Epic Fail stories

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You guys might get a kick out of this.

So, I am by no means an expert on TE. I love the mod, and I use it extensively for my long-distance setups that require lots of energy, like my MFR tree farm.

Of course, I use energy tesseracts for this. My favorite way to power anything in TE is to have an energy tesseract powering a redstone energy cell buffer, which then powers whatever I need, right?

Well, I didn't quite realize how the send-receive function worked. For some reason, I thought that a tesseract set to receive only or send only, wouldn't power my redstone energy cell, so I used the send/receive option. Only when I was messing around with my tesseracts earlier today did I realize that my redstone energy cell must have been sending energy BACK THROUGH the tesseract into my engine grid. Needless to say, this has been causing me to massively waste untold amounts of MJ for... well, as long as I've been using tesseracts. It's been some time.

The reason I was messing around with my tesseracts is because my four MFR harvesters weren't being fully powered by a redstone energy cell at full output capacity. They were constantly starved for energy. I figured at the time that the four harvesters must use at least 25 mj/t, so my redstone cell simply wasn't able to power them all due to the 5% energy losses through the tesseract/conduits. Well, after I discovered my mistake, I tried the set up again with one tesseract and energy cell. The four harvesters use less than HALF of what I thought they did.

Killed the Ender Dragon on passive, like a boss. (I was messing around in my test world the day before, so many slimes...)
I've blown up my first tree farm in both of my FTB worlds so far. Must stop using combustion engines recklessly...losing a logger is so costly early on.
Earlier in the thread I mentioned a nether spawn that killed me almost as soon as I entered the nether. My lesson was never enter the nether with stuff you don't want to loose. Fast forward to my fresh 1.51 SSP game. Made my nether portal took just a few things that I could loose. Nether portal spawned on layer 3 of nether. I had a couple of iron picks and proceeded to dig a path to the surface. My last pick broke just at breakthough. I ran back to the portal to get more picks and supplies. That is when Minecraft said "I hate you". Minecraft decided I need a new portal in the overworld. The original portal was over 200 blocks away at my base. Good news: the new portal spawned in a zombie dungeon in a abandoned mineshaft with 2 cave spider spawners 4 blocks outside of the dungeon entrance. Bad news: I had 16 torches, no picks, a single half used iron sword, a flint and steel, and 6 stacks of netherack. I never made it out alive.

Let's just say that the lesson learned from this is take more stuff that you don't need with you
well here is everyone's favorite type of fail minecraft world gen fail
So I just crashed my server.

You know that 64x64 quarry at y level 180 that I've been talking about previously?

It FINALLY hit bedrock. At some point, it dug through an underground lake that subsequently filled the quarry with water. So I decided to get rid of the water source blocks to empty the quarry.

Cue a TON of lag as the water starts to dry up. So much lag that my client disconnected. I logged in again, only to watch the server crash moments later.

Turns out I accidentally replaced the server start script when updating to Ultimate 1.1.0. The server has 16 GB of RAM and it was only using 1. Whoops. No wonder it couldn't handle all the water updates as the quarry drained...
I think a creeper got into my (underwater) base.

I think I've fixed most of it though I ran out of signs.

Don't worry Liara it didn't damage the Sliding Door of Awesome.
I think that would be Greg's idiocy regarding MJ showing. Stupid bastard. Needs to fix his shit.
How do you propose we do that?
Um, the GretTech machines are fine.
But I do have a chicken and egg problem: I need a lot of raw chicken to trade for emeralds but I can't fine many chickens, and those that do give a lot of feathers and not much meat :( And no one else is online to 'lend' me any.
So I just crashed my server.

You know that 64x64 quarry at y level 180 that I've been talking about previously?

It FINALLY hit bedrock. At some point, it dug through an underground lake that subsequently filled the quarry with water. So I decided to get rid of the water source blocks to empty the quarry.

Cue a TON of lag as the water starts to dry up. So much lag that my client disconnected. I logged in again, only to watch the server crash moments later.

Turns out I accidentally replaced the server start script when updating to Ultimate 1.1.0. The server has 16 GB of RAM and it was only using 1. Whoops. No wonder it couldn't handle all the water updates as the quarry drained...
Still trying to clear water out of my quarry.

I restarted the server after allocating a whole lot more memory and it hasn't crashed since. Unfortunately, I'm playing on a laptop with only 4GB of RAM right now, so I'm having client issues instead.

Every time I take care of one formerly-underground lake, I get worse and worse sync issues as the water drains (destroyed blocks reappearing, placed blocks disappearing, flowing water not updating, etc.) until I just get a memory overflow and crash. Then I have to wait a few minutes for the water to finish falling, then log back in to find the next water source to clear.

