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I say this to no offense of anyone here so certainly take none. The chance of Eloraam making a mod or updating RP2 is extremely slim because of how poorly people of the community treat her. Some people feel the need to assault her verbally because they do not like some aspects of her mod or how she goes about modding. This is very common in the modding and I do not understand why it goes on as you are never forced to use the mod in the first place. I will give two examples (This is not meant to be anything against or defending agree he is just an amazing example). Often people say thing about Greg as a modded that are consciously or subconsciously offending and geared to making him stop modding because the mod he develops is so hard to progress in, they are never forced to use the mod. The second example is of BlueDart the creator of DartCraft. People make fun of him and say things because they think his mod is so "cheaty." It is also important you realize the difference between people saying stuff about a mod in all or saying things about a mod change. Ex: when Rieka added the work table people said some complaints about the change. If people start discouraging her from modding because they do not like her mods she will not likely start again. And some people on this thread already have started. People discouraging her is also one of the reasons she already left (Ontop of the family and work problems). This is not meant to offend just inform.
I say this to no offense of anyone here so certainly take none. The chance of Eloraam making a mod or updating RP2 is extremely slim because of how poorly people of the community treat her. Some people feel the need to assault her verbally because they do not like some aspects of her mod or how she goes about modding. This is very common in the modding and I do not understand why it goes on as you are never forced to use the mod in the first place. I will give two examples (This is not meant to be anything against or defending agree he is just an amazing example). Often people say thing about Greg as a modded that are consciously or subconsciously offending and geared to making him stop modding because the mod he develops is so hard to progress in, they are never forced to use the mod. The second example is of BlueDart the creator of DartCraft. People make fun of him and say things because they think his mod is so "cheaty." It is also important you realize the difference between people saying stuff about a mod in all or saying things about a mod change. Ex: when Rieka added the work table people said some complaints about the change. If people start discouraging her from modding because they do not like her mods she will not likely start again. And some people on this thread already have started. People discouraging her is also one of the reasons she already left (Ontop of the family and work problems). This is not meant to offend just inform.
I guess that depends on whether Elo mods because they love doing it or if they mod because they want to please people.
My 1.4 Mindcrack base was pretty cool. I had a Steve's Carts tree farm, forestry biofuel engines, even a solid fueled boiler. They were all kept full and routed with pneumatic tubes. My quarry goodies whizzed about into TE machines, barrels, and chests. I even bothered to biomass & biofuel to run stuff into GT semi fluid & diesel generators.

I got that item zipping back with itemducts, but for simple setups I just use opaque ones. My real item fun came back with the Mekanism Logistical Sorter. I used a design from a Vaygrim tutorial and had fun with items whizzing through 3x factory processing and through various tubes into JABBA barrels.

It'd be cool to see Red Power 3. But as of now I'm just happy that Chisel & Carpenter's Blocks stay updated.
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You know what I miss most from RedPower, aside from the pump? The magtubes. They were the fastest transport you could get before AE came along. While Mek has pretty much recreated Elo's most excellent tubes, that is the one thing Aidan has yet to introduce.
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I think that teleportation has kinda reduced the demand for stuff like mag tubes, although they were cool. I never used them because I had a rat's nest under my base already.
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I guess that depends on whether Elo mods because they love doing it or if they mod because they want to please people.
Eloraam mods because she likes modding but that does not mean things we say cannot impact her. Think of it as if you were her. You modded for countless hours and after thought you decided to release it to the community. It goes well at first but then people start to say it "sucks" and is "horrible" after all that work you would surely feel urge to stop.
I say this to no offense of anyone here so certainly take none. The chance of Eloraam making a mod or updating RP2 is extremely slim because of how poorly people of the community treat her. Some people feel the need to assault her verbally because they do not like some aspects of her mod or how she goes about modding. This is very common in the modding and I do not understand why it goes on as you are never forced to use the mod in the first place. I will give two examples (This is not meant to be anything against or defending agree he is just an amazing example). Often people say thing about Greg as a modded that are consciously or subconsciously offending and geared to making him stop modding because the mod he develops is so hard to progress in, they are never forced to use the mod. The second example is of BlueDart the creator of DartCraft. People make fun of him and say things because they think his mod is so "cheaty." It is also important you realize the difference between people saying stuff about a mod in all or saying things about a mod change. Ex: when Rieka added the work table people said some complaints about the change. If people start discouraging her from modding because they do not like her mods she will not likely start again. And some people on this thread already have started. People discouraging her is also one of the reasons she already left (Ontop of the family and work problems). This is not meant to offend just inform.

