point to burn him in a nether for this. If we will ask for absolute punishment we will become as the "childish-Greg-type": GT players will also suffer from radical changes in FTB mod-composition policies as in a currently discussed event of a crash-bomb. Checkbox will be a good point to Greg that he, sometimes, can be wrong in his desicions about modding his mod
What has made you think he has ever tried to be that? He stated quite bluntly he doesn't care the slightest if his mod is included in any modpack.

I don't think that he hates other mods or modpacks. I am saying he should limit what he worries about. mDiyo is on record saying that TC and GT don't mix well in his opinion. I do suspect Greg feels the same. What I would like to see happen is Greg laugh and say "Some d*n fool tried mixing GT and TC ... people are crazy" rather than getting into a code war with mDiyo. I specifically don't want him to care what happens with his mod outside some defined GregTech Experience Collection. If someone puts together a modpack that includes his mod, and results in lots of exploits and/or bugs, then Greg should just respond with "I told you so" rather than trying to fix the broken modpack.
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+1 .. having to moderate the soap opera is annoying.

I can imagine. Thank you for taking action and limiting GT discussions to just one topic. It gets way too much attention for what it actually offers (in my opinion, not much that's interesting).
At this point I am no fan of Greg and his tech. I personally feel he has crossed a line. However, as other have stated it might be best if GT went off on its own as a total conversion mod like TFC.
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