FTB Monster mod pack listed - What do you think?

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Well, just went poking about in the Monster pack and encountered a bunch of baby pigs riding on chickens falling out of the sky! I have no idea which mod this was generated from, but it was really surreal...
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Been playing Monster w/ Gregtech added manually today, liking it so far. The pack ships with the Gregtech configs already included so all you have to do is download (I just used the latest version from the official gregtech download link) Gregtech, drop it in the mods folder and go.

Everything plays nicely and I'm enjoying the pack so far. The only thing that was disappointing to discover was that after building the bronze blast furnace using 12346123042 copper ingots, I discovered you can cook steel in the TE induction smelter with 1x iron and 4x charcoal... damn.
Well, just went poking about in the Monster pack and encountered a bunch of baby pigs riding on chickens falling out of the sky! I have no idea which mod this was generated from, but it was really surreal...

iChun :)

Is a Christmas Day Easter Egg .... an oxymoron?

Anyway, changing the date to Boxing Day should work.
Totally needed for Engineers toolbox ore tripling system of machinery. Namely the Multi Smelter that uses quicklime to process the powder.

will Engineers Toolbox be able to use the limestone from chisel aswell for this?

You can configure what items go into the backpacks by adding their IDs to forestry/backpacks.cfg

that I already know, I was just hoping to see some of these missing blocks/items be added by FTB themselves, as not everyone is as good with IDs as others and not everyone knows how to edit a configuration file. though I do know how to do it, for me it's be easier as it'd save me (and others) the work of doing it ourselves
Well, just went poking about in the Monster pack and encountered a bunch of baby pigs riding on chickens falling out of the sky! I have no idea which mod this was generated from, but it was really surreal...
I was just about to get angry about this.. but then realised it was iChun and I won't see it anyway as I don't play with any of his mods XD
I played with Horizon and TechWorld2 and now looking forward for long play with Monster, finally what I was waiting became reality. Thanks a lot for another great Pack!

0. TE is fantastic mode that getting better and better. I really do not understand those steel recepies coming back.... it smells so unpleasantly Gregish. I am not sure it was intended by TE, but it either to balance IC2 tediousness or TiC. I would rather remove both IC2 and TiC. For me it is a such great filling when I have Pulverizer running from Steam engine that symbolizes my future prosperity. Trying to extend the "first night experience" by stealing the coal when you need it so badly for the torches... When you have machines running you do not care too much how much it costs, but prolong very begging is bad idea.We already had refined iron! Sitting in a dark cave and waiting for the steel to be ready is not fun, whereas in front of us so many great mods! I would rather wait for QuarryPlus in assembly table instead of doing what has been done so many times.
1. I would say I am going to miss Blood magic and Ars Margica 2.
2. I hate to see that modular powersuites requires only IC2 recepies (already tried to set TE true, but it seems does not work) because I found that current IC2 is tedious and expensive. Without GraviChest and Advanced Solar IC2 is rather useless and cannot offer much over TE and Modular power suit.
3. I really happy to see BC in the pack, I was really missing Filler and Quarry in Horizon.
4. MFR is apparently so great to have after Horizon.
5. RotaryCraft left rather mixed filling. This is cool and interesting mod. With BC and MFR it is great to have. In Horizon is was real pain to build infrastructure due to expensiveness requiring a lot of babysitting, especially since Hydro energy started to require lubricant. I am really happy to see RC together with other technical modes.
6. XACT is great concept, but with AE dawn to road and cheap and effective early game alternative WorkTable from Forestry it is rather useless. Plus it conflicts with modular power armor (I love power armor above all other alternatives).
7. Dynamic Tanks... I am going to miss it a lot! This is so cool to lit base with lava tanks on the floor and integrate tanks into the base infrastructure!
8. Magic crops are really great! I love light infused materials so I can avoid using torches everywhere.
9. ATG makes such a nice territory, but to find village or desert is real pain. Plus I could not find any of RoguelikeDungeons.
10. I am surprised to see that RoguelikeD ungeons are excluded after last update. In my opinion more objects to investigate are fun. We already played so much Minecraft so we deserve more variate during travel!
11. JABBA is interesting but with AE and Factorization I hardly imagine to use it.
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Well, just went poking about in the Monster pack and encountered a bunch of baby pigs riding on chickens falling out of the sky! I have no idea which mod this was generated from, but it was really surreal...
it lags ma game so which mod is it so i can disable it(merry christmas from seattle)
if you have Not Enough Keys (which is included by default in monster) installed it should show keybind conflicts, so what you can do is set something to F and then view the conflictig keybinds section and it should show up
if you have Not Enough Keys (which is included by default in monster) installed it should show keybind conflicts, so what you can do is set something to F and then view the conflictig keybinds section and it should show up

Yes, I have notenoughkeys, but F is showing as if there are no conflicts.