FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock

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As I said, I don't understand it. It'll certainly take a solid push to get the ball rolling; one of the biggest game changers to modded MC took 3 individuals working bloody hard to kick it off, and several other large mods to follow suite before it really got going. Even then, Forge had a fairly shaky start with a bit of drama*** flaring up. Now the community is absolutely MASSIVE- it'll take one hell of a good shunt to get it going.
Either way I really hope it isn't just a 'Forge/Mojang updated therefore all mods must update' follow the leader type mentality.​

The MC clones wouldn't do it on this scale (flooded market individually lacking insufficient popularity);
Modded MC is so massive because Minecraft was open to modding and initially popular for enough modding talent to play it- getting inspired to make content. And for some (such as Spacetoad, Flowechild and Eloraam) to invest in creating content purely for others to make additional content (Forge).​
Kerbal Space Programme might be a solid second choice, although the narrower theme of the game does significantly restrict the breadth of potential mod content. Thaumic Space Programme anyone? :P

***Footnote: Drama largely related to other API devs losing adfly revenue by modders switching away to Forge.
Been waiting so long for it, i'm gona play it but it feels like its gona be already old by the time it comes out. Been streamed for the las month or so takes a bit of the freshness out of the deal.
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I'm not sure if this contributes anything of worth to the discussion, but I've been following Kryllyk's youtubes in particular and I've noticed a massive dropoff in the number of players online during his recordings.

I'm not quite as caught up on Direwolf's recordings (although I've been watching those too) so I can't even confirm this.

Its entirely plausible that he's simply shifted his recording time to a less-busy one, but I thought it worth mentioning.
As I said, I don't understand it. It'll certainly take a solid push to get the ball rolling; one of the biggest game changers to modded MC took 3 individuals working bloody hard to kick it off, and several other large mods to follow suite before it really got going. Even then, Forge had a fairly shaky start with a bit of drama*** flaring up. Now the community is absolutely MASSIVE- it'll take one hell of a good shunt to get it going.
Either way I really hope it isn't just a 'Forge/Mojang updated therefore all mods must update' follow the leader type mentality.​

The MC clones wouldn't do it on this scale (flooded market individually lacking insufficient popularity);
Modded MC is so massive because Minecraft was open to modding and initially popular for enough modding talent to play it- getting inspired to make content. And for some (such as Spacetoad, Flowechild and Eloraam) to invest in creating content purely for others to make additional content (Forge).​
Kerbal Space Programme might be a solid second choice, although the narrower theme of the game does significantly restrict the breadth of potential mod content. Thaumic Space Programme anyone? :p

***Footnote: Drama largely related to other API devs losing adfly revenue by modders switching away to Forge.
I think this actually need an entirely new discussion thread, possibly in "Other Games" section.

I know nothing about how modding minecraft actually works. The games I modded were fairly static and easy to mod (Dugeon Siege 1 and 2, and Fate mostly. I was also crap at it. They worked but I would just push out the mods with little thought to bugs or technical issues, then provide little to no support once my attention wained.) I also only know the barest about programming or anything related to program development.

Just deleted a whole bunch of attempts at wording a idea. Basically there is the core game. Then there are the mods and the mods for the mods. Just like it is now but written from the ground up for the mods. The game being nothing more then a ?API? that the mods can hook into. There won't even be anything in it. It is just the core, a engine that the mods work on. If you want a terrain you download a terrain generator and .... I am really not for sure how to get this out.

Lets say the game is Pizza. The engine is the master recipe (or possibly oven), the concept that without it there is no potential for pizza. Then there is a mod called Crust - Whole Wheat. it will add Whole Wheat Crust to the pizza. This mod would exclude , by its very nature the rest of the mods that are like it, Namely Crust - Flour. It wouldn't exclude any other mods though. Then there is mod pizza sauce, which is similarly exclusive. Then there is Mod Cheese - Mozzarella, it is the first of the mods that don't exclude mods of similar types. With those three mods you have Pizza. That isn't to say there couldn't be loads more mods added. It just means that those are all thats needed.

What I am trying to say is this is a community that is both one and a million pieces at the same time. Lets play to that strength and keep it. There will be no one right way, no this way or the highway. Anyone can do what they want how they want. Let the core ?game? be built around that. To allow for all the possibilities and enforce none.

There is the Unity engine, there is the Unreal engine. Let there be the "Mine Voxel" Engine (got to say it with a German accent for it to sound like it does in my head, I think I have the right accent at least. might just be hollywood's version of it).

I don't know. I can brainstorm like no tomorrow. I don't really know what I am talking about or how to accomplish it though. I do think it is worth discussing and pushing for. Hell with even signing people up. Lets just get discussing it and see if there is anyone interested in starting it. I will do my best to contribute moral support. I can give moral support like the best of them.
There is the Unity engine, there is the Unreal engine. Let there be the "Mine Voxel" Engine (got to say it with a German accent for it to sound like it does in my head, I think I have the right accent at least. might just be hollywood's version of it).

Did you see Atomontage, it still in dev but if we are lucky we will be able to play with it this year. Main reason why my procrastination level is soo high, waiting for it to get out!
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First, I think a few people missed the point. It's not that we don't have it, it's that we have been teased too much. Streamers and youtubers have been playing the map for quite a long time now, so we have been watching, and I don't really care if YOU don't get burnt out doing that (it's frankly pointless to point out personal opinions when talking about the behaviors of a large group, aggregate is what matters), a large portion of people do. That's what PR and marketing are all about. Understanding that people are similar and hence respond in similar ways. They don't concern themselves with special snowflakes because they're special snowflakes; they compose an effectively insignificant fraction of the group, and thus their impact on the group is nigh always negligible.

