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Right, those are further up the tech tree then I'm talking about.

I'm speaking of a solution for the "wall of survivalist generators" trouble. Replace the furnace in the recipe with a "reinforced furnace" and have it be made from seared stone, OR be the reward from a once an hour quest, so you never have too many at the start.
The downside about a wall of generator is that there is no way other then sfm to fill all of them up equally which kinda sucks since you did it manually
Right, those are further up the tech tree then I'm talking about.

I'm speaking of a solution for the "wall of survivalist generators" trouble. Replace the furnace in the recipe with a "reinforced furnace" and have it be made from seared stone, OR be the reward from a once an hour quest, so you never have too many at the start.
A seared brick recipe probably shouldn't be the basis for charging a cell...... as dedicated as i am to the hard mode, I like to have a cell before visiting the cities. A seared brick recipe would also not be a barrier to the wall of generators once a player has succeeded in attaining the ti-con multi-blocks.
Things I learned today:

* Armors by default do not change your temperature in the shade. When wearing diamond armor, you're actually cooler in the sun than in the shade. @Iskandar plz fix, this is silly.
* When standing on a lower-block (mobs-can't-spawn) half slab, you count as being in the shade.
* When standing under microblocks of any kind, you count as being in the sun. Even when it's cobble half slabs.

City exploration
* If you want to know just one thing about city exploration, it's this: pillar up to the level of the highest roof you can see, then make bridges to go anywhere. You can search for the Pneumaticraft and TCon buildings safe from mobs and without being confused by the chaotic city layout.
* Rope ladders are cheap and go all the way down. They are probably too good to be honest.
* [Cheaty] Cheats are enabled on this map, so you can teleport to waypoints from the map menu (M key). While braving the desert is an essential part of the first-city-exploration experience, I refuse to spend half the day walking back and forth across a featureless plain of dust on the eighth one.

* TCon knapsack doubles your inventory. It's awesome.
* Steve's Factory Manager can't pull from a Smeltery Drain or Casting Basin. It can, however, insert into them and detect fluid in the smeltery (liquid condition).
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to add to knapsac: dolly don't give you their debuff when in knapsac (or any holding inventory for that matter)

Someone crazy could go with a golden bag of holding and a few dolly and just steal the chest directly, shove in bag and run ;P
* [Cheaty] Cheats are enabled on this map, so you can teleport to waypoints from the map menu (M key). While braving the desert is an essential part of the first-city-exploration experience, I refuse to spend half the day walking back and forth across a featureless plain of dust on the eighth one.
* TCon knapsack doubles your inventory. It's awesome.

Less cheaty travel:
Make a nether portal in the corner of your base, go through (carefully) then go straight back.
Fly to the city with 10 obsidian (easy to make with a stone barrel) and a few stacks of cobble.
Secure the top of the first tall building you see, remove all of the concrete off the roof because it sucks in more ways than one. Make a nether portal in your secure building and light it. record coordinates and divide by 8 then go through it. you will emerge at your base.
Get another 10 obsidian and some cobble slabs, go back to nether and manually build and light a second portal in the right spot do not go through and be careful not to build any block spawnable. I had to slab the top of my portals after narrowly escaping a ghast.
Fly back to the city again, extinguish your portal with a bucket of water, then re-light it. (dont know if it's neccesary, but I think it breaks the binding to the first portal in the nether, then allows it to re-link with the new one you built.)
when you portal back into the city take a stack of cobble and stone ladders to stick on your cobble pillar,climb the pillar with the hang glider and step off to fly to rooftops and work my way down the buildings. If i get into trouble I pillar up with a stack or two of cobble to fly back to my city base.

Storage: I've been using two golden bags of holding one of which I renamed with an anvil. Must try the knapsack, I often have to stop and transfer my inventory to my looting bags. I found 4 diamonds so I upgraded my dolly and stole myself a zombie spawner for a dirt farm. I'll get 6 uses out of it so I'm wondering what else will be good to take, maybe a few enderman spawners so I can get some enderium going.
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Oh, that's a good one. I forgot about nether travel. No, the portals do not bind to each other, every time you travel it searches for the nearest portal on the other side. With some math, you can even set it up so you travel to different places by standing on different sides of the portal.

* For healing, eat small portions (soups). Do not use anything better than "Unfulfilling meal" when going to the city. I ate a BLT after falling off a building, the well-fed buff wore off and I was stuck with vanilla healing for half a day because it just refills so much hunger and saturation.
* For healing, eat small portions (soups). Do not use anything better than "Unfulfilling meal" when going to the city. I ate a BLT after falling off a building, the well-fed buff wore off and I was stuck with vanilla healing for half a day because it just refills so much hunger and saturation.
Remember that tea gives you well fed. As long as you are at least slightly hungry you can drink tea in volume and get well fed for considerable durations.
Remember that tea gives you well fed. As long as you are at least slightly hungry you can drink tea in volume and get well fed for considerable durations.
While true, I submit a better option might be fruit juices (apple, orange, etc.), as you can drink them even at full hunger, allowing for on demand, stackable well-fed buffs.
Actually not all of them

Apple and carrot juice you can
Orange you cannot
Others i don't know
Oh, I assumed it was all of them. Only tried it with apple juice in this pack, and it worked with melon juice in AgSky, so I assumed it was common to all juices. Thanks for the knowledge.
In theory you could eat 20 of them to reset your food book and build a stack of well fed.
I don't think so because the diminishing returns is determined by how often you ate a certain food the last 18 hunger, not the last 18 food. That means more saturating foods are better and you don't need as many different types of them.
But it's still good if you can stack well fed.
Take another look and this time notice the key word "unfulfilling" any food with that attached to it means that you can eat it even when you are full. In theory you could eat 20 of them to reset your food book and build a stack of well fed.
Actually, that doesn't appear to be accurate, as orange juice is an 'unfulfilling snack', but, as we mentioned, it is not one of the juices you can consume while full. There doesn't appear to be much consistency around it, but it's a fairly goofy mod, so that's not surprising.

While we're on the topic, if anyone's interested, you can beat the hunger games with soybeans, some crop that can be used for flour (I use potatoes, due to a lucky drop), and a decent water production. Why? Because Bacon Cheeseburgers (Hearty Large Meal) are saturating enough to never degrade. Note: you can avoid water altogether with wheat (vanilla bread recipe), but that requires a much larger farm.
How do you get nether rack the nether is a void for me? Thanks in advance

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Make an ex nihilo stone barrel, fill it with lava and right click it with a redstone dust.

End stone can be aquired by using glowstone instead.
A piece of redstone into a stone barrel of lava makes 1 netherrack.

I just tried the nether travel thing. Everybody, remember that pigmen can spawn at any light level in the Nether, so use half-slabs!
Also, pigmen can spawn from portals in the overworld, so I suggest automating the portal.

Uses: 3 repeaters, 1 comparator, 1 redstone torch, 8 redstone dust, 2 dispensers, 1 water bucket, 1 flint and steel.

The right dispenser has a flint and steel in it, the left one a water bucket.


The rightmost repeater is set to 2 tick delay, the one next to it to 4 ticks, the one furthest away to 1. The comparator is in subtraction mode.

How it works is when the lever is flipped on, the block next to the flint and steel dispenser is powered and the portal activates. When the lever is flipped off, the torch turns on, and the signal goes through the comparator with a 1 tick delay, dispensing water. One tick later, the repeater turns the comparator off, and two ticks later the second repeater sends the second pulse, making the dispenser scoop up the water.
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