Feed the City [Ultimate Pack][1.4.6][Whitelist][Survival][Filmed]

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ign: Scottwears
Position:Grunt (I like to build but I don't think they look good enough for a city project).
I would like to see allot of different architectural styles in different sections of the city, sprawling markets and social center's are also good.
IGN/Name: Nigmawolf Position/role: Grunt

no previous experience in coordinated minecraft builds. just have some experience in building simple skyscraper/office like structures with no floors.

would like to see FTB team and mod author places. for example, XCompWiz library or slowpoke park. even a city hall would be a great to see
with the mayor office having slowpoke name on it and with the other office room having forum moderator name attached to them.

and it dont have to be there but i would be cool. an underground/sewers maze and/or a cemetery with all the names of those who helped build the city.
In game name: CAT123MRT

Position: Grunt

Detail: I like to build. I can build some technical stuff but i'm not that advanced I stick to pipes, quarries, some kinds of redstone works and sorces of power. Though I do not feel I come above the rank Grunt. In the city you should explain hard to use blocks for newbies on FTB.

Hope I get on the server CAT123MRT
IGN: trixes
Wanna build with you and team upp with city buildings can build big buildings and i spend alot of time in designing things.
One idea i have righ now on city is to make a big tunnel under ground like a subway with diffrent tracks and stuff.
,Played in alpha actually. I think i'm greate at redstoning and im greate when it comes to designing things, I am not best on english but i do my best :) and im from sweden. Would be fun with people from diffrent contrys, Looking forward and hope i can join you guys! And start building sick looking things! Yeah!
Here is the latest building i made, I uploaded a file. I wanna work as builder to the city :D


Ingame Name

Technical Builder

Pictures (as links because they are rather big)
So didn't really have any shots lying around so had to build some stuff in SSP creative xD
I did many things in the past though (never really did much with Reactors though :x)
Did a little Forth too but didn't continue that as RP isn't updated yet...

Simple IC Ore-Maceration + smelting line using GregTech instead of Pipes -> http://puu.sh/1vZab
Simple TE Ore-Pulverization + Smelting line using BC wooden pipe (has an overflow issue D: ) -> http://puu.sh/1vz14
Decided to go with a turtle for no overflow issue: http://puu.sh/1vZaA

(One version using conduits, the other not)
Power provided by steam boiler + steam engines seen on the left
On top of the upper rock crusher theres an igneous extruder, generating cobblestone and putting it inside the rock crusher.
Then wooden engines pull the products (flint and gravel) out, flint is sorted into the chest on the right, gravel goes into the other rock crusher
That second rock crusher processes the gravel further, producing diamonds and gold nuggets (both with a chance of <1% per gravel) and sand. Sand is sorted into the chest on the right, the more valuable product into the chest on the left.

Also made a ComputerCraft Program:
http://puu.sh/1w2Br Here you see the userlist on the left, you can edit it with the <Edit> button on the bottom
http://puu.sh/1w2BI Here with a user selected, so you see the highlight and options (you select a user by clicking on them in the list)
Show outputs the user "data" on the attached monitor; Edit lets you edit the user "data"; Delete asks you if you really want to delete that user and if so, deletes them from the list; Make Disk - makes the disk in the disk drive on top the computer into the "user's disk"
http://puu.sh/1w2C8 <- Editing the User Data
http://puu.sh/1w2BV <- Displaying it
The "user's disk" is basically a disk with the user name saved on it, if people shift-click it into the disk drive it will eject the disk back at them and display their user "data" on the screen.

Once finished (still need to make the user list scroll <.<) I thought it may be helpful for task stuff, so say you could write "What do you think about a lava pumping system?" to a users data and they could see that if they check it.
Kind of like having a sign-room but more compact I guess. And just tried to think of something useful that can show that I know how to use CC.

