Direwolf20 1.7.10 Help, Venting and Discussion Thread

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server with FTB DW20 1.0.2 installed.

Received this from Creeperhost this morning....

I have been investigating your issues on your server and have managed to find what is causing you problems.

Here is a snippet from your log:
"[enetbridge/]: Detected new dirs for crazypants.enderio.conduit.TileConduitBundle@667ffdf1:"

I need to recommend that you disable EnetBridge 1.4 from your control panel -> minecraft tab -> mod manager.

Ive also added a screen shot of the Creeperhost c-panel, this is with just the server running, no world has been created and no one is on the server :(, the server cpu drops to 27 and then begins climbing to 110.3 over the course of a few minuets, when a world is created the server cpu wont drop below 70 but will climb up to 110.3 fairly quickly, its making the server unplayable :(


In an attempt to fix the issues:

Installed Fastcraft as suggested, no apparent change, if anything the lag and server were worse :(
uninstalled journey map as suggested and installed Opis, best thing Iv done so far as the lag issues went away immediately.
Rolled back to 1.01, this helped but the server cpu load has increased O.O but its playable?
I saw the server cpu peak at around 131% and then drop back down to around 59% but no apparent trouble while in game playing :S


edit: found out that the server cpu load only increases when I access something from Minefactory reloaded, I had to replace my harvester and two grinders as they went missing after the down grade and was watching the c-panel as i added them, the result was a huge increase in the server cpu but no idea how to sort the issue out :S
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just my 0.02.

I had a lot of issues with the pack running it as a single player world.
Terrible lag, frame dumps, NEI constantly bugging out, after 15mins fps would randomly drop below 10, etc.

I finally managed to get it running as a server (1.0.2) and.it has made a huge difference.
Not a single issue for 2+ hours. While it's only early days yet, 2hours of continuous play is a lot nicer than 15 minutes.

No bugs to report and FPS stays around 100.
Well worth making the switch for anyone having lag issues
Wait... are you talking about running it as a server on your computer. The same computer you're playing with


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait... are you talking about running it as a server on your computer. The same computer you're playing with
Yep, I do this regularly, especially when the base gets really big with lots of automation.

This allows the processes(server) to be run on 1 core, while the client (game) runs on a.separate core, giving much smoother game-play. For me at least


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, I do this regularly, especially when the base gets really big with lots of automation.

This allows the processes(server) to be run on 1 core, while the client (game) runs on a.separate core, giving much smoother game-play. For me at least
This sounds like it makes sense the way that Minecraft works, but you'd need a lot of RAM to back out up, maybe around 16GB no?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This sounds like it makes sense the way that Minecraft works, but you'd need a lot of RAM to back out up, maybe around 16GB no?
I give the server 6gig and the client 6gig.
I know a lot of people say that you should only give a max of 4 but I've never had any issues.

And yes, my laptop has 16GB total


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I give the server 6gig and the client 6gig.
I know a lot of people say that you should only give a max of 4 but I've never had any issues.

And yes, my laptop has 16GB total
Well then all power to you that should help most FPS issues you encounter. I now need to go buy more RAM...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well then all power to you that should help most FPS issues you encounter. I now need to go buy more RAM...
The amount I give it is probably overkill, I'd say the biggest factor is probably running it on a separate core.

I would say if you have 8G of ram, give 4 to the server and 3 to the client. It'll probably run a lot better than a single player world


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
has buildcraft quarry power requirement changed? I'm running 2 quarries on three compression dynamos (240rf/t total) with what seems to be like full speed. I remember those things using 500rf/t for max speed in 1.6


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think you can click on "[1] Textures" in your screenshot there, and get a further breakdown? But I'm no expert on any of this, just making a suggestion. I think I've "drilled down" thru that list before, and I don't think a lot of people know you can click on those. Perhaps it will tell you more info on what is occurring.

Sadly, the next level in contains only 100% "unspecified."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, I do this regularly, especially when the base gets really big with lots of automation.

This allows the processes(server) to be run on 1 core, while the client (game) runs on a.separate core, giving much smoother game-play. For me at least

Think i am going to do this, i used to do this with previous versions incase any of my friends decided they wanted to play with me (they never did) so didn't bother with it this time. That might actually be why i have so many performance issues with this version.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Think i am going to do this, i used to do this with previous versions incase any of my friends decided they wanted to play with me (they never did) so didn't bother with it this time. That might actually be why i have so many performance issues with this version.

The performance issues are still a lot more... Theres just a lot more, but switching to server really does help


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, I do this regularly, especially when the base gets really big with lots of automation.

This allows the processes(server) to be run on 1 core, while the client (game) runs on a.separate core, giving much smoother game-play. For me at least
Might also have something to do with minecraft running its own internal server for the game. Running it on a separate server might be removing some of the jury rigging they did to get it done. (there is no single player anymore, kinda like D3 if you view it just right.)

I tried that too. Game ran better. Still playability tanked after about half an hour. Tried disabling aroma and switching out journeymap for opis (without running on a server). After disabling aroma my fps doubled and no more unplayability after a half an hour.

Might need to try out the server again and see how that works for me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can the server option work with a 3gig laptop
I don't know, but I really doubt it. You would need to give all the ram to the server and then you'd have nothing left for the client.
I doubt you could get away with giving the server only 2GB, and even then only having 1 left for the client would make it nigh impossible to get it to even launch.

But I could be wrong


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far the server thing is helping, only thing i really want to look out for is if after an hour or so of straight play if the game crashes on me like singleplayer did, if it doesn't than something is definitely broken with singleplayer in 1.7.10.

Edit: Well just crashed so running a server didn't fix that. Might have to go start bugging Oracle about this since it seems to be Java related.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
has buildcraft quarry power requirement changed? I'm running 2 quarries on three compression dynamos (240rf/t total) with what seems to be like full speed. I remember those things using 500rf/t for max speed in 1.6
that's not full speed atleast mine eat a lot more first i ran it with 400RF/t thought it's pretty fast then i powered it with my reactor + tesseract..^^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else having trouble keeping a 7x7x7 big reactor self sufficient with ender? I think the 10x might have been too much of a cost increase for mb/t usage.

Specifically I have a 7x7x7 active cooled running so that it only produces 2000mb/t of steam. This steam feeds into a turbine which generates 24K rf/t. 20K gets sent to a Laser mine running with 3 cyan focuses and I don't generate anywhere near enough fuel for this to work.