Ingame Name:
Technical Builder (though nearly anything else I should be able to do no problem)
Previous Builds:
-I am really good at improving other's designs, of course I would talk to them first in a server setting... but I am all about efficiency in Minecraft
With EE2/RP2:
-infinite lava power gen based off of a few cobble generators (on a FTB map)
-more compact version of Direwolf20's season 3 sorting system, i spent around 2 hours making it ALL(chests, room, machines, etc) fit into a single 9*9*8 area

(i build 11x11's now, but hopefully there will be workshops up so I don't have to clutter up the server with them

) -legit btw, no cheating and also had the machinery almost all hidden.
-forth programming

Made a light switch for different lights depending on what numerical value was put into the computer and also made a program that converts from the IOX input to a numerical value.
-I also LOVE making frame doors

if you ever need anything with a hidden entrance or garage door, come to me please!
-I have dabbled in Railcraft signalling, while I'm not perfect at it, I understand most of the basics of it and could help build an inter/intra-city rail system. I used this to supply a foresty tree farm outside of a castle I built, which seemed to be a lightning magnet for some reason

-I have used most of these mods for a long time, I also have a very efficient reactor design that makes 52 million EU with 6 dual uranium cells -slightly more efficient than the one DW20 used in his season 3 smp recently... i'm sure someone could improve upon it, but here is the link to the reactorplanner program on the IC2 forums with my design pre-loaded... its a mark 1 EA:
Link here. efficiency is 4.33, while DW's is only around 3.9 something according to the reactor planner...
-Also I have done some stuff in computer craft... i program java which is why I do all this programming stuff.
-In 1.1 minecraft, I creted an automatic engine shutoff with a manual cutoff switch as well, as seen here... everything included:
screenshot here (the manual turn off is unde the hotbar) My main reason for showing this is to show it can be done in a really really small space, or even moved 100 km away, and would still work b/c of wireless redstone (personally, i like Chicken Bone's version better though)
Also something proof of my aesthetic abilites as well: A jungle island built a really long time ago by myself in SMP, (mc beta 1.7.3, with texturepack SMP's Revival -was a great TP btw): Here are 5 screens of it

My original goal was to make it kind of a hidden wonderland or something, but then I decided to go with a jungle island
LINK Dont forget to view all 5 images

oh, and the glass under my feet is an addon for bukkit which I was running at the time. magiccarpet or something... makes u fly by placing glass under u when u jump and then getting rid of it when u move
Detail worked into the city:
-Set aside some future space for EE3,RP2 windmills, etc, I definitely wouldn't want to run out of space for them

-Some good aesthetic looking buildings... made some aesthetic things before, but they aren't as good as some other people's on here, lol
-I would like to have the computer craft config option for the enabled HTTP API in the server configs

then we can import other peoples programs.
Thanks for the consideration! See you all around!