Hi Morv.
first so that my application will not be ignored:
1. Please state your in game name, and which position you're applying for. (Yes, I'd like you to pick one.)
IGN: Menelmacil - Position: Grunt
2. Please post any examples you have of work you've done in the past that may qualify you for this. In the case of Technical and Aesthetic Builders, screenshots are best!
As i decided to go for grunt what could i possibly post here? Me holding a creeperhead in my bare hands? Nah i don't think i need to be that drastic. You just have to trust me that i know which end of the sword kills and how to place a ball. Oh, block, sry, of course a block. this is minecraft ;-)
3. Tell me a little detail you'd love to seeT worked into the city somewhere - even if I don't happen to choose you, I will try to work it in somewhere!
My detail is a bit big. Make the city live. I don't want to see a static, clean, pretty build city that noone is using. (or noone able to use cause the aestehtic aspect brought down the original minecraft proportions so noone is able to fit into rooms or skyscrapper are actually just 100 feet tall) So integrate Your workers as good as you can =)
Ok now that we are done with this a bit more Info. I don't want to write a 20 words application just because I go for Grunt, i want you to have an understanding who is applying here

and ofc how good i am suited for that job.
I am 22 years old and live in Germany. So far i have played on a few servers, mostly pvp/pve and this would be the first with the sole purpose of building (even if it means killing those who oppose us =0 evel creperys). As i just quit my job as Headmod on another server i search for something on the recieving end, not that high, so grunt sounds great. Sure, leading a mining mission of three people would be no problem but I have enough of managing a whole server for now

. I sure do enjoy building things but i am not as nearly good as those guys above so why even try? I can't shape the ideas in my head but i think i am good on helping with builds as i can point out additional ideas or things that look or feel unfinished. On the other hand i do understand all the technic stuff in FTB and i also tryed it but at the end of the day it is soooo much that i prefer go fishing a bit to get our stomachs full. Let the codemonkeys and screwdriver rollers do that.
What i could offer additionally is my small tallent in writing and using my fantasy. If you are interested in my "fill the city with live" idea i can write storys, be creative on a non building level. Use it as you please. You want your own religion? sure, why not, i will come up with one. A lawsystem? of course, please go to desk 12, get the blue form 77cB and doublesign it. politics? With a Mayor on top, districtheads, titles, names, famalynames and whatever? i do the paperwork ;-)
Well, that's it from me =)
oh just one thing. Pinkishu will apply in the next days too. She is a good friend and showed me your post so if you decide in the end that you want me as a Grunt, but not her as a technician, then give my position to someone else

i think i would loose my dedication without her chosen too and then you would be better off with someone else. On the other hand that won't do backwards. If u want her and not me, go on^^ I have the feeling she realy loves ur idea and i won't thwart her. I am just her addition

not the mainact