I agree with everything but the bold underlined. If you are primarily an SMP player you ARE in fact forced in to using some mods and depending on why you dislike the mods you can't even opt to not use it. The very nature of how mods work and how servers handle mods you are somewhat forced by circumstance to tolerate some mods.
Some mods are easier to tolerate then others; If you think Dartcraft is cheaty you actually can very well ignore the stuff as not much of it is forced on you (ohh god bad pun..) you will have to tolerate collecting force ore but that's no biggie, it's nothing a void pipe or trading can't fix. But a mod like say GregTech if you don't like the Vanilla changes and your server admin insists on hard mode you have only the choice of toleration or evacuation (from the server). Which is still a choice I guess but it's a bloody crappy one, if for some reason every server has GregTech hardmode you can't play SMP unless you sink the capital in to run your own which only a small portion of this community can do right.

Also for instance I personally dislike Geostrata and have stated my dislike on the forum to the point where I have irritated Reika the mod creator (mainly becasue I was insisting a lot of others hated it as I did when I had no REAL evidence). The nature of how the mod works means if I want to play FTB Monster I cannot simply just not use the mod. If I want to play on a server as it is 80% world gen that you have to encounter while doing the basics (mining). Now it doesn't bother me as much now as I got sick of the SMP scene and have made my own pack without Geostrata. But If I still insisted on playing Monster in an SMP format I'd have to tolerate Geostrata or even better but unlikely for me I could learn to like it. But one thing I cannot do is "just not use it" as I can't very well dodge all the varying types of stone to mine as mining the stone and picking it up would be using the mod albeit in the most basic of ways.

Also you are forgetting the morons; One of the facets of the service FTB brings is that it standardizes/ simplifies mods for servers and people without tech savvy. FTB makes mods easy to access for those who are either not technologically inclined or rock level stupid. Most in a SSP setting will have enough aptitude to use the in-launcher feature for disabling mods but if they are too dumb or lazy to use the feature they are by circumstances forced to use some mods they don't like. In other words morons are unable to change the packs to suit them and they are here because FTB does the hard mod stuff for them, stuff they don't have or feel they don't have the capacity to do.
You could say the numbnuts should just get smart but if they get smart they don't really need FTB anymore and they can graduate to more basic but more free form mod launchers like MultiMC or MagicLoader.

So "you are never forced to use the mod in the first place." is partially untrue. You are not forced to play the mods in the same way you are not forced to play Minecraft.

All of that being said though, you are right about modders. Overly demanding and entitled twits spouting nonsense could be one of the many straws that broke the mules back for Elo. People would do well to check them selves and learn when to back out lest they scare off more good modders.
Of course they should be allowed to complain about mods but not to the extent Elo got, plus the whole RP2 thing wasn't primarily her fault (if there is even a fault to lay) FTB's insistence waiting so that RP2 be in the next pack compounded the frustration felt at that time.
I agree with everything but the bold underlined. If you are primarily an SMP player you ARE in fact forced in to using some mods and depending on why you dislike the mods you can't even opt to not use it. The very nature of how mods work and how servers handle mods you are somewhat forced by circumstance to tolerate some mods.
Some mods are easier to tolerate then others; If you think Dartcraft is cheaty you actually can very well ignore the stuff as not much of it is forced on you (ohh god bad pun..) you will have to tolerate collecting force ore but that's no biggie, it's nothing a void pipe or trading can't fix. But a mod like say GregTech if you don't like the Vanilla changes and your server admin insists on hard mode you have only the choice of toleration or evacuation (from the server). Which is still a choice I guess but it's a bloody crappy one, if for some reason every server has GregTech hardmode you can't play SMP unless you sink the capital in to run your own which only a small portion of this community can do right.

Also for instance I personally dislike Geostrata and have stated my dislike on the forum to the point where I have irritated Reika the mod creator (mainly becasue I was insisting a lot of others hated it as I did when I had no REAL evidence). The nature of how the mod works means if I want to play FTB Monster I cannot simply just not use the mod. If I want to play on a server as it is 80% world gen that you have to encounter while doing the basics (mining). Now it doesn't bother me as much now as I got sick of the SMP scene and have made my own pack without Geostrata. But If I still insisted on playing Monster in an SMP format I'd have to tolerate Geostrata or even better but unlikely for me I could learn to like it. But one thing I cannot do is "just not use it" as I can't very well dodge all the varying types of stone to mine as mining the stone and picking it up would be using the mod albeit in the most basic of ways.

