Epic Fail stories

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500 meters isn't that far...is it? It probably is. Good luck with your turtles, I'm learning how mine work. I've lost at least 2 of those buggers to lava.

What difficulty do you play on?

One of my fails is that I decided to make an base shaped like an oval. An ovular base? :<
Anyway, I though it was a circle after I forgot my initial design, and ended up putting the dividers in all the wrong places. And now everything is a mess.

I also have zero power, I have to get that set up before my powertool runs out. It's running my whole powersuit right now.

Time to get some more diesel generators.
Does that mean nether emeralds? :D
I've found 19 kinds of ore in the nether but emeralds aint one. :(
Oh and now I'm trying to chase down my lost turtles with another turtle and liquid resdstone for breathable lava-clearing.

[edit]500m is kinda annoying to run in the dark with nothing.
I now live in a hole but to add to epic fails creeper on top of a cave close to the surface while trying to hunt spiders so i can get enouph string to make a bed. still no bed
I now live in a hole but to add to epic fails creeper on top of a cave close to the surface while trying to hunt spiders so i can get enouph string to make a bed. still no bed
No sheep around? Sorry man. I'd personally start an underground flax farm.
something that could be considered fail:

1.) reading here about fails with wrath igniters.

2.) idea: let's test that

3.) go 200 blocks away from the base, cheat one in, and set a beach on fire (large biomes, even the beaches are large)

4.) wow, that beach covered in glass looks great.

5.) try it in the twilight forrest

6.) stand on a tall oak tree (these really big ones), and set it on fire.

7.) watch it burning down

8.) go to the fridge, grab a beer

9.) watch the death screen... (the branch where I stood caught fire aswell... and the fire killed me)...
My recent Epic Fail is one you all no doubt have had similar issues with. Mining Lasers. Mind you, my issue was different.
I was in the nether, preparing to do a demo version of my "Stereotypical Evil Base power room" and I have a weird issue. I'm willing to give myself tools and armor to get started, and some machines/energy storage for occasional spawn terraforming(usually a Quantum Tank and a crap ton of cans to gather oil when it's right by my spawn, and obviously longfall boots and a jetpack for getting around, but sometimes a energy cube and a pump, a couple liquducts, and said quantum tank), but I never give myself machines I plan on using for real, nor materials to build said machines. So I had some tools, and went to gather my basic nether stuff I needed for this build. After about a half a hour getting the trees I needed, and a hour trying to gather the needed stuff from them, I got pissed and gave myself the basic things I needed. That's when it started to go down hill. I had my weapon to gather soul energy and a big container for it. So at that point I had to turn the difficulty up to get things to show up(so I could kill them). After a few minutes of killing pigmen and wither skeletons I encountered a ghast. I didn't see him at first. But he was wrecking my small area where I had built my junk, so naturally I wanted to kill him. I briefly considered getting a bow with which to shoot him, but decided that a Mining Laser on Explosive mode would be better. After I failed horribly to kill him with it I just punched a fireball back into his face. But the damage was done, I had a mining laser. So I decided that the trees I had grown and that had failed to produce my needed weepings needing to go, so I shot them in explosive mode to get rid of them. Then I decided I wanted to try the super heat mode on all the cool ores I had found, and did so. So far no problem. Then I decided that I wanted to clear some space so I could set up my power room. I ended up setting the laser on scatter mode. I aimed straight down(mostly so I wouldn't wreck any of my important things) and instantly got hit with a donkey ass punch of world eating lag. I tried to change the mode on the laser to explosive again so I could blow up the drops, and to do that you have to hold down the mode switch key and right click. But that's the thing, you have to right click, and it didn't accept that I was holding down the mode switch key because of all the lag. So I fired again. But I had right clicked a couple times. Cue about five more scatter shots of lasers, and even more lag.
I ended up just quitting(oddly enough no issues there, despite the many issues I've had in the past trying to quit when I'm lagging) and deleted the map.
Long story short, the Mining Laser isn't a good weapon, nor is it a good mining tool for me.[DOUBLEPOST=1367617301][/DOUBLEPOST]
something that could be considered fail:

1.) reading here about fails with wrath igniters.

2.) idea: let's test that

3.) go 200 blocks away from the base, cheat one in, and set a beach on fire (large biomes, even the beaches are large)

4.) wow, that beach covered in glass looks great.

5.) try it in the twilight forrest

6.) stand on a tall oak tree (these really big ones), and set it on fire.

