Feed the City [Ultimate Pack][1.4.6][Whitelist][Survival][Filmed]

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IGN : DeadpoolTS
Position: Tech builder , iv help built a couple smp tech worlds plus my multiple single player worlds, most of it document in video on youtube here is my lateste

also my great cake makeing factory thats self sustained

Im a wiz with Ic2 and bc/forestry,

Idead: Monorail system with steves carts
IGN: gawhisper
Detail: Since I'm new and fresh on FTB, I would not mind at all to gather every resource needed for everyone and that would give me the oppurtunity to actual see and interact with others and others buildings and most likely learn from others which is something that I need!
Also the previlege of being the Morvy :D
1. IGN Lord_sounga aplying for position of grunt.
2. I've done some basic vanilla restone contraptions. Such a porticullus gates and pin pad security systems. Not that great at asthetics but im a decent gatherer/worker.
3. One litle detail that would be cool to see in the city would be an Aqueduct.
1. Please state your in game name, and which position you're applying for. (Yes, I'd like you to pick one.)
2. Please post any examples you have of work you've done in the past that may qualify you for this. In the case of Technical and Aesthetic Builders, screenshots are best!
3. Tell me a little detail you'd love to see worked into the city somewhere - even if I don't happen to choose you, I will try to work it in somewhere!

In game name: kinam
Position applying: grunt

Unfortunately no screenies (as mentioned on the stream), mainly like to play online, and every server that I did significant builds / mining operations, are no longer in existence :( .
I usually find myself strolling off in a random direction and dig a path down to bedrock level (6) and start a 3 high strip mine ... EVERYTHING gets mined... no paths... just big open area, and light the whole area via holes in the ceiling close enough to keep evil mobs out, but still allow slimes to spawn (if they're in that chunk of course). I usually set aside a 6 high area for oak tree farm for wood so that I don't have to return to the surface LOL. Basically when I go to survive, I stay below, and loose track of days because... well, I never see daylight heh. I also get farmland set up as well for bread/melons/etc.

I will add, that I feel I'm fairly good with redstone circuitry...I can do most stuff via memory, although it may not be as "pretty" as the professionals if it's a makeshift build.

Also, I've built some train stations that use binary levers to select destinations (4 levers = 16 destinations).

Detail for the city? well, I could clear out a large enough area underground if necessary to get a city down there that could house even more houses / stores / whatever. While you wouldn't see it for an over-world rendering, it'd be cool to have as well.
1. IGN = Gewitters Position I'm applying for = Aesthetic Builder

2. A link below to a imgur set of images showing two different builds. The video was made while the main desert palace was still under construction. The video uses JohnSmith Texture pack from 1.3.2 (sandstone textures have since changed :( ) and the screenshots are with Soartex, so they look different from video to screenshot.
The other build in the screenshots is still in the beginning phases.​
I apologize for the sections of the pics that are missing. The builds are rather large and even with Extreme render distance, the game doesn't like to load it all.​
Both of these builds were done on a vanilla creative server. I do have experience with the mods, but I don't think my skill level is high enough to be a technical builder, but love to tinker and would be happy to help.​
Link to Screenshots -----> Click Here
Video --->​

3. As for details to put into the city... I would say function blended with beauty is something that most builds have a hard time accomplishing. I think a steam punk design gives some amazing opportunity to make this a very interesting and amazing build.
IGN: gream
I am a Technical Builder that is vary logical.
I can get along and work with most anyone.
My experience with minecraft is somewhat limited, as i played little until the FTB Pack came around.
However I was a programmer and designer for my schools FIRST Robotics Competition team.
In designing and building something i need a specific goal for it to meet.
Otherwise i can wonder around and help people with whatever they need.
Many little details are as important as the whole thing and I just want it to work as best it can.
Position: Aesthetic Builders or Grunt
i consider my self a good builder and i specialize my self in furniture and i can also grind for materials if needed.
heres and album of a city i started two days ago and every block has been placed by hands without using mods. http://ivongola.imgur.com/all/
3. When i think of a city in this mod i think kind of a steampunk theme or maybe a futuristic theme also id like to have a basketball stadium cause im a big basketball fan :D
Oh what the heck, I was watching the stream earlier so I'll waste everyone's time and put up an application for something finally. Tired of playing Minecraft by myself anyway.

