Feed the City [Ultimate Pack][1.4.6][Whitelist][Survival][Filmed]

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IGN: AtreyuSmith
Postition: Grunt or Technical Builder
My Knowledge of the mods is pretty rounded, I know most about IC2, BuildCraft, and RP2.
I have been working on a project with my friend, kinda like yours. We are making a little village. It has a central area, with a workshop, a warehouse, a bee hut, bakery, train station, and more to come! It has a rail system that goes to some Forestry farms, picks up the items and brings them to the warehouse to be sorted, or crafted into things the farms need, the cart then picks the the needed items, and heads back to the farms.

My Idea is to maybe have a rail system through the underground, that goes from farms to workshops, or even a subway system for players


I would like to apply for aesthetic builder, I have some nice builds that i can show if needed and i am very good at running wires under cities etc as i got used to in vanilla mc. i know this is vague but please let me know what more info you need.
IGN; Onwexry
Position: Jack of Most trades.(i would really enjoy helping sort out plans for the server as part of a team or alone.)(if only one category accepted, aesthetic builder would be my category.)
Examples: i'm a minor detail builder, and i am best at adding small things to existing builds to make them stand out, and as such am not going to post another's main work to show what i have changed. i am knowledgeable about vanilla, and mediocre with the mods(i know almost all, except for factorization and gregtech, mostly.)
i can also build big structures with nice detail on the outside, but i can't seem to add the minor detail in furniture to my own builds(no issue with others, for some reason.) (wait. i've found a bit of work i had done on a server of mine that i can post, and i will do so, it shows both of my strong points, the structure, and part of the furnishings.)
Detail i'd want: a small port near the outskirts if the city, i just think it would look nice.

i am a silent regular of almost all of your streams, but i can out talk a lot of people. i just have restraint, because i can monolog like no other, and as such would be good at logging ideas and keeping records in this city.


1. i would like to be a technical builder

2. i am very sorry but i dont have any pictures to show

3. i am planning to build a house. where i can go to a city mine, put my stuff in a chest, have it auto smelt all of it craft some of it and put it all into a designated chest.

oops forgot user name. its blakc725
Wow, quite a turn out here, huh? Before I type any of this application I would like to wish everyone else good luck and to say I'm quite impressed by the amount of people wanted to take part in something like this.

1. Grunt: adidaspray (anyone have $27? :P)
2. Generally, when I start a world I do what everyone else does: Mining. Once I get the a little house set up, I can't decide what to do with all my ores/resources, which makes me go get more to think about what I'm going to do. Long story short, I mine for hours on end because I don't know what to build.
3. A portal gun test facility? I can't be the only one. Also, an automatic cake factory would be cool.

Good luck again to everyone, can't wait to watch some videos, might not be able to make it to the livestream. :(
1. Blackfire7676
Technical Builder (but not above grunt work)

2.Here is my strictly redpower tree farm (before I had forestry)



This is a simple frame doorway to my beer lodge



This is just a little IC2 crop shop I was in the progress of making


I am also skilled in programming finishing my undergraduate degree in Computer Science for any ComputerCraft codding.

3. It would be amazing to have a Mob Zoo, a Subway system that has Railcraft trains pulling into stations, a central park, and a Shell Amphitheater :)
1. Please state your in game name, and which position you're applying for. (Yes, I'd like you to pick one.)

IGN: Jakelope
Position: Aesthetic Builder, Grunt
- I like designing cool builds, but I'm more than willing to do gofer work too.
Another thing I love to do is create a story, a history, of the builds I make and/or help out on. If there's a position for someone who does that sort of thing, I'll apply for that too.

2. Pleast post any examples of work you've done in the past that may qualify you for this. In the case of Technical and Aesthetic Builders, screenshots are best!

Used the normal MC texture pack for this build (Rowhouse idea)

Corridor to a 4 room living building (partly completed, started roughly 5 hours before taking the picture)

Lower level Office/housing Entrance.

Two small shops on the lower level, across the hallway from the Office room

Overhead view into the top two rooms, rightmost has a balcony, and the two 'houses' are separated by a hallway between them

3. Tell me a little detail you'd love to see worked into the city somewhere - even if I don't happen to choose you, I will try to work it in somewhere!

Well, something I haven't seen incorporated into a build is a system of aqueducts, like in ancient Rome. It'd be pretty sweet to see an aboveground Acqueduct running around the city and possibly linking to other cities.

