FTB Ultimate and other older modpacks.

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Well looks as though I will be quitting FTB, for I see the team is not trying hard enough for me to find anything that could replace Redpower 2.

Well first off all there not here just for you they owe absolutely nothing to you. Second that just plain mean to say to them do you not understand how hard it is to put together a mod pack like FTB( Making sure they all work together, getting rid of bugs, all around being just completely amazing at what they do. They owe you nothing, if anything you owe them.
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Hi Slowpoke and the rest of the FTB team - hopefully you'll read this, and please acknowledge it if you do so I can relax a bit ;)

I wanted to give a bit of an update with regards to my mods going forward onto 1.6.x.

OpenCCSensors is being discontinued. I'd stopped active development on it a while back because the features of OpenCCSensors are massively overlapping with OpenPeripheral features, yet OpenPeripheral does it better. For 1.6.2 I've moved the important parts of OpenCCSensors across into OpenPeripheral (entity scanning, mostly!).

I'm more than happy to fix any bugs in the 1.5.2 OpenCCSensors, but I don't have the motivation to maintain two mods that are both doing very similar things when all the code can just be in a single place and shared..

Direwolf20 mentioned he might do a spotlight of OpenCCSensors soon, but it might be a bit of a waste of him time depending on how long it'll be until 1.6.2 mods are the standard. If someone could link him to this post I'd really appreciate it because I've had a hard time trying to get in contact with him. The lua API for the 1.6.2 version of the sensor is completely different!

Some people have expressed concern that they want to use sensors but don't want to use the rest of OpenPeripheral, so the 1.6.2 version will have the ability to disable any feature they don't want, so there's no reason it can't be stripped back to just the sensor.

When it comes to upgrading 1.5.2 mods to 1.6, I'm happy to make a small version of OpenCCSensors for 1.6.2 that can either gracefully remove itself, or alternatively switch its blocks to the closest match within OpenPeripheral if OpenPeripheral is installed. Please let me know if you need this doing.

OpenPeripheral is my 'baby' and it's where the majority of my focus will be going forward - it's become by far the most popular out of the mods I've made. (Although maybe OpenBlocks will one day contend! who knows.. :))

Hopefully that helps!
FTB ultimate is still my favorite pack of choice. I enjoyed it because it had everything the technology from IC2 and GT the farming, bees and so on.
The best thing was that you can play how you like and switch styles on the go because you got all the mods in one world .
FTBunleashed and FTBunhinged are good packs too, but one seems to be lacking technology and one the farming ,bees ,berries and so on ...
My suggestion is if RP doesn't get updated just combine the 2 packs under the ultimate name so we can do all the cool stuff in one world.
FTB ultimate had great success , most of twitch streamers wore playing it and when it got its own server promo section it blew up it will be a shame to see it die to outdate.
PS : Respect for the FTB team for saving us the troubles of putting together modpacks ourselves and for the good times we have playing FTB. Your modpacks are great. Keep up the good work !!!
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I now Test the Unhinged Pack with a lot Mods from the Unleashed Pack:
- Bibliocraft
- GraviSuite
- MP Addon
- Nether Ores
Disabled Voxel-Mods and Ender Storage
Activate Biome o Plenty (Nice new Biomes ..)

It Works, but it Laggs. I dont know why is lagging maybe my PC or the Game .. i will Test it.
What I will Say .. i think when we will Play Ultimate 1.5 we can :)

I will Test more Mods like Project Red, Yammy´s Funiture (In Ultimate only Works with new Config). When it works I belive Feed the Beast is good for Play Years over Years like Simcity 2000 (Best Game Ever).

_ _ _ _ _
Sorry for Bad English. The most Words powered by Hope is the Right.
If someone really wants these mods updated and is willing to spare no expense to make it happen, I'm sure the mod authors would be willing to be hired, with pay, to do this full time. Seriously, folks, these programmers are volunteers. They do this because they love the game, not because they earn a paycheck. I'm fine with the changes, and looking forward to seeing things evolve and change.
I'm amazed at all the players here that are annoyed about map resets...

When you build anything in Minecraft anyone thinking that it will be there permanently is fooling themselves hard.

Even with vanilla map resets happen, lost builds happen, expect it and adapt.

I guess I falsely assumed people would get used to map resets. Some servers actually have purposeful scheduled map restarts both vanilla and modded.
You would probably ask me "then what the point of building at all if there's no permanence?!" I'd then say "For the sake of building and becasue you enjoy it... Right?".

The only time I'd be annoyed by a Map reset is if I'm right in the middle of making a large build. Then again when the new map comes I use what I learned from the last attempt and I find I am much quicker and actually finish the build.

IMHO I think learning to deal with map resets is a pivotal trait to pick up when it comes to truely enjoying Minecraft vanilla or otherwise. As even in stable times your map and builds can go bye byes for many reasons, like I mentioned earlier some server owners do periodical resets. Also sometimes servers just outright fall apart due to the owner just dropping it due to circumstance or blatant disinterest and does not bother or simply cannot perform a server handover rendering the map lost to the ether. Then there's map corruptions.
The only place you are kind of safe from map resets is Single player and even then maps going bye bye still can happen just a whole lot less likely.
Although I know it's not the fault of the FTB team, consider me disappointed.

