FTB Ultimate and other older modpacks.

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Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed on how the newer modpacks have turned out. I've been anticipating the addition of Tinker's Construct since it starting picking up steam on Forgecraft, and I'm a long-time fan of the GregTech mod (If not it's author), and am not very happy that there won't be a pack with both of them. There's also the absence of Bibliocraft, Thaumcraft (Not sure why it's not in, since half of GT's compat features are with it), Gravisuite, advanced solars and many more on the GT pack. In all honesty, it seems like Unhinged is the absolute minimum variety of mods that can still be called FTB, with GregTech thrown in to suffer.

On the other hand, Unleashed appears to be the best modpack that's ever existed, but it doesn't have GregTech. Would there be compatibility issues if a server were to just "add" Gregtech to Unleashed? If not, I don't see why you don't just add it in with all the configs set to easy mode and the altered recipes reversed.
On the other hand, Unleashed appears to be the best modpack that's ever existed, but it doesn't have GregTech. Would there be compatibility issues if a server were to just "add" Gregtech to Unleashed? If not, I don't see why you don't just add it in with all the configs set to easy mode and the altered recipes reversed.

The reason that GT and TiC aren't both in the FTB Unleashed pack is at the request of the mod authors themselves. Since the FTB Team has a history of actually listening to mod authors about permissions, they can't release a pack with both mods in and configured.

That being said, there is no reason(unless code bas been changed) that a motivated individual couldn't add GT into Unleashed on their own. This could take resolving some ID conflicts manually. I plan on attempting this myself in the very near future.
Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed on how the newer modpacks have turned out. I've been anticipating the addition of Tinker's Construct since it starting picking up steam on Forgecraft, and I'm a long-time fan of the GregTech mod (If not it's author), and am not very happy that there won't be a pack with both of them. There's also the absence of Bibliocraft, Thaumcraft (Not sure why it's not in, since half of GT's compat features are with it), Gravisuite, advanced solars and many more on the GT pack. In all honesty, it seems like Unhinged is the absolute minimum variety of mods that can still be called FTB, with GregTech thrown in to suffer.

On the other hand, Unleashed appears to be the best modpack that's ever existed, but it doesn't have GregTech. Would there be compatibility issues if a server were to just "add" Gregtech to Unleashed? If not, I don't see why you don't just add it in with all the configs set to easy mode and the altered recipes reversed.

If you haven't heard about what's going on with Tinker's Construct and Gregtech, you should dig around and read about it. But long story short, Tinker's Construct doesn't get along well with Gregtech. That's why Gregtech is not in Unleashed and it gets its own pack (Unhinged), just to avoid similar issue happening with other mods.

Why would you want ExtraBiomesXL? granted the pack i'm playing has it (shame really), but Biomes 'o Plenty is a much nicer one, and instead of having the same old same old, it actually has much more interesting biomes in it, especially the 'Origin' biome which is an alpha biome :)
Yes, there are a few nice biomes in Biomes o' Plenty but I really like the Mountain Deserts and both Jungle-versions (Mini with quicksand and Extreme) from the XL-pack.
Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed on how the newer modpacks have turned out. I've been anticipating the addition of Tinker's Construct since it starting picking up steam on Forgecraft, and I'm a long-time fan of the GregTech mod (If not it's author), and am not very happy that there won't be a pack with both of them. There's also the absence of Bibliocraft, Thaumcraft (Not sure why it's not in, since half of GT's compat features are with it), Gravisuite, advanced solars and many more on the GT pack. In all honesty, it seems like Unhinged is the absolute minimum variety of mods that can still be called FTB, with GregTech thrown in to suffer.

Unhinged is a pack we designed with the help of Greg so that his vision of how GregTech is played with other mods can be experienced. There is not much about minimum variety, it's about how balanced it can be centered around the "hard" mode GT. Thus mods like ComputerCraft are deemed too cheap for example.
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Hi there,

My Server is running the Ultimate Pack. The post above stated that it will no longer be receiving updates. When it updated last time we lost our entire world as the main change was the World Generator which started causing random chunks to regenerate in already explored area's which by itself should have been impossible yet it was randomly happening. A glacier Chunk in a desert and such.

I noticed that Unleashed is using a new World Generator, Will this be the preferred Generator for the next while as it can really mess up older worlds when it updates. Ive also heard that wolds cant be copied to the new Unleashed pack due to ID conflicts, Is this correct?

