Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Minefactory reloaded v2.7.5 and Applied Energistics rv14Ffinale
Pastebin link to crash log: no crash
Whats the bug? If you were to place an import bus on the back of a harvester, the items aren't outputted. The import bus is connected to an me chest with 16k storage, and also an me controlled with sufficent power.
Can it be repeated? Tested in a test world, same issue.
Known Fix: Use item ducts until this is fixed.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4-
Pastebin link to crash log: no crash
Whats the bug? if I update the pack, several chunks in my world are reset.
Can it be repeated? I think so with a new version of the mod
Known Fix: If I update everything except ForgeMultipart the chunks are not reset.
I throw out all Ignoble bees of any sort. As far as my alveary, I have (had) 5 frame housings, each housing a magic frame for extra production on things like imperial and industrious bees. These are the ones that I noted were Ignoble. A bunch of other bees (watery, wintry and some magic bees) were getting no frames at all. These all remained pristine. Since removing magic frames yesterday, all my bees that I've replaced have remained Pristine. I'm also injecting a bunch of serums.

I also started using Oblivion Frames yesterday for my breeding apiary. That crashes the server, referencing that apiary specifically as the problem. Server won't start back up until the block's removed. Another apiary with no Oblivion Frames gives no problems.

I haven't experienced this yet. But, I believe one of the new changes to the bees was the pristine turning into ignoble if they were pushed to hard to produce or used with a mutator to force a mutation. I'll have to ask one of my guys on my server I know he uses 6 regular frames on his production hives. Personally I keep mine at 3 regular frames and haven't had any issues. Again, I'm not sure, I'm trying to do some more research. Is it possible that the magic frames you are using can induce mutation? If so that might be the cause as well.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Minefactory reloaded v2.7.5 and Applied Energistics rv14Ffinale
Pastebin link to crash log: no crash
Whats the bug? If you were to place an import bus on the back of a harvester, the items aren't outputted. The import bus is connected to an me chest with 16k storage, and also an me controlled with sufficent power.
Can it be repeated? Tested in a test world, same issue.
Known Fix: Use item ducts until this is fixed.

That is because the harvester, as well as the grinder and the rancher, do not have an inventory and are directly ejected. It's not a bug, but intended. You can however place a chest behind it and use the import bus on that.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Thaumcraft 4.1.0e and MinefactoryReloaded 2.7.5-352
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash; it's a dupe.
Whats the bug? If you drop items on the ground and allow a Pech to pick it up the item is stored in it's invenory. Then if you capture it with a Safari Net and place it into MFR Auto Spawner and set it to "spawn exact copy:yes" it also spawns the Pech's stored inventory allowing it to dupe any item from any mod.
Can it be repeated? Yes I've repeated it several times both single player and multiplayer
Known Fix: not sure
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Texture packs
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash
Whats the bug? I have been searching all over but I couldn't find a thing on this issue. I use BDcraft x128 Texture pack, ever since 1.0.18 was released almost ever block in the game has a white lines outlining everyone, real annoying. I tried switching texture packs, Soartex it is a bit better but same damn thing. Is there a solution, maybe easy one to fix this? Thanks.
Can it be repeated? Yes I've repeated it several times both single player and multiplayer
Known Fix: not sure

3 screenshots I took, first one to the left is of a witch, the next 2 is the white lines bug.
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Texture packs
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash
Whats the bug? I have been searching all over but I couldn't find a thing on this issue. I use BDcraft x128 Texture pack, ever since 1.0.18 was released almost ever block in the game has a white lines outlining everyone, real annoying. I tried switching texture packs, Soartex it is a bit better but same damn thing. Is there a solution, maybe easy one to fix this? Thanks.
Can it be repeated? Yes I've repeated it several times both single player and multiplayer
Known Fix: not sure
Can you please upload some screenshots (f2 in-game in case you didn't know).

I also have an issue with texture packs with the 1.0.18 pack, have you also had this problem? Go to page 83 for to see the images associated with my quoted post.

Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Hats + Morph + Mystcraft + Ars Magica 2 + Switching between Default and Soartex texture packs.
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A, Log is 10MB in size. Log can be presented via request (preferrably email or Dropbox)
Whats the bug? Whilst in mystcraft book morph, I attempted to fix Ars Magica 2 bug where the textures that render in-hand when holding spellbook and icons in Arcane Compendium would break (show weird textures) by switching from Default to Soartex texture packs (I found this to be a working fix for that bug). I then opened up my morph favourites GUI and saw that my Steve skin was different than it normally is (like the broken texture image, where the black part of the checkered box replacing head, torso and legs, the purple replacing the arms). I switched to the Steve morph anyway and it crashed the game. As you can see in the bug report on pastebin, the same error repeats over and over (like an infinite loop).
Additonal Information: The game crashed to desktop before I could screenshot it (the morph process did complete), but when the client re-launched the FTB.exe it did not respond to any button presses or window movement. See attached images for AM2 texture derps.

Infinite Loop:

[INFO] [STDERR]     at hats.client.render.HatRendererHelper.invokePreRenderCallback(HatRendererHelper.java:148)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at hats.client.render.HatRendererHelper.invokePreRenderCallback(HatRendererHelper.java:156)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at hats.client.render.HatRendererHelper.invokePreRenderCallback(HatRendererHelper.java:156)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at hats.client.render.HatRendererHelper.invokePreRenderCallback(HatRendererHelper.java:156)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at hats.client.render.RenderHat.renderHat(RenderHat.java:74)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at hats.client.render.RenderHat.func_76986_a(RenderHat.java:280)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager.func_78719_a(RenderManager.java:312)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager.func_78720_a(RenderManager.java:281)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal.func_72713_a(RenderGlobal.java:524)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78471_a(EntityRenderer.java:1160)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78480_b(EntityRenderer.java:1002)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:946)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:838)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:131)
[INFO] [STDERR]     at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:27)
Can it be repeated? Yes, but you have to be really unlucky with the texture part of the problem (the texture errors always occur when I switch between the 2 aforementioned texture packs) AND have to be in the book morph.
Known Fix: Don't change textures when in book morph.

A similar problem with the texture breaks is Logistics Pipes' Sign Creator item (the texture goes invisible (once it changed to a stretched version of vanilla texture's AM2 Blue Topaz)). This is very rare though.

Thanks fellas for all your help :D
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Extra Utilities 1.0.3a, Minecraft Multipart Plugin, Forge Microblocks
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/m6YCS92R
Whats the bug? Game crashes immediately when moving with a Microblock cover in hand over an EU Transfer node.
Can it be repeated? yes
Known Fix: none
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Forestry for Minecraft
Pastebin link to crash log: there was no crash, just extreme lag.
Whats the bug? Upon leaving my server running for more than 2 hours or so, I come back to find many, many butterflies in and around my aviary's
Can it be repeated? yes
Known Fix: Put a spawn cap on the butterflies. Simple.

I know this sounds very vague, but to give you an Idea of the butterfly atrocity I took the liberty of taking a screenshot in the dying moments before the server went kaput. Try not to laugh. http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/1636/2ygd836134mca2mfg.jpg?size_id=a
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Minefactory Reloaded & Natura
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash
Whats the bug? Set up a MFR harvester to collect Ghostwood logs and leaves.. Leaves when sheared by the harvester lose their Ghostwood tag and become block.leaves..name 3258:9
Can it be repeated? 4 stacks worth of Ghostwood looking leaves with wrong name
Known Fix: Unknown (MFR Unifier doesn't work)
I haven't experienced this yet. But, I believe one of the new changes to the bees was the pristine turning into ignoble if they were pushed to hard to produce or used with a mutator to force a mutation. I'll have to ask one of my guys on my server I know he uses 6 regular frames on his production hives. Personally I keep mine at 3 regular frames and haven't had any issues. Again, I'm not sure, I'm trying to do some more research. Is it possible that the magic frames you are using can induce mutation? If so that might be the cause as well.
The old standard was anything that pushed beyond 16x production risked turning a princess into a swarmer, and I saw SirSengir post on reddit that that got carried over into the pristine / ignoble traits. Because the frame bonuses are multiplied instead of added, that works out to only four of the 200% frames (impregnated, magic, etc.) being safe (2^4 = 16). As many a six chocolate frames would be safe though because of the lower bonus (1.5^6 ~= 11.4). There was a post by SirSengir somewhere that discussed his plans to make sure Ignoble bees lasted at least some fixed number of generations before dying, though I never saw an exact number.
The old standard was anything that pushed beyond 16x production risked turning a princess into a swarmer, and I saw SirSengir post on reddit that that got carried over into the pristine / ignoble traits. Because the frame bonuses are multiplied instead of added, that works out to only four of the 200% frames (impregnated, magic, etc.) being safe (2^4 = 16). As many a six chocolate frames would be safe though because of the lower bonus (1.5^6 ~= 11.4). There was a post by SirSengir somewhere that discussed his plans to make sure Ignoble bees lasted at least some fixed number of generations before dying, though I never saw an exact number.

