Greg Tech opinion discussions go here

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I wonder what next weeks episode of GregTech, the soap opera will bring?

Next week?
  • Saplings require regular watering to grow.
  • It is now a mandatory requirement to macerate wheat, mix it with water buckets, and cook it to make bread.
  • Uncooked chicken gives you the "salmonella" debuff.
  • Buildings made of player-placed blocks have a chance to topple over at random if you don't include specifically cut support beams that can only be made in the Industrial Sawmill and that break into sawdust if you remove them once placed.
  • Minium Stones break after five transmutes worth and no longer function as portable crafting unless you also carry a crafting table in your inventory.
  • Picking Natura berries risks a random chance of summoning angry grizzly bears whose claw attacks penetrate all armors.
  • Mystcraft books take durability hits for each use and can only be repaired in the new Industrial Book Binder.
  • Stone Slab recipe now requires you to make Stone Plates in the compressor and then use Distilled Resin as an adhesive to bind the plates together.
  • Your minecraft client mysteriously crashes if you so much as mention the word "immibis".
  • Everybody in this thread has been noted and will receive Pumpkins of Shame.
  • These won't matter because Jadedcat will have long since mauled all of us to death.
Just kidding. Maybe.

In reality, I would hope an actual stance on whether he's going to play nice or take his ball and go home. I have no problems with him wanting to go the direction he appears to be going, but it's starting to have a significant impact on everything else now.
Yes, Greg added code (which is now gone, last time I checked) that checked if his configs were forcibly changed by another mod to cause a crash. Yes, that's not a nice thing to do. However, Greg gave everyone a choice whether they wanted the wood nerf/balance (Yes, balance. There's a reason for it and it's not just to make the game harder.) by adding a very visible config file that they were free to edit and takes at the most, 1 minute to change.
Tinker's Construct added code that detected GregTech's nerf/balance config for wood>planks and overwrites it to force it to the default version. Thus, Removing that choice for everyone. Whether they like it or not.
In this case (A short case. Lasting around a day and has already been fixed on both sides), Greg was a bad boy. But it IS his mod and he can do what he likes with it. The end user has no say in whether he should or shouldn't do it. The only thing right now, that the FTB community has a say in, is whether or not it stays in the FTB pack. The FTB developers don't edit GregTech, they don't make it or update it. So complaining here means nothing to Greg. If you have a problem with it, tell it to him on the IC2 forums. Just remember, that the same thing has been posted there enough times to be read and adding a copy of the post in his thread won't stop him from doing it next time another modder forcibly removes his config options. Also, spamming his PM box on the IC2 forums with how much you disapprove of his mod/methods is probably a bad idea, as that means he'll just empty his full inbox without reading anything and probably delete some important message from mDiyo or some other modder asking for some changes in regards to their mod. Which will make it the fault of the end user if their favourite mod stays/gets nerfed (has already happened once today).
The mods Greg alters are also free to add or change their recipes, or more preferably contact Greg about a compromise on his nerfs (Which he will most likely do if contacted). Btw, stop blaming Greg for the recipes of Advanced Solar Panels. Those were done entirely by the mod author, independent of GregTech.

As for the people raging against why people even use GregTech: It's because they want to. Because they feel the nerfs done to vanilla and other mods bring balance in the progression of each tech tree between all the disconnected mods and prolong the gaming experience. Dismissing other's positive opinions regarding GregTech simply because you don't like GT is utterly childish. More so for an extremely vocal member on these forums who seems to think himself qualified to proclaim GregTech as total trash and anyone who likes it to be either mentally handicapped or suffering from Stockholm Syndrome (which imho, should warrant an immediate ban for the countless times he's said it to various members. Not to me, mind you. I stay out of these things normally. It's no different from a religious debate since it deals with people personal feelings and nothing else.)
oh man. the ic2 gregtech forum is a total mess. people calling idiots and retards each other. Jesus.
It wasn't too different from what was going here, though after alblaka as good as abandoned IC2 moderating there has been somewhat worse.
Its rare for me to post a opinion on controversial topics.. or really any topic. I am not posting as a moderator or as FTB Staff in this post.

