Creating New FTB Team: Positions Open

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Quest Title: The call of the wild
Description: Your hands must be weary, child, of gathering plant after plant with nothing but your bare hands. Worry not, it will soon be over. With what you have already made, you can create a simple, yet useful item. The Horn of the Wild is no mere wind instrument: flowers and grass hearing its call will uproot themselves to answer it at once. This should make your future gatherings of petals and seed alike a little bit simpler.
Instructions: Use the quest book to detect the crafting of a horn of the wild.
Step 1, Copy/Pasture: To begin with, you will need to infuse grass with mana, to create a pasture seed. Gather grass with a delicate tool, like shears, to make sure it's intact, and then toss a handful of it in your mana pool. If there is enough mana in it, the grass should change into a pasture seed.
Requirement for step: Detect in the player's inventory 1x Pasture seed.
Step 2, A horn is born: Pasture seeds by themselves can help you grow grass in bare dirt, but you will need this one -along with some living wood- to craft your Horn of the Wild on a crafting table. For more details, don't forget to check your Lexica Botania's Horn of the Wild entry.
Requirement for step: Detect crafting: 1x Horn of the Wild
Reward: Choice between 3x Daybloom, 2x Pasture Seed, 8x Livingwood and 8x Bonemeal.

Alternate silly titles: Grass destruction. Something something horny. This blows. Lawnmowers are for chumps. This is not the exhale of the horned one you are looking for. Seize the horn by the, er, horn. A horn is born in torn corn without porn.

Regarding this quest, the horn of the wild is not exactly a necessary piece for Botania progression, but it really facilitates gathering. It's also one of the first really useful tool to have, before making a Runic Altar, so it makes for a nice little breather to remind the player "hey, mana manipulation is pretty useful". It assumes of course former quests had the player set a basic mana generation system, and that they have a pure daisy. Which is necessary for the mana pool anyway. As for the one giving it, I went for a sort of druidic kind of instructor, thus the "child" that sets a little bit of a tone. But nothing too fancy of course. Literary team or not, don't want to give too much to read to the players that want to learn the mods.

As for myself, well, I'm not exactly the most veteran poster here, but I saw the announcement on twitter, and thought, why not try my hand at it? I like FTB, I tried the mage quest alpha (and had a pretty cool boat as my base!). And I seriously considered learning more about HQM in the details, to create a mage-focused questing map. Though a more story driven one. So these tutorials seem perfect.
Of course, this does mean that I don't know the coding detail specifics of HQM quite yet. I don't know some mods to the tip of my fingers, especially the end game part, but I'm pretty knowledgable already with Blood Magic, Botania, and Thaumcraft, which are three of the big ones. My knowledge of Witchery (and AE2) is mostly secondhand however, since I didn't have the occasion to dive into it for the former, and have trouble running Unstable, the only public pack that has it, for the latter. On the plus side. I know Kung Fu bees a bit. :p
Also, since as I mentionned I'm pretty new around these parts, that makes all the fewer people I could share the terrible secrets of future FTB packs with. So that part's covered nicely.

Oh, and lastly, I'm French, so the bad news is that English isn't my native language, and that thus, syntax could be a bit stiff at times. The good news is that if there's some translation plans one of these days, I can help!

So, looking forward to hear from you!
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Mod: Botania [midgame content]

Quest Title:

Just barely out of range


Have you ever been in the position where your arms were just a little bit too short to reach the highest log of a tree? Well... with the help of your new friends, the Elven civilization from the other side of this portal, you should be totally able to stretch your arms to a suitable size so this problem won't bother you anymore.

Task 1:
Concentrating your pride
Changing your body in a physical way would be easily doable by using a rack but luckily you were provided with a more modern way of lengthening your arms. Of course it does not come for free as you loose some of your pride during the process just because you need this kind of device. It will be used to make your new arms extension reliable.
Detection Task: Rune of Pride

Task 2: Reach for the stars
Well, its not exactly that crazy but it enables you to interact with objects up to eight blocks away from you. If you are really that lazy and don't want to move at all you might consider putting a second ring on your other hand which will allow you to reach objects up to eleven blocks away.
Crafting Task: Ring of Far Reach


1* Hand of Ender
Choose: 4 Sparks OR 1* The Spectator
Mod: Thaumcraft

Quest Title:
Cleansing your soul

You are noticing strange thing occurring around you, many unfortunate events are being brought upon you. You suspect this warp stuff is the culprit. Further research has brought you to a solution that will prevent these events from happening for some time...

