I made an account on these forums just to say that I LOVE the basis of this mod! I'd been tracking this mod since i saw it a long time ago on a magic mod download site, but never got to trying it. when i saw that horizons had this mod in it's listings, i jumped on the chance to try it. I'm fascinated by the idea of time-based magic, and really, really impressed with a whole lot of the function of the mod.
If you're not interested in any feedback and /or don't like what i have to say, then by all means, disregard what i'm about to say, and just know that i'm only saying this because i love what i've seen so far, and eagerly await clockwork phase 2.
if i had to suggest some direly needed features, i'd say that i'd love to see a winding device of sorts, sort of like a charge pad or wireless charger that winds all of your equipment's mainsprings when you stand still on it in a certain orientation, because while i have 9 months in my time well at the present moment, i still find myself a little underwhelmed at how much i have to wind my armor. i even stopped mid- ender dragon fight to wind my armor!
i'd love to see some function for the liquid time sand, but for now, i'm content decorating with it.
i'd also really enjoy seeing some moving parts in decorative blocks. functionally, i'd say that everything in the mod works very well, if not a little... "too" well... i've overflowed several alchemical chests with temporal nuggets from my ventures, and in my current play through i have legitimately obtained a whole double chest of temporal ingots. in the upcoming mod, i hope that there is an alternative to this, as while it's fun earlygame, late game it can be rather... wanton.
now for the complaints. the TemPoRaL InGOt TexT iS rAtHer JaRRinG. i'm not a fan of the change in text, and i'm aware that you've already spoken on this, but really, it's not appealing. if you feel the need to represent the item as a substance that exists as a kind of ephemeral or otherly substance, perhaps do it in the icon, or the tooltip, i am not the first person to notice this, nor am i the last.
secondly, the rendering for the armor feels lackluster in comparison to the rest of the mod. the "high- quality" graphics or the blocks can be quite impressive, especially that GORGEOUS celestial compass, but the armor never fails to strike me as... off putting. i use it because i love this mod to pieces, and the clockwork/ mainspring system is one of the most enjoyable in game, but i wish it looked cooler. also the pieces of the armor seem to have slots indicating where a phase symbol should be, making me thing that the armor is in fact unfinished.
finally, i feel as if the phase system is under-utilized. i'm aware that there are upcoming plans for it, but it's just... SO apparent that there should really already be more involved in the phase process. and i can never notice any increase in power in my hourglass, so i barely notice anyways
Well, to conclude: i really like this mod, and i'm SO excited to see more of your work! i hope my feedback hasn't been offensive in any way, as that was not the intention, i'm just trying to be honest.