If your asking about biomes o plenty as the world generator. The the answer is no it will not be the preferred world generator tool. In future versions, we will include other biome mods. However by default all biome mods will be turned off. (This only applies to the packs we control). The ID conflicts for 1.5.2 packs are totally different to the ones in 1.4.7. In 1.4.7 a lot of mods had conflicting ID's so we just made our own. Nowadays a lot more mods work with each other out of the box and 'if it aint broke, then dont fix it'.

FTB is updating very fast which is great, but the updates keep hitting the core for the game, world sustainability and ability to generate a clean world.

What is causing the issues with removing RedPower so badly? When another mod is removed it just vanishes, surely if redpower was gone it would just gauge out all the redpower blocks and items?
because amongst those blocks is the red power world gen. Thats the gems, the marble, the basalt (which technically could be replaced by other blocks) however there is also the volcanos. Now a good server admin could maybe repair a lot of this. But you have to remember that FTB isn't targetted at just the good server admins, it is targetted at everyone. Have I made the right call here, there is no way to know however I had to make a judgement call based on the information I had and the tests that we did and in the long run I just felt it would be a better decision to move on.

We are very reluctant to update as it could well mean yet another "fresh start" which we already did 3 months ago. And while the early game is fun, we are loosing all of our community work and structure over and over again which is just getting boring now.

Ultimate was brought out with the premise of being the modpack with the most in it, which implied it would be maintained, now it looks like its being shelved for something else, which in a few months could follow suit. There was talk of Ultimate skipping 1.5 and jumping to 1.6 so that it can consolidate its mod packs and retake its "Ultimate" position, from above this seems like its been either abandoned or is no longer a priority.
I can only apologise for the loss of your world, however this talk of ultimate updating to 1.6 I have a bad memory but I have a feeling this came from an assumtion from the community and not from me. I just checked the thread in the news to double check and this appears to be the case.

Is there a modpack that will receive continual updates without a complete rebrand? While we can probably convince our community to accept one more voyage into a new world, they are getting tired of continually restarting.
OK I think I am going to just straight up answer No here. there will not be a modpack that will receive continual updates. Your essentially asking us to look into a future that for a large part we have no control over. About the only thing I can say is that we will continue to try and make mod packs that are as compatible as possible with existing worlds. In fact future world compatibility was the main concern when making this decision. Eloraam is someone I would like to call a friend. I would love Red Power to be in every pack, however I do not want a community to have to continuously have to wait for mod pack updates because one mod is so far behind the others.

So I guess it comes down to two questions. . .

Has all plans for Ultimate 1.6 been abandoned or simply left out of the spotlight?

and second.

If Ultimate is going the way of the dodo in terms of updates to content, can we at least have the next "largest pack" just receive content updates rather then simply being replaced so communities can develop and not suffer world apocalypses resulting in emigration :D

Think I have answered all this already.

P.S. Gregtech is a godsend and should be kept and made fully customisable to let people choose if they want it on tier server - I certainly do:D (Things are way to fast and easy without it)[DOUBLEPOST=1374474526][/DOUBLEPOST]

Map Compatibility is my main concern as well, Rebuilding a world over and over is time consuming :)
I can live with the loss of both gregtech as RP2 since it can be be replaced,however I have not found a light source as strong as the rp2 lamps yet.
Also is natura configurable I don't like all those cloud mass's in the END where I spend most of my time
I don't know if I can wait for red power to get updated for 1.6 ;_; Might stick to ultimate for a while, no red alloy wire or basalt volcanoes make kitty twitchy.

Also, xycraft lamps are as strong as redpower's, a little fancier looking but a little darker in texture because of everything going on in the textures.
For everyone who is pissing and moaning about this mod not being in that pack, or the other mod should be in the pack rather than that one:

Please go and download MultiMC and put a pack together yourself, with all the mods you want and then make it work and make it stable. Seriously, you will learn a lot!

Once you have spent a few solid days hunting down block and item ID conflicts between mods, working out what config changes to make so you dont get 8 different versions of tin and 23 versions of copper, putting together spreadsheets so you can get a handle on what version of TC/Natura works with which version of MFR and which dev build of IC2 plays nicely with the version of GregTech you want. Then start sorting out biome ID conflicts between thing like BoP, Buildcraft and Dim Doors, not forgetting Dimension ID conflicts between things like TF, BoP, Dim Doors and Mystcraft.

Once you have done all that, start again because every mod now has updates with new items that conflict and new incompatibilities with other mods that also changed things.

Now put it on a server for a bunch of your friends to play and help them getting everything working and then listen to all the other mods they want or don't want or ask why you made it so they have to do X and not Y and cant you change it to Z for them.

