FTB Ultimate and other older modpacks.

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Why can't you just make a 1.5 version of ultimate without redpower?

Redpower is never going to be updated so it's senseless for it to hold up everything. Add in some great things like Natura and Tinkers Construct etc and just leave redpower out.

Maybe it's not so easy but I think that would be ideal.
Millenaire isnt overlooked, it was just never really the type of mod we would use ourselves. There are plenty of packs around that use these mods.
As far as I know the forgecraft map has no release plans due to its dependancy on beta versions of mods. However I dont know for sure.
We are looking at that and other RP replacements.
hi slow i love rp2 and the older rp but i do know that having a pack depend on it to beadle to update is no fun i think the red-net cable mode may be a good replacement for it because it can run all over the place like red alloy wire but it id its own block so oyu do not half to run blocks to put it on the only thing is it is missing the engine and other things rp did so well[DOUBLEPOST=1374435688][/DOUBLEPOST]
Keep calm and Minecraft on!
no its Keep calm and flutter on
I'm having trouble with the Direwolf20_1_5 pack i inserted the code and it showed up but when i closed the launcher and restarted the launcher the direpack was not there and it won't let me re-insert the code. I already have the other two packs and they are still there. Just thought i would let you know about this I know y'all are super busy and i appreciate how easy you have made loading mods for all of us fans :-)
Why isn't Power Converters included in the Unleashed pack?

Yes, as I asked before, are we going to get Power Converters with the Unleashed pack? I don't ask for much... just some way to make by factorization solar panels power my induction furnace... and stuff...
Not one that FTB would ever condone the use of given that Red Power 2 is a closed Source mod. In other words no on else is allowed to update Eloraams work.

Just wondering if the FTB Team is in contact with Eloraam. If so, you could just suggest to give her a little help in updating it, her being the ABSOLUTE authority in how things are updated and in what way. I know it's her mod and she (and the FTB Team) do great work, but it's a little pig-headed and stubborn to say on one hand that it's your mod and yours alone and on the other hand also say that you have no time to update because you're too busy (IRL or otherwise).

I thank you very much for responding Slowpoke and I greatly thank the FTB Team for their hard work, but FTB wouldn't be the same without RedPower.
So correct me if I'm wrong - but reading between the lines it would appear that FTB Ultimate isn't just being abandoned, but moreso we are waiting for some sort of replacement for RP2?
If this is the case then I can understand the collection of mods in Unleashed/Unhinged have; one is for the more challenging route, the other is for the more 'fun' route and FTB Ultimate (if/when it gets updated) will be for the all-around experience.
If not, then theres a serious void to be filled where FTB Ultimate left off; as a server admin this is relatively frustrating because this is the second time I've been left with a server that "won't be updated." I'd really hate to tell my players we are doing yet another map reset, so shortly after the last one. We hardly have any players at true end-game right now. Staying 1.4.7 is okay for now, but as things progress I can't see it being viable.
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I would like confirmation because I do not think I have seen and I think this is the case. The FTB FTB Unhinged and Unleashed are the result of beta 2 pack 152 wgt & ngt ?

Another question, this time for the organization this launcher. From what I understand there will soon be in the launcher Direwolf20 1.4.7 and Direwolf20 1.5.2 (same for others), it would be better to bring everything together in one and be able to choose the version of Minecraft more version of modpack because in the end we will end up with hugely packs in the launcher, do not you think ?

Slowpoke, you said that 1.6 would come out on FTB few weeks after the official release of Minecraft, we arrive at three weeks, do you have a new approximation to us for the arrival of 1.6 on FTB ?

For the new FTB Unleasged and Unhinged is out this weekend, but when will they really available in the launcher ?

Thank you in advance for the answers which be provided


Unleashed and Unhinged are kind of drawn from the wgt and ngt packs but are not the same. wgt and ngt were beta packs released for testing purposes more than anything. These 2 packs are closer to a finished product.

With regards to the second point about say the DW pack. It is something I thought about and dismissed. Mainly because I feared that people would assume that worlds from 1.4.7 could be updated to this new pack and that had potential to cause damage. Whilst these are packs that both carry the DW20 name, they are not even remotely the same pack and are in no way compatible with each other.