I'm tired of seeing Dire play and not getting to play myself and solve the automation issues in ways he didn't. I'm almost tired of seeing Dire play "Infinity Evolved Expert Mode Skyblock with Soaryn" at all. Because it's been FOREVER. No this is not similar to the release of a large AAA title. Show me the streamers playing Diablo Beta for a year before release. The time scales involved are COMPLETELY different. Here we have something that I would expect (having designed multiple modpacks before, some with heavy tweaking and customization) taking a month, having been played for a month by people that aren't the community, BROADCASTING THAT TO THE WORLD. There's a difference between "beta tester" and "I get to play this and you can't, watch my stuff".

What has been said is this is a PR disaster, and I agree. This never should have gone blatantly public with a delay this long before public availability. At this point, I almost want to download Infinity, tweak it with MT to make it doable, and play. But I don't for two reasons. First: that is a stupid amount of work that is going to take away from the play experience of the pack because I'm going to hit roadblocks and have to come out of "play" mode and get into "Pack Dev" mode. Second: This is an experience created by tfox (that is who did expert mode, no?) and I won't design a pack like I'd get from him, I'll get my own pack... which won't be an intriguing experience I will grow from, it'll just be what I'm expecting.


Also I'm tagging this so when the update happens I'll know about it, as a billion people post.
Did you see Atomontage, it still in dev but if we are lucky we will be able to play with it this year. Main reason why my procrastination level is soo high, waiting for it to get out!
http://www.atomontage.com/ ? It is actually the first I have heard of it. I don't see how it would be of use. I might just be to used to thinking in terms of large blocks. Players like building and destroying the environment. Let me take a closer look. It might be possible with that. I don't really know anything about it yet. I am going to go fix that a little bit.

There isn't enough data provided on the site. I can see a few issues right off though.

It all looks to be in the hands of one person. This might work with mods. I don't think it is the best for the engine that runs them though. If anything goes wrong with the one the many pay for it. Even if it was one team, or one company I would still find this to be a issue.

It doesn't go into cost or licensing.

I can't remember the rest. I just don't think it is a optimal or even good choice for a engine. It looks like it will be a really nice engine. Just not for this.
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Hmm.. It's been 2-3 months now?
Guess i'll just start another modpack...
Project Ozone just released.. hmm.. oh well.. at least there i can play along youtubers :D

Looking forward to 1.9 mods though!
I recently saw an implementation of a Minecraft-like game implemented using the Unreal 4 engine. IIRC, it took just a few hours to create.


By the way, Epic has an interesting take on making money from the Unreal 4 Engine... Developers download the SDK for free and only pay royalties if they make profits in excess of a certain amount/qtr.

The new Unreal Tournament is being developed as a community project and is free to download, as it will be when it is "finished". Needless to say Modding is encouraged. C++ required, I believe.
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I recently saw an implementation of a Minecraft-like game implemented using the Unreal 4 engine. IIRC, it took just a few hours to create.


By the way, Epic has an interesting take on making money from the Unreal 4 Engine... Developers download the SDK for free and only pay royalties if they make profits in excess of a certain amount/qtr.

The new Unreal Tournament is being developed as a community project and is free to download, as it will be when it is "finished". Needless to say Modding is encouraged. C++ required, I believe.
Really good stuff. Still it is only one developer. At least they are doing something. It sounds like their intent was never to copy minecraft. They just weren't capable of creating their own resources for certain aspects of the project so used ?public domain? content. Namely a texture pack. It has been really interesting to look over the related information. This will be worth keeping track of if not enough people are comfortable with doing a project that is more community based.

Which at this point seams extremely likely. Like me, a lot of people are more then willing to bitch and whine while imagining a different set of circumstances. When it comes to put up or shut up time, we all back away.

Anyways, no matter the outcome. What this person is attempting is freaking awesome. From the philosophies they have listed I think this will be worth keeping a eye on.
Interesting Post - Forums at UnrealEngine.com

Actually I think I am the only one bitching and whining.

Minecraft is a nice platform. Its updates have never required modders to update with them. Which leads me to believe the modders just like updating or remaking their mods for the latest version of minecraft.
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No, they don't. They like the community to play their stuff. The COMMUNITY wants to update (for some reason), and that pushes the devs along to updating.
I'm not sure if this has been addressed but
1) will the pack be released on both the ftb and curse launchers (I'm on a Mac so no curse ftb launcher for me)? and
2) I've only seen LPs of expert mode, will the skyblock pack be balanced and toggleable for both normal and expert (like the vanilla infinity evolved pack)?
I'm not sure if this has been addressed but
1) will the pack be released on both the ftb and curse launchers (I'm on a Mac so no curse ftb launcher for me)? and
2) I've only seen LPs of expert mode, will the skyblock pack be balanced and toggleable for both normal and expert (like the vanilla infinity evolved pack)?
. mostly of their other packs where released on both so I don't see why that would change now.
I'm not sure if this has been addressed but
1) will the pack be released on both the ftb and curse launchers (I'm on a Mac so no curse ftb launcher for me)? and
2) I've only seen LPs of expert mode, will the skyblock pack be balanced and toggleable for both normal and expert (like the vanilla infinity evolved pack)?
It will be released on both launchers.

Skyblock only has expert mode.
I don't think any work needs to be done to balance the pack on normal mode. It's skyblock, you have Ex Nihilo. You're done :-p
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It will be released on both launchers.

Skyblock only has expert mode.

Thanks for the reply! Not sure how the mode changing code works in the back end, do you mean that the pack isn't being specifically balanced for both modes (but you can still toggle) or the pack is effectively completely separate from the non-skyblock version and mode switching isn't implemented at all?