Quest Title: The call of the wild
Description: Your hands must be weary, child, of gathering plant after plant with nothing but your bare hands. Worry not, it will soon be over. With what you have already made, you can create a simple, yet useful item. The Horn of the Wild is no mere wind instrument: flowers and grass hearing its call will uproot themselves to answer it at once. This should make your future gatherings of petals and seed alike a little bit simpler.
Instructions: Use the quest book to detect the crafting of a horn of the wild.
Step 1, Copy/Pasture: To begin with, you will need to infuse grass with mana, to create a pasture seed. Gather grass with a delicate tool, like shears, to make sure it's intact, and then toss a handful of it in your mana pool. If there is enough mana in it, the grass should change into a pasture seed.
Requirement for step: Detect in the player's inventory 1x Pasture seed.
Step 2, A horn is born: Pasture seeds by themselves can help you grow grass in bare dirt, but you will need this one -along with some living wood- to craft your Horn of the Wild on a crafting table. For more details, don't forget to check your Lexica Botania's Horn of the Wild entry.
Requirement for step: Detect crafting: 1x Horn of the Wild
Reward: Choice between 3x Daybloom, 2x Pasture Seed, 8x Livingwood and 8x Bonemeal.
Alternate silly titles: Grass destruction. Something something horny. This blows. Lawnmowers are for chumps. This is not the exhale of the horned one you are looking for. Seize the horn by the, er, horn. A horn is born in torn corn without porn.
Regarding this quest, the horn of the wild is not exactly a necessary piece for Botania progression, but it really facilitates gathering. It's also one of the first really useful tool to have, before making a Runic Altar, so it makes for a nice little breather to remind the player "hey, mana manipulation is pretty useful". It assumes of course former quests had the player set a basic mana generation system, and that they have a pure daisy. Which is necessary for the mana pool anyway. As for the one giving it, I went for a sort of druidic kind of instructor, thus the "child" that sets a little bit of a tone. But nothing too fancy of course. Literary team or not, don't want to give too much to read to the players that want to learn the mods.
As for myself, well, I'm not exactly the most veteran poster here, but I saw the announcement on twitter, and thought, why not try my hand at it? I like FTB, I tried the mage quest alpha (and had a pretty cool boat as my base!). And I seriously considered learning more about HQM in the details, to create a mage-focused questing map. Though a more story driven one. So these tutorials seem perfect.
Of course, this does mean that I don't know the coding detail specifics of HQM quite yet. I don't know some mods to the tip of my fingers, especially the end game part, but I'm pretty knowledgable already with Blood Magic, Botania, and Thaumcraft, which are three of the big ones. My knowledge of Witchery (and AE2) is mostly secondhand however, since I didn't have the occasion to dive into it for the former, and have trouble running Unstable, the only public pack that has it, for the latter. On the plus side. I know

Also, since as I mentionned I'm pretty new around these parts, that makes all the fewer people I could share the terrible secrets of future FTB packs with. So that part's covered nicely.
Oh, and lastly, I'm French, so the bad news is that English isn't my native language, and that thus, syntax could be a bit stiff at times. The good news is that if there's some translation plans one of these days, I can help!
So, looking forward to hear from you!