So, I've been thinking on it.
I've decided that my view makes the downside of GT such that there's one final end game machine set. They will tend to be put together in one way, due to compatibility and incompatibilities, automatic this with translocator that, in one optimal setup.
You tend to get there down one path that does not branch much at all. Any two people will be having mostly the same experience, once you adjust for random bad luck of material shortage, that just averages out to "mine longer" and becomes the same experience.
Even when you add additional mods, because of the way GT has control and is written, many of those paths don't branch or fork, so much as get lead back into the core again.
It's topiary, instead of a forest.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I'm watching what I can, and hoping to see that the family tree of modding still forks.