Future of Mods With 1.5

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Are 1.5 And The New Mods Good?

  • Yes

    Votes: 56 84.8%
  • No

    Votes: 10 15.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I started this thread to ask you guys what you think of the new 1.5 as it was released today and what do you think the future of MC mods, or MC in general will be...
Do you like the changes? Do you think the changes in the mods are good or bad? If so explain...
Just a thread for talking about anything new...
I don't REALLY mind if this is SORT OF a debate thread, (NOT FIGHTING, just debating) unless the moderators are against it, but please keep it civil, do follow the forums rules... STAY ON TOPIC...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Redpower might take a while too update and so will other mods, I just hope it happen in a week or so. I want those quartz block lol
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Redpower might take a while too update and so will other mods, I just hope it happen in a week or so. I want those quartz block lol
Yea, I wonder what Applied Energistics' future will be... I haven't seen how rare Quartz is, but he may have to make his mod harder lol.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just hope it happen in a week or so.

I believe the standard time frame for a new release of a major modpack like FTB is around two to three months.

You may want to go try some 1.5 in vanilla for your quartz block requirements.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe the standard time frame for a new release of a major modpack like FTB is around two to three months.

You may want to go try some 1.5 in vanilla for your quartz block requirements.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do you mean by "The New Mods?" Are there new mods specifically for 1.5?
Well Probably, but what I meant is like GregTech is supposedly gonna get new machines, and the physics of mods like RedPower, etc. may be changed with the new Redstone (I doubt they will, but it's still a possibilty)...[DOUBLEPOST=1363212529][/DOUBLEPOST]
I believe the standard time frame for a new release of a major modpack like FTB is around two to three months.

You may want to go try some 1.5 in vanilla for your quartz block requirements.
:'( 2-3 Months!!!?!?! Sadface...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
:'( 2-3 Months!!!?!?! Sadface...

We may get a few of the mods updated to 1.5 soonish (the next week or four), but getting ALL of the mods to 1.5, AND getting them all together working well is another task in and of itself.

By the time we see the 1.5 FTB Ultimate release, 1.6 should be around the corner with bug fixes to 1.5, mermaids, pigeons, a new hunger mechanic, no mod API, another partial release of a rework of the graphics engine, and more bugs to be fixed in 1.7.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aside from adding blocks that take into account the redstone signal strength did they really change much to redstone for it to be an issue for Redpower? I know they say it is the "Redstone Update" but it doesn't look like they really changed the core mechanics of it. I might just be optimistic though. I feel like the mod developers are getting better with updates though, so maybe we won't have such a long wait for all the mods, especially if Mojang plans to put out updates every 2-3 months. Still would assume a month+ though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't forget changes on the visible side and buried within the code are completely different animals. After 1.3, most mods were able to update without terribly much trouble but RP2 suffered something on a deep layer that Eloraam took something like 7 months to fix if I recall right.

Which mods will update fast or slow is something to discover only as we go. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thaumcraft is supposedly getting a significant change/upgrade...!
Thanks for the valuable input... What changes? can you refer me to a thread of some sort or tell me about them? New items, new mechanics on researching?[DOUBLEPOST=1363213377][/DOUBLEPOST]
Don't forget changes on the visible side and buried within the code are completely different animals. After 1.3, most mods were able to update without terribly much trouble but RP2 suffered something on a deep layer that Eloraam took something like 7 months to fix if I recall right.

Which mods will update fast or slow is something to discover only as we go. :)
7 months? She's still not done! :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm still having fun in my 1.4.7 world, so I won't be updating to 1.5 anytime soon.

I'll keep an eye on here and the specific mod threads to wait until they are 1.5 compatible and then update. There isn't anything in 1.5 that I "must have right now!", so I happy to wait. I don't think that there's been huge changes like some of the previous updates that will make the update painful, but it will require testing by the mod authors to confirm that to be the case.

I'll be interested to see how some of the changes will affect the game play in general, it looks like they've changed some of the mods to make them harder to deal with, as well as some changes to lighting, which I hope will also be a move towards coloured lighting.

They've also changed texture pack implementation, which will probably break all of them in the short term, but long term, I think it will make them easier to create/update etc. The inventory management has been a long time coming, and I think that it will be great, it may limit the usefulness of mods like InvTweaks, but I think that it will still have a place.

Generally, I think that this is a good update, but I'm yet to play with it, so I can't give a good response just yet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think aura nodes look pretty, and like the way vis/flux work so would prefer those don't change.
But adding spells and reducing the amount of essences sounds like a spiffing idea!

and as for quartz...
Applied Energistics

they all have quartz... Eloraam changed the name of her emerald when vanilla added theirs, so what will these mods do to their quartz?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think aura nodes look pretty, and like the way vis/flux work so would prefer those don't change.
But adding spells and reducing the amount of essences sounds like a spiffing idea!

and as for quartz...
Applied Energistics

they all have quartz... Eloraam changed the name of her emerald when vanilla added theirs, so what will these mods do to their quartz?
I heard some talk that AE will probably just remove theirs and XyCraft's isn't Quartz is it? Or am I thinking of the wrong ore? There are Quartz crystals but those are useless except for mob traps...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I heard some talk that AE will probably just remove theirs and XyCraft's isn't Quartz is it? Or am I thinking of the wrong ore? There are Quartz crystals but those are useless except for mob traps...
Xycraft quartz are more like crystal or stalagmites then quartz
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Xycraft quartz are more like crystal or stalagmites then quartz

They are called "quartz crystals", though, I believe. It'd be nice if they called them "Crystalized Xychromium", and gave them different colors to match the other xycraft blocks.

And if AE ends up just using the nether-quartz, that'll move the quartz grindstone out of the early game, which would be bothersome.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I heard some talk that AE will probably just remove theirs and XyCraft's isn't Quartz is it? Or am I thinking of the wrong ore? There are Quartz crystals but those are useless except for mob traps...
for now it's (almost) useless. But the chances of that staying that way is slim to none. I imagine that Xycraft will have a fuckton of new features come 1.5