Good vs. Evil

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Jul 29, 2019
20 They have told me that your deaths will be gruesome if you choose to attack, but if you insist...

Begin the attack when they meet me in the morning. Afterwards, find and kill everyone of them that you see.


Jul 31, 2013
21 We know what it said and we are not afraid of it.
It had no weapons with him, and as it said they used to eat stones I doubt they have much experience in any form of fighting.
That doesn't mean we will underestimate it, we will threat them like every other enemy except that they can also fly.

I will give your orders to the rest, tomorrow they won't exist anymore. Even the guild is preparing for the attack.


Jul 31, 2013
21 *Tarlesa asks to undo her previous request of sleeping alone, this might be the last time night she doesn't want to be alone.*


Jul 31, 2013
21 *After a while they go to bed and sleep. In the morning everyone is waked up by a guard, who wants to make sure no one is late for when they will come*


Jul 31, 2013
21 *It doesn't take long for the creature to appear, although it is a different one then first.
The creature:*
You have nothing that would make the surrender, complicated do you?
Because if you do, I would give it now while I'm still alone.
*The creature smiles, the guards are ready to kill it all they need is a sign from their queen*


Jul 31, 2013
21*The guards act quick and the creature drops dead before it could react or make a sound. Yet his body hitting the ground wasn't the only sound that was made, there was another one as if something/someone let himself slide from a hill and take dirt and stones with him.
The sound came from near a corner. A guard spots something odd about the floor and gets closer, once there he knows why it looked odd. One of the tiles doesn't lay as it used to be thus breaking the pattern. The guard lifts it and discovers a small tunnel, to small for any of the guards but a child would fit or one of those creatures if they all are as small as the two they saw.*


Jul 31, 2013
21 *Before Tarlesa has a chance to go in she gets hold back by a guard. The reason he doesn't want her to go down is simple, they wanted war thus they are more then with 2 of them else it was suicide and at least 1 is down there. If Tarlesa goes down alone and there are more then 1 of them it might very well be her death.
Not to mention that this tunnel might be connected to the sewers and you don't want to wander alone in them as you will get lost.
The guard quickly realizes what that could mean, the others might look for the creatures at the wrong place. He quickly runs off commanding one of the other guards to stay with you while he warns the others.


Jul 31, 2013
21 *Tarlesa nods and goes down, she isn't sure about it but she is a slave and has to obey. She slowly descends into the darkness and just from the smell she starts to smell(?) she knows for sure it is connected to the sewers.
Once at the bottom there is only one way, she has to make herself as small as possible and at the end of this tunnel she discovers that it indeed is connected to the sewers and the only way further is to let herself slide into the water and as she went head first into this tunnel.......

Meanwhile on the surface the creatures attack. The guard was not fast enough to warn everyone thus for a big part the creatures have the element of surprise. Not to mention with how many they are.*


Jul 31, 2013
21 *The humans try to regroup, but the only advantage they have is their extra reach from their swords. The creatures, don't seem to need weapons, can fly and seem to attack even through the sewers thus even when the human are able to regroup a single drain in the road gives the creatures another place they can attack from.

Tarlesa takes a deep breath and let herself slide in the water. She doesn't want it but it isn't like she has much choice. The water is thicker then normal because of how filthy it is. Tarlesa discovers she can walk to the other side and while she does she has trouble not to vomit. Once on the other side and outside the water she takes moth of her clothes off, it's cold down there and those wet clothes only make it colder not to mention that they probably can never be cleaned again. She picks a a semi random direction and start to walk as fast as she can.*


Jul 31, 2013
21 *Tarlesa starts to panic, she could hear the fight above and even saw blood flowing into the sewers. She is too afraid to go up as she is pretty much naked and would find herself in a battle. She tries to find her way back to the castle, panicing more and more the more she gets lost. In her panic she starts to run and thanks to the darkness and how slippery it is it doesn't take long before she falls.
She lands painfully on the edge of the stones and falls in the water, her mouth open as she screamed from pain.
As she gets back on the stones she vomits and crys while she sits against the nearest wall.
She is lost, cold, her leg hurts too much to continue and she doesn't even want to know what was inside the water she by accident swallowed.
She listen to the sounds of the battle, slowly but surely they become less and less.

The humans try their best but it's hopeless. The creatures are everywhere and come from everywhere. The only good thing is that they don't seem to care about others then those that try to fight them or escape from the city. Eventually the humans have lost the battle. The creatures don't kill the small group that surrendered and instead they take away their weapons and armor. They however don't seem to come to take the throne and instead care more about the dead and wounded, even those of the humans.