Epic Fail stories

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I was making a witch farm, Tier V, and when I placed the spawner in, my jetpack ran out of juice. I hit the ground and was bombarded with potions. I died and my stuff got voided (Quantum armor, and advanced jetpack and other crap)

When I was a N00b at FTB, I wanted to clear out a big space, (or what I thought was big). So I looked up the recipe for some Nukes. Not too hard. I accidentally placed one down on a wall (because of lag) and on the other side, the redstone signal was on! So it started blinking, and falling, so I immediately placed a block underneath it (because I thought I could undentonate it with some weapon) and it blew everything up, including 40 Ultimate hybrids, IDSU, AESUs, a crapload of machinery and 2 fusion reactors.

I thought the chemical reactor outputted energy. So when I hooked it up to a 512 cable, all 30 chemical reactors blew up, along side with my Nuclear reactor, and many valuable machines.
no need for a fusion reactor. the transformer itself is enough to create those packets. since the superconductor is just a wire with no loss, you could even set up a loop, that constantly sends the same energy through the wire over and over again.
Try a pump maybe?
The turtles will have destroyed the source blocks they "flew" through so it shouldn't be as hard as you think, maybe with a MPS or hazmat suit you could swim.
Funny you should say that, because now I have a different issue to solve in a similar manner. The world has been reset and my new base is underwater. But getting rid of the water in the house is going to be a pain... unless I use turtles to clear it :D
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Not really an "epic" fail, but after finding out I'd be going out of town and unable to play Minecraft for a while, I set up a maximum-size quarry powered by some magmatic engines that were fed by a massive Xycraft tank of lava. There was one pre-charged redstone energy cell between them to serve as a buffer in case anything went horribly wrong. After making sure they wouldn't overheat, I whacked the conduit feeding into the quarry with a wrench to get the power flowing, logged out, and left on my trip. I figured that the quarry would mine out a decent amount of resources before the lava ran out, and I'd come back to a bunch of new materials for building and crafting awesome stuff.

So I came back a week later, only to find that there was only around 3000 dirt in the storage system that the quarry was supposed to feed into. I went to check on the quarry, and saw that it had only mined out the top layer of dirt. The redstone cell was completely drained. The lava tank was still full. And the engines were off.

I had never turned on the engines. I had set up a lever to keep them turned off while I was adding all the conduits, so they wouldn't overheat. They were still turned off when I left, and remained turned off for the duration of my trip.

Like I said, it's not an epic fail, but it still made me facepalm.
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Too much energy?

Actually, I'm curious. What happened? Did it explode?
It would pour the maximum amount of energy possible into the wooden pipe, without any item extraction. Essentially, it's a massive waste of power.

Sent from my phone using black magic
It would pour the maximum amount of energy possible into the wooden pipe, without any item extraction. Essentially, it's a massive waste of power.
If the pipe is connected to a full diamond chest, and you've got an autarchic gate carefully set up to only extract when items are needed, the ET will just force the entire contents of the chest into the pipe in a couple of seconds.
If the pipe is connected to a full diamond chest, and you've got an autarchic gate carefully set up to only extract when items are needed, the ET will just force the entire contents of the chest into the pipe in a couple of seconds.
Doesn't the wooden pipe eat power even when there's no work to do?

Sent from my phone using black magic
Yeah, I do remember the putting a redstone cell next to a wooden pipe get VERY rapid extraction, but doesn't eat energy when it's not needed. I used this on a processing system when the autarchic gates weren't fast enough.
I've been a dumbass and wasting resources lately. My current project has been to make 64 Hybrid Solar Panels like this: 8x Solar Panel-8x Advanced Solar Panel- 8x Ultimate Hybrid- 64x Hybrid Solar Panel. Seems like a pretty okay thing to do. Mainly getting so many for looks, but it is also going to power my Matter Fabricator (GT). So it was around 3 in the morning, I was about to go to bed, and I just want to craft something. I spend a really long time getting all the resources to turn my Advanced Solars directly into Hybrids... As soon as I craft them I think, "GOD DAMNIT!" Thankfully I had been to the Twilight Forest and had a Magic Map Focus to make an uncrafting table. And thankfully it worked with the uncrafting table.

Another story of me being a dumbass with resources: I wanted to make a sign for SatanicSanta Enterprises. I thought that RedPower monitors looked super cool in my texture pack, so I was like, "Okay, it's probably just like CC where if you place two next to each other they connect and can display things". WRONG! For this project I needed 28 monitors. I couldn't find anything on the internet about it, and the friends I was talking to knew nothing about RP Control. I crafted two and placed them next to each other, "SHIT!" Now I have 2 RP monitors, 26 lime lumar, and 26 red doped wafers that I don't know what to do with.

