Mod Pack: DW20 1.0.11
Mod & Version: ic2 2.0.316
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?
Unable to create raw carbon fiber useing the version of ic2 shiped with the direwolf 20 pack
this prevents creation of nano/quantum suit and any machien that uses carbon plates.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: no
possible solution is to upgrade to latest ic2 relase see open bug
I thought the exact same thing, but it turns out the NEI recipe, and the recipe on the FTB wiki are both incorrect.
NEI and the wiki both show this recipe for Carbon Fibre:
C = Pulverized Coal/Coal Dust
X = Empty
C C x
x C x
x x x
But it turns out the actual Recipe is:
C C x
C C x
x x x
Hope this helped