Private Pack Feed the Machine | 1.7.1 | Custom ModPack | Mature 17+ | Online and stable!

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: killie01

Age: 16 (close to 17)

Years playing Minecraft? since september 2010 (2 years)

Java, or HTML experience? Both for about 3 - 4 years.

Other information: Love playing/building in communities.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


Years playing Minecraft? 5

Java, or HTML experience?none

Other information:i like to have fun and chill with other people while playing MC


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: killie01

Age: 16 (close to 17)

Years playing Minecraft? since september 2010 (2 years)

Java, or HTML experience? Both for about 3 - 4 years.

Other information: Love playing/building in communities.


Years playing Minecraft? 5

Java, or HTML experience?none

Other information:i like to have fun and chill with other people while playing MC

Both Accepted


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
New Operating system, opitmized for performance. Running great, no crashes in DAYS


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: liljpac

Age: 20

Years playing Minecraft? Since alpha

Java, or HTML experience? Some HTML, but no java.

Other information: Looking for a FTB server with a great community. I have been playing with mods since 1.7. I'm mature and easy going.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: Axed713

Age: 23

Years playing Minecraft? Been playing since before the Nether was added in the Halloween update.

Java, or HTML experience? Some experience with JAVA, nothing extensive.

Other information: I'm looking for a server with a friendly and mature community. I've spent way too much time playing FTB recently and I'm looking for a fun group of people to experience it with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: Woogieboogie
Age: 26
Years playing Minecraft? i'm playing minecraft since it came out.
Java, or HTML experience? a little bit of HTML no java experiences atm, but wanna learn both more often :)
Other information: Im from the netherlands, love to play with a good community, also prefer having talking programs over chat like skype/ventrilo/Teamspeak3 etc.
I love to build big projects, and have a fun time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: khouns

Age: 24

Years playing Minecraft? 1.2 beta

Java, or HTML experience? A little java no html

Other information: Going to school for programming.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: ithekamekaze
Age: 20
Years playing Minecraft? : Since Minecraft Beta (when it was under 10$) on and off then. Very heavily during the discovery of Direwolf20 Let's Play SSP Season 4. Before mods I love working on redstone logics including but not limited to vanilla style train station automaton. I hosted a friends only vanilla and tekkit server before, legit plays and knows the responsibilities of being an OP/Admin.
How well do you know Linux? : Enough to program with it. (See below)
Java, or HTML experience? : Java at an amateur level in college, know the basic of Java structuring. No experience in HTML.
Other information: Habit of turning cobble stone den into base which then into a full production factory.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: brunonande
Age: 24
Years playing Minecraft? Since late 2010
Java, or HTML experience? No, I'm a historian :D I can work with computers quite well but don't even try to understand their innards
Other information: I'm portuguese, living in London now. Love tech mods, big builds and putting them together. I was told of this server by woogieboogie, with whom i was playing on a previous server and attempting to build an amazing offshore factory. Hopefully this server is nice and stable and we'll be able to get it done! I also value tight communities and helpful staff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: brunonande
Age: 24
Years playing Minecraft? Since late 2010
Java, or HTML experience? No, I'm a historian :D I can work with computers quite well but don't even try to understand their innards
Other information: I'm portuguese, living in London now. Love tech mods, big builds and putting them together. I was told of this server by woogieboogie, with whom i was playing on a previous server and attempting to build an amazing offshore factory. Hopefully this server is nice and stable and we'll be able to get it done! I also value tight communities and helpful staff.
Username: ithekamekaze
Age: 20
Years playing Minecraft? : Since Minecraft Beta (when it was under 10$) on and off then. Very heavily during the discovery of Direwolf20 Let's Play SSP Season 4. Before mods I love working on redstone logics including but not limited to vanilla style train station automaton. I hosted a friends only vanilla and tekkit server before, legit plays and knows the responsibilities of being an OP/Admin.
How well do you know Linux? : Enough to program with it. (See below)
Java, or HTML experience? : Java at an amateur level in college, know the basic of Java structuring. No experience in HTML.
Other information: Habit of turning cobble stone den into base which then into a full production factory.

Username: khouns

Age: 24

Years playing Minecraft? 1.2 beta

Java, or HTML experience? A little java no html

Other information: Going to school for programming.
Username: Woogieboogie
Age: 26
Years playing Minecraft? i'm playing minecraft since it came out.
Java, or HTML experience? a little bit of HTML no java experiences atm, but wanna learn both more often :)
Other information: Im from the netherlands, love to play with a good community, also prefer having talking programs over chat like skype/ventrilo/Teamspeak3 etc.
I love to build big projects, and have a fun time.
Username: liljpac

Age: 20

Years playing Minecraft? Since alpha

Java, or HTML experience? Some HTML, but no java.

Other information: Looking for a FTB server with a great community. I have been playing with mods since 1.7. I'm mature and easy going.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: Axed713

Age: 23

Years playing Minecraft? Been playing since before the Nether was added in the Halloween update.

Java, or HTML experience? Some experience with JAVA, nothing extensive.

Other information: I'm looking for a server with a friendly and mature community. I've spent way too much time playing FTB recently and I'm looking for a fun group of people to experience it with.
also accepted


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
also accepted

Hey, I was unable to use your link to the proper Mystcraft version because it requires me to be registered on your forum. I can't register on the forum without knowing your IGN. Which I would be able to find out if I could log onto the server. To log onto the server I need the Mystcraft download. So... whats your IGN?

Edit: Nevermind, the question was apparently randomly generated. The next one was much easier :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: mickaus

Age: 24

Years playing Minecraft? a few, hard to remember

Java, or HTML experience? Not great with Java, I know my way around HTML but don't use it on a daily basis or anything. I do work in the IT industry though.

Other information: I really like the fact that your server uses some mods in addition the the standard FTB mods. I dont think I could live without Logistics pipes which I found on your forums:)

I have run a small private server for a couple of friends for some time, although many of them have lost interest and I am looking for some more people to play with.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, I was unable to use your link to the proper Mystcraft version because it requires me to be registered on your forum. I can't register on the forum without knowing your IGN. Which I would be able to find out if I could log onto the server. To log onto the server I need the Mystcraft download. So... whats your IGN?

Edit: Nevermind, the question was apparently randomly generated. The next one was much easier :p

His IGN is on the OP. It is when he lists the admins/Moderators of the server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: mickaus

Age: 24

Years playing Minecraft? a few, hard to remember

Java, or HTML experience? Not great with Java, I know my way around HTML but don't use it on a daily basis or anything. I do work in the IT industry though.

Other information: I really like the fact that your server uses some mods in addition the the standard FTB mods. I dont think I could live without Logistics pipes which I found on your forums:)

I have run a small private server for a couple of friends for some time, although many of them have lost interest and I am looking for some more people to play with.
