Doing some research in the newest IC2_Exp build[138]

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This is an alloy demo from Electrodynamics. It's still in development, with temp recipes. It uses hammers and tools in material crafting, yet it seems SO much more interesting than IC2.

Actually looks boring...


Your point of it still being more interesting then IC2 still stands rather tall.

IC2 to me is just a means to an end. I derive little joy from the mod and thanks to GregTech I now hardly use it. I opt for the slower TE machines just out of convenience.
My first EU consumers are usually drills and not even that anymore as I use TinkersConstruct tools.
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Actually looks boring...


Your point of it still being more interesting then IC2 still stands rather tall.

IC2 to me is just a means to an end. I derive little joy from the mod and thanks to GregTech I now hardly use it. I opt for the slower TE machines just out of convenience.
My first EU consumers are usually drills and not even that anymore as I use TinkersConstruct tools.
IC2 reactors are still more interesting than the Atomic Science ones ;)

IC2 really isn't outdated, you can make a lot of fun with it. For example the thermal centrifuge and the ore washer plant. Place some reactors and go ;)

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IC2 reactors are still more interesting than the Atomic Science ones ;)

IC2 really isn't outdated, you can make a lot of fun with it. For example the thermal centrifuge and the ore washer plant. Place some reactors and go ;)

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Ohh don't get me wrong I like (or liked) IC2 and it wont be outdated anymore with this new version. But I can't say I ever ENJOYED IC2, as I said I treated is as mans to an end which in this case was doubling ores. I suppose there is SOME mental stimulation trying to automate the machines with BC pipes (or whatever) and that is a kind of fun. But lately IC2 is no more then a hassle to use and this "IC3" does not look like it's changing.
I know the plate change makes sense and might even be balanced but is it fun?

Then again I'm one of those players that are more interested in new colorful blocks to build with that do nothing. Tech mods I like to use and find really handy but I can't say I have fun with them. Except for the mining drill that thing was boss to start out with before the steel change.
I suppose in the end it's a matter of taste.
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IC2 really isn't outdated, you can make a lot of fun with it.

Seriously, who are you trying to preach to? You keep going on and on about how IC2 is 'better' than other mods and how it's not outdated and fun and what not, but you seem not to notice that no one is listening.

IC2 has been stale for ages. I was happy when I heard they're going to pick up development again (because there had been no new stuff for ages, only annoying changes to the way energy works) but when I heard Greg was joining the team I was worried they would just add more tedium. And guess what, they are.

The IC2 team has not been adding new fun stuff for ages and sofar they still seem unable to do so (they're just compying some gregtech stuff, if I want to play gregtech I'll install it).

Funny enough in Unleashed the one thing most people used IC2 for, dumb easy free energy (solars), is now also overtaken bij another mod (Dartcraft force engines).

Currently the team working on IC2 shows they have no imagination (seriously, why on earth are they not working hard on reactors?!) and just follow the "gregtech" way of thinking. They're adding tedium and mucking about in stuff while they are not actually adding anything that's a nice useful goal for you. And this is a dangerous thing because soon IC2 will be so completely useless that no one is playing it anymore except the "I've used IC2 all my life so why would I change?"-crowd.
Seriously, who are you trying to preach to? You keep going on and on about how IC2 is 'better' than other mods and how it's not outdated and fun and what not, but you seem not to notice that no one is listening.

IC2 has been stale for ages. I was happy when I heard they're going to pick up development again (because there had been no new stuff for ages, only annoying changes to the way energy works) but when I heard Greg was joining the team I was worried they would just add more tedium. And guess what, they are.

The IC2 team has not been adding new fun stuff for ages and sofar they still seem unable to do so (they're just compying some gregtech stuff, if I want to play gregtech I'll install it).

Funny enough in Unleashed the one thing most people used IC2 for, dumb easy free energy (solars), is now also overtaken bij another mod (Dartcraft force engines).