Thanks for taking time to read this application!
1. IGN: afa7336
2. Position: City Planner AND Grunt
2. Well organized planner and resource gatherer. I also have the patience of a saint, even if I may troll people from time to time (All in fun, and never to harm. No means no.) Plenty of free time, as well as a vision I would like to go for. As far as past works, I'll dig around and look for a few design layouts that I can show. This would be my first time on a server, period, and looking forward to it.
3. All information, including latest updates (As it is ongoing still) can be found at the following: http://afa7336.byethost14.com/

I do have available Mumble, Teamspeak 3, or any other software available.
*Site has been updated heaps since first post, just an fyi
1. jeremielandry and would like to work as a grunt and maybe do some aesthetical building from time to time
2. Well i actually havent been able to play minecraft in a while cause finished school a bit ago, and have been working a lot the past 4 months cause christmas is comming and well people like buying stuff you now... XD but will have some down time from now on (studied in wood working, so thats why i ight want to do aesthetically building and making things look nice) but grunt is aslways fun i like exploring the world, and as i know im not that amazing in mine craft building i can input some good ideas has a grunt cause might not have the lead to "create a project" but can implement some little detail that can be really apreciated, and yeah just enjoying a good community and this WILL be one.
3. Really a city with distinct full district, everything from rich residential area to slums, going deep in the underground sewers and has high as an air meteorology station, from big Industrial building to small producer And the big legal megastore to the dark alley black market! so yeah a really nice town i guess :D ... Well it seems city planner could work for me 2 :)

Cant wait to see what will come of this project to see your baby grow! And would love to participate in this amazing project that will gather lots of amazing player.

PS. has you might have notice my english is not perfect, thats cause english is not my first language, but always trying my best to be understandable.

Oh, and i have a mic!

Thanks, in hope of joining you in this adventure.

Jeremie Landry.
IGN Gracopicotrain
if its going to something i can crawl around tunnels all day and witht he right tools the tunnels will be pretty big
Secret Illuminati base hidden somewhere would be a funny thing to see or maybe random Freemason signs
I would like to be a grunt however I can do some nice aesthetic builds (mainly medieval builds or bigger towers), however lack the inspiration for some of the nice designs. I love jumping into caves and getting to mining, and I love killing mobs. I'm quite good with technical builds as well, I understand most of the mods quite well. Plus I am happy to take orders on what to do from people that are more creative then my self.
IGN: ProCrafter_13
Age: 16
My place could be seen in Aesthetic builder, City planners or just grunts. For the first time playing I would like to be grunt, just to see, how the server looks like and what is actually going on in that place. Next after sometime maybe City planner would be a nice job, but only if my creativity sticks with the rest of the servers you know, that is because I do not want to let it look like it would be a totally other place. Aesthetic builder I am not really sure about if that would be really a job for me, but also interesting to see what it is like. And finally Technical builder is not a place for me I think :D
Can join on skype, Teamspeak for any kind of Conversation.
What I build today: Little kinda like pyramid aout of glass with a steves carts farm in it (forestry is cool too, but I think steves carts looks cooler)


IGN: Belfpally

Position: Aesthetic builder(landscaper), or grunt

I have been playing with these mods since Minecraft 1.1 and have good knowledge how to use Ic2, BC3, Rp2 and forestry in particular, I have been messing around with railcraft more recently too.

It would be very cool to see the city use either luminators or RP2 lights for the majority of its lighting, a subway station would be very cool to have running under the city as well.
1. Slitthrout , I'd like to help with grunt work.
2. Not sure exactly what to put here? I have alot of spare time I guess.
3. Large areas between sections of the city that are essentially wild with tub roads/bridges going across them giving the feel of each district being its own entity.

On a side note: This looks like a wonderful project and I look forward to seeing the finished product.
IGN: Twololcats
Creations: I have not built much myself, I lack inspiration most of the time and therefore haven't built much of anything
Details: I love to help people with what they are doing and I am fairly knowledgeable of the mods, I would consider myself better at functionality than aesthetics
I would love to join this server and partake in the projects etc going on

P.S. I also like BTW a lot and have watched your videos a fair amount
1. IGN: Mirabela
Position: Aesthetic Builder or Grunt

2. http://s1074.beta.photobucket.com/user/Mirabela_Rose/library/Minecraft Build Challenge
These are some screenshots from a build challenge I participated in on another server. I'm also pretty good at terraforming and landscaping which you can sort of see in some of the screenshots. That build was done on a modded survival server as well and made with materials I gathered almost entirely myself. The flying screenshots were taken with the help of jetpack. It's not the greatest example of my work but it's all I really have right now but pretty much I thoroughly enjoy making things look pretty.

