Greylist Server DOGS OF THE STATE: OUTPOSTS [FeedTheBeast - MindCrack v8] [1.4.7] [Mature] [Military Minded]

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From what i've read on the support forums this is a common problem after the last update. A lot of fingers are pointed towards IC2 and especially recyclers which many people have up and running automatically.

Hopefully we'll see a hotfix soon that corrects the memory leak. For now...consider disabling your recyclers and maybe even removing them entirely.
Just a little update : I'm trying my best to come on, but free time is being a pain to come across these past couple weeks.

As I had mentioned in the minecraft forum thread, I will be back to full activity 2nd of March. Can't wait till then :)
Not sure if you guys did any science on the server last night but I'm sorry I wasn't around to help. I spent most of the day yesterday configuring centos inside virtual box and getting it loaded up with a minecraft server. And troubleshooting communication problems between host and guest systems. I think I have it sorted out at which time I can start performing some science of my own.
If it has not for everyone, seems the server bounced me and then is showing the connection errors.
No, not that I know of, saying it is up. BUT I see some folks are having problems getting in. I am at my wits end with these bugs. Why does the server stop accepting connections after a time?

Try restarting your FTB client... and/or computer?
Thanks Incomitatum,
I tried restarting the PC and that got me in but tonight has seen a lot of block lag and time out drops. Not complaining, just reporting for your information to better help you report it.

UPDATED: 9:20pm central even a PC restart will not allow access past the Communication Errors. Have you considered a different service provider if this one has nightly issues? I understand that is a sister company to Vanquish and has some good prices. A 30 man slot for $25 USD and that is 2.5gb RAM. I don't know what we are running on now but this might be something to look into.
Thanks Incomitatum,
UPDATED: 9:20pm central even a PC restart will not allow access past the Communication Errors. Have you considered a different service provider if this one has nightly issues? I understand that is a sister company to Vanquish and has some good prices. A 30 man slot for $25 USD and that is 2.5gb RAM. I don't know what we are running on now but this might be something to look into.

Hey Buddy. You just logged in as I was doing a server restart. There's a memory leak in IC2 that has been fixed in the latest version. We are just waiting for the Mindcrack crew to finish their testing and release it to upgrade and hopefully stop this nonsense. The communication errors however, are not related to our host, unless it is related to virtualizing the server on a shard. Five different server hosts I've been on have had this very problem, and I'm assuming that it might be a problem with the standard Minecraft server code somewhere. Oh, and before I forget to mention, we're running 8gb of RAM right now. Some Mindcrack servers run as much as 32...
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Doc, I didn't know what we were running, just trying to help with a little information I had. Thanks for the note to explain.
Not sure if server crashed for all or just me at 9:36am central. Communication Error after a timed out message.
Just as a general poll:

What would you guys prefer to see on DotS: outposts and why?
a) treasure hunt with traps and riddles
b) pvp events in different setups
c) fighting events against NPCs
Treasure hunts could be fun maybe something in the fashion of the ftb maps just not as in depth.

I'm not a fan of pvp myself though an arena might be fun to watch.

NPC challenges like boss battles or large numbers of mobs are also great fun. Out of the three my vote is for an npc challenge. I'd like to see a mob arena where players survive large numbers of mobs given equal gear (maybe spawned in by mods and returned for destruction after fight.)
I'm all for treasure hunts and quests. PvP isn't my forte, but a lot of people are into that from time to time. NPC battles are awesome as well.
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