Doing some research in the newest IC2_Exp build[138]

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No. I was saying that ic2 is being singled out for doing the same thing most other mods are doing in their own tech trees as well. The TE induction smelter was made for accessing the top tier TE items. Most mods have similar devices in their techtrees. Thus complaining about this aspect in ic2 is rather hypocritical.
Ha ha I see! Sorry about the confusion! Hopefully my retort will help your argument after all!
since Antice made it up confused induction smelter with induction furnace.

I actually sometimes do that when i play. put the items in the wrong one that is. results vary from just derp to out right hilarious depending on what i put in there. :confused: :oops:

it wasn't an important point tho. the IC2 machines are being redesigned it seems, so if one wanted this capability, then one is free to suggest it on the IC2 forum. heck. i might do that myself even. it would make intermod compatibility a bit easier to deal with. (that and a functional API that is)

One important thing to keep in mind tho. the beta mod versions we are seeing on the github now, is not really ic2 as we knew it anymore. it is in the process of being remade into something else. some of the recipes and mechanics is still very much a work in progress thing.
it's more akin to ray comforts crocoduck than any fossil ever made trough evolution ever can be. (because software is indeed ID, while evolution is a gradual process)
The old IC2 is dead, and it's corpse is being looted and rebuilt into something that will hopefully be good enough to be called IC3 (even if that might not be the official name in the end tho. Ablaka is still missing afaik)
Watching Dire's video's, the new radioactive fuel or whatever that produces energy permanently pretty much proves that the IC2 devs have learned nothing from the massive amount of grips about IC2 power gen.

Oh well. Canning machine at least looks interesting and I might even use reactors now with the new cell salvaging.
Watching Dire's video's, the new radioactive fuel or whatever that produces energy permanently pretty much proves that the IC2 devs have learned nothing from the massive amount of grips about IC2 power gen.

Oh well. Canning machine at least looks interesting and I might even use reactors now with the new cell salvaging.

Wait what? How does it produce energy permanently?
RTG Fuel is made from a byproduct of nuclear reactors and it can produce up to 16 EU/t per block, day or night. It never burns out either.
RTG Fuel is made from a byproduct of nuclear reactors and it can produce up to 16 EU/t per block, day or night. It never burns out either.
so "solar" power is a byproduct of reactor? quite clever way to get people into nuclear. however, if this is the only thing that makes people to use nuclear then it`s still lame move.
RTG Fuel is made from a byproduct of nuclear reactors and it can produce up to 16 EU/t per block, day or night. It never burns out either.

Ah. In my opinion that's actually kind of a clever move, since liquid UU needs more power in normal IC2 now so 16eu/tick wont get you far. Also massing up MJ is already really easy, it is kind of a good move to make IC2 power easier.. Let the GregTech be the -harder- (please don't debate if it's hard or tedious) version of IC2, and let IC2 be for the more "casual" players.

Awesome move imo.
Ah. In my opinion that's actually kind of a clever move, since liquid UU needs more power in normal IC2 now so 16eu/tick wont get you far. Also massing up MJ is already really easy, it is kind of a good move to make IC2 power easier.. Let the GregTech be the -harder- (please don't debate if it's hard or tedious) version of IC2, and let IC2 be for the more "casual" players.

Awesome move imo.

Free energy. Yeah, awesome.
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It can be easily acquired with even a basic reactor. Dire's already gotten two RTG pellets with manual refil on a minimum-size reactor. I'm willing to bet people are going to come up with ways to practically just farm these things.

The problem is that it's still just plop down and leave it. And unlike solars you can pretty much place it anywhere and they work constantly. It's literally the most boring power gen I've ever seen.

It's like for every great addition they gotta add something to compensate. Reactors already got buffed in a big way with a direct salvaging option for uranium cells, so this really wasn't needed. Also never bring a Gregtech to an IC2 fight.
The biggest WTF is the amount of energy they produce. It's again a case of someone hearing something about some sciency thing and without looking into it at all create their own interpretation of it. RTG's are used for application where you need a low amount of power for a long duration. A few hundred Watts is hardly enough to power a few lightbulbs let alone an electric furnace. If you scale them with the current stuff that's in IC2 they should produce 0.01 eu/t, not 16.[DOUBLEPOST=1379404124][/DOUBLEPOST]
Moan moan moan. You're using solar panels anyways.