Hmm... hard one, heh , many ideas :3
I like the idea of having a big biomass/biofuel plant with a nice ComputerCraft screen animation on its front-side and big biofuel/biogas tanks and such ^^
With a production enough taht 20+ people could constantly pull from it~
Just like a fuel generation company or such.
Ingame Name:

Technical Builder (though nearly anything else I should be able to do no problem)

Previous Builds:
-I am really good at improving other's designs, of course I would talk to them first in a server setting... but I am all about efficiency in Minecraft :)

With EE2/RP2:
-infinite lava power gen based off of a few cobble generators (on a FTB map)
-more compact version of Direwolf20's season 3 sorting system, i spent around 2 hours making it ALL(chests, room, machines, etc) fit into a single 9*9*8 area :p (i build 11x11's now, but hopefully there will be workshops up so I don't have to clutter up the server with them ;) ) -legit btw, no cheating and also had the machinery almost all hidden.
-forth programming :) Made a light switch for different lights depending on what numerical value was put into the computer and also made a program that converts from the IOX input to a numerical value.
-I also LOVE making frame doors :) if you ever need anything with a hidden entrance or garage door, come to me please! :)

-I have dabbled in Railcraft signalling, while I'm not perfect at it, I understand most of the basics of it and could help build an inter/intra-city rail system. I used this to supply a foresty tree farm outside of a castle I built, which seemed to be a lightning magnet for some reason :p
-I have used most of these mods for a long time, I also have a very efficient reactor design that makes 52 million EU with 6 dual uranium cells -slightly more efficient than the one DW20 used in his season 3 smp recently... i'm sure someone could improve upon it, but here is the link to the reactorplanner program on the IC2 forums with my design pre-loaded... its a mark 1 EA: Link here. efficiency is 4.33, while DW's is only around 3.9 something according to the reactor planner...
-Also I have done some stuff in computer craft... i program java which is why I do all this programming stuff.
-In 1.1 minecraft, I creted an automatic engine shutoff with a manual cutoff switch as well, as seen here... everything included: screenshot here (the manual turn off is unde the hotbar) My main reason for showing this is to show it can be done in a really really small space, or even moved 100 km away, and would still work b/c of wireless redstone (personally, i like Chicken Bone's version better though)

Also something proof of my aesthetic abilites as well: A jungle island built a really long time ago by myself in SMP, (mc beta 1.7.3, with texturepack SMP's Revival -was a great TP btw): Here are 5 screens of it :) My original goal was to make it kind of a hidden wonderland or something, but then I decided to go with a jungle island :) LINK Dont forget to view all 5 images :D
oh, and the glass under my feet is an addon for bukkit which I was running at the time. magiccarpet or something... makes u fly by placing glass under u when u jump and then getting rid of it when u move

Detail worked into the city:
-Set aside some future space for EE3,RP2 windmills, etc, I definitely wouldn't want to run out of space for them :)
-Some good aesthetic looking buildings... made some aesthetic things before, but they aren't as good as some other people's on here, lol
-I would like to have the computer craft config option for the enabled HTTP API in the server configs :) then we can import other peoples programs.

Thanks for the consideration! See you all around!
IGN: Kyre Elsion
Position: Technical Builder (but can do some grunt and aesthetic work)

I don't have any specific builds I've done in the past, so I built something small to show what I'm capable of. It's a bar that serves Mead, which is generated automatically in the basement with input of the proper combs (Honey and Dripping) along with wheat and dirt to be used as fertilizer for the fermentation. Most of the mead is stored in the Railcraft tank, but there's a pump out to lead up to a TE Liquid Transposer, where customers can come in to fill their bottles with. There's also a upper deck if patrons want to drink their mead outside.

One thing I'd really like to see in a cool server like this would be some kind of marketplace, where people can advertise what they're selling or buying. It could be a giant Forestry Post Office or make use of a bunch of IC2 Trade-O-Mats. Or even some kind of wacky homebrewed implementation using Redpower. If a marketplace is unfeasbile, however, having a really well thought out public transport system using Railcraft signaling and Steve's Carts would be very cool.

Thanks for the consideration!