IGName: Fisrath
Position: City Planner (Because I need the experience) or just a Grunt

2. I haven't done anything too spectacular for builds. I made a few decent sized houses, a few middle sized castles and towers, nothing as gigantic as a full on city. I only have like this one screen shot of something I was moderately happy with, and even then it used a lot of RP microblocks and stuff from 1.2.5. I wanted to build up more clouds under it and work it the pipes under it a bit better. Hard to get that random puffy look that I'd be happy with. I like netherbrick and spruce trees. Here have a screen shot.


3. A good city needs a good sewer system to keep things moving along. Something that can move fluids along and open up to secret passages and the like. Plus it helps with the layout of building spaces and roads.
1. IGN: Democretes
Position: Technical builder/ Grunt
2. I'm going to be 100% honest, I have never done any work with near anything other than playing single player. I do know the mods very well and I can make near anything happen in game. I've seen a lot of technical builds on YouTube and I always try to make their build better/more efficient/ a little more aesthetically pleasing. If not, throw me in the mine. I'd just like to be involved in a big build like this.
3. What I'd love to see is a control room using a RP2 computer or Computercraft computer of some sort to control system the city's lights, factories, quarries, the whole nine yards.

Edit: Some screenshots of my solar array builder using logistics pipes.


Name: xXD3fect0rXx
Position: technical builder
Details: well I don't have any screen shots but I know he mods well and am a mathamatical and redstone genius and can wow you with my work. I would include photos but this was done on my phone
position: tech builder https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ajm4eysnfkccva/322321_258209507537556_7168414_o.jpg hear is an example of an auto processing system this was made before engine's were in Buildcraft way back in beta 1.7.3 of MC
details: I love working with other's on builds I also don't mind gathering ether

Hear is a recent build on my home server on my other computer on my lan


In game name: Rahhja
position: Grunt

I'm 42 with a wife and child and I love exploring and mining to get away from it all :).

I'd like to see some extensive ruins. Maybe a Chernobyl type ruined city. Something overrun by creepers and other nasties.
Name: Lady_Oolong
Desired position: Aesthetic builder
Qualifications: Fairly new to mods and can't make heads or tails of complicated redstone stuff but have been playing Minecraft since beta and have some real world 3d experience. I don't do huge mega-builds but I've done a lot of attractive and detailed houses and I like playing with materials, patterns and interesting geometry, and working with challenging landscapes like the tops of mountains or the middle of lakes.


(top to bottom: Lake house WIP from my current FTB world, the shack where I'm doing my bees (same world), mountian "fire tower" lookout from my BTW world. Everything was built legit in Survival, only the screenshots are Creative so I could fly around for good angles.)

(I have one more picture I want to upload but the build is on a server that's currently unavailable, I will edit it in sometime within the next day, hopefully. That pic is the interior of a library I designed for the vanilla server as part of a city; two floors, parquet wood and green carpet floors, open floorplan, the upstairs room is a potion brewing station.)

Edit, Dec 1: Got the pics!


First three are the interior of the library (the exterior is nice but not quite as impressive, second three are my personal home in the city, and the last one is just an overhead shot - the city was an NPC village that a bunch of us fortified and expanded. (Most of my contribution outside the two buildings was more grunt work, and some moderate prettifying of some of the pre-generated structures.)

Ideas: It would be cool to have an extensive sewer system that could be walked through (Google pics of London's); Lots of brick, a little dangerous, a little creepy, maybe a good place to integrate some mob spawners, also an interesting way to run underground pipes and wires from central stations to houses and other buildings. Also, I think non-glowstone/wrath lighting should be done as much as possible with candles, especially when RP microblocks become available so they can be built into lamps.