Use the book to detect bath salts in the players inventory

Use the crucible to make some purifying bath salts

Requirement for step:
Detection task: one purifying bath salt

Reward: 4 Purifying bath salts
Choose: 5 Purifying bath salts or 1 Arcane spa

Quest Title:
Thaumic Redstone

Description:It comes to a point simply where redstone isn't enough in a thaumaturge's life, you're search that a litle bit of research in your thaumonomicon could help you with that, by purifying redstone into a crystal form you are able to exploit redstone's full potential.

Step 1:Crystalization
Instructions:This is a detection task meaning this quest will be completed once all the itens are detected in the player's inventory.
Requirement for step:Craft 10 redcrystals.

Step 2: Dim Redcrystal
Instructions:This is a detection task meaning this quest will be completed once all the itens are detected in the player's inventory.
Requirement for step:Craft 2 Dim Redcrystals.

Step 3: Dense Redcrystal
Instructions:This is a detection task meaning this quest will be completed once all the itens are detected in the player's inventory.
Requirement for step:Craft 2 Dense Redcrystals.

Step 4:Amplified Redcrystal
Instructions:This is a detection task meaning this quest will be completed once all the itens are detected in the player's inventory.
Requirement for step:Craft 2 Amplified Redcrystals.
Reward:10 redstone
Choose one:3 Amplified Redcrystals, 3 Dense Redcrystals, 3 Dim Redcrystals.
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Mod: Witchery
Quest Title: Making Your Dreams Come True
Description: What is dreaming? Is it just a function of sleep? Or is it something more? Your research into the ways of witches, has come up with an answer to this. Dreams are a where your spirit leaves your body and you subconscious communicates with other spirits. By drinking a specially refined brew, you believe you can take full control of your spirit, and remember you trips to this mysterious and arcane realm.
Step 1: Loving your mind
Instructions: In order to remember your trips to this astral realm, you need to merge you conscious mind and subconscious. To do that, you need to create the Brew of Love. In animals, it merely brings out their base instincts; to breed. When properly enhanced, it should allow the conscious mind to take full control of the subconscious. One batch of this brew makes at least 3 doses, so don't forget to pick up all 3.
Requirement for step: Detect 3 Brews of Love

Step 2: Visiting your dreams
Instructions: Time to refine your brew. Apart from the obvious magical components, you will also need some warm milk and cookies to encourage rapid sleep. In addition, you have theorized that they way back from the realm of sleep is special, magically enhanced pain. Jabbing yourself with an icy needle should do the trick. You believe they come from the snowbell plant.
Requirement for step: Submit 3 Brews of sleeping and 3 icy needles.

Reward: 6 Brews of Sleeping, 6 Icy Needles, 1 Death Protection Poppet
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Reactions: Eyamaz and Jadedcat
i could do Thaumcraft (yes i know there is a lot of submissions for this mod)
Mod: Thaumcraft
Quest Title:Upgraded armor
Description: Have bad armor and need something better try out void armor (caution may cause warp affects when in use)
Instructions (This is a crafting task, once this is done the quest will be completed.)
Step1: Create 4 items void chest piece, void helm, void leggings, void boots.
Requirement for step:N/A
Further steps:N/A
Reward: fully charged silverwood wand
Pick one: void axe (enchanted with repair 2) void pickaxe (enchanted with repair 3, fortune 3) Void shovel (enchanted with efficiency 3) void sword ( enchanted with sharpness 6, repair 1)

Note: i'm a good writer and know a some of HQM i have messed around with the mod even created a modpack for me and some friends and used HQM as the mod to teach them about new mods that they had never used before. I would gladly like it if you chose my quest to use in the pack. i have always loved thaumcraft. (not trying to be basis or mean.) p.s. about AE2 is that a mod that will be added to the pack or other packs? Thanks
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Quest Title: Mystical Flowers...
Description: You become aware of the flowers around you and you have come to a conclusion that they might be used for something more purposeful than just decoration. You have heard a rumor that if you infuse a book with a sapling, you might just learn the reasons behind these flowers.
Instructions: (This is a Detection Task, once gotten, the quest will be completed)
Step: 1.Craft a Lexica Botania, 2.Collect 4 of each Mystical Flower
Requirement for step: n/a
Further Steps: n/a
Reward: 8x Floral fertilizer, choose from: 4x Red Mana Petal, 4x Brown Mana Petal, 4x Daybloom
Note: I have created many packs for myself with quests and if you would like to see them, just ask. TY!
Mod: Ars Magica 2
Initial quest

Quest Title: Secrets of the Arcane

Description: You have seen pools of Liquid Essence spread across the landscape expelling hints of arcane knowledge. In close proximity your mind is flooded with fragments of that knowledge, but sadly it quickly fades and you are unable to retain it. If only you had a way to record it...

