Good vs. Evil

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Jul 31, 2013
21 *They don't seem to care much about you when suddenly one asks you to help with the care about one of the humans. Before you can give an answer however another one runs towards you, and says:*
Was that your last "surprise" or are you now ready to surrender and give the city to me?

*Tarlesa doesn't hear the sounds of battle anymore, it must have been over. She wonders who had won, would it matter for her? She has no way to get out, her leg hurts too much to move. She fears that no one would find her, and that her leg would not heal in time, she fears that she would die here*


Jul 31, 2013
21 *The creature:*
I've been told from the first one that paid you a visit that you had 2 children chained to your throne, where they slaves?
Because if they where then I must say I like the idea of that and I think you would be a nice one to have.
*He forces you back to the throne, and once he enters the room he discovers that only Raleeha is left, and that you found the tunnel*
So, you did manage to find our tunnel. I guess you found it too late?
Now, can you tell me where the other girl is? So I can decide who of the three won't need to be chained to the throne?


Jul 31, 2013
21 *The creature:*
You don't know?
Isn't she supposed to be chained to the throne?
*The creature calls for another one, and want him to see if Tarlesa went into the tunnel. The creator that went in does so a lot easier then Tarlesa and pretty quickly comes back with her clothes. He is soaked from the water of the sewer but he doesn't seem to care. The first creature:*
And this are not her clothes I suppose?


Jul 31, 2013
21 *The creature:*
It means she went into this tunnel, had to swim and did the only sane thing of removing her now soaked clothes.
I can tell from experience that its cold down there and the only reason we could get out so easily was because we were not alone and because we could use our wings.
If she is alone, it would be pretty much a suicide action unless I don't know something about humans that might safe her or she somehow always knows where she is. Which is possible as my knowledge of humans is very limited.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
20 She can't have made it out alive. Any humans who found her would have told me about it, she has a marking on her back which identifies her as my slave. She is gone, I know it.


Jul 31, 2013
21 *The creature shakes his head, as far as he knew the "escaped" girl would have been chained thus needed help from someone who has the key to free her. The sewers aren't dangerous enough to kill someone immediately unless the person is reckless falls into the water and drowns however is this girl was so reckless she probably wouldn't removed her clothes. And who would have time to tell her about the fact that one of her slaves escaped everyone was fighting.
Either she is still walking in the sewers or she is now walking outside them. Whatever the case might be he has no time to argue*
Take off your clothes and sit near the throne so I can chain you. I'm sorry for the loss of your slave, although it doesn't seem that you care much about her.
*The other takes of Raleeha's clothes as well and discovers the scars and that the mark is burned into her skin. He shakes his head while he thinks "no wonder the gods are angry at every other species."

Once you are chained both leave the room with the excuse that they will continue to help the wounded and give the dead a worthy grave. He also tells everyone about the escaped slave and how to recognize her, a few offer themselves to look in the sewers for her but he rejects the idea. Too many beings need help and they can't afford anyone to not help them

Tarlesa managed to put some of her fear away and tries to think of an solution. Staying would mean she would die, that one she knew for sure. She might be able to slowly get to the nearest drain and scream for help. If the humans won and they heard her she would be safe, if the other beings won it might mean her death but so would staying.
The decision is made and she tries to move, she screams from pain at every movement.
After a short while she needs to rest, she discovers how little she moved. Normally it would have taken a few steps but now the distance she moved took ages, painful ages. She looks ahead to the nearest drain, it looks so far away. Tarlesa only wants to give up, the pain is too much and the drain is too far away


Jul 31, 2013
21 *Raleeha gets closer. She is cold, not that strange considering she doesn't wear clothes. She asks if you really think that Tarlesa is dead

Tarlesa's hope to get out is almost gone. When she thinks back about the prison. She wouldn't die here, the pain she feels now is nothing from back then. She survived the prison, she survived the madness that came after it. This sewer is nothing compared to those things and it won't be her end.
Tarlesa went on, faster then before. The pain in her leg got worse and worse but she wouldn't give up, she couldn't give up. *


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
20 She has to be. I can't imagine anyone surviving the sewers.
*I cry more*
I would kill myself to see her sweet little face again...


Jul 31, 2013
21 *Raleeha isn't sure on how to feel about it. Sure she doesn't really like Tarlesa after what she had done to her, but dying in a sewer? That just seem the worst place to die.

After a lot of pain Tarlesa managed to get close enough to the drain to scream for help. After a while one of the creatures heard her and quickly gets down together with another one of its kind. When Tarlesa sees the creature fear takes over she wants to run away but she can't because of her leg. She does everything she can to prevent the creatures from grabbing her and even manages to throw one in the water as he didn't suspect what she would do. However the creatures eventually manage to grab her and when they see that her leg hurts try their best to get her to the surface without making it worse.

When they finally get her out their leader has already heard the news and when he hears she is wounded quickly commands that people need to clean her and take care of her injuries. Tarlesa doesn't fight back anymore, it looks like they want to help and it isn't like she can get away from them. After the creatures did their job the leader brings her back to the throne, he lets her lean on him as her leg still hurts*


Jul 31, 2013
21 // ok, maybe I was confusing Tarlesa got helped, and after that she got taken to the throne. You are chained to the throne, thus you see her. (you also see the leader helping her to minimize the pain she has from her leg but.....details)


Jul 31, 2013
21 *The leader helps Tarlesa to sit next to you and then makes clear he wants to know the whole story. Tarlesa doesn't like to see you chained, but she is happy to see you alive and hugs you. She doesn't care that her leg hurts*