Edited to add: more ideas! Have someone really working the IC2 crop breeding so that coffee and hops are availible; hops are part of IC2's system of brewing beer. Have a tavern in the city that dispenses beer, rum (also IC2) and mead. Have shops that specialize in stuff; the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, the blacksmith, clothier, etc. (implementing actual economy with IC2 credits and trade-o-mats optional). Have a trading market staffed by villager NPCs (kept in place by fenced stalls attached to a living space). Have a post office using Forestry's mail system. Have a temple or cathedral as an important building that provides an excuse to use Forestry's stained glass.
IGN: Goggles998
Position: Technical

I have a lot of experience with using various mods starting when Direwolf20 was starting Season 3 of his lets play. I can create efficient machines and help people who are stuck and don't understand how certain things work. In vanilla Minecraft, I have a LOT of redstone experience, one point I built a 3x3 piston door with 3x3 combo lock. I would love to share my knowledge with people and help them out.

I would like to see some kind of city which is all wired up using IC2/BC3/RP2 and that every building looks futuristic.

In the photos below you can see a design which I have made, where by the input chest is the bottom left, at the back are 6 steam engines providing power for the lasers. On the right you can see aqueous accumulators which collect water for the steam engines. On the front right are the output chest with various gates which let the engines know if they should be turned on or not so it doesn't waste any coal.


IGN: lafe00
Position: City Planner (Can help out where ever it’s needed.)
What I like to see in the city: Working public transport system both below and about ground, parks and other green areas, city blocks from around the world, from medieval Europe to modern megacities.


IGN: Ghost016, Grunt
I like to mine. I spend alot of my time mining. I enjoy making holes too if i have decent tools lol
I also like to have a sort of building with a mine entrance with elaborate stuff. I am not the best at redstone but i learn alot.
Well here goes nothin'.

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IGN: iRandomness

Job: Aesthetic Builder and/or City Planner (Current project screenshots below.)

What I'd like to see: Hmm, from an semi-aesthetic aspect, I've always liked the idea of cities having a backstory, or even just small hints scattered around the city that hints at the cities history, meaning and such. I've made several cities across several servers and I've made a habit to ALWAYS have a backstory scattered around, as it encourages people to explore parts of the city they might not otherwise be interested in, rather than just "Walk down main roads/pathways, glance at buildings, done."
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This is Kaduna. My latest city build on my current primary server. It serves as a safe haven of sorts, fully supplied with free power lines under the roads, public machinery, farms & housing. (Done 90% solo by hand over the course of 2-3 months and counting.)

This is a project I'm working on right now on the same server but in a creative world, I'm leading a project to build a second, improved spawn. This is the main landmark; The spawn tower.

And this is probably my proudest unfinished creation, iTopia. (This area is only the entrance district) The only thing that stopped me building is that the creative server this was built on shut down and never released the map for download. (This was taken about 8 months ago for my desktop background, hence the lighting mod.)
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Hiya Morv!

IGN: nursemmalee

Position: I'm gonna take my chances and apply for Aesthetic Builder. But given my level of experience with large builds (like the above post-WOW) I'd be very happy with grunt.

Examples: I've mostly stuck to smaller builds and often find myself more into the feng shui than the functionality of a thing but I'd love the chance to break out into bigger things.

1. This house was a schematic from online that I revamped with lots of RP microblocks. (not sure who the original designer was but I'd be happy to credit if anyone knows) My barn is in the background.
2. The classic red barn.
3. Inside the barn, complete with hayloft, storage room and chicken coop way in the back.
4. Since my IGN is 'nurse' I made an apothecary filled with all manner of potions and food poltices.
5. There's even short mead and other goodies that don't get used much.
6. Tiny backyard oasis.
7. WIP forestry greenhouse that would hold all the types of farms. It would have been enclosed in glass with a dome on top. It's on an old server or I'd finish it.

I had a really lovely hillside step garden on my server last week complete with waterfalls but the world got corrupted and reset before I took pics. :( I've also built a replica of the White House as well as the beginnings of the Serenity spaceship from the show 'Firefly'. Those two saves are on another PC that I don't have access to at the moment. I'll try to edit this post with them soon.