I'll have to try with impregnated or regular frames then to see if I end up with the same issue. If I do, that explains it. If not, I'm thinking the problem is somewhere in the frames added by Magic Bees. We shall see...
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Extra Bees
Pastebin link to crash log: None
Whats the bug? Mutators simply do not work.
Can it be repeated? yes
Known Fix: none

I placed a mutator in an alveary and inserted a nether star in it. Cross bred a meadows and forest bee to no avail, got hybrids instead. Repeated it with 2 mutators each with a nether star and still no progress. Bee became an ignoble though afterward.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.14
Mod & Version: Applied Energistics (current to 1.0.14 release of mod pack) + Thermal Expansion
Pastebin link to crash log: non-crash bug
Whats the bug? AE power relay draining (seemingly) infinite EU when hooked via direct ME cable to AE controller that is also hooked to EU. EU supply is via MFSU directly connected to the ME controller, Power Relay is powered via Redstone Energy Conduit from a Resonant Energy Cell.
Can it be repeated? yes, when chunk is reloaded, when AE controller is re-placed, or when the AE system is shut down and restarted the relay would again start draining eu at heroic speed.
Known Fix: breaking the relay and re-placing it stopped the power loss until the system was restarted. Moving the AE Power Relay to an indirect connection to the ME controller (ie, not direct cable connection but connection through the MAC) fixes the issue.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Waila/Thaumcraft
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
Whats the bug? Whenever I look at an aura node and Waila says what it is my screen goes completely white.
Can it be repeated? Everytime I look at the node.
Known Fix: Unknown


  • 2014-03-19_21.49.50.png
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 v1.0.16
Mod & Version: ComputerCraft 1.57
Pastebin link to crash log: None
Whats the bug?: Computers won't boot after Server restart until you right-click to open the interface. It's been hard to find out if this is an issue with CC1.57 or it's inclusion in the DW20 modpack or just the way computers behave now.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: The Server I play on hasn't updated to 1.0.18 so I don't know if that will fix it yet.

Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Waila/Thaumcraft
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
Whats the bug? Whenever I look at an aura node and Waila says what it is my screen goes completely white.
Can it be repeated? Everytime I look at the node.
Known Fix: Unknown
I have this same problem with looking at anything from EnderStorage. See my last post on page 83. Fix unknown as of yet :(
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version:1.6.4
Pastebin link to crash log:No crashes
Whats the bug? There is two bug i have found 1. ever time i look at a node from Thaumcraft my screen goes white 2.Same with the enderchest
Can it be repeated?ever time i look at a node or enderchest
Known Fix:Nope
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Forestry for Minecraft
Pastebin link to crash log: there was no crash, just extreme lag.
Whats the bug? Upon leaving my server running for more than 2 hours or so, I come back to find many, many butterflies in and around my aviary's
Can it be repeated? yes
Known Fix: Put a spawn cap on the butterflies. Simple.

I know this sounds very vague, but to give you an Idea of the butterfly atrocity I took the liberty of taking a screenshot in the dying moments before the server went kaput. Try not to laugh. http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/1636/2ygd836134mca2mfg.jpg?size_id=a

I think I have pinpointed the problem. I noticed that with every butterly I killed, there was a new mob to morph to. This leads me to believe that every butterfly is considered a completely different entity to the game, so putting a spawn cap isn't going to fix it. You need all butterflys to spawn the exact same, and have a spawn cap on them. That is all.
Mod pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18 and maybe others?
Mod & version: Thaumcraft 4.0.1e
What's the bug?: Thaumcraft aspects and research resetting when updating the launcher, when compound aspects are reset they can be combined again since you can't scan everything again. research will need to be done again, unfortunenately.
Can it be repeated: Yes, had it with previous updates.
Known fix: Loading a previous back-up solved the aspects, and/or combining primal aspects might also give you your aspects back.
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