IGN: EvilAlfredo (Though in-game, you can call me Evil for short. Or Erika. Either works.)
Job Position: A mix of technical and aesthetic builder. However, I could also help with city planning, as that is something that I do on a normal basis. (ADD + Very imaginative = SO many ideas.) Above all, though, I am very proud of my creativity and quick learning skills, and I feel that these two qualities could be very beneficial to this server's goal.
While I love the tech mods to death, I love the magic "tech" mods even more. (Though I can hardly go without RedPower...

I've made many different alchemical labs and magical towers/temples, and love throwing that bit of machine into them to give a bit of almost Steampunk flair.

Sadly, I don't have as many screenshots as I would like, as many of my worlds have corrupted, and I always forget to make backups... It is no problem with the builds I make, it is usually caused because I make some silly mistake when updating or removing a mod...
However, despite my inexperience with troubleshooting mods, I am quite knowledgeable of the mod content. And what I don't know, I learn VERY quickly. (Nuclear reactors... Never made one until the super-complex update to them happened, now my puzzle-solving mind is kicked into overdrive trying to figure out the most efficient design.)
But here is what I do have. (Note, some are unfinished due to aforementioned corruption.)
These are of my Laputa-esque castle that I made on a survival server a while back. Sadly, it was never filled with all the contraptions I wanted to make...
EDIT: Huh, I'm having trouble with the screenshots, so I'll just post links, rather than embed.
EDIT2: I found more images of my stuff! Here is my current world, Magica X Machina.
And on that same server, I made an underground railway with all sorts of stations and track logistics. And I managed to compact and hide every bit of it. Sadly, I took no pictures of the mechanisms behind it...
I do have another build that I am quite proud of, but again, lost due to corruption. (Of a different kind. Mystcraft meteor came down and smashed my build to bits.)
It was a netherrack-fueled power and lava generator, utilizing Thermal Expansion. But while that doesn't sound all that impressive, it was perfectly self-sustaining, extremely compact, and infinitely expandable, resources permitting. I believe the final dimensions of a single lava/power producer was 3 long by 2 wide by 3 tall. And whole thing, except where you put the netherrack in, could be covered in facades or other blocks and still keep the same dimensions.
As for what I would like to see on the server, I have always loved sticking to a theme. Whether that is magic, steampunk, or futuristic, it feels very rewarding to do a build that sticks to both the aesthetic and technical theme. If I could help to create that on the server, I would be quite happy.

But besides my personal taste in themes, I enjoy a good community above all else. Yes, there will be times when I'll have that urge to go off on my own, and just make something crazy/awesome to surprise people on the server, but I'm certain I'm not the only one. It is all done with good intent, and I'll make sure to stick to the city planners' plans... Mostly.

And one last thing that I believe would benefit the server, but really is more a pet peeve of mine, is a lack of IC2 macerators. I've always thought they were way too simple, overpowered, and took away opportunities for something more creative. I much prefer Factorization's methods of ore doubling, as you really need to put some thought into how you assemble your factories, rather than just throwing ore in, and almost instantly getting double out of it.
So to finish up here, I really look forward to any responses, and sincerely hope I can join this server!