I am posting as a third-party modpack creator.

I would have been a bit grumpy at mDiyo for the exploit with auto-smelting. Then again as anyone with experience with my pack knows, I know how to use a config and fix minor exploits like that. I still would have growled a bit but meh.

I can certainly not be accused of not knowing how to operate a config file or files. I also cannot be accused of wanting an easy game.

All that said. Under no circumstances ever would I allow a mod that thought this was sufficient reason to crash a game to be in a pack I created. And yes I am aware of all previous ancient history with other mods that have made adverse changes for the end user. However I have yet to see another mod decide that adding a recipe to that mod was grounds to crash the client. mDiyo changed a recipe in GregTech. Greg crashed the client because there was a recipe change he didn't like. This would be similar to me giving someone a pie recipe and them changing an ingredient, and me then shooting the person that ate the pie. Its not DRM its not justifiable under any license or modder code of conduct. He crashed clients because he didn't like a recipe addition. I find this reprehensible and unjustifiable.

This is my opinion and as such does NOT represent the views of FTB.
It is ok that Greg crashed game intentionally

No. No it is not.

I can understand much of what has occurred, the to and fro, the ideal and intention of both mods (and others). There is conflict in ideals, in understanding of "the game", in giving a vision and game experience.

Crashing a program is the one thing *all* coders avoid. From high end business to low end personal shell scripts, it is the one thing you avoid. The imposed crash was done for attention. Greg has said as much. It can be argued, in some countries that this would be illegal.

My, and only my, issue revolves around the decision that Greg *decided* that a crash is required. It is the imposition against the player, every player, when this point was to raise hell against another mod author.

It really isn't even about conflicting issues with mods and mod authors. It is about the crash.

This is the line too far.
In a matter of a few days this will become the new No Topic Thread. 20 pages per day of discussions (mainly random things).
Anyway, Greg is by far THE biggest hypocrite of ALL times in Modded Minecraft. He is not FlowerChild. He is worse than that. FlowerChild is like, one light-year ahead of Greg. Greg is the bottom of the well. You guys probably understood that by now.
But goddamnit, he could have BUFFED the bronze from IC2! Not nerfed the one from Forestry! A single Sturdy Casing costs 24 copper! Or maybe 12. But, still, it's more than it should.
Did anybody notice no one is using the Macerator anymore? That's right, Greg nerfed that into obscurity.
The Macerator stands as a symbol of why overnerfing something is bad.
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oh man. the ic2 gregtech forum is a total mess. people calling idiots and retards each other. Jesus.
that appears to be the norm there, one reason I would not reg there, ridiculed & insulted is not my idea of a fun afternoon.
Its rare for me to post a opinion on controversial topics.. or really any topic. I am not posting as a moderator or as FTB Staff in this post.

I am posting as a third-party modpack creator.

I would have been a bit grumpy at mDiyo for the exploit with auto-smelting. Then again as anyone with experience with my pack knows, I know how to use a config and fix minor exploits like that. I still would have growled a bit but meh.

I can certainly not be accused of not knowing how to operate a config file or files. I also cannot be accused of wanting an easy game.

All that said. Under no circumstances ever would I allow a mod that thought this was sufficient reason to crash a game to be in a pack I created. And yes I am aware of all previous ancient history with other mods that have made adverse changes for the end user. However I have yet to see another mod decide that changing a recipe in that mod was grounds to crash the client. mDiyo changed a recipe in GregTech. Greg crashed the client because there was a recipe change he didn't like. This would be similar to me giving someone a pie recipe and them changing an ingredient, and me then shooting the person that ate the pie. Its not DRM its not justifiable under any license or modder code of conduct. He crashed clients because he didn't like a recipe change. I find this reprehensible and unjustifiable.

