FTB Horizons - General Feedback Thread

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Tim B

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like this as an addition to the existing packs, but not as a primary go-to pack like unleashed or DW20 packs...the whole point of mods is to add something new to the game and increase longevity and play time, and this is a great way to do it. Its also good that new/ignored mods are being given a chance and bigger well-known ones have been left out of this particular pack. I only hope that those will be in another pack as they are the basis of a modded setting in minecraft for me.
Good job as always guys :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I personally can not wait to play the new mod pack, I was getting board with Unleashed. But right now my computer can't handle it because of a bad ram card that I am waiting to get replaced. But I'm going to be running it on a different computer tomorrow and I really can not wait to play it, it looks so different then what I am used to. Plus it is a new way to play new mods that I haven't heard of.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ya well the best mod i would say that is ATG only thing is i don't see hardly anyone here using it i looked on streams non of them are using it because no one is going to go and change world type to ATG be for they make a world so no one is going to end up testing that mod so sad :( also other amazing mods are all of ProMobius mods his mod can take a server running 4gb ram with 70 mods and it ends up using 1gb of ram instead with all 70. I have not used this pack yet i have used those mods so can't say anything else yet on the others working on testing it out now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm really looking forward to giving this modpack a try and see the lack of many of the big mods as a chance to delve into some more interesting automation options as well as messing with things that I haven't had a chance to test yet. Honestly I can imagine myself missing the big Buildcraft three, especially Railcraft as without it we are sort of required to rely on Tesseracts. But on the whole I love the challenge of building completely different power systems and can't wait to get it running on my server

EDIT: Sorry we also have Enhanced Portals for long range transport, but that'd still play nice with Railcraft :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Generally a good pack, good mix of the mods only thing seem lacking at the moment is lava so after 45 mining and looking after lava still yet see anything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's nice to see that FTB is further expanding into different types of mods, from the straight tech and magic ones it came from. I personally don't quite like the mod selection, mainly because it doesn't have ComputerCraft (I'm addicted to that mod!) but I'm sure other people will like it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like the idea of playing with new mods and new configurations of them, however; I also enjoy the older classic mods that I had originally come to FTB to play. I think the biggest thing that got me into the FTB packs had been the of the Lets Plays (DireWolf20) and the easy access to tourtalies for the mods involved and ways to use then but that might be because I'm a late latecomer to the pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I love the new pack and I think that the idea to go to mods that are still being developed is great. I would have to say though, I am not the biggest fan of change. I know that some people out there might agree with me on this, so can you answer a couple questions if you have the time?

1. What is happening to the more stable packs like Unleashed, Unhinged, and the DW20 pack? I know that the worlds will not be able to be converted. Since I enjoy playing on the same world for a very long time, I want to make sure I get into a pack that will have good updates, but I can keep my world.

2. Will this pack (Horizons) be updated frequently? I know that Unleashed at least got a little stagnant (or at least to my knowledge) so I want to make sure that when I hop into this new pack, I will be able to have it for a while with good updates. Now by good, I don't mean that the updated content is good, I just want to know if there is a future for this pack, or if it will just stall like so many others.

3. Universal configurations will certainly make things a lot easier for mod devs, so I am very thankful for that. Will that mean that I can insert my own mods to the pack? (This might be covered elsewhere, but I cannot find it yet)

So mainly I am just concerned that Horizons will stall like Unleashed and some time later and "new and better" pack will come out and take over. I just want to go with a pack that will be around with updates. Thanks for considering these questions and I look forward to a answer!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm all for you guys trying out different mod combinations and smaller, lesser known mods. It's really easy to start a new world and just do the same old thing you always do but the reason I started playing around with mods and FtB is because I wanted to try new things.

So please, keep making funky mod packs and I'll try them out.
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Jul 24, 2013
So I love the new pack and I think that the idea to go to mods that are still being developed is great. I would have to say though, I am not the biggest fan of change. I know that some people out there might agree with me on this, so can you answer a couple questions if you have the time?

1. What is happening to the more stable packs like Unleashed, Unhinged, and the DW20 pack? I know that the worlds will not be able to be converted. Since I enjoy playing on the same world for a very long time, I want to make sure I get into a pack that will have good updates, but I can keep my world.

