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Early game strategy I'm trying now (and so far , it seems to work)
First day and night - make base TiCo stuff, furnace from blackstone, do basic quest, collect some wood.
Second day - collect everything (including water source, clay, lamps, glass), put in two strongboxes and travel to the city. Make a hut near city.
Secure stable supply of food (rice, apples, oranges), water, wood.
Make cobblegen with XU itemnode. Automate sieving.
Wall out a yard with 3-high cobble wall.
Go to city and loot smeltery and stuff along the way (such as wool).
Build smetery.

And that's where I am now. Now I have to figure out automating smeltery (never did it before) and switch sieving to SFM, so I can use activator for breaking cobble.
What i am thinking of:

Detect if metadata is 25 or more
If true import and craft with water bottle

If false do nothing

The problem there is that would only fill the pack if it has 75% or less water left. Granted, I see little reason to refill a pack that still has that much water I tried several different ways to get it to fill in one step, but it never wanted to work.
The problem there is that would only fill the pack if it has 75% or less water left. Granted, I see little reason to refill a pack that still has that much water I tried several different ways to get it to fill in one step, but it never wanted to work.
Assume it's at 10
First second: realize it's at ten, inport it, craft with one bottle, output it
Second second: realiz eit's at 35, them same
Third second, realize it's at 60, then same
4th: it's at 85, system does nothing

Took 3 seconds instead of 1, not so shabby?
Assume it's at 10
First second: realize it's at ten, inport it, craft with one bottle, output it
Second second: realiz eit's at 35, them same
Third second, realize it's at 60, then same
4th: it's at 85, system does nothing

Took 3 seconds instead of 1, not so shabby?

This is like what I was trying originally, but how do you control the output so it doesn't just dump the results straight out without crafting?

The only way I could see to do it was to do some sort of if this value is at input then this value + 25 at output otherwise craft again. But I don't think you can do that

It was late so maybe I couldn't see the command to evaluate the output to make sure it had crafted I could only see a way to evaluate when the item resides in an inventory
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Assume it's at 10
First second: realize it's at ten, inport it, craft with one bottle, output it
Second second: realiz eit's at 35, them same
Third second, realize it's at 60, then same
4th: it's at 85, system does nothing

Took 3 seconds instead of 1, not so shabby?

This is a good system, don't get me wrong, and it won't waste any water which is a bonus. I just prefer having a full pack even if i end up loosing some water. I'm not hurting for leaves at this point ;).

This is like what I was trying originally, but how do you control the output so it doesn't just dump the results straight out without crafting?

The only way I could see to do it was to do some sort of if this value is at input then this value + 25 at output otherwise craft again. But I don't think you can do that

It was late so maybe I couldn't see the command to evaluate the output to make sure it had crafted I could only see a way to evaluate when the item resides in an inventory

Output was a problem i was having too. You need to whitelist the output for only the camel pack damage values you expect to be output. In my case i only let a full pack out of my system. In madnewmy's setup you might tell it to only let the pack out when it is between 75 and 100 percent full.
To hell with it I will just use the transposer lol

Doesn't matter what level it's at then
A fluid transposer recipe would've been nice
That would require either a calculation for the ouput's damage value (if it worked like crafting with water bottles) or a variable amount of water based on the damage value (if it worked the convenient way).

I don't think you can do that with Fluid Transposer recipes in MineTweaker. They look like this:
mods.thermalexpansion.transposer.addExtractRecipe(<6>, Stick, waterLiquid*100, 1600, 100);

Someone in the ModTweaker forum thread was trying to do that
mods.thermalexpansion.transposer.addFillRecipe(CamelPack.withDamage(100), CamelPack, waterLiquid*4000, 6400);
But one entry only accepts one particular damage value and outputs another. It would take 99 receipes to do what you want.

I mean, I could probably write a program to write all these recipes, but it might break something.
anyone know links for crash landing changelog? want to see those changed before updating. :)
Since we are totally not on the subject,
Anyone has an idea on how one could setup and autofarm, on demands, for pneumaticcraft?

What I was going to try was:
Check amount, if under x, export in dropper amd apply redstone signal to autonomous activator 1 for x seconds (wtv it takes for it to shoot 2 bonemeal on it, or maybe use 2 pulse on a vanilla dispenser)
Then emit redstone signal on another autonomous that will break the plant

Now I am stuck on how would i go to pickup the item without having tje first one poping out getting picked up

Anyome got an idea?
Since we are totally not on the subject,
Anyone has an idea on how one could setup and autofarm, on demands, for pneumaticcraft?

What I was going to try was:
Check amount, if under x, export in dropper amd apply redstone signal to autonomous activator 1 for x seconds (wtv it takes for it to shoot 2 bonemeal on it, or maybe use 2 pulse on a vanilla dispenser)
Then emit redstone signal on another autonomous that will break the plant

Now I am stuck on how would i go to pickup the item without having tje first one poping out getting picked up

Anyome got an idea?

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Since we are totally not on the subject,
Anyone has an idea on how one could setup and autofarm, on demands, for pneumaticcraft?

What I was going to try was:
Check amount, if under x, export in dropper amd apply redstone signal to autonomous activator 1 for x seconds (wtv it takes for it to shoot 2 bonemeal on it, or maybe use 2 pulse on a vanilla dispenser)
Then emit redstone signal on another autonomous that will break the plant

Now I am stuck on how would i go to pickup the item without having tje first one poping out getting picked up

Anyome got an idea?
Check out Landstryders video you may want to link this on the 1st page
Early game strategy I'm trying now (and so far , it seems to work)
..................................................... Make a hut near city.................

I wonder which is less effort, if you have a stone barrel, a crucible, a furnace and a hang glider the nearest city is this far:

I have a simpler solution for dealing with zombie pigmen, Placing a glowstone nook on the corners of the obsidian doorsteps you get with auto-generated portals makes those 4 blocks invalid to spawn on leaving you with only portal generated pigmen. The few that I do get are generated from the portal itself and are easy to deal with over the fence.