This is my opinion and as such does NOT represent the views of FTB.
Erm damn keep you pie recipe, backs slowly away from Jaded.[DOUBLEPOST=1374158579][/DOUBLEPOST]
It should. It's the only opinion that makes any sense whatsoever. And if FTB has a different opinion than yours, then it's my opinion that their opinion is wrong.
sorry you lost me after It.
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Then again as anyone with experience with my pack knows, I know how to use a config and fix minor exploits like that.
Untli relatively recently only way to fix the exploit was to disable storage block smelting on GT side. Luckily mDyio did added a config option on his side as well later down the line and after lots of drama.
All that said. Under no circumstances ever would I allow a mod that thought this was sufficient reason to crash a game to be in a pack I created.
Do you know that GT has code in it that will cause the game to crash whenever some mod tries to override some item ID he is using to prevent item ID conflicts? Would that be similarly bad reason for crashing the game?
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In all seriousness, Greg tech makes the game difficult for new players, and changing vanilla recipes just to make the game harder and is a bit too far IMO. I like the functionality that TC adds, and i think its just a bit more fun than worrying about if i have enough materials for a generator, so i can start with the new difficult tech tree of IC2.
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Well, I can already tell that this thread won't end well...

I'll kick it off with my short opinion on what I understand about the GT VS TC thing, for people who don't know what it's about.

EDIT: Just to clarify, this is what I've understood from the situation. I might be completely wrong, and if I am, feel free to tell me so that I can put my facts in order.

1) Greg nerfs wood. He makes it so that logs only give you two planks. This is changeable in configs, but it's pretty odd. It affects basically every mod and vanilla because of how the tech trees are laid out, and it doesn't make the game hard, it just requires you to cut down twice as many trees. I don't agree with this change because it basically breaks the balance of every mod in FTB.

2) Mdyo decides to un-nerf wood. Bearing in mind that he's basically doing what Greg did to every other mod, but it's a de-nerf not a nerf. It was childish, but justified. I don't know enough about how much communication goes on between them to comment on this more.

3) Greg decides to make his mod CRASH YOUR GAME if it detects Tinker's Contruct installed.

This is... ridiculous.
Not only are his actions bordering on malware, distributing software specifically designed to cause crashes, I consider it an abuse of trust.
Personally, if Greg wants us to choose between TC and GT, I'm going for Tinker's.
Up until now I've been a defender of GT ("they have configs", "I like the content, not the nerfs") but I'm completely shocked that he would be this childish. It's a sort of escalation that should never have happened, and it's gotten out of hand.

So there you have my point of view. I'm personally not going to be using GT any more until these issues are adressed, because I get the feeling Greg is just trying to see how far he can go before we've had enough.
Feel free to disagree with me though.
Nothing will stop him... If he wants, he can add all the addons for IC2 to that blacklist, which will be hilarious. It's true that he went too far. About the wood... MFR harvester, planter and fertilizer are enough to get you tons of wood so I don't see a reason to get so mad but xD.... your opinion. Also it's mDiyo not Mdyo ;)
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Me wonders why Greg has not come in and said his peace on all this nor has slowpoke made any form of post with his thoughts about whether its appropriate to keep Gregtech installed on modpacks or remove it out of principle of recent behaviour by Greg meh who knows but end of the day really don't like or do not agree with what gregtech has done remove it manually from your pack and enjoy the game and leave the politics at the door.
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Do you know that GT has code in it that will cause the game to crash whenever some mod tries to override some item ID he is using to prevent item ID conflicts? Would that be similarly bad reason for crashing the game?

Yes, it is "similarly bad" and furthermore it is unecessary.
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With zero drama:
If the GT version(s) in question are not part of any FTB pack, then there is no issue with FTB.
If it is part of a (publicly available) FTB pack, slowpoke has a legal obligation to remove the offending version. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 18 U.S.C. 1030

So quitting a mod during initialization is against that law? No sorry it's not. You should read the law again. There is no threat to you or your property if a mod refuses to start.
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