As to 1.6, I dont expect to see anything before the middle of August at the very earliest. I do plan to try and make these 1.5.2 packs compatible with the 1.6 packs though. If you want a guideline to watch for when we will update, keep track of every mod that is in these 1.5.2 packs. When they have all updated you will know we are close.

The 3 packs we have for 1.5.2 (Unleashed, Unhinged and DW20 will follow the same dev cycle we always have. A minimum of a week listed as a private beta pack before being pushed live once we are confident they are stable. Note typical mod pack releases only happen on a Monday.
Just wondering if the FTB Team is in contact with Eloraam. If so, you could just suggest to give her a little help in updating it, her being the ABSOLUTE authority in how things are updated and in what way. I know it's her mod and she (and the FTB Team) do great work, but it's a little pig-headed and stubborn to say on one hand that it's your mod and yours alone and on the other hand also say that you have no time to update because you're too busy (IRL or otherwise).

I thank you very much for responding Slowpoke and I greatly thank the FTB Team for their hard work, but FTB wouldn't be the same without RedPower.

Sorry but I dont want you to get your hopes up here. But Red Power 2 is Eloraams mod, it is closed source and to the best of my knowledge she has no intentions of allowing anyone else to update her mod. It is fairly public knowledge that Eloraam has pands for both Red Power and the code beyond Minecraft.
So correct me if I'm wrong - but reading between the lines it would appear that FTB Ultimate isn't just being abandoned, but moreso we are waiting for some sort of replacement for RP2?
If this is the case then I can understand the collection of mods in Unleashed/Unhinged have; one is for the more challenging route, the other is for the more 'fun' route and FTB Ultimate (if/when it gets updated) will be for the all-around experience.
If not, then theres a serious void to be filled where FTB Ultimate left off; as a server admin this is relatively frustrating because this is the second time I've been left with a server that "won't be updated." I'd really hate to tell my players we are doing yet another map reset, so shortly after the last one. We hardly have any players at true end-game right now. Staying 1.4.7 is okay for now, but as things progress I can't see it being viable.

I am sorry you find this frustrating, but this is the nature of playing a modded game. Mods stop being updated thats just something we all have to deal with. I think I have said this quite a few times now. There are currently no plans to update Ultimate beyond 1.4.7 at all. The modpack will remain on the launcher whilst there is a demand, but I honestly do not expect to see it updated again. Mod packs evolve and move on, new mods come out and we have to continue to move forwards with these new mods. I know this isnt the answer some people want but if you want to play on Ultimate, you are fine to stay on 1.4.7 for a long time to come.
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Me again - Unleashed and the map... how do I get into the map options? The standard "M" key doesn't seem to work like with the Ultimate pack. Did I miss a newsletter or release note somewhere? Or is there config file I need to setup? Or am I just being a derpinator again?
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I am sorry you find this frustrating, but this is the nature of playing a modded game. Mods stop being updated thats just something we all have to deal with. I think I have said this quite a few times now. There are currently no plans to update Ultimate beyond 1.4.7 at all. The modpack will remain on the launcher whilst there is a demand, but I honestly do not expect to see it updated again. Mod packs evolve and move on, new mods come out and we have to continue to move forwards with these new mods. I know this isnt the answer some people want but if you want to play on Ultimate, you are fine to stay on 1.4.7 for a long time to come.
I can live with the loss of RP2 since I can adept my power station to work in diffrent ways, my 2 probs atm is the massive amount of clouds in the END and the lack of for a proper replacement for the RP2 lamps, for me the wraith lamp does not fit into my buildings
my only question is:

Will the Ultimate pack update to a 1.6 version if there is a 1.6 version of redpower?
Because honestly i don't mind to wait a long time for it to update since my server uses the Ultimate pack and honestly we like gregtech and would not want the Ultimate pack to be forgotten and i'm sure that there are other people who feel the same about it. However if the modpack would stop to exist then we will (have to) adapt.

