Future of Mods With 1.5

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Are 1.5 And The New Mods Good?

  • Yes

    Votes: 56 84.8%
  • No

    Votes: 10 15.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What, you think minecraft doesn't improve? Then go play indev, if it is the same thing according to you.

Your statement is that it's going to take time to improve. The issue, though, is that in all the time MineCraft has been around, it has not touched on the area of improvement that matters, which is making modifications easier to add. The only thing close to that is that they've been releasing snapshots to allow modders to keep up to date on a weekly basis.

Wait are the features you want to add in or are they being added in 1.5?

Those are just some extremely basic and minor changes to three existing features (witches, dogs, and cats) that would make them more interesting.

I doubt they'll be added.

Shoulder biting here, mate.

And that is a good thing.
No, it is not. Although I'd love to see your vanilla only sorting system try and compare to even RP2's sorting system, not to even discuss AE.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So if they were textured as pigs, they wouldn't be retarded?

Edit: may I remind you, they made airblocks not to take space in memory, they improved redstone imstability, it even works in unloaded chunks, they improved the dispenser, the code and the stuff it did, they improved mob AI, they improved texture packs, and a whole lot more that I don't remember at the moment.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I think sorting I think a mix of mod and vanilla. To play your card how many people that play vanilla know how to use redstone with a solid degree of reliability? I dare venture that a good core of vanilla players hardly use redstone for anything other then using it to open a door. Using a comparator may not be intuitive to the casual minecraft playerso a sorting system may be out of their league. Two blocks in vanilla doesn't make a very useful mod useless.

It seems that some of the suggestions Gus said wold be more indepth to code then what Mojang would want but to call them "retarded" is rude. Yes the game has a lot of ficitonal elements but that doesn't mean some sort of realism would be bad. Heck having the witches be a major source of brewing would be awesome. Think about it. A neutral witch hut that has some cats around. With a new skin you get a chance to trade with them And have a safe haven in swamps against creepers. You aid the witch in getting things like slimeballs or mushrooms and they help with new potions or even enchanting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I made the mistake of reading this entire thread. Now I'm older, but no wiser.

On topic: KingLemming was so annoyed by some technical change that he's publicly considering dropping TE. That would be a crying shame. I hope he was just blowing off steam.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So if they were textured as pigs, they wouldn't be retarded?

Pigmen would look a good deal less absurd, but given the current level of content, they would still be subpar. Retardation is not really related in this regard.

Edit: may I remind you, they made airblocks not to take space in memory,

Something that should have been designed from the START, may I remind (or inform) you.

they improved redstone imstability, it even works in unloaded chunks,

The entire chunk system was a horrible design and is the root cause of most issues we see. I'm glad they're patching their own mistakes.

they improved the dispenser, the code and the stuff it did,

Which are still a fairly limited block and while useful for a few specific things, almost entirely worthless as a whole because those uses are too limited.

they improved mob AI,

So now zombies will walk around a path to try and get you instead of just stare at you. Oh joy, because that really matters. Dogs are still dumb as a sack full of dumb things such as bricks, public school students, and the like. Villagers still run around like it's free lobotomy survivor parade day.

they improved texture packs,

Which is one of the few really useful things that they've done that does not have an logical downside, lacks a logical function, or was not needed.

Too bad texture packs don't really matter to gameplay, as that'd almost be a positive mark!

and a whole lot more that I don't remember at the moment.

We'll be around.

I made the mistake of reading this entire thread. Now I'm older, but no wiser.

A good rule of thumb is that a thread that lives past fifty posts is usually not worth reading fully unless you want to find specific things to reply to that could be interesting to bring back up.

On topic: KingLemming was so annoyed by some technical change that he's publicly considering dropping TE. That would be a crying shame. I hope he was just blowing off steam.
Is that so? That would be too bad. Hopefully he'd allow someone else to take it over, at least until he goes away on a holiday to blow off the massive amount of steam he seems to keep bottled up at all times waiting to burst out. Hopefully!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If Mojang was a car company making cars (this is an example so dont say "they aren't a car company") they wouldn't be inspiring confidence in their product. Here is the MC 2010 complete with anti lokc breaks, full power steering and a radio you can plug your MP3 player into. An issues arises that the radio doesn't get basic radio stations, the response is they are working on it. Some months down the line Mojang unveils the MC2011 model that has all the same features (and bugs) as the 2010 but now had an automatic dishwasher in the back. Super but that doesn't help with the raido. Few months later the 2012 is release with all the same features (and bugs) as the other two but now has a built in massage chair that also does your hair.