Also you are forgetting the morons; One of the facets of the service FTB brings is that it standardizes/ simplifies mods for servers and people without tech savvy. FTB makes mods easy to access for those who are either not technologically inclined or rock level stupid. Most in a SSP setting will have enough aptitude to use the in-launcher feature for disabling mods but if they are too dumb or lazy to use the feature they are by circumstances forced to use some mods they don't like. In other words morons are unable to change the packs to suit them and they are here because FTB does the hard mod stuff for them, stuff they don't have or feel they don't have the capacity to do.
You could say the numbnuts should just get smart but if they get smart they don't really need FTB anymore and they can graduate to more basic but more free form mod launchers like MultiMC or MagicLoader.

So "you are never forced to use the mod in the first place." is partially untrue. You are not forced to play the mods in the same way you are not forced to play Minecraft.

All of that being said though, you are right about modders. Overly demanding and entitled twits spouting nonsense could be one of the many straws that broke the mules back for Elo. People would do well to check them selves and learn when to back out lest they scare off more good modders.
Of course they should be allowed to complain about mods but not to the extent Elo got, plus the whole RP2 thing wasn't primarily her fault (if there is even a fault to lay) FTB's insistence waiting so that RP2 be in the next pack compounded the frustration felt at that time.

Where's the double like button?
Where's the double like button?
Yeah the "don't like it don't use it" mantra is great advice but it's to hastily applied to many peoples grievances and in a unjustly dismissive manner.
People need to asses the circumstances of each complainer; If they are in SSP and don't like a mod "Don't use it" is very good advice, but in SMP you are SOL becasue if you disable even a single mod that could trap you out of a good portion of servers as if you try to log on to a server that has a mod you don't it say "Nope, you don't have XMod you can't get on".
That's actually one reason FTB is popular or the idea of packs in general, it facilitates a standardized mod environment that is consice and easily distributed. If Minecraft had a system for modding that streams the mod to the client from the server if it detects a difference in files like most FPS games do. FTB would not have been a thing neither would the other launchers. You can't tell me the main benefit FTB brings is weighted to the single player.
Eh, I happen to think the 'don't like it, don't use it' argument is perfectly valid. No one says you HAVE to play on a server with mod x. I've had a lot of fun lately by taking a mod pack, stripping out the stuff I don't want, and playing it. Personally, I don't see the attraction Ars2 has for people. Obviously, it does have attraction for a lot of people, but I just don't get it. So when I find a pack with Ars2 in it, I simply remove the mod from the mods folder, and go on with my life. Done.

I am honestly surprised Elorram has resurfaced after how badly she was treated previously. I know that if I'd had the kind of crap thrown at me that she got, I'd have shaken the dust from my sandals and never returned. She must have a passion for minecraft modding to come back after such a toxic experience.
I agree with everything but the bold underlined. If you are primarily an SMP player you ARE in fact forced in to using some mods and depending on why you dislike the mods you can't even opt to not use it. The very nature of how mods work and how servers handle mods you are somewhat forced by circumstance to tolerate some mods.
Some mods are easier to tolerate then others; If you think Dartcraft is cheaty you actually can very well ignore the stuff as not much of it is forced on you (ohh god bad pun..) you will have to tolerate collecting force ore but that's no biggie, it's nothing a void pipe or trading can't fix. But a mod like say GregTech if you don't like the Vanilla changes and your server admin insists on hard mode you have only the choice of toleration or evacuation (from the server). Which is still a choice I guess but it's a bloody crappy one, if for some reason every server has GregTech hardmode you can't play SMP unless you sink the capital in to run your own which only a small portion of this community can do right.

Also for instance I personally dislike Geostrata and have stated my dislike on the forum to the point where I have irritated Reika the mod creator (mainly becasue I was insisting a lot of others hated it as I did when I had no REAL evidence). The nature of how the mod works means if I want to play FTB Monster I cannot simply just not use the mod. If I want to play on a server as it is 80% world gen that you have to encounter while doing the basics (mining). Now it doesn't bother me as much now as I got sick of the SMP scene and have made my own pack without Geostrata. But If I still insisted on playing Monster in an SMP format I'd have to tolerate Geostrata or even better but unlikely for me I could learn to like it. But one thing I cannot do is "just not use it" as I can't very well dodge all the varying types of stone to mine as mining the stone and picking it up would be using the mod albeit in the most basic of ways.

Also you are forgetting the morons; One of the facets of the service FTB brings is that it standardizes/ simplifies mods for servers and people without tech savvy. FTB makes mods easy to access for those who are either not technologically inclined or rock level stupid. Most in a SSP setting will have enough aptitude to use the in-launcher feature for disabling mods but if they are too dumb or lazy to use the feature they are by circumstances forced to use some mods they don't like. In other words morons are unable to change the packs to suit them and they are here because FTB does the hard mod stuff for them, stuff they don't have or feel they don't have the capacity to do.
You could say the numbnuts should just get smart but if they get smart they don't really need FTB anymore and they can graduate to more basic but more free form mod launchers like MultiMC or MagicLoader.