a concerned FTB addict.
my only question is:

Will the Ultimate pack update to a 1.6 version if there is a 1.6 version of redpower?
Because honestly i don't mind to wait a long time for it to update since my server uses the Ultimate pack and honestly we like gregtech and would not want the Ultimate pack to be forgotten and i'm sure that there are other people who feel the same about it. However if the modpack would stop to exist then we will (have to) adapt.

a concerned FTB addict.
In theory there is nothing stopping you from adding redpower,however know that the current version does NOT work with minecraft 1.5 or above (I tried) and the dev hasn't been heard off in a month or 2
Me again - Unleashed and the map... how do I get into the map options? The standard "M" key doesn't seem to work like with the Ultimate pack. Did I miss a newsletter or release note somewhere? Or is there config file I need to setup? Or am I just being a derpinator again?

I was messing around trying to figure that out too ... all the map keys are up by the backspace key (on a standard US keyboard), I know "]", "\", and "=" are all hot keys for the Voxel map, just don't ask me which ones are which (I keep forgetting and have to experiment again to relearn it)

@Slowpoke Could you please reconfigure it so that the Voxel map hot keys make more sense and are somewhat close to our "WASD" hand, please & thank you : )
I was messing around trying to figure that out too ... all the map keys are up by the backspace key (on a standard US keyboard), I know "]", "\", and "=" are all hot keys for the Voxel map, just don't ask me which ones are which (I keep forgetting and have to experiment again to relearn it)

Yeah, I found them by just pressing every key on my keyboard.

= is map options
[ is mobs on/off
] is the "big" map
\ is zoom

Once I found the options, it's all listed there anyway!

Now, if we can just get Power Converters, I would shut completely up and we'd have a new server!!
Lol...so...no FTB update then for anything really...(like of what is currently offered)

I do appreciate the post though, thank you! Cause my server and I have been waiting for something and this is the post we needed to adjust our plan.
my only question is:

Will the Ultimate pack update to a 1.6 version if there is a 1.6 version of redpower?
Because honestly i don't mind to wait a long time for it to update since my server uses the Ultimate pack and honestly we like gregtech and would not want the Ultimate pack to be forgotten and i'm sure that there are other people who feel the same about it. However if the modpack would stop to exist then we will (have to) adapt.

a concerned FTB addict.

As Slowpoke has repeatedly stated (I feel kind of bad for him) there are no plans to update the ultimate pack, not even contingencies (like if redpower gets updated) ... so if you see Eloraam return from the void and and suddenly release a 1.5.x or 1.6.x update then do not expect an ultimate update, more than likely you should expect Redpower (if it is updated) to either work its way into one or more of the 3 current modpacks (Unleashed, Unhinged, & Direwolf20), or be ignored entirely in favor of Redpower alternatives that are updated more regularly, or perhaps nothing at all ... maybe Slowpoke and gang enjoy crazy complex setups of redstone dust that can get wiped out with a single bucket of water.

And if you REALLY want Redpower or Gregtech in your modpack it isn't all that hard to edit in (I have already done so, granted, not with those mods) just select the modpack and the select edit modpack, and add the modpack after you have downloaded, making sure you have the proper version of the mod for the version of minecraft and any of the mods those mods interact with. The benefit of a modpack is that all the bugs and kinks and odd behaviors of mods clashing with mods get fixed by Slowpoke and the wonderful FTB team. Any additional mod you want to use, you add acknowledging the fact that YOU need to work out those bugs (if any) instead.

Sorry FTB team, if I have overstepped my bounds, but I figured you needed a break from this question :p

Also the unleashed pack is about as close as you can get to the ultimate pack, just add gregtech and a redpower alternative and you are good to go.
As Slowpoke has repeatedly stated (I feel kind of bad for him) there are no plans to update the ultimate pack, not even contingencies (like if redpower gets updated) ...
Also the unleashed pack is about as close as you can get to the ultimate pack, just add gregtech and a redpower alternative and you are good to go.
Indeed only keep in mind the current version of RP does not work with minecraft 1.5.
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