Private Pack Feed the Machine | 1.7.1 | Custom ModPack | Mature 17+ | Online and stable!

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Username: hsv45

Age: 17

Years playing Minecraft? Over 2 years

Java, or HTML experience? Not really^^
Username: kungfubuddah

Age: 27

Years playing Minecraft? 2 (early alpha)

Java, or HTML experience? Some HTML, but it has been a few years.
Username: Stevemck1

Age: 18

Years playing Minecraft? August 2009 so, 3 years, wow

Java, or HTML experience? none at all

Other information: good understanding of most aspects of the mods featured in the pack

Username: Stevemck1

Age: 18

Years playing Minecraft? August 2009 so, 3 years, wow

Java, or HTML experience? none at all

Other information: good understanding of most aspects of the mods featured in the pack

Username: Joe_Cool_58


Years playing Minecraft? Since beta 1.2ish

Java, or HTML experience? A couple years of java computer science classes. Nothing significant.

Other information: Just looking for a fun server to try this modpack on.
Is it just me or is the server down?
On my end too, and mcstatus seems fine...​
Whitelist Application:​
nearly 17 (2 months)​
Years playing Minecraft?
Since about 1.7 Beta​
Java, or HTML experience?
Im working for a logistic company, which programs its software in Java, so yeah, quite much expierience...​
And with HTML not so much, just the plain basics..​
Other information:
I found my Love in ComputerCraft a few Days ago and im eager to build stuff on a server with it ;D​
Username: Parker7771
Age: 17
Previous OP/Mod Experience: Coowner on multiple vanilla & tekkit servers, moderator once or twice
My SQL, Java, or HTML experience: none
How well do you know Linux?: how well do i know the back of my hand?
Other Info: Just wanna build a bunch of contraptions, maybe make a few friends.
Bud I would like to notify you that if you need help with anything at all pertaining to the server I would love to contribute my time to help you. Just through something at me and I will see if I can do it, if I can no problems if I can't I will tell you. ;D
Username: TheTrashMastah
Age: 16
Previous OP/Mod Experience: Very little experience here, was a mod in a server during beta but that was it.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? I took a semester course of HTML my sophmore year of highschool, I know very little and would provide little benefit.
How well do you know linux? Never even seen it run before.
Other information: I've been playing for about 2 years, gathered alot of building experience along the way. I used to play alot of Tekkit in a server with some of my friends. I play to have fun and I follow the rules of any server I'm in.
Username: Joe_Cool_58


Years playing Minecraft? Since beta 1.2ish

Java, or HTML experience? A couple years of java computer science classes. Nothing significant.

Other information: Just looking for a fun server to try this modpack on.
Username: Parker7771
Age: 17
Previous OP/Mod Experience: Coowner on multiple vanilla & tekkit servers, moderator once or twice
My SQL, Java, or HTML experience: none
How well do you know Linux?: how well do i know the back of my hand?
Other Info: Just wanna build a bunch of contraptions, maybe make a few friends.
On my end too, and mcstatus seems fine...​
Whitelist Application:​
nearly 17 (2 months)​
Years playing Minecraft?
Since about 1.7 Beta​
Java, or HTML experience?
Im working for a logistic company, which programs its software in Java, so yeah, quite much expierience...​
And with HTML not so much, just the plain basics..​
Other information:
I found my Love in ComputerCraft a few Days ago and im eager to build stuff on a server with it ;D​

all accepted
Username: TheValliant

Age: 31

Years playing Minecraft? 3

Java, or HTML experience? No.

Other information: Friendly and community-minded. I like to trade help with mega projects, as it's always more fun building with others.
Username: etopsirhc


Years playing Minecraft?not sure , summer of beta 1.2.5

Java, or HTML experience? java, though little experience with forge modding ( going though a tutorial series is on my to do list )

Other information: lua skills and a hope for http api being enabled ^^
Username: TheValliant

Age: 31

Years playing Minecraft? 3

Java, or HTML experience? No.

Other information: Friendly and community-minded. I like to trade help with mega projects, as it's always more fun building with others.
Username: etopsirhc


Years playing Minecraft?not sure , summer of beta 1.2.5

Java, or HTML experience? java, though little experience with forge modding ( going though a tutorial series is on my to do list )

Other information: lua skills and a hope for http api being enabled ^^

Both accepted