Another story of me being a dumbass: Creepers... I saw a Creeper outside my house watching me. So I ran outside and quickly flew into the air. I tried bringing it away from my buildings so it wouldn't break anything if it broke. My jetpack was down to 5%, which is weird because I always charge it when it gets down to 30%. I ease down (I use hover mode) so I wouldn't be super high in the air and fall down. Fall damage is my biggest weakness. As soon as I landed, it blows up and breaks my Twilight portal. I still haven't remade the portal. So now there is some tall grass and a couple flowers (half of the plants are gone) around a 4x4 pool of water. I did fix the giant crater in the ground. I think I'm going to move my portal somewhere anyway.
Yeah, I do remember the putting a redstone cell next to a wooden pipe get VERY rapid extraction, but doesn't eat energy when it's not needed. I used this on a processing system when the autarchic gates weren't fast enough.
It does use energy, I set it to 1 MJ/t and it kept slowly draining.
Why do you use buildcraft for processing? Surely it would be far simpler to use RP or AE?
I am now, I replaced the pipe with a Relay and a wireless timer.
Not really an "epic" fail, but after finding out I'd be going out of town and unable to play Minecraft for a while, I set up a maximum-size quarry powered by some magmatic engines that were fed by a massive Xycraft tank of lava. There was one pre-charged redstone energy cell between them to serve as a buffer in case anything went horribly wrong. After making sure they wouldn't overheat, I whacked the conduit feeding into the quarry with a wrench to get the power flowing, logged out, and left on my trip. I figured that the quarry would mine out a decent amount of resources before the lava ran out, and I'd come back to a bunch of new materials for building and crafting awesome stuff.

So I came back a week later, only to find that there was only around 3000 dirt in the storage system that the quarry was supposed to feed into. I went to check on the quarry, and saw that it had only mined out the top layer of dirt. The redstone cell was completely drained. The lava tank was still full. And the engines were off.

I had never turned on the engines. I had set up a lever to keep them turned off while I was adding all the conduits, so they wouldn't overheat. They were still turned off when I left, and remained turned off for the duration of my trip.

Like I said, it's not an epic fail, but it still made me facepalm.
So, a little update on my quarry.

a.k.a. Ember Quill derped again. Or, rather, Ember Quill just noticed a previous derp long after it stopped being fixable.

Since I need Apatite in addition to all the other reasources I'm looking for, I went ahead and made a single-biome Extreme Hills Flat Mystcraft age for mining. I was planning to open it up to the rest of the server (the server I'm playing on is a small one that I host by myself) after seeing how the ore generation looked. That's where I built the quarry I was talking about in that last post.

You can probably guess what my mistake was.

I didn't even think about how ore generation works when I made the age. I just figured Extreme Hills = Apatite and went from there. And I built my quarry on the flat plane at Y level 180 or so. And then I had the problem with my engines, of course, so I fixed that, got everything running, got rid of the pointless energy cell once I saw that every MJ of energy was going straight through it to the quarry, and logged off for a bit.

Fast forward a couple days (I've been too busy to play often). I log back in to see that my lava tank is almost empty. My quarry has mined down 50 layers or so. "Sweet!" I say to myself. "I must have a bunch of resources now!"

...Nope. Over a thousand Apatite, a small amount of amber, over ten thousand dirt, and about 225k cobble (thankfully, my AE system dumps all the cobble and dirt into DSUs so there's still plenty of space).

50 layers down from 180 is 130, which is still high enough that nothing but Apatite and amber spawn. Lesson learned. I'm probably scrapping this age and writing a new one after my quarry finally hits bedrock (which will take a few days of constant operation, at this rate). Apatite is great and all, but a mining age that requires you to go through a hundred layers of almost nothing but stone and Apatite just to get to the rest of the ores is not at all useful.

Even Emerald (the other reason why I went with Extreme Hills) doesn't spawn above level 32! So I'm screwed for resources for another day or two unless I want to write ANOTHER age and move the whole setup over there.
Well I had never set off a nuke so I thot I'd give it a whirl just to see. So i found a flat mountain top and set one off. Well it blew some of the top away, stripped some trees and took the red colouring off some neighbouring mountain tops. I was not impressed. I was expecting big things!! So what did I do? I moved to another mountain top, made a 12 nuke base pyramid and set that off....
I had to delete the game. All I know is it took the mountain out right down to bedrock, but I could never get the game speed back to more than a snails pace. Lesson learned.. :)
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I asked in server chat: how do I charge up my MPS with MJ? And then I said I had to go Google what an Energetic Infuser was because Liara put one in our base...

Then I found that my two questions had cancelled each other out :rolleyes:
I asked in server chat: how do I charge up my MPS with MJ? And then I said I had to go Google what an Energetic Infuser was because Liara put one in our base...

Then I found that my two questions had cancelled each other out :rolleyes:
Hey, that thing is great! Don't diss the sonic Energetic Infuser. You can charge RECs without needing to directly hook them up to your network. And you can have automatic buffering and stuff and it's just really nice. Actually, I might set up an automated system for that...

Also, fun fact that you might not have known, but MPS things can draw power from RECs in your inventory in the 1.5 versions of MPS. Just an interesting science fact!