7.) watch it burning down

8.) go to the fridge, grab a beer

9.) watch the death screen... (the branch where I stood caught fire aswell... and the fire killed me)...
Try using the wrath igniter on grass. Or even "better", on smooth stone in a cave system.
Speaking of lag, I recently installed a timelapse-third person recording mod, started it up, and nearly died when the massive lag hit. So I recorded a 5 minute test, and it was the wrong mode. Well, no biggie, that's what tests are for. Except I go back to my world where I'm afking and find that a skeleton has shot me through a hole in the wall. And now it's all in a chest that my wood golem was filling. Except now I have wheat spewing everywhere, including into a nearby crucible. That I hit with my wand, and raised the flux with a level. So even more wisps in places now.

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The Dingo ate your baby.
Well, er, or in this case, the turtle ate the turtle.
I let two turtles tear down two perpendicular walls on intersecting paths. And I even thought about the possiblity of one turtle breaking the other. Seemed veeeery improbable.
And surely, the turtles inventory was full, so the turtle despawned.
No big loss, but one of the situations where you ask yourself: what could possibly go wrong?
I had a huge fail. I put in a large session, completely finishing another level of my base. My lil' sis asks me to let her play for a bit, so I copy my world over to the server, and delete some older versions of the world. The thing is, I copied over the wrong thing to the server, losing most of my work to the trashcan.

I was incredibly pissed off. 3 hours of building gone.
I sent a turtle to get a turtle which had stopped somewhere under lava. (Using liquid redstone to turn all the flowing lava into cobble for it to dig out as it went. But I started too low so it was only really getting rid of a quarter of the lava.) I succeeded in getting the turtle back, from the inventory of the next turtle, but then I stupidly left the nether - still without a chunkloader (there's one now though :P) so now THAT turtle is stuck under the lava instead of the other one :P
I accidentally caused an event that I tend to refer to as "The Creeperpocalypse."

It involved a tier 5 creeper spawner inside an under-construction mob grinder.

That's all I will say.
I died by falling in a void age while wearing a fully charged Quantum/Gravisuit. I lagged and accidentally hit the key for the Gravisuit. ~_~
I have just learned the hard way not to do bee breeding with excited bees and tree breeding at the same time... To say I'm just a little bit mad that I've lost all my fancy trees and saplings would be quite the understatement. :mad:
10 minutes into a new 1.5 world I find a portal gun from a thaumcraft totem.
20 minute in I'm mining at diamond level and decide to portal to base to unload stuff. I set the portal 2 blocks above a lava lake that I turned into obsidian. When I come back through I'm stuck in the obsidian. I hit escape because that just sucks and when I go back into he game i'm beneath the obsidian and in the lava. I lose a portal gun, diamond tipped pick and other Tinker's Construct gear.

I rage quit and just started a new world.
We had set up our base right next to a few chunk errors.
Eventually the mob and entity count in those chunks brought our little private server careening to its death and we had to reset the world.
So one of my recent fails involved an arcane furnace. I was interested in automating it and using it to get triple meat treats. So I setup some red power equipment to dump raw meat into it and had an obsidian pipe to collect the cooked meat and nuggets. So far everything works fine. Then I turn on my tier 5 cow farm to feed the furnace. And everything still looks OK. So I log out of the server. Come back several hours latter to a small hell. The arcane furnace had driven the flux through the roof (wisps everywhere) and the aspect to 0. Not to mention my inventory system was choked with all of the overflow from the tier 5 farm. So main lesson learned NEVER automate any Thaumcraft item that requires Vis for operation.
Okay, so working with Applied Energistics to automate some things. Also decided to upgrade the disk my metals were loaded onto. So I'm doing that, then I realize I need more Hardened Glass to get some Liquiducts to finish the piping. So I skip on down to my obsidian farm and realize I'm out of inventory space and can't pick up the obsidian. Okay, let's see, hmm, let's move the disk over here and... NO NOOOOOO... I SAID PUT THE DISK IN THE INVENTORY AND DROP THE FLESH!

Wait... wait a sec... was that the disk with the metals and gems still on it? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Shneekey's List #412: Not allowed to leave the base with any Applied Energistics storage disks. EVER. Not even for 'a quick trip'.
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Try a pump maybe?
The turtles will have destroyed the source blocks they "flew" through so it shouldn't be as hard as you think, maybe with a MPS or hazmat suit you could swim.

Or give up..... Turtles are cheep.

If you had it set up right you could use Rednet to summon them back from the deeps with a seperate computer, but you would need the rednet module and a specific Startup script to do it.