FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's kind of a moot point now, but since you took the time to write it I feel compelled to respond in earnest.
The 'moral responsibility' was purely my own opinion. There were individuals who were planning to release a pack akin to this (skyblock expert mode with recipe tweaks etc), which is where they got the idea. So to me it felt like their decision to do so, which stopped the other pack, sort of felt like a 'passing of the baton' a guarantee of sorts. That's all.

As for the hype versus communication. I do agree with your assessment save one point. IF all this was going on in the background, the testers, the videos, the talking and they chose, not saying they are, to delay it to elongate that hype...then in a sense it would be for hype. You don't have to directly perform an action to benefit from it.

My assessment did in part come from watching others play the pack. I can concede that things go on behind the scenes, as I have already, but I did look to other sources too. It's not as if I simply watched DW20 and was like "I want haz." I listened to streams, the players discussion on the pack's progress and bugs that were encountered/tweaked, even forums here and there to read discussions on it. I'm certain I haven't read and seen every piece of content, but I'd wager I've seen more than the average at the very least.

I really like your restaurant analogy by the way. :)
Thank you for taking the time to earnestly respond.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really like your restaurant analogy by the way. :)
Thank you for taking the time to earnestly respond.

TY, and I apologize if I got a bit snippy or aggressive.

I must admit a short fuse on topics where I perceive that the people who volunteer their skills and time are treated like they owe a debt to society. Thus my trigger at "Responsibility".

Reading on your recent responses, I see that you are not one of those that deserves my bile...;)


Jul 24, 2013
"about 3 weeks eta" --- "ugh this is why we hate ETAs, about 2-3 more weeks" --- "So, it'll be a few more weeks"

Seriously? Infinity/Infinity Evolved was one of your most polished packs ever, arguments could be made it is THE most polished pack FTB has ever put out. Expert Mode had already been developed. As the team who put that out, necessary tweaks to adapt to a skyblock should have been fairly straightforward. (e.g. it's not like you had to delve into everything to figure out what changes were made from standard-->expert, you already knew)
All of the blaringly obvious tweaks that were necessary to convert it to a skyblock had probably been addressed in the first week, being generous here, from what I can gather from all the streams/let's plays on this I have watched. Even in the state it was a WEEK after the streamers started posting let's play and live streams the condition was already better than the majority of the packs on the FTB launcher due to the polished nature of Infinity.

Quit the facetious marketing campaign and deliver. Normally I wouldn't be so peeved, but there were players already putting a pack together like this whose idea you took, with their permission it should be noted. I like most appreciate you putting a pack like this together, but it's fairly obvious you are simply attempting to build up more and more hype and 'testing the pack' is clearly not the priority, as the let's plays and stream clearly indicate the quality is already exceeding the majority of your packs. Don't get me wrong, it's obvious you ARE testing the pack; however I'd argue that is not the reason, but the pretext. I would be perfectly fine with all the shenanigans afoot if this were any old pack, but by your actions you stopped other individuals from creating a skyblock version of this.

Inb4, 'but we said they should go ahead and continue their pack if they wanted to.' Right, on one of Direwolf20s more recent mod spotlights there was a comment along the lines of, "I was just about to do a mod spotlight, but now that Direwolf20 has done one there is no point." I'm paraphrasing. Point is, even if you say 'it's fine, go on and do it' it was reasonably foreseeable that they would stop and not make the conversion.

This is why we can't have real ETAs...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i think the real problem is the streamers playing the pack, look i can play with the pack and you dont. Another problem is when you see lots of streams start loosing interest on the pack.
If you guys do this for the minecraft community why not release the alpha/beta without response if you loose all the progress? some ppl dont care about it and want to play yours packs.
I you guys do this for incentive streams then i got it, it is a good move and can understand.
Please dont get me wrong, im no trying to bother anything, just trying to understand.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i think the real problem is the streamers playing the pack, look i can play with the pack and you dont. Another problem is when you see lots of streams start loosing interest on the pack.
If you guys do this for the minecraft community why not release the alpha/beta without response if you loose all the progress? some ppl dont care about it and want to play yours packs.
I you guys do this for incentive streams then i got it, it is a good move and can understand.
Please dont get me wrong, im no trying to bother anything, just trying to understand.