Currently the team working on IC2 shows they have no imagination (seriously, why on earth are they not working hard on reactors?!) and just follow the "gregtech" way of thinking. They're adding tedium and mucking about in stuff while they are not actually adding anything that's a nice useful goal for you. And this is a dangerous thing because soon IC2 will be so completely useless that no one is playing it anymore except the "I've used IC2 all my life so why would I change?"-crowd.
The plates change is fun. But I like GT too. I use a lot of IC2 machines and the crops are just cool.
Funny enough in Unleashed the one thing most people used IC2 for, dumb easy free energy (solars), is now also overtaken bij another mod (Dartcraft force engines).
How do you get unlimited maintenance-free Force energy? And I dispute your "thing most people used IC2 for". Personally I only use it for early ore processing, I find the lossless energy storage to be easier in the early game than fiddling with Buildcraft energy engines.
How do you get unlimited maintenance-free Force energy? And I dispute your "thing most people used IC2 for". Personally I only use it for early ore processing, I find the lossless energy storage to be easier in the early game than fiddling with Buildcraft energy engines.

Yeah, I agree as far as Unleashed goes IC2 has retaken it's old spot as early game ore processing. It's even like that in unhinged but only becasue the TE Expensive recipes are defaulted to on and if you are playing unhinged you probably where planning on using IC2/GT anyway so you may as well set up the infrastructure.
I don't think TE is as good as IC2. Where are the reactors? Where are the over clockers?

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I don't think TE is as good as IC2. Where are the reactors? Where are the over clockers?
Why should TE have nuclear reactors? They are completely out of keeping with TE's style. You want ridiculous amounts of BC power? Build more RC boilers. Now, a nuclear steam boiler might be fun.

Overclockers, similarly they are more "modern tech" than TE's style and would also feel out of place. The way to get faster processing in TE is to "expand" your system. Build more machines, and use Buildcraft, LP, or FZ Routers to distribute your materials among the machines. I have 9 pulvs and 9 furnaces fed by AE->Hoppers->Router->machines->Router->AE. The most tedious part of this is cooking up 4 Machine Filters (tip: you only need 1 FZ battery, and you won't need to re-charge or replace it for a good long while)
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Yeah, I agree as far as Unleashed goes IC2 has retaken it's old spot as early game ore processing. It's even like that in unhinged but only becasue the TE Expensive recipes are defaulted to on and if you are playing unhinged you probably where planning on using IC2/GT anyway so you may as well set up the infrastructure.
it really depends on what you mean by early ore processing. if you mean low cost investment nothing beats AE.

I don't think TE is as good as IC2. Where are the reactors? Where are the over clockers?
and here you again, knight in shining quantum armor comparing bananas to apples! keep up the good work.
it really depends on what you mean by early ore processing. If you mean low cost investment nothing beats AE.
AE has ore processing? Oh, you mean the manual grinder? I disagree, it's a much lower time investment to build a generator and a macerator. Maybe it was just me being unlucky, and finding over 100 iron ore and about 50 copper and 50 tin before I found my second piece of Certus Quartz Dust.
AE has ore processing? Oh, you mean the manual grinder? I disagree, it's a much lower time investment to build a generator and a macerator. Maybe it was just me being unlucky, and finding over 100 iron ore and about 50 copper and 50 tin before I found my second piece of Certus Quartz Dust.

I dunno... If you get the certus dust early on you may as well make one. Get's you in to bronze armor early.
But only if you find that dust early and the thing is usually supplanted by the Pulverizer within an hour (sometimes less).

I don't think TE is as good as IC2. Where are the reactors? Where are the over clockers?

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That reactor comment is nonsense but I would like to see a sort of overclocker for TE one day.
when I heard Greg was joining the team I was worried they would just add more tedium. And guess what, they are.
Plate changes were made ages before greg joined the team. Greg ONLY works on bugs and API, all the feature developing is by other people. Greg has stated several times he has no need to rework the IC2 balance, he has his own mod for doing that.
That reactor comment is nonsense but I would like to see a sort of overclocker for TE one day.

I never run into these issues because I tend to have one furnace per smeltable item anyway. That way I can easily keep a certain amount of dusts in stock.

By the way; do IC2 furnaces already respond to redstone?