3. I like castles although that may not fit into the direction you plan on taking the city.

I just have to say now that if I'm chosen I will not be able to donate as much time as I'd like to the server until after December 13th because I have a about a week until I have my college finals. I may be able to get on and help a bit before then but not for long periods of time. After that though I shouldn't really have a problem spending time on the project. I completely understand if you don't pick me because of this though and I hope you find an amazing build team :)
IGN: EvilAlfredo (Though in-game, you can call me Evil for short. Or Erika. Either works.)
Job Position: A mix of technical and aesthetic builder. However, I could also help with city planning, as that is something that I do on a normal basis. (ADD + Very imaginative = SO many ideas.) Above all, though, I am very proud of my creativity and quick learning skills, and I feel that these two qualities could be very beneficial to this server's goal.

While I love the tech mods to death, I love the magic "tech" mods even more. (Though I can hardly go without RedPower... :p )
I've made many different alchemical labs and magical towers/temples, and love throwing that bit of machine into them to give a bit of almost Steampunk flair. ;)
Sadly, I don't have as many screenshots as I would like, as many of my worlds have corrupted, and I always forget to make backups... It is no problem with the builds I make, it is usually caused because I make some silly mistake when updating or removing a mod...
However, despite my inexperience with troubleshooting mods, I am quite knowledgeable of the mod content. And what I don't know, I learn VERY quickly. (Nuclear reactors... Never made one until the super-complex update to them happened, now my puzzle-solving mind is kicked into overdrive trying to figure out the most efficient design.)
But here is what I do have. (Note, some are unfinished due to aforementioned corruption.)
These are of my Laputa-esque castle that I made on a survival server a while back. Sadly, it was never filled with all the contraptions I wanted to make... :(

EDIT: Huh, I'm having trouble with the screenshots, so I'll just post links, rather than embed.

EDIT2: I found more images of my stuff! Here is my current world, Magica X Machina.

And on that same server, I made an underground railway with all sorts of stations and track logistics. And I managed to compact and hide every bit of it. Sadly, I took no pictures of the mechanisms behind it... :(

I do have another build that I am quite proud of, but again, lost due to corruption. (Of a different kind. Mystcraft meteor came down and smashed my build to bits.)
It was a netherrack-fueled power and lava generator, utilizing Thermal Expansion. But while that doesn't sound all that impressive, it was perfectly self-sustaining, extremely compact, and infinitely expandable, resources permitting. I believe the final dimensions of a single lava/power producer was 3 long by 2 wide by 3 tall. And whole thing, except where you put the netherrack in, could be covered in facades or other blocks and still keep the same dimensions.

As for what I would like to see on the server, I have always loved sticking to a theme. Whether that is magic, steampunk, or futuristic, it feels very rewarding to do a build that sticks to both the aesthetic and technical theme. If I could help to create that on the server, I would be quite happy. :)
But besides my personal taste in themes, I enjoy a good community above all else. Yes, there will be times when I'll have that urge to go off on my own, and just make something crazy/awesome to surprise people on the server, but I'm certain I'm not the only one. It is all done with good intent, and I'll make sure to stick to the city planners' plans... Mostly. ;)
And one last thing that I believe would benefit the server, but really is more a pet peeve of mine, is a lack of IC2 macerators. I've always thought they were way too simple, overpowered, and took away opportunities for something more creative. I much prefer Factorization's methods of ore doubling, as you really need to put some thought into how you assemble your factories, rather than just throwing ore in, and almost instantly getting double out of it.

So to finish up here, I really look forward to any responses, and sincerely hope I can join this server!
I would like to apply for Aesthetic or a grunt position, my In-Game Name being Hirix.

Sadly I don't have any screenshots of my builds and all my great ones have been from long ago from Beta times for role-playing purposes. Grand Walls, bridges and even whole cities build single handed by myself, all looking quite amazing as others have told me. I usually follow my gut when it does come to building and try something, see how it is and if I don't truely like it, I am not afraid to start over until it is perfect. If there are already plenty of Aesthetic builders on your side, then I am happy to take a role as a grunt as I do also excel at gathering resources and building up given orders. At least I believe the grunt role will be more needed and welcomed so that is my hope.

With what I like to always add into my villages and cities is a grand wall, not just some small two-block tall structure and one-block thick. I mean something rather large, with a center interior and even a grand top ceiling where others can view on the outskirts as well as the city itself. In the center of each cardinal direction, there can be a grand gate of sorts, somehow being powered to open and close at our will.
1. Please state your in game name, and which position you're applying for. (Yes, I'd like you to pick one.)

IGN : Madlaw
Pos : Grunt

2. Please post any examples you have of work you've done in the past that may qualify you for this. In the case of Technical and Aesthetic Builders, screenshots are best!

I don't have screenshots not a good builder but if i was a grunt Turtle.

Comments added so you can see what does what. =P

3. Tell me a little detail you'd love to see worked into the city somewhere - even if I don't happen to choose you, I will try to work it in somewhere!
Lots of builds and all different. Ideas come while seeing others/doing buildings..
Im sure your big plans will keep everyone busy for awhile ;)