The streamers that have access to the pack are solid testers and contributors to the community. Not one of them is playing it to tease the community, they are doing it to contribute to the project. The decision to bring them in as testers was a tough call since it would expose a project to the public, but on the other side they test the hell out of it and give excellent feedback. Telling this same hard core players that they can only test it privately means that they cannot test it as thoroughly since they make their money by being active on the stream. The end result with the method they chose is: increased exposure, some (expected) hype, and honestly, a better developed project with fewer core issues


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is the product you see the streamers play even the same product that's gonna be released?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is the product you see the streamers play even the same product that's gonna be released?
That depends on if you are watching live or VoDs. The live stuff is on the FTB server which is kept current. The VoDs can go back all the way to Alpha, so much has changed. YouTube content is almost always on a delay of some sort, so that is harder to give an accurate answer.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
I have no problems with the holding of release or them using Youtubers and steamers to Hype the pack before release as it is a good Bis plan. I do how ever have a problem with bashing certain Posters for posting their Opinions. I assume FTB post these to both inform the users of their Mod Packs/launcher and to get feed back on that news. You may see Only one poster saying comments against the tactics used but you can be sure with the 1,000s of users there are more with that same view and telling them to get lost is not the right way to take. Even negative feed back gives help for future development more so even cause sometimes it make you look close at certain points then you would have. If you don't agree with a persons point of view plz keep comments to points for and again and let's refrain from "Take your Ball and go home" Type of comments. Let's not forget that people playing the packs is the obj here for the company.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
I will say using streamers to test the pack can seem like a cheeky method of hypeing something.

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Not really as they have hundreds and thousands some time watching and they can get direct feed back from the chats as the streamers' Viewers watch live gameplay. Before the would have to wait for that feed back till some of them decided to post on here.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not really as they have hundreds and thousands some time watching and they can get direct feed back from the chats as the streamers' Viewers watch live gameplay. Before the would have to wait for that feed back till some of them decided to post on here.
Not to mention that many of them are long time FTB members with significant history of contribution.
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Jul 24, 2013
Not really as they have hundreds and thousands some time watching and they can get direct feed back from the chats as the streamers' Viewers watch live gameplay. Before the would have to wait for that feed back till some of them decided to post on here.

Not only this but I enjoy seeing the Streamers find and report bugs, and if you pay attention you can determine how quickly the bugs are fixed, more so in real time(tm). I also include recipe errors as bug fixes, BTW.

Also, keep in mind that the testing (at least the stream I watch) is being done using Expert mode... I don't know if the 'final' product will be switchable between Normal and Expert, but I could see an open beta leading unsuspecting players to report Expert behaviors as bugs, much like they sometimes do in the thread dedicated to the non-skyblock version now, even though the pack is in maintenance status.

The only anxiety I'm feeling is that I want to get my hot and grubbies on Unstable 1.9 :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah, I've been wondering about the progress on this. I downloaded the mods based on the alpha list here - http://modlister.com/user/Quetzz/Infinity Evolved Skyblock Alpha (probably more mods have been added I'm guessing). I consider it a "practice run". :D

Just one thing I'm hoping for - Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaseeee remove Cobalt, Ardite and Aluminium (not aluminum) from gravel/sand/dust sifting, and nerf the "rare ores" ratios (draconium, mana dust, uranium, iridium etc. - the ones at 5% - I set them to 1%.). I've been getting way too much cobalt/ardite in the early game.

I actually made a personal fix.zs file for it. I'm also curious what the skystone dust will be used for... other than making the skystone blocks which seem to have no use so far. I'm assuming electrotine might be a sifted item (or "worse", induction smelter of redstone and something else).