Instructions: Place a book inside of an item frame next to a pool of Liquid Essence in attempt to capture the arcane knowledge in a usable form.

Step: Creating the Arcane Compendium

Detect Arcane Compendium in player inventory

Reward: Choose: 2 Aum, 2 Tarma Root, 2 Cerublossom, 2 Desert Nova or 2 Wakebloom

Followup quests would lead to Occulus, Inscription Table, then to Lectern and Crafting altar with creation of first spell, Obelisk etc. The Ars chain hasn't changed too much but the Obelisk definitely threw me off when I did my initial heal spell. RIP neutral nexus.

I'm familiar with most of the magic mods (less Necromancy and Adventurer's Amulets, which I disabled it as soon as I got the pack, eagle bug) Thaumcraft, Ars, Blood Magic, the meat and potatoes. As far as Necromancy, it's an interesting mod, but the recipes are insane within the sewing machine. Unless it can get some semblance of NEI compatibility or something, it's not going to be easy to get anything HQM wise set up without the player having a wiki tab opened up. Tech mods, same boat. All of the general mods IC2, TE, AE2, EU, EIO, Forestry, Railcraft, etc, good to go. I'm retired, so lots of free time :P
Quest Title: Corrupted Soul


Description:Through out your life you have searched for power to allow you to manipulate life itself. Now you realize that it is much easier to
manipulate the dead....(This would be part of a "evil or dark" quest line. There would be a Light or "good" quest line)/ (I have another idea) After submitting your soul to the Darklord, you decided you are going to need an army to obliterate your enemies. What better way to create an army then with the parts of your dead enemies?

Instructions: This is a Detection Task, once the items are crafted the quest will be recognized as finished. Also the quest will detect when you receive a Bottle of Blood.

Step 1.Craft a Bone needle

Step 2.Right click a mob to receive a Bottle of Blood

Step 3. Use the blood to craft a Necronomicon.

Step 4. Craft a Scythe

Step 5: Craft a sewing machine.

Requirement for step 3. 4 leather,ink sac, feather, nether wart, and book.

Further Steps: N/A

Reward: 64 Skin or 32 Souls.
Mod: Botania
Quest Title: Hydromana
Description: The sun and moon are the worst forms of mana generation, so creating a new flower is essential
for your future plans. Looking for the power of the sea the resulting flowers created may just be enough...for now.
Instructions: This quest will complete when you have 4 hydroangeas in your inventory
Step: Create 4 hydroangeas
Requirement for step: N/A
Further steps: N/A
: Bucket of water, 8 living rock, 8 living wood
Choose Reward: Greater Reward Bag, 4 manasteel ingots
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Quest Title: Magical Floriculture and You
The world abounds with many magical flowers. What might their mystical energies hold? What secrets within can be unlocked?

Step 1: Flower Picking
Collect one of every color of flower, Mystical White Flower, Mystical Grey Flower, etc.
1x Manual Submit of each color of Mystical Flower.

Step 2: Flower Purification
These mystical flowers are strong in magic but could be purified to be stronger, mixing some mystical petals and some seeds in a petal apothecary might help create something more pure.
Required: 1x Manual Submit Pure Daisy,

Step 3: Flower Power
Turning minorly mystical flowers into majorly mystical flowers can help your day-to-day tasks, flowers like the Jaded Amaranthus, Exoflame, and Daybloom are just a few flowers of note that can help with this. The Jaded Amaranthus needs 2 Mystical Green Petals, 1 Mystical Purple Petal, 1 Mystical Lime Petal, 2 Purple Mana Petals, 1 Redstone Root, 1 Rune of Spring, and Seeds. The Exoflame needs 2 Red Mana Petals, 1 Mystical Red Petal, 1 Mystical Light Gray Petal, 1 Mystical Gray Petal, 1 Rune of Fire, 1 Rune of Summer, and Seeds. While the Daybloom needs 2 Mystical Yellow Petals, 1 Mystical Orange Petal, 1 Mystical Light Blue Petal, and Seeds.
Required: 1x Jaded Amaranthus, 1x Exoflame, 1x Daybloom