See where I am going?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So you are saying they don't fix bugs? Then how come you can play? if i remember correctly, back in 1.7 there was a bug that it wouldnt let you launch the game, from what I know, I can launch the game today.

So now zombies will walk around a path to try and get you instead of just stare at you. Oh joy, because that really matters. Dogs are still dumb as a sack full of dumb things such as bricks, public school students, and the like. Villagers still run around like it's free lobotomy survivor parade day.
Their AI also got improved.

Too bad texture packs don't really matter to gameplay, as that'd almost be a positive mark!

Then why you guys complain that there isn't official texture pack support and HD support if it doesn't really matters?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They AI also got improved.

Let's try and put this in a different light: When you say "improved", what, exactly, do you mean?

Are you talking about zombie clustering? If so, that just makes it easier to kill them all, and does not make them any more difficult. Are you talking about some other mechanic that makes zombies difficult, at all, or is your idea of "improved" something to do with making them act differently without fixing the key issue?

Then why you guys complain that there isn't official texture pack support and HD support if it doesn't really matters?

It does not matter to me, as I've been using HD texture packs for a long while now because the modding community added that before Mojang even knew it was an issue. Please re-read the bolded bit at least twice more to underscore what I'm trying to tell you. Or don't, but do not continue to repeat the same argument.

In regards to my comment, texture packs do not change gameplay, and as such they are a "useless" feature in that regard which I was not even thinking of addressing as such because they're an acceptably useless feature, similar to soundpacks, and the like.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Let's try and put this in a different light: When you say "improved", what, exactly, do you mean?

Are you talking about zombie clustering? If so, that just makes it easier to kill them all, and does not make them any more difficult. Are you talking about some other mechanic that makes zombies difficult, at all, or is your idea of "improved" something to do with making them act differently without fixing the key issue?

No, I'm talking that instead of hiding behind a hole, and they just walking towards you and falling in, the actually try to find a path to you, and if the don't, they won't fall in the hole like idiots
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, I'm talking that instead of hiding behind a hole, and they just walking towards you and falling in, the actually try to find a path to you, and if the don't, they won't fall in the hole like idiots

Do you even know what a zombie is? Gods below, this is like talking to a brick wall.

Zombies ARE idiots. That is the entire point of zombies. As MineCraft is using the slow/stupid/swarm style of zombies, they SHOULD be falling in holes, and generally being moronic yet amusing.

They should also be swarming you, but as the mob spawn rates don't allow for that, they're just minor difficulties when you're facing more dangerous threats, such as skeletons, creepers, and endermen.

Zombies are, as such, cannon fodder. The AI changes you have mentioned do not change that, nor do they make them any better at their job as either swarmers, or cannon fodder.

Next, please.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

"People don't want to be restarting their world after every update"

- No reason they should. Tweaking terrain/structure generation wouldn't affect chunks that were already loaded/explored, only chunks that weren't. It would also mean a massive improvement to the game in general. Minecraft at the moment is just too dull. The only part of the world where there's a little bit of life is inside player houses/communities, and villages. Even other generated structures are kind of bland. Who built all those Desert Temples? And the Jungle Temples? Why can't you ever find a single survivor, or at least a miner zombie, in Abandoned Mineshafts? Also, where's the entrance to 99% of those abandoned mineshafts? Most of them seem to generate in the bowels of the earth, few if any have any parts that lead back to the surface. Why's that that there isn't specific sounds to different biomes? The list goes on. The area where there's the most room for improvement, is definitely WORLD GEN. It could be much more colorful and exciting, and have much more incentive for exploration. I mean, what's the POINT of exploring the World in Vanilla? It simply doesn't matter where you spawn, there are few resources that are biome specific. Cocoa/Ocelots for Jungles, Mooshrooms in Mushroom Islands, Cacti in Deserts... And that's about it. At least when you play FTB you have to explore the world if you want Bees, or if you don't have a Jungle/Swamp for Rubber Trees, etc... In Vanilla there's no such incentive.