I am never ever building a quarry at y level 180 ever EVER again. There are much easier ways to get Apatite.
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Um, the GretTech machines are fine.
But I do have a chicken and egg problem: I need a lot of raw chicken to trade for emeralds but I can't fine many chickens, and those that do give a lot of feathers and not much meat :( And no one else is online to 'lend' me any.
I know the feeling
One of my huge fails was not knowing how the quartz grindstone worked. I clicked at it for 10 minutes before looking on the wiki and finding out you needed a crank.
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So I just crashed my server.

You know that 64x64 quarry at y level 180 that I've been talking about previously?

It FINALLY hit bedrock. At some point, it dug through an underground lake that subsequently filled the quarry with water. So I decided to get rid of the water source blocks to empty the quarry.

Cue a TON of lag as the water starts to dry up. So much lag that my client disconnected. I logged in again, only to watch the server crash moments later.

Turns out I accidentally replaced the server start script when updating to Ultimate 1.1.0. The server has 16 GB of RAM and it was only using 1. Whoops. No wonder it couldn't handle all the water updates as the quarry drained...

I had a similar problem once before, 'cept it was one source at the top of a map, in a mystcraft flat desert that ended up being at y180. When the quarry was done, I blocked off the source to let it drain. The server never crashed but I would log in and crash a few seconds later. But it was draining! So I op'd myself and spent about an hour logging in, dropping chunk loader, moving forward a few blocks and crashing. (The quarry had already been removed so they weren't loaded.)

Only to find out that that particular mystcraft age didn't have lava lakes...
Only to find out that that particular mystcraft age didn't have lava lakes...
I made sure I added the Lava Lakes symbol to the age. I had regular lakes too, but it would've been easier to just place a water source block myself. Clearing out that water was a nightmare. Luckily I didn't remove the quarry until after I'd drained the water (which took a couple DAYS to do), so the chunks stayed loaded.

How did you get a flat desert at y180? It shouldn't have been anywhere near that high. Flat terrain generation takes the average terrain height and uses that. It was only so high for me because I used an Extreme Hills biome.
I made sure I added the Lava Lakes symbol to the age. I had regular lakes too, but it would've been easier to just place a water source block myself. Clearing out that water was a nightmare. Luckily I didn't remove the quarry until after I'd drained the water (which took a couple DAYS to do), so the chunks stayed loaded.

How did you get a flat desert at y180? It shouldn't have been anywhere near that high. Flat terrain generation takes the average terrain height and uses that. It was only so high for me because I used an Extreme Hills biome.

As I understand it, flat biome just finds an average when it does its terrain generation and I ended up with a really high desert. This was also back in the 142 beta and the symbols I used as I recall were Single Biome, Desert, Flat, Eternal Day, No Weather, Crystals.
I had just just made a solar system outputting MV, and I though, what better thing to do with it than to use it as an electric fence that power a mass fab, which lead to 2 fails:
1st fail: A HV transformer inverted puts out EV, not HV (was just starting ftb)
2nd Fail: Mass fabs cannot accept EV
Didn't finally figure out the EV part until blowing up a EV outputting 6 chamber reactor, by hooking the mass fab directly

LOST:6 reactor chamber, the reactor, the components, 2 mass fabs, MV setup, my entire power setup, and a big chunk of my house.
(I was new to mods at this point, and had though I remembered that the wiki said that mass fabs could accept EV.)
I made sure I added the Lava Lakes symbol to the age. I had regular lakes too, but it would've been easier to just place a water source block myself. Clearing out that water was a nightmare. Luckily I didn't remove the quarry until after I'd drained the water (which took a couple DAYS to do), so the chunks stayed loaded.

How did you get a flat desert at y180? It shouldn't have been anywhere near that high. Flat terrain generation takes the average terrain height and uses that. It was only so high for me because I used an Extreme Hills biome.

Actually, I think it might take the highest.

My plains biome age was at altitude 90. I'm pretty sure the average in a plains isn't 90. I didn't even know it could get that high.
Too much energy?

Actually, I'm curious. What happened? Did it explode?

I can't speak for chests, but when I had an REC hooked up to a wooden pipe pulling out of a barrel it makes a lot of explosion noises (same as TNT going off) and visual effects when you forget to turn the REC power down to 1-2 MJ/t instead of 50 MJ/t when you power it. Also at 50 MJ/t it will empty a full barrel in about 5 seconds. :eek: Strangely though, despite the explosion noises and effects it doesn't actually do any damage anywhere. If you are wearing good armour you can get near enough to disable the power without getting killed.