Reward: 1x Nightshade, 1x Orechid, 1x Hydroangeas, 1 Basic Reward Bag (and 2x Mana Pylons for an easy mode only reward)

  • Mod knowledge - especially magic mods and AE2 , don't worry we have bees covered :p
  • Ability to write basic quests using HQM. We can fiddle with the triggers and stuff as needed.
I have played Minecraft for many years and have edited Minecraft mod wikis for many of those many years. I have knowledge in many mods and the ability to obtain such knowledge in the rest of the mods.
I actually have been recently looking into HQM quest writing already.
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Mod: Thaumcraft
Quest Title: Unseen Energies
Description: Many of the creatures, animals, and items that make up our world possess some unseen, powerful thaumotergic energy known as 'aspects'. Before you can truly begin experimenting with thaumotergy you need a device that will allow you to harness these aspects for use in your research. Luckily for you, such a device is easily obtained...
Instructions: Gather two gold ingots, a pair of any kind of vis shard, and a piece of glass. Combine these items together in a crafting table to make yourself a Thaumometer.
Step: Craft a thaumometer, quest completes automatically once you have a Thaumometer in your inventory.
Requirement For Step: Have the required materials, previous quests in quest line completed (assuming there would be 1-3 prerequisite introductory quests for Thaumcraft before getting to this step).
Further Steps: N/A
Reward: 2 of each vis shard.
I read the title and the first thing I thought was: "They're finally getting someone to update the weekly news!" I can dream, can't I?
Good luck to everyone anyways.

A little off track here, but I would like to address this just a second. It came down to a point that the weekly news literally would have been "no news this week" or "Working on packs," and that being the only thing said. While the weekly news was a novel idea, it really has little purpose when an announcement is made for updates anyway either by Jaded or myself and then other FTB business by whoever is dealing with that particular thing.

At that, I tend to not do public updates about things I work on, particularly dev work, so that someone else doesn't also release a version of it. Occasionally, I drop a hint or a pic about things on twitter, but even that has become rare. After an initial release, I do post more frequent updates, but not updates that would be something that would wait for a weekly news type post.
cool so can we submit for than one Quest or no more other than the one we already submitted. Another question is AE2 going to be in this pack because if so i would love to do the quest for that because i have a lot of experience with AE2.
Quest Title: Kinda need to deal with this!

Description: Well, looks like you've been doing some forbidden research. Well unfortunately you have to pay the price, and the collector is coming!


1: Small Fry(Killing Quest): Kill 5 Mind Spiders
2: Big Man(Killing Quest): Kill an Eldritch Guardian

Reward: 1 Heart(HQM), 2 Balance Shards
Choose between: 5 Aer shards, 5 Terra Shards, 5 Ignis shards, or 5 Aqua shards

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cool so can we submit for than one Quest or no more other than the one we already submitted. Another question is AE2 going to be in this pack because if so i would love to do the quest for that because i have a lot of experience with AE2.

AE2 will be in other packs the team will be helping with. Mage Quest is just the first. This is a team we really need for several things. Preferably before Eyamaz and I rip all our hair out.
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Quest Title: Let the BLOOD run pure.

Description: You ponder the thought of dying. You shake away those thoughts and come upon a sense of power, You feel a strong presence approach you. Some higher being? he tells tales of great strength and courage. He then sets you upon a quest to seek for strength and courage to surpass anything that wants to harm you! You must become a mighty adventurer you back downs to NO ONE! He leaves you with his memories of how to make these items to become stronger now it's up to you to utilize what he has given you.

Instructions: (craft the Items and have it detect you have them Step 2 has you use the Blood altar and the Sacrificial knife to create a Weak Blood orb.)

Step: 1. Craft a Blood Altar and a Sacrificial Knife

Requirement for step: None
Further Steps: Use the Blood Altar and the Sacrifical Knife to make a Weak Blood Orb
Reward: 16 Blank Slate

When I make a quest chain i'm looking for something that will guide me through if I'm new to the mod or the genre of mods all together.
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