Ideas: All the previous posts' ideas are great and sound like they'd be fun to incorporate into the city. I think it would be fun to see a little bit of real life sites scattered around the place like... that little dive bar down the street that's somehow always busy, a version of your grandma's childhood home, or maybe tourist traps such as a Central Park replica, or Coney Island. Not too many as I'd imagine we'd want to keep it mostly original but it'd be fun to say "Hey, I wanna go visit the Louvre in Minecraft today" or something. :)

Thanks for considering me and good luck with your plans! Can't wait to watch it unfold!

(Edit) Uh, pic #6 won't upload. Not sure why.


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Hi Morv.

first so that my application will not be ignored:
1. Please state your in game name, and which position you're applying for. (Yes, I'd like you to pick one.)

IGN: Menelmacil - Position: Grunt

2. Please post any examples you have of work you've done in the past that may qualify you for this. In the case of Technical and Aesthetic Builders, screenshots are best!

As i decided to go for grunt what could i possibly post here? Me holding a creeperhead in my bare hands? Nah i don't think i need to be that drastic. You just have to trust me that i know which end of the sword kills and how to place a ball. Oh, block, sry, of course a block. this is minecraft ;-)

3. Tell me a little detail you'd love to seeT worked into the city somewhere - even if I don't happen to choose you, I will try to work it in somewhere!

My detail is a bit big. Make the city live. I don't want to see a static, clean, pretty build city that noone is using. (or noone able to use cause the aestehtic aspect brought down the original minecraft proportions so noone is able to fit into rooms or skyscrapper are actually just 100 feet tall) So integrate Your workers as good as you can =)

Ok now that we are done with this a bit more Info. I don't want to write a 20 words application just because I go for Grunt, i want you to have an understanding who is applying here ;) and ofc how good i am suited for that job.
I am 22 years old and live in Germany. So far i have played on a few servers, mostly pvp/pve and this would be the first with the sole purpose of building (even if it means killing those who oppose us =0 evel creperys). As i just quit my job as Headmod on another server i search for something on the recieving end, not that high, so grunt sounds great. Sure, leading a mining mission of three people would be no problem but I have enough of managing a whole server for now ;). I sure do enjoy building things but i am not as nearly good as those guys above so why even try? I can't shape the ideas in my head but i think i am good on helping with builds as i can point out additional ideas or things that look or feel unfinished. On the other hand i do understand all the technic stuff in FTB and i also tryed it but at the end of the day it is soooo much that i prefer go fishing a bit to get our stomachs full. Let the codemonkeys and screwdriver rollers do that.

What i could offer additionally is my small tallent in writing and using my fantasy. If you are interested in my "fill the city with live" idea i can write storys, be creative on a non building level. Use it as you please. You want your own religion? sure, why not, i will come up with one. A lawsystem? of course, please go to desk 12, get the blue form 77cB and doublesign it. politics? With a Mayor on top, districtheads, titles, names, famalynames and whatever? i do the paperwork ;-)

Well, that's it from me =)
oh just one thing. Pinkishu will apply in the next days too. She is a good friend and showed me your post so if you decide in the end that you want me as a Grunt, but not her as a technician, then give my position to someone else ;) i think i would loose my dedication without her chosen too and then you would be better off with someone else. On the other hand that won't do backwards. If u want her and not me, go on^^ I have the feeling she realy loves ur idea and i won't thwart her. I am just her addition ;) not the mainact
Hi Morv

IGN requiemmc

Position Technical builder/ Grunt.

I am a Aussie based in Melbourne I've spent some time as a builder/grunt on a vanilla server where I dug out and decorated a 40 block diameter entrance hall and dug miles of tunnels mining for resources to build the city with
as well as helped set up and harvest farms and build an ethos style blaze spawner.

Then I discovered the wonder which is modded minecraft since then I've mainly worked in SSP worlds where my projects include:

Red power elevator I built to get down to my branch mine (screen shots attached)

IC2 crop farms (I managed to breed gold, iron and redstone crops,stick reed,coffee,coco and most of the flower colours )

Built a massive Automated forestry set up with one of each of the Forestry farms and used logistics pipes to keep it running.

Built the usual IC2/redpower sort and smelt workshop

Ideas for the city.

I would like the city to have both modern and older buildings to show the city has a history.

Have the centre of the city built with older looking buildings and maybe even have a city wall then build more modern buildings on the edges.

