For me it's more about the bad PR methods and it's fine you don't just get born into understanding the ins and out of PR but it's a sadly a very common and dangerous effect on people. Not only they got burned out waiting but they ended up watching someone else play it for so long that they just gave up on it because they seen it "all" sort of deal.
The impact is so annoying as a server admin that 99% of the players that will play day 1 of the server launch will all copy everything Direwolf or another big youtuber has done. Without a ton of variety out there it's like wth what is the point of playing if your copying everything from someone else..
Like me I think you and your viewers may have lost track of what is fun.
Fun boils down to being something I enjoy doing. If it is really fun I will look back at it in the future and think "awesome". If they get the kicks from watching then that is good. They know what they like. If there ultimate dream is to be DireWolf20 and they roloplay being him to the point of building 1 to 1 scale everything he builds and in the same order. That is pretty awesome to, they know what they enjoy and are doing it.
Do you enjoy streaming so much that you want to build your life and livelihood around it? Nothing wrong with that either. If you get good you will get your viewers. I will even give your channel a watch sometime. I don't watch very much of anything any more (Twitch, Youtube, or netflix), isn't do to some oddball rule. Just not something I enjoy much right now.
If you want to bitch, wait until you have a actual valid reason to bitch.
If you bury the content providers in negativity and whining, you can effectively sap their will to do more... this solves nothing.
Be appreciative for the fact that they keep us in the loop when they can,
This is true of anything that I eat. I rather not insult it until I have given a chance. I may not be the best at being constructive though. I do like being able to give input on what is going to be on my plate though. I like your statements. I am hoping I can remember them in the future.
There have been creators that are horrible at communication. I bought a game a few years ago. It was worth the money I paid for it. Yet it was upsetting when the developers dropped off the radar. I really wanted to know more about what was going on and it was starting to seam like they had totally given in on finishing the project. Turns out they just suck at keeping their veiwers in the loop. On the other side their is another game I bough where the developers communicate. I enjoy their game and all. I don't pay any attention to them. I don't have the attention to read long post ever day on what they are up to.
So I guess being able to communicate effectively and in a way that the masses will find acceptable and respond properly too is really tough. I also stopped caring about broken promises. Though they do sadden me. I happen to like Diablo 3. It isn't my favorite game. I do like the story line along with the rest of the choices they have made with its implementation. I like playing both modes in it for different reasons and tend to play both equally. The game has only improved over the years. Which is nice. Looks like diablo 2 is even getting potential patches too. Which is nice, there must be something related in the pipes.
My 2 cents:
Personally I would have preferred that they kept this pack a secret until it was really close to release (under a weeks from being ready). I would have love to start playing it from Direwolf20 1st video.
I wish it was possible to play those pack in alpha mode, but only play them with no support for them. But i understand FTB would still be flooded by normal users complaint about this and that not working....
Meanwhile il got Play another game to get my mind out of it, See ya all later!
Either way they will get complaints. They are popular enough to have critics and whiners. They should feel proud to have gotten to the point where they have to deal with such individuals.
I like the way they are doing things. It works for me.