1. Please state your in game name, and which position you're applying for. (Yes, I'd like you to pick one.)
IGN: Antaioz
Technical Builder
I'm an Aussie in WA, so timing may be weird, but currently, until february, I have no commitments except friday and saturday. University is done for the year, so I have loads of spare time to use!
2. Please post any examples you have of work you've done in the past that may qualify you for this. In the case of Technical and Aesthetic Builders, screenshots are best!
I'm great at finding ways to interweave mods to achieve a goal when one mod just wont do!
I'm also a competent computercraft programmer
I generally try to make a build look neat and easy to read, it may not be full blown pretty, but its simple, and controlled. (the nuclear reactor below is only just past proof of concept, so it's messy for a reason

, it needs more coolant towers to run the reactor 24/7)
A Computercraft controlled IC2 nuclear reactor, But the reactor runs on coolant cells, which need to be swapped into a coolant tower. The computercraft Host is linked with two turtles that buffer and control the flow of coolant cells, and the Factorisation router serves to retreive coolant cells from the reactor, whilst the gregtech translocators put coolant cells into the reactor.
(Reactor on the left, poking out from behind the router. Coolant tower on the right, Coolant tower is a Reactor which doesnt get any uranium and just has heat vents for cooling down coolant cells, so it doesn't need excessive monitoring, just simple extraction and insertion.)
An improvement on Jadedcat's patented Barrel Storage Solution!
By using sections of 9 barrels, routers, and diamond pipes, item's no longer circle around the system and miss the barrels they're aiming for. overflow lands in a chest, with which the switch of a lever can be activated to re-sort the items inside, if space has become available. Very modular design. Ores travel through this room not going into any barrels, and make their way into an auto smelting room behind the camera. smelting overflow also lands in the same chest.
EDIT: I went touring my old 1.2.5 workshop and posted some screenshots:
3. Tell me a little detail you'd love to see worked into the city somewhere - even if I don't happen to choose you, I will try to work it in somewhere!
I think it would be awesome to have a central repository of storage for items, like a grand central bank. which distributes smaller sets of items and resources to smaller 'banks' around the city so no matter what district you're in, you can get what you need. Even if you need, say, wood, and the farms are on the other side of the city.
Also a large light indicator tower in each district to show the power levels of that district would be a neat touch.
The largest towers should also have lightningrods ontop! since gregtech needs TONNES of power to make UU