"yeah! why can't I play with my old pentium 1 of 500mhz and 256mb of ram? they should improve!
HD support is in the game
fortresses are supposed to generate inside netherack, I do agree with villages"

Did i say i want the game tuned down so it can be played in decades old computers? No, i didn't. I don't recall that. I said the game should be OPTIMIZED, so as to be not so resource taxing. At the moment, Minecraft is one of the most resource taxing games right now. I can play Skyrim with 20 different mods, including Full HD textures, and have absolutely no FPS lag, and yet, Minecraft starts to have problems when i add 256x256 textures to the game. I have 16gb of 1600mhz DDR3 Ram in my computer, and i have to dedicate 8GB just for Minecraft, if i want to be able to run 128px or higher textures. Are you saying that isn't a problem? Minecraft is absolutely horribly optimized. It has no optimization whatsoever. Optifine ATTEMPTS to solve some of these problems, and when running it, i get much better FPS rates. But WHY should i rely on a third party software to enhance my gaming experience, if the devs could optimize the game engine to provide the same functionality? IN fact, when the DEVS should have done so BEFORE releasing the game, since it's so resource taxing.

And this doesn't impact only the single player experience. Right now, Minecraft is one of the most expensive games to host on servers, precisely because of how resource taxing it is. If the game was even a little bit more optimized, people could run servers at home with no problem, without having to rely on external hosts to get a lag free experience. They completely redid the game engine for the Xbox 360, but they haven't touched that part of the game since before BETA. Here's me hoping they're going to optimize the game at least a little bit, so it won't be such a massive drain on the computer, especially RAM and CPU. Some changes have been announced, but i wouldn't expect much from Mojang given their track record.

-> About uselessness of things. People complain Witch Huts, Jungle/Desert Temples and other stuff is useless?

What does being useless mean? Because it isn't redstone and you can't build l33t h4xx0r logic gates using it? The game isn't just redstone. If minecraft had a more diverse biome/feature set, it would be much, much better. And if Minecraft is going to bet into modding in the future, the single BEST thing they can do right now, is expand the colorfulness of the world in Vanilla, optimize the engine, and make the world a little less bland, and then mods can expand on that. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE redstone updates. I think it's the most unique thing about minecraft, by far, something that has never been done in any game i know of. But i don't believe the generated structures are useless.

If more biomes and more biome specific items & features were added to the game, what would Dungeons & co bring to us? The ability to get resources outside of their specific biomes. Cococa beans in Dungeon/Mineshaft chests are a very good example. If you spawned extremely far away from a Jungle, getting cocoa from that Dungeon chest means you just got access to a previously unreachable resource. Different saplings could be added as loot as well. The reason they're being called useless right now, is because the only purpose they serve - giving you rare loot you can't find easilly, is not being fulfilled. The "rare" loot, isn't that rare. Most of the time what i find are iron tools, bread, minecarts, sometimes cocoa, milk, and buckets. That's about it. The other purpose is as a source of Mossy Cobble/Mossy Bricks, and the Strongholds hold the End Portal, so that's very nice.

So, i really hope Mojang will give the game engine a lot of updates so that the game is more optimized, and tweak terrain generation, add new biomes and features, so that the game is more interesting. I think it's about goddamn time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yet with a simple lava or sand trap a mob will walk to a player, trip it and get killed as pathing will find the easist path. Villagers will wonder away from a village, get stuck in a hole or something and get killed. If it is a usefull villager that has a good trade the player just lost because a bus full of the cast from American Idol has more IQ then them, collectively.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Back in 1.1:

Lulz, zombis are idiotz, they fall in holes, why is the game too easy? *Whine all day*

Ah, and also dogs are supposed to be stupid and fall in holes? Or skeletons, creepers, cats, ocelots, pigs, cows, sheep, chickens...
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Forum Addict
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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Also they did tweak village generation some time in 1.4.x, I regenerated a village at one point and a ridiculously tall house dropped down to ground level. So they do go back and fix some silliness, but with procedural generation like this there will always be amusing goofs generated by the algorithm. The only alternative is to simply abort village generation anywhere with "interesting" terrain, like they already do on rivers, and only generate them in flat areas which I think would be dull. I like crazy mountain-top villages. And with mods, you have a jet pack (or a mining laser!) to solve that problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About uselessness of things. People complain Witch Huts, Jungle/Desert Temples and other stuff is useless?