Name: Revenant2011
Role: Grunt, at least initially until I can prove myself competent in other roles.

References: Unfortunately, all of my experience has been in SSP and except for my most recent build, which was more about playing with new features of the mods than building anything noteworthy, I haven't held onto any uncorrupted worlds. That being said I am willing to do anything that is needed to help out the project and do not mind being told what to do. I have a decent to good working knowledge of all the mods being used except for the computer side of RedPower and all of CC as I cannot write code for either.

Ideas: A bridge that functionally is similar to London's Tower bridge with a roadway that raises and lowers using RedPower frames.
I am sure I will have other ideas as soon as I see what kind of aesthetic that the project is going for, since what is proper for a medieval type city is different from a steam punk style city or a futuristic city. For example, if the city is going to be a modern style city it might be interesting to have working traffic signals at major intersections or if it is a steam punk style city the streetlights might look interesting if they were made using RedPower igniters tied to light sensors that are set so that as the night approaches different blocks come on at different times as the light level drops.
IGN: whizzball1, Would like to be a technical builder.

Example: As of the moment, I am creating a gravisuite factory using the FTB retro pack. Screenshots in attachments.

Idea: Some sort of Quantum suit factory or a mobile quarry. Also maybe a storm-safe windmill power generation system.


IGN: Detabandit
Role: Technical builder ( I can work part-time aesthetic worker/grunt too)
References: The pictures I have are a part of a build that I was working on originally on my single player world in the FTB beta pack. Its a machine that turns saplings from trees to steam in railcraft steam engines. There are many extra products and the machine itself uses a big chunk of the mods in the mod pack. I would have expanded the build even more if I had redpower2. I would have used computercraft in the build but I decided not to at the end. I do know how to write a few simple programs with computercraft, but not any major ones. I'm REALLY excited for thaumcraft 3 and know a good amount about it by watching youtubers and streamers on forgecraft.
Ideas: I'm an ok aesthetic worker but I prefer doing technical builds. I am very into bees from forestry and would like to make something for the community an area anything with bees (examples: spare apiaries, pubic centrifuge, and public seed oil.) Also I would like to make a room with buildcraft items and buildcraft power for public use. I also will be willing do help other technical builders with their builds if they want any help. I will try all the time to come up with new ideas for the community once I'm done with my ideas.
*edit- sorry i had to change the pictures.


IGN, position: Zjarek_S, technical builder
Past work: Here are some screenshots from my worlds (some of them are from old worlds I already nuked). I'd overall categorize myself as a pragmatic builder.
From my really big 1.2.5 worlds unfortunately I don't have many screenshots, only some that I posted on IC2 forums involving timer for beer brewing: http://i.imgur.com/nsgKm.png , http://i.imgur.com/0PWJQ.png , http://i.imgur.com/VL117.png . It wouldn't involve computers if BC builder could reliably copy RP2 circuits.
From my 1.4.2 world my pride is FZ processing system, involving BC and RC: http://imgur.com/a/NKSHH . Some other screenshots from this world, involving nearly maximum efficient sugar cane forestry farm (double decker, 80 % sugar cane), peat farm needing only mulch, which produce dirt and peat, simple but long rails system which provided fresh silky combs (I didn't have any closer jungle, and mystcraft is stealing fun from railcraft) and many random machines in random places: http://imgur.com/a/rgWkH.
Finally there are some screenshots from my current 1.4.5 world, only a few days played on it: http://imgur.com/a/uB39C.
Yes, I play with always day enabled by NEI, deal with it.
Overall I can make a lot of fun technical builds, but unfortunately they don't look very neat. Maybe I should just stick to 9x9?

What I would like to see in this city: mainly some city wide rails system, I have some plans for automatic routing, but RC is not so fun in SSP.
IGN: sunflowersamurai
Role: City Planner

Sprawling builds that cohesively blend various mods are my favorite, especially ones that involve RP 2 such as sorting room, frame machines, and the like. I also enjoy planning layouts for purely aesthetic builds. In 1.2.5, I played with TC2 and RP2 quite a bit and ended up making some rather convoluted builds. Recently, I've been working on a Skyrim inspired village in a creative world and improving my vanilla redstone skills in an SSP world in 1.4.5.

