Feed the City [Ultimate Pack][1.4.6][Whitelist][Survival][Filmed]

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mrtibtob - Grunt
Though i lack the technical skills to be as high as required for a higher rank i feel i have a firm grasp of the mods at play and though i have no builds that i am truly proud of i feel i would make a good addition to you building team.
Though i mainly focus on IC2 i am starting to broaden my horizons and work with railcraft and steves carts.
Th3NumBNesS, applying for the position of Aesthetic Builder and possibly City Planner. There are better planners than I, but I hope to be able to contribute where needed.

No work done on Steampunk, but here are some short videos of things I have made:
Modern House:
Texture used: Soartex Fanver
Mages Academy:
Default (RP and TC mods used)
Unknown structure, got bored:
Texture: Dokucraft

A Victorian steampunk area would be nice as I have, although limited, some experience in the design of those buildings.
1. Please state your in game name, and which position you're applying for. (Yes, I'd like you to pick one.)

IGN: edwinahe, position: grunt, plain and simple :)

2. Please post any examples you have of work you've done in the past that may qualify you for this. In the case of Technical and Aesthetic Builders, screenshots are best!

My building skills haven't advanced much further then 9x9 (maybe up to 15x15 :D )

3. Tell me a little detail you'd love to see worked into the city somewhere - even if I don't happen to choose you, I will try to work it in somewhere!

Automatic production facility for various materials (like cables, machines and similar) where you put your stuff in input chest, order something and watch the things fly through tubes/pipes.
Soullinking, Grunt
I'd like to mine and making nice farms or sth:D
I know allmost everything about IC2 and buildcraft but not alot bout the other mods:P
Still want to apply? Here's how:

1. Please state your in game name, and which position you're applying for. (Yes, I'd like you to pick one.)
2. Please post any examples you have of work you've done in the past that may qualify you for this. In the case of Technical and Aesthetic Builders, screenshots are best!
3. Tell me a little detail you'd love to see worked into the city somewhere - even if I don't happen to choose you, I will try to work it in somewhere!

1. name: obe567 , applying for: Aesthetic Builders, i can also be a grunt because i have a lot of experience mining(see al the resource that went in building of the city in the link)
2. http://map.shaboozey.com/#/-3454/64/-4327/max/0/0 this is a link to the map of a other server i been playing on, i build this city(so i have experience building a city) with a group of people by hand (the outer circle is 400 blocks in diameter, or something like that, and we filled up lakes and flatend mountens so any terra forming that needs to be done will mean nothing to me)(i also don't have any screenshots because i always forget to take them), a other server with more technical builds got whipes so i don't have anything from that
3. I would want a fully operational casino based on redstone with slot-machines and stuff like that

if there is a lot of work that needs to be done, i will help because i am sure i have done more(see link)
if you need more info, just contact me and i will try providing it to you
btw: i live in Europa
Position: Grunt Worker
Idea: Solar street lamps, they will only activate at night when the city needs to have the light to prevent spawing of monsters.

Extra: I love mining and have no fear of Creepers, I would also be able to do a good City Planner because placement and organization is what I am the best at both in game and real life. However, I do love to mine very much, either gathering wood or delving into caves to retrieve what is asked of me I am capable of whatever you need to have done. I mine for hours when I have nothing else to do and I never grow bored of it. I was born to mine. I am very familiar with all mods except for Computer Craft and I am capable of making anything required for the position of grunt, whether it is a barrel to store the items or it is a Quarry to mass mine a large area.
1. matthieu1345, grunt and if your short on technical builders i can do that to. or just see me as a technical grunt
2. A
for grunt that i can build a little
a milkfarm i made in FTB insanity with my non RP darkroom beside it
3. well only a lot of awesome builds and stuff made by the FTB comunity :)
I have a solid base for most of the mods in FTB.
I like caving and adventuring mostly. i like to chat while building,caving,adventuring.
IGN :cptprice0990
Position:grunt/Technical builder
Why: I enjoy the basic cave dwelling building and all manor of things .I know my way around most of the FTB mods with a few exceptions
of mods I've only played with a little or have changed greatly recently . Really id just like to help out with a awesome sounding project
IGN : Midg3tmongl3r
Position : city planner or grunt ( i like to say im pretty well rounded)
Idea : use magma curcible to power flows of machines and quarries throughout areas of the world
i really enjoy mega builds and complex machines but i just used a base cause i couldn't think of anything to use
IGN: jamster338
Position: Aesthetic Builder
Detail: i consider my self as a good aesthetic builder i am a builder for asera in the noxcrew which is a fantasy build area if you have not heard of it and you can see bits of it on the second fable hunters series that i helped build on i did mainly the trees and bushnes of the parts that you will see but in other parts of the map that it is set i have built many buildings (:( i wish it wouldn't make it a media thing on top of this )
i know the mods quite well but i do not know everything and i also have quite a large redstone knowledge.
i have tried building with tech mods quite a few times and all except the first when very well and looked as i expected them to do.
i do not have any images of the builds that i have built but i can supply some if needed because im quite sure that i still have them saved and if not i can build new ones :p
i hope you accept my aplication
p.s i am borderline dyslexic so my spelling might be off (spell check ftw)
1. Anyseenjoe, crazy techie mad scientist type person. (although not afraid to get my hands dirty with grunt work when resources are needed)
2. Please excuse the messiness of alot of these builds, they were planned out on the spot as experiments/proof of concepts. When working in someone else's building, I attempt to hide pipes/tubes whenever possible to preserve their hard work

1.2.5 nether bee processing power station, this powered my everything in my base minus the UU matter production.