No I'm not. The solar power in IC2 is probably the biggest failure in IC2 and the core reason no one used the old reactors anyway.
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Honestly the amount of energy is reasonable. Remember that the value of energy is notably less with the new versions, with mass fab taking more power to run now and MFSUs operating at 2048 eu/p and holding 40million. And then you have to bear in mind the infrastructure necessary to start making the plutonium from the depleted cells, it does require the thermal centrifuge
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Honestly the amount of energy is reasonable. Remember that the value of energy is notably less with the new versions, with mass fab taking more power to run now and MFSUs operating at 2048 eu/p and holding 40million. And then you have to bear in mind the infrastructure necessary to start making the plutonium from the depleted cells, it does require the thermal centrifuge

So the value of energy is based on the MassFab, the one machine you only use when you already got everything else and have too much power? Unless everything else also got a lot more expensive in terms of energy, 2-4 of these things can power a workshop quit handily.

Anyways, I think the issue is that techmods seem to have nowhere else to go currently. They seem to be too focused on blocks with a gui, where you pipe stuff in and pipe stuff out. Magic Mods like Thaumcraft seem to have the more interesting systems for generation currently.
The IC2 laser is pretty cool. Currently however it is outperformed by TiC hammers or Dartcraft Power Drills. I was just doing some tests. The mining laser on horizontal mode breaks between 5-7 stone blocks for me. The hammer breaks 9 and power drill breaks 18!
So what you say is more OP = more fun?
Making IC2 harder and tedious than rest of mods will kill it for good.
The machines that are in non-experimental IC2 have been made to work in experimental and are working pretty much the same way they used to. They added a TON of new features, though not all of it is finalized yet. If you hinted at the plates instead of ingots then let me remind that crafting plates basically replaces crafting refined iron. I can't see how that's any more harder or tedious.

RTG Fuel is made from a byproduct of nuclear reactors and it can produce up to 16 EU/t per block, day or night. It never burns out either.
How much uranium does one need to mine and put through a reactor to get to that 16 EU/t? Solars were trivially spammable as they used the most basic materials. That one is far from it. It takes three of them filled to the max with fuel pellets to keep the thermal centrifuge running. No, you can't feed it less than 48EU/t and still get products. It's made to work just like GT stuff. And, yes, the added IC2 machines do use significantly more power than the old stuff. That same thermal centrifuge is 16x more power hungry than macerator

It's literally the most boring power gen I've ever seen.
More boring than burning netherrack and feeding into magmatic engines?
Luminators not longer have ridiculous internal storage. If you cut out power they will turn off in 2-3secs. (YEAAA!!!)
Eu-reader is not working.(.184)
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Eu-reader is not working.(.184)
Eu reader probably won't be fixed before the e-net reworking is finalized
It's you that's classifying it as "OP" and therefore asking a loaded question. Powerful doesn't necessarily mean overpowered, and sometimes powerful tools can be fun. I love the mining laser.
Perhaps so but didn't you just say "I don't use IC2 tools as others are far more powerful"?

I've seen the disturbing trend amongst both some modders and players that they choose mods according to how OP they are. It's become a race to who can re-implement easidiamonds-like features with as much fluff that people wouldn't notice but still would use their stuff without feeling like cheating.

For the record I define "OP" as a degree of benefit received for given input of resources/effort/time. If two tools take roughly equal amount of each but one mines 6 while other does 18 blocks the other one is clearly more OP.
Eu reader probably won't be fixed before the e-net reworking is finalized
Perhaps so but I've seen the disturbing trend amongst both some modders and players that they choose mods according to how OP they are. It's become a race to who can re-implement easidiamonds-like features with as much fluff that people wouldn't notice but still would use their stuff without feeling like cheating.

Yeah, i've noticed this too. I've been looking at vanilla as the real challenge nowadays.