21 *Raleeha does what she is asked to do. When she is outside she discovers that a group of the creatures just entered the city together with another human like species. Once she gets closer she discovers that this other species are elven children. Looking at the chains Raleeha wouldn't be surprised if they are prisoners and except for the chains the creatures don't show any signs of hostility towards them. She decides that it is better to go further with looking for Tirax and quickly finds him. He helps with the cleaning of wounds that some of the elves have among a few other things.
Tirax answer to Raleeha's request is simple, he doesn't have time right now to free her himself. He then hands Raleeha the key and tells her where some clothes for Ramenha are. He also says that when he enters the throne room he wants to see Ramenha chained, or at least in the process of being chained.
Raleeha nods, says he can trust her and runs off to get the clothes.*