Once you have done this for a couple of weeks, I'm sure you will be only to grateful for the hard work that Slow and his team put in to making modded Minecraft simple and easy...

Slow and team: you guys fucking rock, ive spent some time on modpacks for friends recently and its bloody hard work, cant imagine doing it on the level you guys do it! It is fun tho in a tech sadist sort of way ;)
Although I know it's not the fault of the FTB team, consider me disappointed.

The FTB dream is over, and now we're left with the reality. This is my fault, for being naive. I had this sense that everything was going to be this wonderful community of mod authors who work together, resolving all the issues that once existed with Tekkit. The reality now though, is that we still have drama (of a slightly different nature), and my server is still going to be stuck on an old minecraft build (unless all my friends are willing to start a new map (they are very tired of this) ).

I still have praise for the FTB team for doing the best with what they have to work with, and putting up with bratty mod developers. I also have praise for the developers who actually know how to play nice, and update their projects.

Looks like I'm playing 1.4.7 for a long while though.
I'm also experiencing a small problem with the launcher:
I'm not able to increase its window size and the text doesn't automatically change the line, so longer sentences are always cut off. I'm using Win 7 (64 bit).
I wasn't going to post anything about it in this thread, but now that you mention it, I'm having this same issue.
Why don't Redpower get updated....I WANT TO PLAY ULTIMATE BUT IT'S 1.4.7,I really do love the infinite EU with water mills but it requires Deployer,filter,Blulectric stuffs,and mainly the pneumatic tubes and the redstone tubes
For everyone who is looking for a 1.6.2 update I have a question. Would you rather have a stable mod based on a final version of minecraft or make the mods (who work for free because not many of you donate) update their mod every time minecraft updates (more likely to have bugs in it and get updated) possible doing more work than necessary? Personally I think the mods have enough changes in them to disregard updates from minecraft for a little while. (Do you really only want to chase ponies?)

Sort of a double-edged thing here, as yeah you're right, mod makers are already stressed enough as-is.

They'll release new features in their mods every so often (this so happens to coincide with new versions of MC) and don't make those new features available in older versions. So we want the new versions of MC that can use the newer mods and their updates, which means we want the mod makers to upgrade faster to the newer MC version... Yeah it gets a bit vicious, there.
Is there a mod with a lamp/light blocks that give the same amount of light

Depends on what you want your light to do. If you want it to stop mobs then look into the Extra Utilities. There is a chandelier (which looks cool) stops mobs spawning 16blocks (and goes through walls) and the magmun torch has the same light as a torch but prevents mobs spawing for 64 blocks. Sometimes using the same mod prevents you seeing the new ways available. Check out Direwolf20s spotlight on Extra Utilities (
) it has some cool features.
Depends on what you want your light to do....
Well 2 resons actually:
1) I need to prevent endermen spawning in teh tree farm of my powerstation
2)I need a light source to light up an area and look fitting in my buildstyle

My home when the first phase was done,currently working on expanding the dome in the centre from 47 to 73 block radius
I wasn't going to post anything about it in this thread, but now that you mention it, I'm having this same issue.
Shortly after posting I found out that it's a known problem and that they're fixing it as soon as possible, maybe even along with the release of a new launcher. So, there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it right now.

Why don't Redpower get updated....I WANT TO PLAY ULTIMATE BUT IT'S 1.4.7,I really do love the infinite EU with water mills but it requires Deployer,filter,Blulectric stuffs,and mainly the pneumatic tubes and the redstone tubes
A single water mill only produces about a fourth of what it would produce by automatically refilling a bucket, right? But at least there's an alternative: Build towers out of water mills and surround them with water.
Hey slowpoke I was messing around with DW20_1_5 and unleashed and I noticed that unleashed is missing MFFS calcalavia, translocators and Hats mod was not in the pack. I was kind of disappointed. So I decided to copy these three mods from DW20 pack over to the unleashed and hoped that it would work. Thankfully, I didn't have to change any item id's or anything. Because it all worked fine I was wondering if there are any plans to add these any or all of these mods into the pack. For further testing I enabled all the mods (Biome's O'Plenty, and so forth) it all worked worked great. So basically, my question is why aren't these mods in the pack in the first place and will they be in the future?

For the record I also got ProjectRed working with all these mods all I had to do was change one config (this: I:block_microID=4094 to I:block_microID=4085) It was easy now I have every single mod working with unleashed its basically a new ultimate pack but for 1.5.2 :D
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