Hi Slowpoke and the rest of the FTB team - hopefully you'll read this, and please acknowledge it if you do so I can relax a bit
I wanted to give a bit of an update with regards to my mods going forward onto 1.6.x.
OpenCCSensors is being discontinued. I'd stopped active development on it a while back because the features of OpenCCSensors are massively overlapping with OpenPeripheral features, yet OpenPeripheral does it better. For 1.6.2 I've moved the important parts of OpenCCSensors across into OpenPeripheral (entity scanning, mostly!).
I'm more than happy to fix any bugs in the 1.5.2 OpenCCSensors, but I don't have the motivation to maintain two mods that are both doing very similar things when all the code can just be in a single place and shared..
Direwolf20 mentioned he might do a spotlight of OpenCCSensors soon, but it might be a bit of a waste of him time depending on how long it'll be until 1.6.2 mods are the standard.
If someone could link him to this post I'd really appreciate it because I've had a hard time trying to get in contact with him. The lua API for the 1.6.2 version of the sensor is completely different!
Some people have expressed concern that they want to use sensors but don't want to use the rest of OpenPeripheral, so the 1.6.2 version will have the ability to disable any feature they don't want, so there's no reason it can't be stripped back to just the sensor.
When it comes to upgrading 1.5.2 mods to 1.6, I'm happy to make a small version of OpenCCSensors for 1.6.2 that can either gracefully remove itself, or alternatively switch its blocks to the closest match within OpenPeripheral if OpenPeripheral is installed. Please let me know if you need this doing.
OpenPeripheral is my 'baby' and it's where the majority of my focus will be going forward - it's become by far the most popular out of the mods I've made. (Although maybe OpenBlocks will one day contend! who knows..

Hopefully that helps!