I define "useless" as something that was added without being finished. It may have some very basic uses, but it is almost always fairly buggy, not designed anywhere near as well as the rest of the system, and usually is either dropped entirely or readded later on via improvements. This encapsulates most things MineCraft.

Lulz, zombis are idiotz, they fall in holes, why is the game too easy? "Whine all day"

The only one I see whining all day is you, mate. That aside, the game is still going to be "too easy" in regards to zombies as they are still not a danger.

Your point is invalid, which is a common trait you seem to have in your posts.

Ah, and also dogs are supposed to be stupid and fall in holes? Or skeletons, creepers, cats, ocelots, pigs, cows, sheep, chickens...

Dogs still appear to act moronic to me last I checked. Walking right into lava and the like.

Skeletons, creepers, cats, ocelots, pigs, and sheep should not walk into holes, although most of them should have a programmed level of stupidity to allow balance with a programmed level of dangerousness.

Cows and chicken should walk off into holes, if not for the same reason but for obvious reasons to anyone that pays attention.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only one I see whining all day is you, mate. That aside, the game is still going to be "too easy" in regards to zombies as they are still not a danger.
Cows and chicken should walk off into holes, if not for the same reason but for obvious reasons to anyone that pays attention.

Me, whining? I'm not the one saying that everything that mojang does is wrong.

Oh, and since when do cows walk straight into fire like idiots IRL?

Ps: maybe the dog didn't want to hear you talk anymore, and so "bye bye, cruel world" and he fell in lava :D
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Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
The area where there's the most room for improvement, is definitely WORLD GEN. It could be much more colorful and exciting, and have much more incentive for exploration. I mean, what's the POINT of exploring the World in Vanilla? It simply doesn't matter where you spawn, there are few resources that are biome specific. Cocoa/Ocelots for Jungles, Mooshrooms in Mushroom Islands, Cacti in Deserts... And that's about it. At least when you play FTB you have to explore the world if you want Bees, or if you don't have a Jungle/Swamp for Rubber Trees, etc... In Vanilla there's no such incentive...

So, i really hope Mojang will give the game engine a lot of updates so that the game is more optimized, and tweak terrain generation, add new biomes and features, so that the game is more interesting. I think it's about goddamn time.
And yet some people complain about all the "useless" biomes like plains, tundra, oceans, etc. - Mojang's job is impossible. You want variety and diversity and exploring, other people want everything easily accessible within 64 chunks of the spawn.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Me, whining? I'm not the one saying that everything that mojang does is wrong.

You are confusing "whining" with "disagree with Dravarden's point of view" as you are being far too subjective on the matter. It's terminal, it seems though.

Oh, and since when do cows walk straight into fire like idiots IRL?

They don't. It's a reference to how stupid the cow's default texture looks. Don't worry if you don't understand, that is not unforgivable.

And yet some people complain about all the "useless" biomes like plains, tundra, oceans, etc. - Mojang's job is impossible. You want variety and diversity and exploring, other people want everything easily accessible within 64 chunks of the spawn.
Tundra, oceans, and plains all have use. What would be nice would be a world type that allowed for variable biome sizes between 0.5 and 10 times the standard size, so you'd get decent variation. Add to that logical stacking of biomes based upon heat/humidity instead of the almost randomized system we have now, so you could find the biomes you want based upon logic (and perhaps a compass addition that allows it to aim you towards the nearest biome of the type you want).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think there are two camps (maybe a few more) here. As it has been brought up since this is a sandbox game that I, as a player in general, can do anything I can simplify a few things. Okay I am playing survival. I kill three sheep for wool, cutdown two trees for bed and tools. I dig a 3x3x4 hole in the ground. Above I make a 3x3 plot of farmland. I make sure I am near water. I plant two seeds I find. There I won MC because I survived. No need to do anything else as really there isn't much to explore. Fighting the dragon and the wither really hold nothing for me in vanilla other then imaginary reward system. Even going to the nether holds nothing.

Creative I build epic designs. Adventure...ummm. Adventure I download user made maps and play them. Ummm. PVP..need a server.