1.2.5 UU matter to solar panel factory using RP2 and crafty turtles (one of the turtles has been programmed with all the UU matter recipes)

FTB Beta pack A, automation of factorisation processing plant using buildcraft 3 pipes/gates and a vanilla dispenser for refilling water buckets

FTB beta pack A, current WIP workshop/base

I have no real preference in anything in particular I would like to see. I look forward more to given tasks/challenges to complete. A big thumbs up for Flora mention of the nether bees for power though, draining the nether is not as infinite as people like to think (fell asleep running a mass fab on such a setup once in the past). I have been the tech guy for controlling builders/designers before and have no issues with such and like the fact it gives me the extra challenge of keeping everything neat and tidy :)
IGN: credstick
Position: Any, but Aesthetic
Idea: Would love to see a working leadership program, something like a mayor of a district. Working with local land owners to coordinate builds and keeping landscape lush.

I am a good Grunt. Any occupation, I would be willing, and I have the skills for all, but Aesthetic. Pretty is not a forte'.
I can break brick with the best of them and I am a good monkey. Would like to just be a part of this project.
1. Please state your in game name, and which position you're applying for. (Yes, I'd like you to pick one.)

IGN: Antaioz
Technical Builder

I'm an Aussie in WA, so timing may be weird, but currently, until february, I have no commitments except friday and saturday. University is done for the year, so I have loads of spare time to use!

2. Please post any examples you have of work you've done in the past that may qualify you for this. In the case of Technical and Aesthetic Builders, screenshots are best!

I'm great at finding ways to interweave mods to achieve a goal when one mod just wont do!
I'm also a competent computercraft programmer ;)

I generally try to make a build look neat and easy to read, it may not be full blown pretty, but its simple, and controlled. (the nuclear reactor below is only just past proof of concept, so it's messy for a reason :p, it needs more coolant towers to run the reactor 24/7)

A Computercraft controlled IC2 nuclear reactor, But the reactor runs on coolant cells, which need to be swapped into a coolant tower. The computercraft Host is linked with two turtles that buffer and control the flow of coolant cells, and the Factorisation router serves to retreive coolant cells from the reactor, whilst the gregtech translocators put coolant cells into the reactor.

(Reactor on the left, poking out from behind the router. Coolant tower on the right, Coolant tower is a Reactor which doesnt get any uranium and just has heat vents for cooling down coolant cells, so it doesn't need excessive monitoring, just simple extraction and insertion.)

An improvement on Jadedcat's patented Barrel Storage Solution!
By using sections of 9 barrels, routers, and diamond pipes, item's no longer circle around the system and miss the barrels they're aiming for. overflow lands in a chest, with which the switch of a lever can be activated to re-sort the items inside, if space has become available. Very modular design. Ores travel through this room not going into any barrels, and make their way into an auto smelting room behind the camera. smelting overflow also lands in the same chest.


EDIT: I went touring my old 1.2.5 workshop and posted some screenshots:

3. Tell me a little detail you'd love to see worked into the city somewhere - even if I don't happen to choose you, I will try to work it in somewhere!

I think it would be awesome to have a central repository of storage for items, like a grand central bank. which distributes smaller sets of items and resources to smaller 'banks' around the city so no matter what district you're in, you can get what you need. Even if you need, say, wood, and the farms are on the other side of the city.

Also a large light indicator tower in each district to show the power levels of that district would be a neat touch.

The largest towers should also have lightningrods ontop! since gregtech needs TONNES of power to make UU
IGN :- Parkerwowxdx
Role :- Grunt
I can chop trees and mine. I am a artist and I have make a texture pack or two so that will go with the theme of the city, whatever that theme would be.
What I'd like to see :- I would like to a mystcraft subway like the one in world of warcraft.
class:city planner/tech builder
IDEA:a train system using railcraft and a nuclear power plant plus a aputure science area for fun of it

references:my youtube lets play but not uploaded yet(soon) and my album(though its not ftb)http://s1069.beta.photobucket.com/user/chezzjoe/library/
am very creative you decide am not up for the job . i love talking to mod devs and like producing ideas

hope to hear from you soon
1. Name:Ardor
Position to be filled: Grunt

2. I may not have as high of skill as the technical builder and aesthetic builders, but I never mind helping out on building anything.I also do not mind going out and getting supplies that are needed. I used to play on Lord of The Craft , which my job was mostly going out and getting stone and iron and any other material the builders needed for the city.

I have dabbled with builds in IC, RedPower, Forestry, and buildcraft, but nothing too extreme.

I have one thing i have built by hand with he recent FTB mod pack : http://imgur.com/a/VJ9y5#0

3. If the area you have is used, maybe use the land (wasteland, plains) to show the different types of areas. an example might be have all the magical districts in the plains area to show that the plains is full of magical life and have the industrial districts in the wasteland, to maybe show that it is devoid of life and is all about the progress and advancement of machine building.
IGN: elias1010

Position: Technical Builder/Grunt
I can do alot of redstone and have a good understanding of almost all mods in FTB, ~5 months ago me and some friends made a city looking pretty good! :)(cant find the pictures :()
I am not the most creative person but when told what to do i do it and often with alot of creative ways of solving problems i might run into.

Idea: A huge central power station that gives power to the hole city! :)
IGN: Elistien
Position: Technical Builder / Grunt
Idea: would be interested in seeing a food district / court type area where people can meet up and talk

Dont have any images to upload atm but willing to build something as a demo or anything else,
would be more then happy to simply be a grunt if thats all you need :)