AE has ore processing? Oh, you mean the manual grinder? I disagree, it's a much lower time investment to build a generator and a macerator. Maybe it was just me being unlucky, and finding over 100 iron ore and about 50 copper and 50 tin before I found my second piece of Certus Quartz Dust.

Agree. That grinder is a royal pain in the behind.
Actually. TE and IC2 does not come into conflict in my builds. they each have their own places in my setups. I generally have 2 sets of machines, one set that is part of my automatic processing stream. in that one i use mostly TE stuff, except i usually use the IC2 induction furnace for it's incredible speed. those can keep up with several pulverizers. i currently use pulverizers for their extra bonus materials.
then in my lab room where i do my crafting i have a bank of both types of machines. one set is a setup where i often use an overclocked macerator to make the dusts used in recipes (from processed metals if possible, since i want exact ratios if i can help it). the TE induction smelter for those recipes that need it (like reinforced glass), and whatever else i may need at that point in the game. be it rolling machine, compressor, or other. having 2 energy networks does not bother me in the slightest. since this is not an uncommon thing in RL factories either.

Granted, IC2 is in a bad shape nowadays. and there is a lot for the guys to fix before it can be called fully fit for service again. sticky dynamite for instance haven't been working for quite a while now. this was one of the parts of IC2 i always got great enjoyment from. it was definitely one of those things that made me always include it in my worlds. (not to mention making soul shards very much a worthwhile investment timewise).
Calling IC2 not fun is up to you, but others have a right to disagree with that assessment. IC2 have a lot of things that many people consider fun and useful.
some items on my list is nanosuit, miners (for when making big holes in the landscape is not an option), crops, nuclear power, and believe it or not. the hazmat suit. (easy to get fire immunity for early nether trips).
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Why should TE have nuclear reactors? They are completely out of keeping with TE's style. You want ridiculous amounts of BC power? Build more RC boilers. Now, a nuclear steam boiler might be fun.

I'd love something like that. The main difference between IC2 and BC power is that BC power has been adapted by a lot of mods as their primary power source. And especially with TE conduits it just makes sense now to have a big base with BC power distribution. With IC2 power; much less so. The only useful cabling is glass fiber (didn't know glass conducted energy but meh) and that's just too expensive early on.

I personally would think that if IC2 would get rid of their messy power system and would adapt a proper one that just does what it's supposed to do, it would be a better mod. Heck, they could get rid of EU altogether for all I care and just use BC power instead. I would love if IC2 would focus on cool machines that were actually useful in some unique and interesting way. Because currently IC2 is basically a tech tree that leads to the combination of a nuclear reactor and the matter fab but both of these are now completely outdated.
I never run into these issues because I tend to have one furnace per smeltable item anyway. That way I can easily keep a certain amount of dusts in stock.

By the way; do IC2 furnaces already respond to redstone?

Yes but in a very rudimentary fashion. I think IC2 furnaces Turn off then it gets a signal. Which is odd becasue it keeps the upgraded IC2 induction furnace on.
But TBH Don't really know if that's the case.
But I can't say I ever ENJOYED IC2, as I said I treated is as mans to an end which in this case was doubling ores.
Back when IC2 reactors were water-cooled and had no (c)heating cells, it was a very fine border between getting 32x from your uranium and a giant crater. That was crazy fun.

Now, as I said, IC2 is interesting for me two things. UU generation - more as something to add objective to a game, than means to an end. And IC2 Mining Laser. Awesome hand-held digging and mining device I haven't found replacement for.
IC2 is too linear and is becoming more so. It's cumbersome to automate, the new blocks are adding GT style tedium, and any automation is hopelessly dependent upon AE. If you even want to automate the production of the new items you'll need a huge workshop full of several copies of the same machine. Instead of offering something new and fun, they've introduced obstacles to old processes and offered tedious intermediate steps to get to the same old goal.

It's not fun. Especially for non-linear players. I suppose that is the line in the sand. The people that want multiple solutions will not enjoy the new IC2. Those that want "tiers" and definitive objective play will enjoy it. For me, I'm not interested. I was holding out hope that new info would show some fun but it's not happening.