Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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the enderstorage mod (Version makes a enorm lag. often on 0 fps. can that bee fixed?

I'm not sure if there's a bee that can fix that
But how would you know enderstorage causes the lag?
1. Remove unnecessary enderchests/tanks/pouches
2. if that doesn't work disable enderstorage
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1. 0.12
Mod & Version: AM2 1.1.1c
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/GA7cEjwn
Whats the bug? Crashes after building Essence Refiner (next to Mana Battery). Crashes directly after login / chunk load.
Can it be repeated? yes.
Known Fix: none. trying to delete block in world editor now.

This is known bug with AM2. It has been reported to https://github.com/Mithion/ArsMagica2/issues/321. Basically he states that it will be fixed in a rewrite of his energy network in 1.2. I can tell you from experience mcedit can fix the world file. You have to delete the Essance Refiner block.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1. 0.12
Mod & Version: Code Chicken chunk loader
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/rfX7eTJr
Whats the bug? Crashes few seconds after login. I dont have any single chunkloder active. its also happend after totally reinstal pack and create new world
Can it be repeated? yes.
Known Fix: none.
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1. 0.12
Mod & Version: FTB Launcher
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/cgaQgv2V
Whats the bug? I launch the DireWolf20 pack and it says Cannot create Java Virtual Machine
Can it be repeated? Happened 4 times in a row.
Known Fix: Haven't found one yet.
ModPack: Direwolf20 1.0.12
Mod & Version: FActorization & Applied Energistics
Whats the Bug?: with 1.0.11 i was able to use the barrels with the AE system using storage bus connected to the back. now in 1.0.12 i can insert in barrel from the back but i cannot pull from barrel from the back i can pull from barrel from the bottom but the AE system only shows 64 of the item even though there is like 120 STACKS of it in the barrel, cannot put in barrel from the bottom. Top i can put items in the barrel but cannot pull from it and again does not show in AE system .
In 1.0.11 this was working fine :(

I do believe the bug is with Factorisation for Applied Energestic was not updated and Factorisation was

Can it be repeated?: cant seem to make it work so yes
Known Fix: would like to know one :D
OK. bit of a serious bug here:

Modpack: Direwolf20 pack. currently the latest version.
Mod: Twilight forest.

What's the bug:

Basically I was exploring the twilight forest for a bit and had gotten to the bridge builder room of a dark tower. Noticing that my ignis vis was running low (seriously, firebat vs ghasts is fun) I went down to the tower base to find a node to recharge from.

Anyway, the game just crashed all of a sudden for no reason in particular. What's more is that it has vanished off of the worlds list. Attempting to load a backup from yesterday (with a different name) I couldn't find the save file on the load screen.

Anyway: I uploaded the crash report here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75223828/crash-2014-01-20_22.17.29-server.txt.

I'll try and reload my world. Any tips and advice would be helpful.[DOUBLEPOST=1390257802][/DOUBLEPOST]Edit. I fixed the backup not loading. Turns out the actual world file was in the file I copied in. The crash issue still stands however.
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Modpack: Direwolf20 (v1.0.11)
Mod: Tinkers/Thermal Expansion

Duplication bug with full Manyullyn chisel, with flux addon (no other enhancements), when charged up in energetic infuser. Charges to almost full and then stops but a fully charged version appears in the output, taking the output results in another duplicate. Removing the "original" chisel allows you to remove the duplicate without additional duplicates been made.
using one of the chisels and placing it in the infuser starts the duplication bug again.
Hasn't affected any of the other tools I've made so far.


I have 3 mod update recommendations:
- Applied Energistics Finale 3 is last released version for 1.6.4. It is possibly not ever going to update from that. You are using finale 2. Also spatial pylons could be enabled in the config by default?
- IndustrialCraft2 build 354 seems very stable to update to. It adds and changes few recipes more balanced, but most notably fixes client crash related to scrolling replicator's recipe list over its bounds. (It doesn't only crash your client, but all other players clients too that are near you.)
- qCraft 1.1, will add quantum portals, anti-observation goggles and number of bugfixes.
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Also please update Calclavia, UE, and MFFS. There is a bug with fortron conversion rates, and MFFS upgrades.
I have 3 mod update recommendations:
- Applied Energistics Finale 3 is last released version for 1.6.4. It is possibly not ever going to update from that. You are using finale 2. Also spatial pylons could be enabled in the config by default?
- IndustrialCraft2 build 354 seems very stable to update to. It adds and changes few recipes more balanced, but most notably fixes client crash related to scrolling replicator's recipe list over its bounds. (It doesn't only crash your client, but all other players clients too that are near you.)
- qCraft 1.1, will add quantum portals, anti-observation goggles and number of bugfixes.

That IC2 bug has been plaguing me constantly.

Also there's a dupe bug in nuclear reactors, anything you put into the reactor - fuel rods, parts, whatever - you'll get out more than you put in once you wrench it.
Direwolf20 1.6 lags me out completely but whats wrong i gave it 6 gigs of ram i have java 7.0 40

There are multiple threads about increasing performance on your server/client so go look around. They will require more information than how much RAM you gave it. In some cases more RAM can slow down a system. Look for the JVM arguments thread. Also you should post your results for "/forge tps" and your CPU & OS system specs. Also post if you run the server and clients on the same machine or different ones and what those specs are (including the GPU for the client machine). If you added or removed any mods, include that information as well.

Also please get java 7u45.
can I please have help I tried to lunch the direwolf 1.6 pack and I got an error report that said:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x696f6265, pid=1736, tid=3296
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (7.0_51-b13) (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (24.51-b03 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [atioglxx.dll+0x6c6265]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# C:\Users\Elizabeth\Desktop\FTB\Direwolf20_1_6_4\minecraft\hs_err_pid1736.log

now I know that the error isn't pack or FTB related but help in fixing it or help to enabled minidumps on my computer will be much appreciated
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: Project Red
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/wCdJye6y
Whats the bug?: ID Mismatch with Project Red Exploration. No problem with single player, but prevents access to multiplayer servers. Presumably stops item generation for project red in single player, but I cant find whats not there to show you.
Can it be repeated?: Every time I try to log into a multiplayer server.
Known Fix: none.

Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: v1.0.11
Whats the bug?:
A chunk regenerated itself on world-load removing all blocks that were present and replacing them with new world-gen.(The world-gen is new and does not fit the chunks surrounding it.) Half my base was in the chunk, as was my character. The area was chunk-loaded, but the chunkloader itself was in another chunk.
Can it be repeated?: Unknown
Known Fix: None
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Reactions: [JBG]Magikarp
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version:1.0.12
Pastebin link to crash log:http://pastebin.com/K7uug1JS
Whats the bug? Crashed on starting Map
Can it be repeated? Yes, same result
Known Fix: None

This is a known bug with logistics pipes and thermal expansion machines. You can fix it by making a backup copy of your world then use MC Edit to remove the TE furncace located at 422,151,283. The text below was taken from your crash log:
  1. Name: cofh.thermalexpansion.Furnace // thermalexpansion.block.machine.TileFurnace
  2. Block type: ID #2002 (tile.thermalexpansion.machine // thermalexpansion.block.machine.BlockMachine)
  3. Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
  4. Block location: World: (422,151,283), Chunk: (at 6,9,11 in 26,17; contains blocks 416,0,272 to 431,255,287), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511
For a long term fix put something (a chest and itemducts) between the furnace and your logistics pipe network.
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