FTB Ultimate and other older modpacks.

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Slow didn't say anything about NGT, but he said WGT will be removed, due to FTB not being allowed to have gt and tic in the same pack.

Ummm, your incorrect with that statement. It's got nothing to do with FTB not allowed to put those two mods together, it's got to do with all that's happened recently. Obviously FTB didn't want to drop Gregtech completely so the best solution they came up with is to separate to two, much as you would two misbehaving children.
Are the paragraphs about FTB Unleashed and Unhinged here also talking about the beta version of them that available now?
Looks like only thing holding back Ultimate and Mindcrack is Red power, maybe you should consider replacing it with Project RED - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-152-project-red-an-rp2-replacement-v32033-7252013/

this is exactly my point, according to slowpoke the 1.4.7 packs are locked because of no redpower. so, use (or at least try using) P:R as a replacement, for an ultimate 1.5 beta.

And I'd rather not have replies of "slowpoke said it was locked bla bla bla..." because plans can be changed. Especially when P:R is involved.

- The Minecraft Ninja
Why don't people get it? There will be no updated version of Ultimate. Even IF Redpower 2 was updated or they decided to go with an alternative (and Project RED is not the only one), they will not update Ultimate. Likely what will happen is you'll see some new mods added into the 1.6.2 FTB version, whatever they choose to call it.
of course loads of people were still asking you, two months ago the news post was we will not update to 1.5.X but we will update a few weeks after the launch of 1.6.X so technically this was the biggest turn around ever and by not saying anything till now its like WTF?
It seems that we are still getting a lot of people asking questions about the futures of the modpacks on the launcher that we maintain. This post is going to try and clear up as much of this as possible.

FTB Ultimate (1.4.7) This Modpack is currently locked and there are no plans to update this pack in the future. The main reason for this is due to the lack of an update to Red Power 2. Tests to make an update without Red Power did not end well.

Direwolf 20 (1.4.7) Pack. Although this is not up to me my understanding is this pack is locked and there are no plans to provide an update in the future. There is currently a 2nd Direwolf 20 pack on the launcher based around his SMP series and the mods on Forgecraft.

Mindcrack Pack (1.4.7) Again my understanding is this pack is currently locked. We hope there will be a updated mindcrack pack in the future. (This new pack will probably not be compatible with the 1.4.7 version due to the lack of a Red Power 2 update.

Yogcraft Modpack (1.4.7) This pack is currently locked and there are currently no plans for an update to this pack. (Yogscast tend to stay with the same modpack for quite a while)

FTB Lite (1.4.7) This modpack is locked. There may be a new lite pack in the future, but there are no current plans for this.

Magic World (1.4.7) This pack is locked, Magic World 2 is in an early planning stage, this new modpack will not be compatible with old worlds and will provide a much more focused gameplay experience.

Tech World 1.4.7) This pack is locked, Tech World 2 is in an early planning stage, this new modpack will not be compatible with old worlds and will provide a much more focused gameplay experience.

The FTB Beta Packs (152wgt and 152ngt) these are now locked beta packs that will not be updated beyond what they are now. Both packs will be removed from the launcher once the 152 packs are fully public.

FTB Unleashed. (1.5.2) This is our new feature pack and is intended to provide an all round gaming experience that provides something for everyone. It is intended that worlds created in this pack will work with the 1.6 update although this is dependant on mod updates.

FTB Unhinged (1.5.2) This is a new pack designed in consutation with GregT. It is intended that worlds created in this pack will work with the 1.6 update although this is dependant on mod updates.
Direwolf20_1_5 (1.5.2) This is a pack that is based around Direwolfs current adventures on Forgecraft. It is unknown at this time if the pack will be updated beyond 1.5.2. (A new pack is planned for 1.6)
Hopefully this will answer most of your questions.
In yograft in the episodes they have flans mod and a food mod? how come we dont have that
Sorry if this has already been asked but are there any plans to add any more mods to the Unhinged Mod Pack that are in the Unleashed Mod Pack, such as Advanced Solars and Thaumcraft?
Are there any plans to make texture packs for the new modpacks? I'd love to have Soartex TP on Unleached and Unhinged.
As far as my understanding goes, let me try to get some certain aspects of this correct.

- Ultimate is a 100% locked pack, is this correct? Does this mean that if redpower makes an update to 1.5.2, the rest of the pack would move upwards accordingly? Or if she just makes updates in general?

As far as the 3 new modpacks go... From what I can tell, direwolf20's is just his own modpack project and it's attempting to focus around what he's always been doing, but with more updates and a few new mods added to his pack.

However, Unleashed and Unhinged seem to be the love children of FTB Ultimate... Divided, but with some minor added content to their packs...

Unleashed is geared more towards having a lot of mods and a lot of things to do, but you're able to get there easily.

Unhinged seems to be more devoted to having a minuscule amount of content, but making the game more extreme for the player to progress as fast. Hence being more devoted to GregoriousT's guidance in the modpack's creation.

Personally, I don't like any of the new modpacks. I feel as though Ultimate brought that very necessary balance between having a lot of content and having to deal with the harshness of Gregtech (as Gregtech made the easymode practically vanish). However, it almost feels like you're pushing these modpacks onto us when you tell people that Ultimate and other packs won't be updated anymore. I know that it's something that's probably unavoidable, however the divide between Unhinged and Unleashed makes me extremely uncomfortable as a server owner.