So "you are never forced to use the mod in the first place." is partially untrue. You are not forced to play the mods in the same way you are not forced to play Minecraft.

All of that being said though, you are right about modders. Overly demanding and entitled twits spouting nonsense could be one of the many straws that broke the mules back for Elo. People would do well to check them selves and learn when to back out lest they scare off more good modders.
Of course they should be allowed to complain about mods but not to the extent Elo got, plus the whole RP2 thing wasn't primarily her fault (if there is even a fault to lay) FTB's insistence waiting so that RP2 be in the next pack compounded the frustration felt at that time.
But think of how dumb anyone would sound saying "I hate you because your such a good modder and people enjoy your work to the point were they include it in mod packs. And because of you I can't play this mod pack that my friends made because they included your mod in it". This is such a malice thing to say to a modder who created a mod for others own pleasure. It is not there fault there mod was considered good enough to be added to a mod pack you were anticipating. It all leads back to the person's problem with their mod. People should keep this hatred to themselves after all it IS NOT THE MODDERS FAULT THE MOD IS IN THE MODPACK.
I think that teleportation has kinda reduced the demand for stuff like mag tubes, although they were cool. I never used them because I had a rat's nest under my base already.

Maybe, but I'm sure there's more folks like me that really kinda do miss the old days. Don't get me wrong, AE is absolutely wondrous for efficiency, but there was just so much...charm, I suppose, in having those pretty magtubes once you could afford to get them. If we had a version of RedPower for 1.6, I'd totally mix it and AE together to make the coolest-looking automation humanly possible.
i am excited for having eloram back it will be interesting to see what ever she comes up with

i would hope she might link up with project red so she can build on her ideas having some work already done and she could focus on those pieces she wanted to implement a while back she was looking to do , this would be good for her and project red also as she could more focus on her ideas and project red if needed can help her and take over if she needs to step back also, there by both sides giving ideas to one another she a idea pot from out side the box.

but if events happen where some idiots start on her again then i think she should go over and huggle that cat "points to jadecat" and relax and focus on fun stuff as that cat has nice sharp claws as well as looking cuddly, and can knock down a few idiots for drama giggles

in serious i am looking forward to her return to see what she comes up with, we have a great community of modders out there whom all are awesome in there own rights and have made some seriously neet stuff but where would we be with out one of them inspiring the others, after all each one creates something and another see it and then thinks cool and that idea gives me another idea and that what makes this community grow , i wouldn't want to be with out one of them just like i have missed eloram also

so welcome back and lets see what you come up with dear show us all something amazing and stir the pot of ideas
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Being able to lock down an entire base at once but to still have all doors accessible by password with multiple levels of security. Or fuzzy logic auditing of mobs height to detect if endermen are tearing my golems apart.

All of that may sound complex but it's all simple code almost anyone can do given the examples. It's basic 8th grade BASIC.

70 IF IOGET(4)=512 GOTO 970
970 FOR Y=0 TO 15
980 IOSET 3,2
990 DELAY 1
1000 IOSET 3,0
1010 DELAY 11
1020 NEXT Y

I miss having an actual video slot machine with a real handle and custom ASCII logo :(

Unfortunately, horses > 3D printing. I really hope the patreon page or something works out. I'd pay $5-10 a month to have this back again.
Also for instance I personally dislike Geostrata and have stated my dislike on the forum to the point where I have irritated Reika the mod creator (mainly becasue I was insisting a lot of others hated it as I did when I had no REAL evidence). The nature of how the mod works means if I want to play FTB Monster I cannot simply just not use the mod. If I want to play on a server as it is 80% world gen that you have to encounter while doing the basics (mining). Now it doesn't bother me as much now as I got sick of the SMP scene and have made my own pack without Geostrata. But If I still insisted on playing Monster in an SMP format I'd have to tolerate Geostrata or even better but unlikely for me I could learn to like it. But one thing I cannot do is "just not use it" as I can't very well dodge all the varying types of stone to mine as mining the stone and picking it up would be using the mod albeit in the most basic of ways.
I also dislike it. Although it is a good concept to add variety to caves it clogs automated mining systems with a dozen of useless stone variants. I'm also not fond of their textures. The crystals also clog quarries, and they provide overpowered benefits. Additionally, I have a love-hate relationship with Metallurgy. The metals it adds allows for an extensive tiered system, but the ore distribution in the Nether looks dreadful. If I do use an FTB pack, I usually heavily edit the config files to provide a more suitable experience for myself.
Looking forward to see what she comes up with this go-round.

And hope she isn't pelted with dramas again.
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