2. Will this pack (Horizons) be updated frequently? I know that Unleashed at least got a little stagnant (or at least to my knowledge) so I want to make sure that when I hop into this new pack, I will be able to have it for a while with good updates. Now by good, I don't mean that the updated content is good, I just want to know if there is a future for this pack, or if it will just stall like so many others.

3. Universal configurations will certainly make things a lot easier for mod devs, so I am very thankful for that. Will that mean that I can insert my own mods to the pack? (This might be covered elsewhere, but I cannot find it yet)

So mainly I am just concerned that Horizons will stall like Unleashed and some time later and "new and better" pack will come out and take over. I just want to go with a pack that will be around with updates. Thanks for considering these questions and I look forward to a answer!

If you go back and read (gasp!) the posts, particularly Jaded's, you'll see that Horizons is intended as a showcase for newer/lesser known mods. Also, as it is using a modified version of the old launcher, it's a stopgap to let some of the complainers have new packs to play with.

There are going to be 4-5 packs released in this manner soon and yes, DW20's newest release is one of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is a very interesting collection of mods to say the least, not what I was expecting however this is not necessarily a bad thing. Being stuck with the same mods for years (Buildcraft, Ic2 etc) does get boring so this is a very welcome change, while you can not please everyone and there will be lots of angry people that don't like the fact that there is no ic2 or buildcraft the same thing happened with Redpower and FTB Unleashed/Unhinged. People get over it and learn more about other mods that they would not usually try before. Currently running a successful Unleashed server (in top 20 on major voting sites) and a Vanilla server myself, this new pack brings a chance to expand onto a 3rd, Horizons server and there is certainly a lot of positive feedback from my Unleashed server about this, they are very excited. Just trying to work out a way to make Horizons compatible with mcpc+ now since they don't seem to like each other in their current state.
Thank you Slow and the whole FTB Team for all your hard work and effort that you have put in to providing an amazing modded community over the past couple of years, really appreciate it :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I love the new pack and I think that the idea to go to mods that are still being developed is great. I would have to say though, I am not the biggest fan of change. I know that some people out there might agree with me on this, so can you answer a couple questions if you have the time?

1. What is happening to the more stable packs like Unleashed, Unhinged, and the DW20 pack? I know that the worlds will not be able to be converted. Since I enjoy playing on the same world for a very long time, I want to make sure I get into a pack that will have good updates, but I can keep my world.

2. Will this pack (Horizons) be updated frequently? I know that Unleashed at least got a little stagnant (or at least to my knowledge) so I want to make sure that when I hop into this new pack, I will be able to have it for a while with good updates. Now by good, I don't mean that the updated content is good, I just want to know if there is a future for this pack, or if it will just stall like so many others.

3. Universal configurations will certainly make things a lot easier for mod devs, so I am very thankful for that. Will that mean that I can insert my own mods to the pack? (This might be covered elsewhere, but I cannot find it yet)

So mainly I am just concerned that Horizons will stall like Unleashed and some time later and "new and better" pack will come out and take over. I just want to go with a pack that will be around with updates. Thanks for considering these questions and I look forward to a answer!

DW20 is coming out again in the next week hopefully.

Universal configs mean if its a mod we ship with any pack, or its one of the mods we noticed quite a few people like it has ID's and some small config changes . For example Spatial IO in Applied Energistics is off by default because of a crash that occurs when used in the current versions. So if its one of those mods it can be dropped in and the ID's will just work. When we release the download we will also release a Master ID dump for Biomes, Items, Enchantments, and Entities. So if a new mod author wants their mod to be able to be dropped right in and we haven't added their mod to the configs yet they could pick free ID's or someone modifying a pack could just look at the free ID's and use those . Third party modpack creators are also welcome to use them. This is kinda my pet cause and the team has agreed. We really like the idea of people being able to mix and match between packs. We often hear I love xyz pack but I wish it had this mod from this other pack. Now it can without ID resolution issues.

The not carrying things forward isn't our intent. Sometimes its mods not updating. With both 1.6 and 1.7 huges changes were/are being made to minecraft that we can't control :(
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