I'm really loving it so far from the mods I've played. (Any chance an old school game tester like myself can test the beta? :p) I really do like modpacks that mix in recipes from other mods in a tech-tree like format (The Dark Trilogy was the first that I remember doing something similar this). Can't wait for the release!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
Ah, I've been wondering about the progress on this. I downloaded the mods based on the alpha list here - http://modlister.com/user/Quetzz/Infinity Evolved Skyblock Alpha (probably more mods have been added I'm guessing). I consider it a "practice run". :D

Just one thing I'm hoping for - Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaseeee remove Cobalt, Ardite and Aluminium (not aluminum) from gravel/sand/dust sifting, and nerf the "rare ores" ratios (draconium, mana dust, uranium, iridium etc. - the ones at 5% - I set them to 1%.). I've been getting way too much cobalt/ardite in the early game.

I actually made a personal fix.zs file for it. I'm also curious what the skystone dust will be used for... other than making the skystone blocks which seem to have no use so far. I'm assuming electrotine might be a sifted item (or "worse", induction smelter of redstone and something else).

I'm really loving it so far from the mods I've played. (Any chance an old school game tester like myself can test the beta? :p) I really do like modpacks that mix in recipes from other mods in a tech-tree like format (The Dark Trilogy was the first that I remember doing something similar this). Can't wait for the release!
The is no reason to remove those ores i mean the only reason to have them for the most part is Tools and there is no real advantage to have that level of tools on a skyblock. Don't know why you would need Aluminium removed? Skystone is for Ae i think and you add it to a stone barrel filled. Also in order to get the same playthorugh you would need the adjustments the have made to their pack which I'm sure aren't listed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, watching that argument go back and forth, I was reminded of nothing so much as a pair of Tim Allens on Home Improvement having a vague grunting match at each other before the 'let's be friends again!' cooldown hit. Pity I didn't have popcorn at the time. :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock

First announced 6 weeks ago, this pack has been in intensive testing by the streamers on FTB One and our internal beta testing team. We’re getting closer to release, but there are still a few things left to do. While we don’t have a hard release date, we wanted to give you an update on it’s progress.

  • The current tech tree is now complete

  • The current Magic tree is nearly complete and going through final testing

  • A custom mod is being developed to handle island spawning

  • New achievements are being added via Simple Achievements

  • New custom trophies are being added which can be gained by completing certain achievements along the way. We thought about building a monument, but settled on just the trophies

  • A new guide to reflect the changes that Skyblock introduces.

Beyond that the pack is pretty much there, all the major balancing and continuity testing is complete.

We also wanted to address the debate surrounding our testing cycle. For this pack, we wanted to have a decent number of quality testers who were able to spend large amounts of time playing. But we felt that releasing an alpha version to the public would expose too large a number of players to buggy content. By utilizing the streamers in the FTB One server community, we guaranteed dedicated testers who could play long hours and give specific feedback while also keeping the pack updated to minimize repeated bug reports.

We’re still confident in being able to release a content complete pack within the next few weeks and hope you’ll agree it’s been worth the wait.
Well people created their own infinity skyblock for the waiting time :)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The is no reason to remove those ores i mean the only reason to have them for the most part is Tools and there is no real advantage to have that level of tools on a skyblock. Don't know why you would need Aluminium removed? Skystone is for Ae i think and you add it to a stone barrel filled. Also in order to get the same playthorugh you would need the adjustments the have made to their pack which I'm sure aren't listed.

I did that because it's the same as aluminum, and it seemed like just an extra ore that's taking up space. Just personal preference...


Jack of All Trades
Retired Staff
Aug 20, 2012
There was a huge rebalancing of ore distribution early on in alpha to correct the ratios substantially. Trust me when I say the skyblock version is not a simple case of add a couple of mods take a couple out and you're done. This is why getting feedback from streamers and their chats is important, it can directly affect decisions like that (we moved cobalt/ardite to netherrack sifting)
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