Name/Nickname: picka1337
IGN: picka1337
Age: 30
Why you want to join: Cause I want to be in a decent server and do community projects maybe.
What you would bring to the server: I like to build and help with stuff.
Youtube username(if you dont have one it wont be held against you) nah.
Name/Nickname: Eric (Nickname = Myth)
IGN: Mythaell
Age: 23
Why you want to join: I want to join a server that is full of people working together as a community without griefing. I'm also looking to make friends who I can enjoy making creations with.
What you would bring to the server: I'll help build the community - I'm still learning a lot about FTB but always willing to lend a helping hand
Youtube username: eteninty1
Name/Nickname: Frank
IGN: Frankieh907
Age: 22
Why you want to join: I played a lot of single player and now I would like to build with other players and share the creations.
What you would bring to the server: I have been playing modded minecraft since 1.8.1 and would like to help people and make cool builds.
Name/Nickname: António
IGN: Epicpurept
Age: 30
Why you want to join: I have played alot of Tekkit in the past, have been away for some month's of Minecraft and i want to play it again, that's why I'm looking for a new place and other mod's ( well the diference it's little) and specialy an server from Europe, and this is one.
What you would bring to the server: I do have alot experience with the minecraft, Redpower and IC2. For example, my last house on Tekkit the Redpower was all automatic, the solar pannel's they did only show when the sun was up, it only pull stuff from the machines when they where working ( sensor for it ), etc, etc. With all this experience i can try to help other's if needed or in community project's.
Hello there
Name/Nickname: Thimble
IGN: Thimble00
Age: 23
Why you want to join: I've been playing singleplayer FTB for a while and sadly the world feels empty with just me inside :'( I browsed the server section and saw your server which looks really cool and new, I figured I'd try to join you and start on a new adventure.
What you would bring to the server: I'm a relaxed and outgoing person, I like to talk and enjoy my time with fellow gamers. Concerning FTB itself, I won't lie I'm not the best designer but I build functional structures, usually using a combination of mods, I'd say I'm best a TE (not really hard though), forestry and bees.
Youtube username(if you dont have one it wont be held against you) I do have one but I just use it to sub to channels and watch them, I don't post videos myself eventhough I think It'd be a really cool experience
Name/Nickname: Josh
IGN: DrPretentious
Age: 20
Why you want to join: I've been looking for a friendly, laid-back server to join.
What you would bring to the server: Some decent looking buildings a good attitude, hopefully.
Name/Nickname: chris
IGN: menzok
Age: 32
Why you want to join: looking for a good modded server that has minimal restrictions on what can be built, as well as a good community that is active and fun to play with.
What you would bring to the server: complete knowledge of all mods installed and a good friendly attitude. not so much creativity though. my buildings tend to be bland functional squares.
Youtube username(if you dont have one it wont be held against you) No youtube account.
i also have a question, does this server have a voice chat service?
Name/Nickname: Kez
IGN: Kezogunz
Age: 21
Why you want to join: Just looking for a server and community to join in and have some fun with
What you would bring to the server: I would bring my experience with the mods and i my sense of community as i more enjoy helping and building with others
Name/Nickname: Ice
IGN: Icedd5578
Age: 18
Why you want to join: Looks like a great server for a growing community and I would love to join!
What you would bring to the server: Love large builds, good knowledge of the mods
Youtube username(if you dont have one it wont be held against you) Nope sorry!
Why you want to join: i whas playing ftb for a while now whas bored of tekkit yes i played tekkit and now i whana play rilly play on a multyplayer whit a comunitie its verry nice to have peaple to build whit and this server took wrilly my atention
What you would bring to the server: i will bring my knolige of alot of mods and i know a lots of ways to automezite alot of things i can do cc and RP2 control so the computer things are my specialty i am working on forrystry and other mods to astetic i am not that great but can build a few things as needed
Youtube username(if you dont have one it wont be held against you) i have 1 but not the computer to make minecraft vids on it i use it for subs
adetional: i am dislectic and english is not my first language so sorry for that i can read and understand it flawless but typing is harder
Name/Nickname: Tom
IGN: sexy_foxy
Age: 18
Why you want to join: I would like to play FTB with other people, I feel very lonely in singleplayer world
What you would bring to the server: Friendly face
Youtube username: I don't record mc.
Name/Nickname: Ryanm14
IGN: ryanmiles14
Age: 16
Why you want to join: I am trying to find a good server to do a lp on since other servers use the mindcrack pack which isn’t my cup of tea because of gregtech on hard. I would also love to help people not that so good with the mods and also test out my computer craft skills by making programs. Also I have played on other servers that are bukkit and are public. The only thing about those kinds of servers is that it’s difficult to build with other people because of the plugins bulit in to stop griefing and stealing, and they limit group events. Furthermore you risk your builds being griefed since it’s a public server and trolls can just join to be well... Trolls. I also enjoy playing on whitelisted FTB servers because I can trust people to help me build or do mod-related things, and I would love to find a great server to continue my FTB Let's Play
What you would bring to the server: I have played a bit with turtles and love to make programs for them. I also love to explore the technical side of FTB!
Youtube username: Ryanm014 -
Name/Nickname: Conner
IGN: OJjuiceman
Age: 16
Why you want to join: I want to join a friendly FTB server with a friendly community. I like single player, but you don't get to talk to people and participate with the community. I was on a server, but then the owner started letting 50+ people on then all my stuff was stolen. so I told him someone stole on my stuff and he said, "lol you should have moved further away from spawn." so I left the server, because I do not want to play on a server with stealing and griefing.
What you would bring to the server: I know a lot about most mods and could help some of the people who dont know so much about some of the mods.
Youtube username(if you dont have one it wont be held against you): I do not have any videos up atm, but i was planing on recording.
P.S. Me and ryanmiles14 are friends IRL