I had the unfortunate ATG recurring lag spikes beta day 1 and disabled it (not a "get a better PC / config your java" issue by any means), hopefully that gets cleared up because the gen was amazing. Nothing else added or subtracted.
Advanced Genetics was one of my first goals, and it's pretty nice. The power requirements are low - a full compliment of (inexpensive) DNA machines runs fine on 2 dynamos. Full creative flight was randomly easy - I received the flight gene off my first bat cell. I noticed while analyzing a couple of dozen subsequent bat cells for the 28 basic genes required for state cost that it was semi-rare. The process was a bit grindy (gathering basic genes) but straightforward. I'm not sure how I feel about having lava immunity and creative flight before I have even gathered any major resources, but it is a more satisfying option than morph.
I enabled MeteorCraft and expected chaos - but it turned out fine. Every now and then a random non-world destroying meteor deposited a nice chunk of shiny ore loot around my base. Then, holy shitstorm. It rained ore blocks for several minutes - again, not destroying anything, but not everyone is going to like the yard cleanup. I do, because .. ooh shiny!
Roguelike is ok. Currently using one of the towers as a starter base. The loot run to the bottom of that tower was decidedly 'meh', but access to a full enchanting table / brewing setup is nice. Two vanilla things I really don't enjoy setting up. If the loot table on those chests was the same as the TC chests -wheee! Might be a bit too easy though.
Looking forward to Engineer's, Rotary and Mariculture progress - among my favorite of the new(er) mods.