It's always been a dream of mine to make a floating island in Minecraft that looks like it's been torn from the landscape, and I think it would be a fun build if/when TC3 is added we create a floating district that is "supported" by the Levitators in Thaumcraft.
Also, I think a magtube network handled by RP2 Managers would be a great way of transporting goods across large distances.

Attached are various images from builds that were mentioned above.


IGN: Dcubed33
Job: Technical Builder
Background: I love taking the time to think about making redstone contraptions using the FTB mod pack. The moment i started using mods, there were about 1000 ideas coming to mind. That was the same when it came to thinking about things for the city. I could probably make many contributions to the city, such as a nuclear power plant, or a machine tower, or something of the sort. I could even make them look good, so you could consider me a Technical/ Aesthetic builder. Sadly though, i don't have photo evidence of my skills/builds. Even though i cant prove it, there might be some people that would agree when they see my builds on the server. My only weakness is CC programming and RP2 computers. I hope to get in and help out with the city!
Ideas: Mk2 Reactors, nuclear power plants w/ emergency shutoff systems, full subway with stations as needed, solar arrays (IC2 and Factorization), and an auto harvest bee array.

I have TS3, but i don't like speaking within the voice chat. I will speak through text chat.
ign: crimsolongo

position: grunt

I like to explore the world,caves fighting with some creepers and monsters :D I like to be helpful to be a good team player :)
1. IGN:MisterCreeperr and i think i could be a city planner (im a pretty good CC proggramer and i could make all of the building computerized.
2. A Fully Computerized RedNet Skyscraper(i have on ssp)
3. A Turtle Army Making All That The Minecrafters Want(Cook,Macerate,Recycle,etc)(In The Skyscreaper i mensioned before will be a GPS Tower And a Master Computer)(The Turtles Will Also Have A gohome(using a goto program) command that will send them to the "Home Of The Turtles"(There, they will refuel)
1. IGN: GrammieFi
2. Aesthetic Builder - I've only taken a few screen shots, as usually I play SSP so I'm building only for myself. However, I've recently been designing and building mage towers for the Ars Magica mod, and have a few screen shots of towers that are being used or probably will be added.
This first example is more along the lines of the type of building I usually build:

This second one is a little hard to see the structure, as I designed it to look like a huge tree. Much of the details of the "trunk" are obscured by leaves.

This Nether Tower isn't quite finished yet, but it's close enough to show a picture.

Two more: A maze, very plain on the outside. This is with the "roof" off to show the maze. Finished, it is covered by stone brick so what the player sees is just a very large, plain structure. The other is a humble little cottage in a swamp, with secrets below.

3. One thing I'd love to see worked into the city is a skyline railway. I am a noob when it comes to Railcraft (most mods, really) but I love the way skylines look in futuristic pictures and would love to see a transport system using one in a minecraft city. Another thing I'd like to see is a fully automated farming district. I am assuming that you're planning something along those lines anyway, but it would be fun and profitable to have a wide variety of farm products being produced and carried into the city for easy availability to the community.
1. IGN entourian
2. Technical builder - I have worked on a few massive builds on outlandcraft
A manual refining station

Powered by a maxed CAUSUC

A mass sorting system with overflow chests

3. I would like to see a marketplace like structure where you can exchange various items and raw materials for other items. Also a teleport pod system using mystcraft.
Ign xXAesirXx
I'm Applying for Aesthetic Builder
I've got The spawn I build for a pvp server running vanilla http://i.imgur.com/vZi8i.jpg (only the Nether brick structure in the middle is mine)
And the house I made on an older Tekkit server http://imgur.com/ijGxP
Personally I've love to see a diverse city With personality not one of those citys you see where every house looks almost exactly the same I'm not a big fan of those They're too boring