It seems that we are still getting a lot of people asking questions about the futures of the modpacks on the launcher that we maintain. This post is going to try and clear up as much of this as possible.
FTB Ultimate (1.4.7) This Modpack is currently locked and there are no plans to update this pack in the future. The main reason for this is due to the lack of an update to Red Power 2. Tests to make an update without Red Power did not end well.
Direwolf 20 (1.4.7) Pack. Although this is not up to me my understanding is this pack is locked and there are no plans to provide an update in the future. There is currently a 2nd Direwolf 20 pack on the launcher based around his SMP series and the mods on Forgecraft.
Mindcrack Pack (1.4.7) Again my understanding is this pack is currently locked. We hope there will be a updated mindcrack pack in the future. (This new pack will probably not be compatible with the 1.4.7 version due to the lack of a Red Power 2 update.
Yogcraft Modpack (1.4.7) This pack is currently locked and there are currently no plans for an update to this pack. (Yogscast tend to stay with the same modpack for quite a while)
FTB Lite (1.4.7) This modpack is locked. There may be a new lite pack in the future, but there are no current plans for this.
Magic World (1.4.7) This pack is locked, Magic World 2 is in an early planning stage, this new modpack will not be compatible with old worlds and will provide a much more focused gameplay experience.
Tech World 1.4.7) This pack is locked, Tech World 2 is in an early planning stage, this new modpack will not be compatible with old worlds and will provide a much more focused gameplay experience.
The FTB Beta Packs (152wgt and 152ngt) these are now locked beta packs that will not be updated beyond what they are now. Both packs will be removed from the launcher once the 152 packs are fully public.
FTB Unleashed. (1.5.2) This is our new feature pack and is intended to provide an all round gaming experience that provides something for everyone. It is intended that worlds created in this pack will work with the 1.6 update although this is dependant on mod updates.
FTB Unhinged (1.5.2) This is a new pack designed in consutation with GregT. It is intended that worlds created in this pack will work with the 1.6 update although this is dependant on mod updates.
Direwolf20_1_5 (1.5.2) This is a pack that is based around Direwolfs current adventures on Forgecraft. It is unknown at this time if the pack will be updated beyond 1.5.2. (A new pack is planned for 1.6)
Hopefully this will answer most of your questions.