TLDR: I would have no problem with Unleashed if you would just add gregtech to it by default and let the people who are going to have to deal with running these packs on their clients in the first place choose whether or not to disable said mod. From what I've seen, most Unleashed servers are just adding it to their packs anyway.
TLDR: I would have no problem with Unleashed if you would just add gregtech to it by default and let the people who are going to have to deal with running these packs on their clients in the first place choose whether or not to disable said mod. From what I've seen, most Unleashed servers are just adding it to their packs anyway.

Greg does not give permission for his mod to be included with certain other mods. There are other mods that have similar restrictions. This is not a decision that was made by the FTB team in order to make your game less fun.
Greg does not give permission for his mod to be included with certain other mods. There are other mods that have similar restrictions. This is not a decision that was made by the FTB team in order to make your game less fun.

I'm aware of the pissing match that mDiyo and GregT had with each other. It's a decision that was made between two people acting like children to not cooperate.

Point being, both modpacks seem like if they were just combined, a medium would be met and a lot of people would be satisfied. I never said they made this decision to make everything less fun, I was only suggesting that the owners of the mods need to get over themselves and realize that their drama is killing the modpacks themselves. I'm honestly going to stick with Ultimate even though it's not to be updated anymore. Unleashed is too easy and Unhinged is too boring.
I'm aware of the pissing match that mDiyo and GregT had with each other. It's a decision that was made between two people acting like children to not cooperate.

Point being, both modpacks seem like if they were just combined, a medium would be met and a lot of people would be satisfied. I never said they made this decision to make everything less fun, I was only suggesting that the owners of the mods need to get over themselves and realize that their drama is killing the modpacks themselves. I'm honestly going to stick with Ultimate even though it's not to be updated anymore. Unleashed is too easy and Unhinged is too boring.

If you want Gregtech in Unleashed, add it yourself, it's not that hard.

Also just having Gregtech in your pack doesn't make playing "hard". Extending the game by making you repeat small menial tasks I.E. gathering wood, does not make the game "hard", it just makes it more annoying
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If you want Gregtech in Unleashed, add it yourself, it's not that hard.

Also just having Gregtech in your pack doesn't make playing "hard". Extending the game by making you repeat small menial tasks I.E. gathering wood, does not make the game "hard", it just makes it more annoying

Feels irritating arguing semantics... But Gregtech makes gathering resources more difficult. Hence, making it harder to gather resources... Hence "making playing hard". But not only that, gregtech added a lot of other machines that were usable and added a lot to the game.

But here's the issue you're not seeing. I'm not going to be adding gregtech for just me. I would be doing this for a lot of other users. Users having to go and find the version of gregtech that I'm using and put it into the pack not only feels like an unnecessary step, it is one. New players aren't going to want to go even remotely out of their way for a server if they have to do extra work. This may sound like whining, I'm just stating that if I moved to unleashed and did this tactic, it would hurt the population growth on my server as a whole.
This may sound like whining, I'm just stating that if I moved to unleashed and did this tactic, it would hurt the population growth on my server as a whole.

You'll have to complain to GregoriusT and mDiyo and get them to remove their restrictions before FTB will ever release a pack containing a conbination of their mods. FTB has a history of respecting mod author wishes (as far as I've been able to determine on my own), so until Greg and mDiyo both tell FTB they're ok with each other, it'll never be released by FTB

Unfortunately, this means if you want GT in Unleashed, you're going to have to get creative and add GT on your own, figure out a distribution channel that works for you and your players, and likely find yourself unsupported by official FTB support. The *only* thing that will change this, is getting Greg and mDiyo to agree. Good luck with that (meant totally sincerely as I find this exact situation annoying for my server I run as well). PM me if you want to know how I've worked to make it relatively painless-ish.
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Feels irritating arguing semantics... But Gregtech makes gathering resources more difficult. Hence, making it harder to gather resources... Hence "making playing hard". But not only that, gregtech added a lot of other machines that were usable and added a lot to the game.

But here's the issue you're not seeing. I'm not going to be adding gregtech for just me. I would be doing this for a lot of other users. Users having to go and find the version of gregtech that I'm using and put it into the pack not only feels like an unnecessary step, it is one. New players aren't going to want to go even remotely out of their way for a server if they have to do extra work. This may sound like whining, I'm just stating that if I moved to unleashed and did this tactic, it would hurt the population growth on my server as a whole.

It's more annoying early game not harder. Oh to make my iron pick I need to get 12 iron and not 3? Wow that's a harder experience..... :rolleyes:

The added machines are great yes, but once your past the early stages of annoyance, GT actually makes things easier then "vanilla", increased yields, some recipes are cheaper and infinite copper, tin, electrum and tungsten from an early stage (about when your ready for lava from the nether). And I'm sure there are others.

The only thing I can think of that may even remotely be considered as "hard", and I use the term very loosely, is figuring out how to put together his multi-blocks. Best example there I can think of is the fusion reactor.

I'll also add in here that you would be surprised, judging by your post, by how many people would want a server with Unleashed and GT on it. To quote an old movie "If you build it, they will come", but it does mean you need to take a risk. I helped run a Mindcrack server with Mystcraft on it ages ago, our community increased. But I'd like to think it was because we had a good server not because it had Mystcraft on it.
has someone figure to add greg tec to the server mod.
It seems to bug on the server but not when you play solo
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