The FTB dream is over, and now we're left with the reality. This is my fault, for being naive. I had this sense that everything was going to be this wonderful community of mod authors who work together, resolving all the issues that once existed with Tekkit. The reality now though, is that we still have drama (of a slightly different nature), and my server is still going to be stuck on an old minecraft build (unless all my friends are willing to start a new map (they are very tired of this) ).

I still have praise for the FTB team for doing the best with what they have to work with, and putting up with bratty mod developers. I also have praise for the developers who actually know how to play nice, and update their projects.

Looks like I'm playing 1.4.7 for a long while though.
This world we live in isn't perfect. The modding community isn't close to perfect. There are many mods that stops updating, many mod devs (Elo, Thunderdark, PowerCrystals) that are really busy with real life. There will be drama. If you like GregTech, then why are you complaining about Greg? The mod devs are friends with FTB. The mod devs aren't bratty, they can do what ever they like with there mod. If you don't like this, then don't play FTB, don't play modded minecraft, cause it is you being bratty. You can't deal with the fact that mod devs have jobs, you can't deal with the fact that this world isn't perfect, you can't deal with the fact that they do this in their free time to give you something to play with.
I agree with everything nart said, ultimate was a great modpack as it had all the ftb mods, giving lots of choice about what mods you wanted to explore. Unleashed looks good, but without project red, minefactory reloaded, or the option to use gregtech, it seems a little incomplete for a mainstream pack.
I suggest you update ultimate using project red

- The Minecraft Ninja
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I agree with everything nart said, ultimate was a great modpack as it had all the ftb mods, giving lots of choice about what mods you wanted to explore. Unleashed looks good, but without project red, minefactory reloaded, or the option to use gregtech, it seems a little incomplete for a mainstream pack.
I suggest you update ultimate using project red

- The Minecraft Ninja
Ultimate doesn't have any plans of getting updated.
After 3 Days of Tests I must Say Greg you are Bad :)
Its so hard to Play Unhinge. The simplest Tools are so hard to make in this Version .. I like it :)
I believe before I have my first Quarry I´m a old Man ..
I agree with everything nart said, ultimate was a great modpack as it had all the ftb mods, giving lots of choice about what mods you wanted to explore. Unleashed looks good, but without project red, minefactory reloaded, or the option to use gregtech, it seems a little incomplete for a mainstream pack.
I suggest you update ultimate using project red

- The Minecraft Ninja

I may be missing something, but Minefactory Reloaded is actually in the Unleashed pack. Also, as Aetherr_ (and actually Slowpoke for that matter) have said. Ultimate is a 1.4.7 pack and will not be updated.
If one would have downloaded the 152 beta packs before, and the 152 packs would disappear from the feed the beast servers for people to download, will it still be available in the modpacklist for people who already downloaded the modpack(and have it in their feed the beast folder)?

I'm asking because I've got this server going using the 0.8 beta, since I had the idea that it would eventually turn into a stable release(ofc that was before all the TC & gregtech drama). I decided to take the risk because I didnt factor in the fact that modpacks would actually also be taken out of the launcer again.

So if anyone knows if I can keep playing the 152 0.8 beta packs, it would be awesome. If the answer is a no, I suppose its just a lesson learned!
Slow didn't say anything about NGT, but he said WGT will be removed, due to FTB not being allowed to have gt and tic in the same pack.
Slowpoke, FIX IT
I try loading up yogcraft, worked perfectly fine couple of days ago now the forge dummy doesnt want to load up.
Direwolf 20, my computer can handle lots of mods due to benig of 400 gb and it stops a natives
So plz, FIX IT
Slowpoke, FIX IT
I try loading up yogcraft, worked perfectly fine couple of days ago now the forge dummy doesnt want to load up.
Direwolf 20, my computer can handle lots of mods due to benig of 400 gb and it stops a natives
So plz, FIX IT

Screaming 'fix it' doesn't do much to help them.
Go here: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/forums/the-mod-pack-bugs.26/ and give them as much information about the crash as you can. The logs, your hardware, what java version you're using. What you were doing, whether or not you've enabled certain disabled mods or added your own, that type of thing. Also remind yourself that these are volunteers creating and compiling these mods so making demands is very rude.
I'm no programmer but it would be pretty rad if Mojang implemented something into future versions of Minecraft that would allow non-updated mods to function with updated mods and Minecraft just so we can extend the life of our worlds. If not maybe a easy to use mod that can import worlds into new pack versions with some kind of block re-placer for the world gen issues allowing the user for example to choose and replace blocks like basalt with some black block, marble with quartz, or missing ores with smooth stone. It's not going to fix the machine issues but at least preserves the worlds/structures for the most part which I think is what most people care about. I am sure someone has thought of this and it's probably extremely difficult to setup but just saying ;)
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